Initial submittal must be accompanied by review fees as determined by the
Community Development Department, including any fees that must be
paid to outside contract services, such as the city surveyor.
Tract Maps will not be accepted on first submittal without the following:
One (1) copy of the approved tentative tract map plus one (1) 11” x
17” copy, as well as, one (1) copy of conditions of approval for the
tentative tract map.
A preliminary title report dated not more than six (6) months prior to
initial submittal date. An updated preliminary title report may be
required at the discretion of the City Engineer during the review
Three (3) copies of the draft tract map plus one (1) 11” x 17” copy
with the “wet seal and signature” of the engineer/land surveyor
responsible for preparing the map placed on the first sheet of each
set. These copies may be stamped as “preliminary” or “for review
only” if desired by the engineer/land surveyor.
One (1) complete set of machine printed survey closure sheets
including any additional survey data indicated on the tract map.
The first sheet of the survey data shall have the “wet seal and
signature” of the engineer/land surveyor responsible for preparing
the map placed on it. Note that all traverses a survey data
contained in the set should be run in a manner easily followed and
labeled accordingly.
One (1) copy of the draft tract map with coordinate points indicated
upon it in colored pencil relating to the specific coordinates
indicated on the closure sheets.
One (1) copy of each map, deed or any other official document
referenced on the draft tract map or preliminary title report,
including those documents indicating the presence of any
easements or rights-of-way.
One (1) copy of the current vesting deed.
Initial and all subsequent submittals shall be delivered or mailed to:
City of Needles
Needles Customer Service Center
Community Development Department
817 Third Street
Needles, CA 92363
(760) 326-3805
Tract Map Requirements – Revised July 2004
Tract map parameters and format shall include the following:
The land division requested shall be substantially the same as it
appeared on the approved tentative map; shall conform to the list of
conditions of approval issued by the Planning Commission; shall
conform to applicable City and County Standards and Policies as
well as the Subdivision Map Act, the Land Surveyor’s Act and
acceptable engineering and/or surveying design principles.
Format shall be:
The City prefers that all work be done using computer aided
drafting basis; however, manual drafting procedures are
acceptable provided all text is legible. The tract map shall
be drawn with black India Ink or reproduced by a process
guaranteeing a permanent record in black on mylar media.
Tract maps which, as determined by the City Engineer, are
not legible will be returned to the engineer/surveyor for
corrective action.
Each sheet shall be 26” x 18” in size with a 1” blank margin
at all edges of each sheet. To avoid cluttering use additional
sheets as necessary. In any event all maps shall consist of
two sheets as a minimum. Additionally, an area 3 ¼” x 3 ¼”
square shall be delineated on the title sheet to be used by
the County Recorder. It shall be in the lower right hand
corner whenever practical.
The City prefers that survey notes used on the map, to the
extent possible, conform to those listed in the San
Bernardino County Surveyor’s Final Map/Tract Map
The boundary of the land division must be distinctively
marked and shown in its entirety on one sheet; including
bearing and distances for all courses.
Each parcel created by the tract map shall clearly indicate
the parcel number as well as the gross and net area.
Tract maps shall show all monuments found, set, reset,
replaced, or removed, describing their kind, size, and
location, and giving other data relating thereto.
Tract maps shall include a basis of bearings, the bearing and
length of all surveyed lines, references of record for all
surveyed lines, a legend for all survey notes used, a North
arrow and a graphic scale. Curve data shall include the
central angle, radius, length and radial bearing with tangent
data included for street centerline curves Recording
Tract Map Requirements – Revised July 2004
information for all referenced record maps shall be “ghosted
in” to aid in location.
Tract maps shall show all dedications to be made via the
map as well as all existing easements of record. The
recording information for shall be shown along with all
existing easements of record.
The title sheet for all tract maps shall contain a complete
legal description of the parcel being subdivided. This
description should be consistent with the current vesting and
title report description.
The title sheet for all tract maps shall show all required certificates
as shown on the sample provided, including the Owner’s
Certificate(s), Notary’s Certificate(s), Surveyor’s Certificate, City
Engineer’s Certificate and City Clerk’s Certificate. Additional
certificates will be required depending upon the particular map and
the anticipated date of recordation of the map. The additional
certificates may include the Signature Omissions Certificate, Board
of Supervisor’s Certificate and one of two possible Auditor’s
Certificates. The City Engineer’s Certificate and the City Clerk’s
Certificate are shown below. Reference is made to the San
Bernardino County Surveyor’s Final Map/Tract Map Standards for
all other certificates.
Each submittal when deemed complete shall be reviewed by the City and
returned to the engineer/surveyor within thirty (30) days unless notified
differently. Reviews generally follow the procedure listed below:
The Community Development Department makes determination as
to whether or not submittal package is complete. The Director then
reviews the map, plat notes, the title report and final CC&R's. A
complete package is then forwarded to the City Engineer for
review. An incomplete package is returned to the
engineer/surveyor for completion.
The City Engineer will review the map package and examine the
map for technical accuracy. The City Engineer will then make
notations of necessary revisions and/or additions to be made to the
map and return the “redline” draft to the engineer or surveyor. The
engineer/surveyor is to then address all requested revisions and/or
additions and return the original “redline” set and two (2) additional
sets of prints of the tract map to the City. This process would
continue until such time that all corrections and additions have
been made and the map is deemed technically acceptable by the
City Engineer.
a) Upon the initial submittal of the tract map the City Engineer will
request that the title insurance company issuing the preliminary
Tract Map Requirements – Revised July 2004
title report review and comment on the draft tract map for form.
Comments made by the title company, if applicable, will be
included in the “redline” set issued by the City Engineer as items
to be addressed.
b) Upon the initial submittal of the tract map, and on any
subsequent submittals, the City Engineer will forward a copy to
the City Surveyor for review and comment.
Upon the map being deemed technically acceptable by the City
Community Development Director, City Engineer and City
Surveyor, a final mylar will be requested for signatures. The map
would then be presented to the City Clerk and set for the next
scheduled City Council meeting for approval. Upon approval of the
map by the City Council the City Engineer and the City Clerk would
execute their respective signatures and the mylar would be
forwarded to the title company for final processing and recordation.
Tract Map Requirements – Revised July 2004