IMPLEMENTATION OF MULTIMODAL LEARNING THROUGH COOPERATIVE LEARNING OF THINK PAIR SHARE (TPS) WEB-BASED TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION AND LEARNING ACHIEVMENT Arif Yoga Pratama, Jaslin Ikhsan Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Yogyakarta State University email: Abstract The aims of this research were to determine the differences of: 1) the students’ motivation before and after participating the learning in the experiment class; 2) the students’ motivation before and after participating the learning in the control class; 3) students’ motivation between the experiment and control class; and 4) students’ learning achievment between the experiment and control class. The population of this research was grade eleven of science class student of SMA Negeri 1 Mlati in 2013/2014 academic year. The sample were represent all of those population. Samples were devided into experiment class which implement multimodal cooperative learning of think pair and share (TPS) web-based and control class that implement cooperative learning of think pair share (TPS) without web. The instruments that used in this research were Lesson Plan (RPP), post-test, and motivation questionnaire. In this reseaech, hypothesis were tested using paired sample t-test, independet sample t-test, and univariate analysis of variance. The analysis results showed there was difference in learning students’ motivation before and after participating learning in the experiment class, there was difference of students’ motivation before and after participating learning in the control class, there was difference in students’ motivation between the experiment and control class, and there was difference in students’ learning achievment between the experiment and control class. Key Words : Multimodal, TPS, web, motivation and learning achievment 1 ability work together to achieve a INTRODUCTION The implementation of shared learning goal [4]. chemistry learning activity in school Rapid technological should be an active, interactive, fun, developments now provide a variety and can increased student’s learning of alternative media and learning motivation to environement that can be used in the student’s learning process.. One of the media achievement that can be used to support a model through actively. [1]. Various forms of learning one of them is through of learning model can be used to the enhance the learning experience into Integration various teaching was a a better direction [2]. The use of a teaching–learning particular teaching model allows multimodal learning [5]. improve which purposed quality chemistry of learning teachers to reach specific learning objectives. One of the learning model that can be used in this case is a model of cooperative learning. web-based The cooperative internet is media. known combination learning model as of and internet technology as a web-based media sharing is expected to increase Cooperative learning is a student achievement and motivation strategy in which small groups of in studying the chemistry of the students with different levels of material, especially on the concept of ability engage in a variety of constant of solubility product (Ksp). activities their In the implementation of multimodal understanding of the topic [3]. There learning, teacher can use some are certain types of cooperative related media that suitable with learning. One of them is think pair chemistry matter or even use one of and share type (TPS). It is a learning management system (LMS) collaborative learning strategy in like edmodo. which to small improve groups of pairing learners with different levels of This research investigates the use of various strategies of learning 2 accomplished by the media run in the web and control class is class that methods of cooperative TPS and its implement cooperative of think pair effect on the students’ motivation. and share (TPS) without web. The There are 4 purposes in this research covariable is students’ chemistry there prior knowledge taken from the were to determine the differences of: 1) the students’ motivation before and after participating the learning in the experimentsclass; 2) the students’ motivation before school documentation. and after participating the learning in the control class; 3) students’ motivation between the experimental class and the control class; and 4) students' learning achievement between the experimental class and the control class. There are three variables in this research. They are independents variable, controlled variable, and dependent variable. The independent variable is the implementation of cooperative multimodal learning of think pair and share (TPS) based on web. The controlled variable is the students’ chemistry prior knowledge and also the cooperative learning, and the dependent variable is the students’ motivation on chemistry RESEARCH METHOD This research is an experimental research which has one factor, two covariable. samples, The implementation factor of and one is the cooperative multimodal learning of think pair and share (TPS) based on web. Two learning. Chemistry learning motivation was measured by using a questionnaire, and the collection was done before and after the experiment. For the students’ learning achievement was measured used by post test. The samples are students from class population of this The research was grade eleven of science experiment class was class that used class student of SMA Negeri 1 Mlati cooperative multimodal learning of in think pair and share (TPS) based on consisting of 50 students. The sample experiment and control. 2013/2014 academic year 3 were represent all of those population which was then divided into class experiment and control. The instruments of this research consist of lesson plan, questionnaire and post test. The lesson plan was prepared for five meetings for each class. The lesson plan for class experiment is the lesson plan that implement cooperative multimodal learning of think pair and share (TPS) based on web and the lesson plan for class control is the lesson plan that implement cooperative of think pair and share (TPS) type without web. The instrument should be valid and reliable. The questionnaire for motivation was validated by construct validation method. sample t-test and the independent sample t-test. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 1. Design of the cooperative multimodal learning of think pair and share (TPS) type based on web Cooperative multimodal learning of think pair and share (TPS) based on the web was conducted for six meetings. i.e. five times of meetings was for teaching learning and once for the final test. Teaching and learning were always delivered with a pairing group setting. Teacher divided students into some equal heterogen groups with different levels of students competencies. According to Ibrahim [2], think pair and share (TPS), The media that used in this learners are grouped into several experiment class are powerpoint groups with diverse members of slide presetation, prezi presentation, ability, gender, race and ethnicity. e-book, android aplication, lectora, The fisrt part of this learning model video and flash animaton. This media is thingking. in this step teacher give has been validated by the validate a chance for students to solve the (chemistry teachers and peers). Data problem of material individually. analysis Second part is pairing, in this step included normality and homogeneity tests, before the paired student pairing which other to discuss about the result from the 4 previous step. The last part is to the multimodal learning. In the sharing, the students present their class control there same result, the result and get the feedback from motivation has improve, as the p other students and teacher. At the value was (p) 0.001 < (α) 0.005. end of meeting, all learners acquired In the independent sample t- individual quiz on teaching materials test, the result analysis showed that and at the time the individual should the significant (p) value is 0.02 < (α) not help each other. 0.05. It meant that there was a Each group received significant difference instruction consisting of the list of students’ work procedures, learning materials experiment and control class due to in multimedia multimodal learning based on web. (Powerpoint slide, Android app, The factors that may influence the video, improvement were: the format e-book, of Prezi and flash animation files) in Edmodo, so the group can start to motivation between in class a. Cooperative multimodal learning investigate, of think pair and share (TPS) analyze, and synthesise the topic. In based on web was able to increase this experiment, there were four of students’ learning been curiosity. As stated by Latifah [6] were that strategies implemented. has They interest cooperative and the learning can experiment, strengthen students’ motivation in discussion, and games based on quiz. different ways, like encouraging 2. The demonstration, Effect Learning of Multimodal group development, promoting to Students’ social and academic interaction among students, and encouraging Motivation Analysis of data using paired sample t-test the b. Cooperative multimodal learning significance (p) value was 0.000 < of think pair and share (TPS) (α) based on web provided good 0.005. It showed meant that successful group participation [7]. that the motivation of students improved learning environments. Fathul significantly in class experiment due Imam [7], said that Edmodo is a 5 social networking platform that 3. The Effect of Multimodal was designed as a medium of Learning toStudents’ Learning interaction between teachers and Achievement students in the online learning Analysis of data environment that was safe to share usingunivariate analysis of variance data, information and educational test using SPSS 16.0 for 0.009 < (α) contents in the form of writings, of 0.05 which means that H0 is documents, video, audio, photos, rejected and Ha accepted. From these calendar, be results it can be concluded that there distributed either by teachers and is a significant difference on the students as well as special content learning achievement of students in in the form of grades, quizzes, implementing multimodal learning event activities, assignments and through cooperative learning think polls by teachers that can be done pair and share (TPS) with a web- anytime and anywhere, as well as based classes using cooperative think parents can control the course of pair and share (TPS) on the constant the study. of solubility product material, if the links c. Multimodal that can learning that completed by some media can give opportunities for students to learners' prior knowledge was statistically controlled. Some of the factors that cause were differences in learning achievement appropriate to their interest. Casey between the experimental class and Heather [8] said that the use of the control class is the higher technology and digital modes of intensity of texts offered further opportunities teachers and for engagement, in part, because experimental class because learning students tools is done not only in the classroom inviting, but also because they had when teaching, but also done outside more opportunities to work with of class using Edmodo. Students can materials that were specific to choose their preferred media because their individual needs. teachers provide some instructional choose media found that these interaction students between in the 6 media that they can use. Sri Hartantiningrum [9] said that the selection and use of instructional media appropriate to the learning TPS on the Ksp material class XI SMA Negeri 1 Mlati. 3. There is a significant difference to the students’ motivation who characteristics of the students can apply enhance their learning achievement. through cooperative learning TPS Experimental model of learning in web-based as the classroom more varied such as learners who the demonstrations, cooperative learning think pair discussions, and games so that the share (TPS) without web on the learning process is not monotonous redox material class XI SMA and boring. Learning styles of the Negeri 1 Mlati. experiments, learners, the characteristics of the constant of solubility multimodal learning compared to implement 4. There is a significant difference product on the learning achievements of material, and other factors that affect students who apply multimodal student learning learning influence in outcomes students’ also learning through cooperative learning think pair share (TPS) achievement. web-based as compared to a CONCLUSION learners The conclusion of this research are. who implement cooperative learning think pair share (TPS) without web on the 1. There are significant differences redox material class XI SMA of students’ motivation before and Negeri 1 Mlati if the initial after implementing multimodal chemical knowledge learners were learning statistically controlled. through cooperative learning TPS web-based in Ksp matter in class XI SMA Negeri 1 Mlati. 1. If further research or similar 2. There is no difference in students’ motivation implementing Authors would like to suggest: before and after research is carried out, the media should be validated empirically cooperative 7 before hand to see how effective the media when used by learners. 2. If a similar study is conducted, should be determine psychomotoric aspects of the student, that show how learning process happen in the class. REFERENCES 1. Lilik Prihastuti. (2008). Implementasi Pembelajaran Kimia Dalam Menghadapi Pelaksanaan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) Pada SMA di Wilayah Kulon Progo. Thesis. Yogyakarta : Chemistry department Sciences Faculty UNY. 2. Ibrahim, R. dan Nana Syaodih S. (2003). Perencanaan Pengajaran. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta (Depdikbud). 3. EugeneF.Provenzo,Jr (Ed).(2009).Encyclopedia of the Social and Cultural Foundations of Education. 3(1): 182-183. 4. Ririn Evi Hapsari. (2012). 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