Introduction Ppt

ECO 111
Fall 2010
Instructor - David C. Hills, MAT
Course Details
Course ID#: ECO 111; Macroeconomics;
3 credit hours
Meeting day/time: Tuesday evenings from
6:00-8:50 p.m.; GHS, room 223
Instructor: David C. Hills, MAT
Office hours: By appointment
E-mail –
Telephone - cell: 231-675-5805
Text (Required): Brief Principles of
Macroeconomics, N. Gregory Mankiw, 5th
edition, 2009, Thomson-Southwestern.
Instructor Details
Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T), Secondary
Marygrove College, Detroit, MI (1999)
Secondary Teaching Certificate (CX), Social
Studies, (BD), Speech
Northern Michigan University, Marquette,
MI (1995)
Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Business
Northern Michigan University, Marquette,
MI (1993)
Michigan Professional Teaching Certificate:
Secondary Education Social Studies – CX
Speech Communication - BD
Course Description
An introduction to basic
macroeconomic concepts and
theories and their application to
current economic issues.
Macroeconomics focuses on the
aggregate behavior of households
and firms in the economy. Major
topics include supply, demand, and
the market system; national income
determinants; unemployment;
inflation; international trade; and
fiscal and monetary policy.
TENTATIVE Grading Scale will be as
A 93% and up (744 pts. +)
A- 90-92% (720 pts. +)
B+ 87-89% (696 pts. +)
B 83-86% (664 pts. +)
B- 80-82% (640 pts. +)
C+ 77-79% (616 pts. +)
C 73-76% (584 pts. +)
C- 70-72% (560 pts. +)
D+67-69% (536 pts. +)
D 63-66% (504 pts. +)
D- 60-62% (480 pts. +)
F 59% or less (479 pts. or less)
Methods of Evaluation:
Exams (4 @ 100 pts.)
Quizzes (10 @ 20 pts.)
Homework assignments
Attendance (10 per week)
Total points possible
Percentage grade will be determined by the total
points earned out of the total points possible per
the above scale.
Attendance: 10 points are assigned weekly for attendance; 5 points at
the beginning of class and 5 points at the time of dismissal (we will be
signing in and out). Tardiness will mean a loss of the initial 5 points if
arrival is after class begins. One absence will be allowed with no
penalty per the point assignment.
Quizzes will be taken online on the instructor’s web page; students
will be given about one full week to complete each quiz. A password
will be given for the students to access the quiz; computers with
access to the web are available in the Gaylord University Center –
computer lab hours are Monday – Friday 8am – 9pm and Saturday
9am-4pm. You may also access the web page through your own
online connection.
If there is no school for Gaylord Community Schools due to weather
conditions, there will be no class for NCMC at the University Center. If
weather conditions deteriorate throughout the afternoon and evening
after school has dismissed, please check NCMC web site to see if class
is cancelled. If class is cancelled in Petoskey, classes in Gaylord will
still meet. If class is canceled for other reasons, it will be posted on
the class webpage and posted on the door.
Late assignments will not be accepted without prior approval from
Instructor. E-mail may be utilized to submit assignments in case of
an emergency. The exam dates have been pre-determined and must
be taken on the assigned date unless previous arrangements have
been made with Instructor. No cheating or plagiarism will be
tolerated. No extra credit is available.
Tentative Schedule
Sequence of Instruction:
1 (September 7): Introduction; Chapter 1; Begin Chapter 2
2 (September 14): Chapter 2, 3 & 4; Review online quiz before 9/21
3 (September 21): Chapter 3 & 4; Review
online quiz before 9/28
4 (September 28): Exam 1; Ch. 1-4
5 (October 5): Chapter 5; Chapter 6;
online quiz before 10/12
6 (October 12): Chapters 6 & 7
online quiz before 10/19
7 (October 19): Chapter 7; Chapter 8
online quiz before 10/26
8 (October 26): Exam #2; Ch. 5-8
9 (November 2): Chapter 9
online quiz before 11/9
10 (November 9): Chapter 10
online quiz before 11/16
11 (November 16): Chapter 11; Exam #3
12 (November 23): Chapter Ch. 11-12
online quiz before 11/30
13 (November 30): Chapter 13-14; Review
online quiz before 12/7
14 (December 7): Chapter 15-16; Review
online Exam #4 before 12/14
15 (December 14): Final Exam
Methods of Instruction
Lecture, Discussion, Homework, Projects
(blog/chat responses), and Assessments.
All tests and quizzes will be taken online at the
instructors Angel class page (this is new –
expect some trial and error). Access will granted
via passwords and all are timed (generous
Quizzes will be taken at your own convenience in
about a 6 day window. If you do not have online
access you can use one of the University Center
M-F 9:00am – 9:00pm
Sat. 9:00am – 4:00pm
Assignments will be periodically given at various
class meetings, with some requiring response in
the form of an online submission.