
Name and title: Is America the Greatest?
Watch the following, and listen carefully: Newsroom
You will write 2 paragraphs, min ¾ page, answering the
◦ Do you agree or disagree with what he said? Explain your stance.
◦ What does America need to keep doing to stay great? What do we need
to do in order to become the greatest again?
When the new Congress met in 1789, it debated the
issue of how to address the President.
 One side favored a simple “President Washington”.
 The other: “His Highness” or “His Majesty”.
Why do you think Washington chose to be called
President of the U.S. instead of a more dignified
Who were the leaders of the new republic?
What were the major domestic problems facing the leaders of
the new republic?
How successful was the new government in responding to
early domestic challenges?
No political party- unanimously elected
Take oath in New York City April, 1789
Sets many precedents as first President:
Appoints first cabinet (advisors)
Site of Washington, D.C. established
Refused third term
Oath of office
Established federal law over state law
Farewell Address
Most urgent domestic problem: paying off nearly 80
million in foreign and state debt!
 Hamilton’s Financial Plan:
1. Establish a national bank
-uses “Necessary and Proper” Clause in the
Constitution to give the nat’l govt more power than
the states
2. Protective Tariff: Charge foreign nations a tax on
import goods (“protects” American manufacturing)
3. Domestic tax on Whiskey
Debt was paid off within 10 years
(first time US has ever been debt free!)
The Outstanding Public Debt as of 17 Nov 2014 at 10:09:38
PM GMT is:
The estimated population of the United States is 319,430,489
so each citizen's share of this debt is $56,204.79.
The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$2.43 billion per day since September 30, 2012!
Commander and Chief of the Military
No Navy
“Standing” Military funded through
federal tax dollars.
Judiciary Act of 1789 Established the Supreme Court and the lower federal
courts (3rd branch of Gov.)
◦ Appointed Supreme Court justices
◦ 1st Chief Justice of the Supreme Court-John Jay
 If
someone does you a favor, do you owe
them a favor? Even if they ask you to do
something that goes against your morals
and beliefs? Explain.
Washington serves 2 terms & Retires
 Battle of Fallen Timbers- Shows authority of Federal
government to protect citizens
 Whiskey Rebellion- Shows ability of Federal
government to stop Domestic uprising
French Revolution-Debate over
which side to support.
Determined to be too “Bloody”.
Washington decides U.S. will stay
Jay’s Treaty- Negotiates w/ British
to remove British forts out west.
Pinckney's Treaty- compromises
to use the port of New Orleans
with Spain
Between the US and Spain
negotiated by diplomat
Thomas Pinckney in 1795,
was extremely popular.
Spain had called Pinckney
to Madrid, expecting him to
sign an alliance against
Great Britain.
Not only did he refuse, he
managed to convince Spain
to agree to a more southern
border between Spanish
West Florida and the United
States, securing a disputed
region for America.
Creates the first Cabinet: chosen by the President to
direct departments & give advice.
Secretary of War – Henry Knox
Secretary of State – Thomas Jefferson
Secretary of Treasury – Alexander Hamilton
Attorney General – Edmund Randolph
Vice President of the United States
Joseph R. Biden
Department of State
Secretary John Kerry
Department of the Treasury
Secretary Jack Lew
Department of Defense
Secretary Chuck Hagel
Department of Justice
Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Department of the Interior
Secretary Sally Jewell
Department of Agriculture
Secretary Thomas J. Vilsack
Department of Commerce
Secretary Penny Pritzker
Department of Labor
Secretary Thomas E. Perez
Department of Health and Human Services
Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary Julián Castro
Department of Transportation
Secretary Anthony Foxx
Department of Energy
Secretary Ernest Moniz
Department of Education
Secretary Arne Duncan
Department of Veterans Affairs
Secretary Robert McDonald
Department of Homeland Security
Secretary Jeh Johnson
Farewell Address—
◦ Warns country to:
1. stay neutral w/ foreign nations
2. Do not have political parties – it will divide the
3. Stay out of Debt!
“Tis our true policy to steer clear of
permanent Alliances, with any portion of
the foreign World…”
However [political parties] may … answer
popular ends, they are likely … to
become potent [powerful] engines,
by which cunning, ambitious, and
unprincipled men will be enabled to
subvert [weaken] the power of the people
and to usurp [seize] for themselves the
reins of government,
Destroying…the very engines which have
lifted them to unjust dominion
 All
 Jog
 Many
 Mornings
 After
 Juice
John Quincy Adams
All pictures courtesy of Google images
Warm up
There is a new campus rule: any student who
says anything negative about the Principal,
Administrators, or the school will be given 30
days of after-school detention.
Do you agree with this rule? Why/why not?
No. 2 John Adams
Adams was an experienced
diplomat and veteran of the
Continental Congress
Election of 1796
*President Adams led the
Federalist Party with 71 votes
*Jefferson led the Democratic
Republican Party with 68 votes
and became the V.P.
Maintaining National Security
Naturalization Act: “Alien Act”
1. waiting period for immigrants to become citizens is extended
to 14 years
2. President could deport aliens he deemed “dangerous”
Dem-Reps opposed law: argued that the Federalists were trying to
decrease the voting power of the Dem-Rep Party, which was supported mainly by
Creating a Stable Economy
 Followed
Hamilton’s Financial Plan
Defining the Authority of the Central
Sedition Act: made it a crime to criticize the President or
Federalists were reacting to outspoken immigrants and argued that
Freedom of Speech only extended to US citizens. A dozen
newspaper publishers were jailed.
Democratic-Republicans disagreed and said that the Bill of Rights
extended to all people in our nation, not just US citizens.
Defining the Authority of the Central Govt.
Madison and Jefferson said the Alien and Sedition Acts hurt
States’ Rights
 Declared that to protect their citizens, States could refuse to
enforce bad federal laws – (nullification)
Virginia/Kentucky ResolutionsNullified the Alien and Sedition Acts (States’ Rights issue)
Exit Slip – ½ sheet of paper
Answer the following in paragraph form:
 What were the Alien and Sedition Acts and were they fair?
Why or why not?
 Do you agree with Jefferson that States have the right to
nullify (reject/ignore) bad federal laws? How “united” would
we be if this were the case?
For all your hard work, you have been
awarded a scholarship to the college of
your choice! However, the person who
recruited you (coach, band/choir director,
etc.) leaves the college before the new
school year begins. Their replacement
refuses to honor your scholarship.
 Is
this fair? Why or why not?
Foreign Policies
XYZ affair: France insults America
France was upset because the U.S. gave too many concessions to Britain
in Jay’s Treaty
President Adams sent a commission to France to try diplomacy. The
Americans were ignored for weeks before…
France agreed to see the Americans if:
1. They loan $10 million to France
2. Pay a bribe of $250,000 to the minister
Adams would rather go to war than pay A bribe (Tribute: $
paid to be an ally or be protected)
Foreign Policies cont’d
Undeclared War
•Washington warned America to stay neutral, but when
France began seizing US ships, Congress cancelled its
treaties with France and allowed U.S. ships to seize
French vessels
•Adams avoided war with a treaty with Napoleon in
1799 which was very unpopular in the U.S. Adams felt
it was his greatest achievement…
Building a Military
Response to the XYZ Affair:
“Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute!” --Charles Pinckney
•Congress set
aside money
to expand the
navy and
First Political Parties
Election of 1800
Republicans: Jefferson and
Federalists: Adams and
Jefferson and Burr tied
(Federalist) Alexander Hamilton
despised Burr and threw his
support to Jefferson
The House of Representatives
decided-7days, and 36 ballots
later-Jefferson wins
Significance of the Election
Aaron Burrs’ anger toward Hamilton grew
and resulted in a duel between the two.
Election of 1800 resulted in a change to the
electoral college - 12th Amendment separate
ballots for VP & Prez
Amendment 12 – “the Electors shall meet in their
respective states, and vote by ballot for President and VicePresident… they shall name in their ballots the person voted for
as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as VicePresident…”
Setting Up the
Court System
Before Jefferson takes office, Adams appoints John Marshall, a
Federalist, to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
 Rushed the Judiciary Act of 1801 through Congress (created
new court positions)
 Midnight appointments - before the end of his Presidency,
Adams appointed Federalists to new court positions to ensure
Federalists still had a powerful voice in the Government,
Warm up
What are two things the Federalist party
What are two things the DemocraticRepublican party believes/supports?
Put your warm up away and get out a
No. 3 Thomas Jefferson
•Lawyer, architect, inventor,
Violinist, horseman, scientist
Setting up the Court System
Adams failed to deliver all his “midnight appointments.”
Jefferson tells Secretary of State Madison to refuse to deliver the
commission to one “to-be” Federalist judge, William Marbury,
who sues.
“These midnight judges were among my most ardent [enthusiastic] political enemies, from whom no faithful
cooperation could ever be expected.”
Marbury vs. Madison: John Marshall uses case to create
the power of Judicial Review: Supreme Court will have the
power to declare laws unconstitutional
(left) Secretary of
State, James
(right) Chief
Justice, John
Maintaining National Security
1803 Louisiana Purchase largest
land purchase in US history
US pays $15 million or 3¢ per acre to
Napoleon Bonaparte of France
France needed money b/c of war debt
with the Brits!
Maintaining National Security
Expedition of Lewis & Clark
1804 mission to find a N.W.
passage to Pacific Ocean
Scientific Expedition (new
plants & wildlife)
attempt at peace with Natives
for trade
Building a Military
 Refuses
to pay tribute to Barbary
Coast pirates
 Strengthens Navy to protect US
trading ships from raids.
“From the Halls of Montezuma to the
shores of Tripoli.”
Creating a Stable Economy
 Reduced
 Kept
 Cut
national bank
the federal budget in
Defining the Authority of the Central
 Goal:
keep the federal govt.’s power limited.
“We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists”
 Jefferson wanted to unite Americans by:
 promoting a common way of life
 keeping the US a nation of small,
independent farmers
*DC remained a village
Defining the Authority of the Central
Govt. (cont’d.)
 Added
a Cabinet position (Sec. of the
 But urged Congress to decrease the
size of the Judiciary.
 Many lost their jobs.
 Replaced ½ the Federalist positions with
Dem-Reps: only 6 out of 600 were DemReps
Foreign Policies
 Disputes
w/ Spain over
boundary of LA Territory
Did not include Texas!
 Did not go to the Rocky Mts
 Attempted to buy Florida, but
Foreign Policies
 France
and England blockade US ships
and begin a policy of Impressments, the
forced enslavement of sailors
 Embargo Act of 1807 – To stop impressments,
Congress stops all exports to Europe w new laws &
uses Navy to prevent English ships from coming into US
 Embargo Act damages Economy but avoids war!
Key Issues in Jefferson’s Presidency
 Added
a cabinet position
 Cut Government spending
 D.C. remained a village
 Decreased the Judiciary
 Embargo Act (ban trade w/ other nations)
 Increased size of military
 Kept the National Bank
 Louisiana Purchase
 Reduced taxes
Warm-up #10
Complete the sentence!
The acquisition of the Louisiana territory
resulted in –
A securing America’s economic access to
the Pacific Ocean.
B allowing the U.S. to have complete
control of the Mississippi River.
C making the Spanish government angry
that France sold the land.
D causing the British to impress sailors in
the Atlantic Ocean.
No. 4 James Madison
1809 - 1817
As a Framer and Defender of the
Constitution, [Madison] had no peer.
-Gary Wills, historian
Defining the Authority of the Central
British aggression towards American sailors continued into
Madison’s presidency
 Many members of Congress, known as War Hawks,
voted to declare war on Britain for 3 reasons:
 Impressment of U.S. sailors
 Interference w/ U.S. shipping
 British support of Native American uprisings in the
Henry Clay
Northwest territories
Whose point of view is shown?
Building a Military
 At
the onset of the War of 1812, the Army had only 7,000
men and the Navy had only 16 ships!!!
 Experience in Barbary Wars was key to success
 Great victories by heroes such as Commodore Oliver Perry
and General Andrew Jackson
 Built American confidence
 Nationalism – intense pride in one’s
country; patriotism
Setting up the Court System
 As
the British approached Washington D.C., Dolly
Madison stayed behind.
 Dolly and her slaves saved priceless founding
documents including original drafts of the
Declaration of Independence and Constitution,
and a famous portrait of George Washington.
 Dolly escaped with her life before the British
burned the capital.
The Burning of Washington D.C.
War of 1812
point of
view is
Whose point of view is shown?
Francis Scott Key
 Lawyer who
was detained on a British ship
 Watched the all-night bombardment of Ft.
McHenry at the Battle of Baltimore
 At dawn, he saw the American flag still flying!
 He expressed his pride in his countrymen for
withstanding heavy fire with a poem later
known as the Star-Spangled Banner, our
National Anthem
Warm up
 What
were the 3 main causes of the War of
1812? Who were we at war with?
Maintaining National Security
 Native
Americans resistance failed after the
British no longer gave them weapons
 Gov./Gen.
William Henry Harrison defeated the
Shawnee at the Battle of Tippecanoe
 Major setback for the Native American
Foreign Policies
U.S. continued to have difficulties w/ foreign trade.
Before the War of 1812, Madison enacted laws that discouraged
trade with France and England.
• Proved to be as ineffective as the Embargo Act
Final Battle: The Battle of New Orleans
Treaty of Ghent – officially ends the War of 1812
– No clear winner
– No land changed hands
– Trade disputes left unresolved
What is the
purpose of
this piece of
Creating a stable Economic System
 Interrupted
trade with Europe during the war forced
Americans to manufacture goods they previously imported
 This resulted in the birth of the US Industrial Revolution and
use of Free Enterprise (economy based on supply and
demand with minimal government interference)
mercantilism vs. free enterprise
 How
did John Locke’s idea of natural rights
result in the Free Enterprise System?
Quick Review
Exit Slip 12/6
Imagine you are each of the
following characters. Write 2-3
sentences for each, describing
how you feel about going to war
with Britain during the War of
Merchant Sailor in Boston
Plantation owner in Georgia
Member of the Shawnee tribe
American Sailor