eBooks and Solution Manuals

eBooks and Solution Manuals
How do I find the eBook and Solution Manual for my class? ....................................................................... 1
1. Start at your Course Home Page. .......................................................................................................... 3
2. Select Course Materials from the Table of Contents menu under Class Content. ............................... 3
3. You will now see a screen like this: ....................................................................................................... 4
4. Select the name of the course textbook. .............................................................................................. 4
5. You will now see a screen like this: ....................................................................................................... 5
6. There are 2 places from this screen to find the solution manual. These are referred to as Route A
and Route B. .............................................................................................................................................. 6
I. Route A ............................................................................................................................................... 6
II. Route B .............................................................................................................................................. 7
From inside your lessons, you may access the solution manuals from some
screens which are linked.
Some lessons may not be linked. Instructions for how to access these
materials are listed below.
Examples of both are below. They are referenced as Linked and Not Linked.
Not Linked
Select The PDF Link
To access the Solution Manual, go to step 1
You will see the exact page needed in the solution
How do I find the eBook and Solution Manual for my class?
1. Start at your Course Home Page.
2. Select Course Materials from the Table of Contents menu under Class
3. You will now see a screen like this:
4. Select the name of the course textbook.
For MTH123, the course textbook is titled Algebra I: A Reference Guide and Problem Sets.
5. You will now see a screen like this:
6. There are 2 places from this screen to find the solution manual. These are
referred to as Route A and Route B.
I. Route A
Select Algebra I: Solution Manual
You will now see an HTML version of the solution Manual.
II. Route B
Select Algebra I: A Reference Guide and Problem Sets
You will now see this:
Select the Online Book Menu.
You will now see this:
Select Resources
You will now see this:
Select Resources
You will now see this:
Select Solution Manuals
You will now see this:
Select Appendix Solution Manual
You will now see this:
You can then choose where to save the file for printing or future access.