
IT Essentials 5.0 Lab – Troubleshooting Mobile Devices
Print and complete this lab.
In this lab, you will analyze scenarios involving common problems for mobile devices and identify the solutions.
You have been provided with a list of solutions for common problems. Each solution may be used more than
After the solutions have been identified, you will research and list the steps for implementing them.
Recommended Equipment
The following equipment is required for this exercise:
• Android tablet or smartphone running Android version 4.0
• iOS tablet or smartphone running iOS version 5.0
Perform a hard shutdown
Solutions for Common Problems
Pull the battery
 Complete a Factory
Force the app to close
Replace the SIM Card
Insert or replace the
Delete unnecessary files
Reconfigure network settings
or uninstall apps
Clean the phone
Memory Card
Select one solution from the box above for each common problem listed below. Each solution may be used more
than once.
1) You have been using a social networking app on your phone without any problems. Suddenly the application
freezes up while trying to upload a photo.
a) Which solution should be used to solve this common problem? Explain your answer.
Close out of the app. Because it just might be having problems loading.
b) Research and list the steps for implementing the solution.
You open the management area and than close the app.
2) The passcode, or passcode pattern, has been forgotten.
a) Which solution should be used to solve this common problem? Explain your answer.
Have a back up code. Or do a reset
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IT Essentials
Chapter 8 - Lab
b) Research and list the steps for implementing the solution.
You search it up on the internet.
3) A phone has been powered on, but it proceeds to loop through the startup process repeatedly.
a) Which solution should be used to solve this common problem? Explain your answer.
Take out the battery and let it sit for a while than. Put it back in and see it that works first.
b) Research and list the steps for implementing the solution.
Remove the back of the phone. Than remove the Battery.
4) You have had your Android smartphone for five months and have not experienced any problems. Suddenly, a
“No SIM Card” message begins appearing regularly. You check your SIM card and there are no problems
with the contacts on the SIM card and the SIM card is locked into place.
a) Which solution should be used to solve this common problem? Explain your answer.
b) Research and list the steps for implementing the solution.
5) Friends and family have recently begun complaining about how hard it is to hear you during calls. You have
already tried a hard reset for your phone, but that has not solved the problem.
a) Which common solution should be used to solve the problem?
First try turning up the ear piece volume. If that don’t work maybe do a reset.
b) Research and list the steps for implementing the solution.
Go into setting, calling, volume settings, earpiece.
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IT Essentials
Chapter 8 - Lab
6) The phone is entirely unresponsive.
a) Which common solution should be used to solve the problem?
A hard reset
b) Research and list the steps for implementing the solution.
Go into settings and find factory reset.
7) The mobile device cannot send or receive email.
a) Which common solution should be used to solve the problem?
Check to make sure it is still connected
b) Research and list the steps for implementing the solution.
Go into the settings and test it
8) The phone cannot install additional apps or save photos.
a) Which common solution should be used to solve the problem?
You might not have enough space on the phone to do so
b) Research and list the steps for implementing the solution.
Go into settings and check your space.
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