Digital Kultur 19/6 -2007 Charlotte Lindholm Pedersen Jesper Høffner Krogh Maj Weber Kvisgaard • Charlotte: Hall: Encoding/decoding • Jesper: Winner: Do Artifacts have Politics? • Maj: Baudrillard: Forbrug Furby Ansigtudtryk og talebox Koh-koh please Kah a-tay Tre hypotetiske læsepositioner • Den dominerende, hegemoniske position • Den forhandlende position • Den oppositionelle position Den dominerende, hegemoniske position Den forhandlende position ”My little friend has a black mantle sweeping down its backside and the white belly that just cries out for a nice scratch. “koh-koh, please.” He likes it and wants me to scratch him again. “Again,” he says. And once more. Now he seizes the initiative and says, ”Kah a-tay.” He’s hungry” (Pesce) ”My friend is quite demanding. He wants to play, to enjoy my company, and he’ll complain if he doesn’t get all the attention that is his due. But I have words to write about him (though he doesn’t know it), so he sits on the table, beside my computer, and continues to speak.” (Pesce) Den oppositionelle position “By using an oscilloscope, you could eavesdrop on the electrical signals driving the IR LED. This would allow you to see the exact pulse width and timing of the various Furby commands, and possibly generate them later using an IR source (such as an IR LED connected to your PC's parallel port, or your keyboard's CapsLock LED)” ”Besides the basic switches and digital inputs, the Furby has a source of bi-directional I/O--the IR port. By using remote controls or any other source of IR signals, it is possible to fool the Furby's processor into responding to those signals as if it was another Furby. Of course, you can only trick the Furby into responding to one of its preprogrammed responses--you aren't going to have it speaking Mandarin or swear words this way.” Kilde: Encoding/decoding • Denotation og konnotation • Diskurs • Ideologi Do Artifacts have Politics? Do Artifacts have Politics? • Hvor arrangementet eller designet af et artefakt, har en politisk påvirkning på samfundet. • Hvor Artefaktet bogstaveligt talt er en politisk teknologi – artefakter som er afhængige af, eller er stærkt kompatible med bestemte politiske forhold. • ”Mediet har omdannet samfundets sanseliv, netop fordi det er en udvidelse af vores sanseliv” McLuhan Antromorph Do Artifacts have Politics? • Hvor arrangementet eller designet af et artefakt, har en politisk påvirkning på samfundet. • Hvor Artefaktet bogstaveligt talt er en politisk teknologi – artefakter som er afhængige af, eller er stærkt kompatible med bestemte politiske forhold. Artefakter bygger på tidligere introduceret artefakter og bliver mere og mere fragmenteret og specialiseret Future Korea? • McLuhan: Mediet er budskabet! • Winner: Indholdet er vigtigt! ”Parents couldn’t refuse their child the hottest toy in the world.” (Pesce s.23) ”…the consumer is presumed to have the initiative which will reflect back, through the market, to the manufactors”. (Baudrillard s. 42) ”When the world of computers intersected with the world of toys, the concept of interactivity, of two-way communication between toy and child, ushered in a new universe of possibilities.” (Pesce s.23) ”… from the proliferation of somewhat obsessional objects to the symbolic psychodrama which fuels the nocturnal objects that come to haunt us even in our dreams.” ”The concepts of ”environment” and ”ambiance” have undoubtely become fashionable only since we have come to live in less proximity to other human beings, in their presence and discourse , and more under the silent gaze of deceptive and obedient objects which continuously repeat the same discourse, that of of our stupefied power, of our potential affluence and of our absence from one another.” (Baudrillard s.32) Sony AIBO Pleo • 38 følelses sensorer, 14 motorer og indbygget bevægelses sensor. • Kobberplader i ryggen • Kamera i snuden • Kan se forskel på lys og mørke, fornemme afstand • Trykplader i fødderne • Mikrofoner bag øjnene • Indbygget termometer • USB stik i maven samt hukommelseskort Yderligere forbrug?