Owner: Version number: Effective date: Date of last review: Due for review: Educational Development and Quality 3.0 15th September 2014 (For 2014-15 and 2015-16 Academic Years) August 2014 Every 3 years This document is part of the Academic Regulations, Policies and Procedures which govern the University’s academic provision. Each document has a unique document number to indicate which section of the series it belongs to. 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure CONTENTS 1. SCOPE AND PURPOSE ................................................................................................................ 1 2. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................... 2 3. LINKS TO OTHER BU DOCUMENTS............................................................................................ 2 4. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES .................................................................................................. 3 5. ASSIGNMENT EXTENSION/ EXAM POSTPONEMENT REQUESTS .......................................... 3 6. BOARD CONSIDERATION REQUESTS ....................................................................................... 5 7. DATA PROTECTION ACT ............................................................................................................. 7 8. REFERENCES AND FURTHER INFORMATION .......................................................................... 7 Appendix 1: Mitigating Circumstances Process Diagram ................................................................ 8 Appendix 2: A guide to identifying mitigating circumstances for students and staff ................... 9 Appendix 3: Mitigating Circumstances - Guidance Notes for the Student ................................... 10 Appendix 4: Assignment Extension/Exam Postponement Request.............................................. 10 Appendix 5: Assessment Board Consideration of Circumstances Request Form ...................... 10 Appendix 6: Short-Term Sickness Notification Form …………………………………….................23 1. SCOPE AND PURPOSE 1.1 This policy and procedure is for Bournemouth University (BU) staff and students of taught programmes of study. It also provides a point of reference for the purposes of identifying mitigating circumstances for those undertaking a research degree 1. 1.2 This policy and procedure must be followed when assessing individual applications for assignment extensions, exam postponements and/or for Board consideration of individual circumstances. 1.3 The policy and procedure outlines the principles and arrangements BU applies to applications by students for individual circumstances, to be considered and taken into account in relation to the assessment of taught programmes of study. The policy and procedure ensures that any justified individual circumstance is taken into account to allow for fair assessment outcomes for all students. Appendix 2 of this document includes a guide to identifying mitigating circumstances for students and staff. Students, please note that it is extremely important that you inform the University of any mitigating circumstances that may have affected your grade(s) at the appropriate time as indicated in this document, even if you think you may have passed. If you do not do this and do not have valid reasons for this (see also Appendix 3 paragraph 7), the University cannot consider your request after your Assessment Board has met. If you are not sure what this means for you, please contact SUBU Advice. 1 Please see 8A – Code of Practice for Research Degrees. Further advice may be sought from the Graduate School. 1 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure 1.4 This policy and procedure does not cover instances where whole groups of students are affected by circumstances (e.g. disturbance during an examination). Any issue of this nature should be brought to the attention of the Framework Leader/Programme Co-ordinator for consideration by the Assessment Board as appropriate. 1.5 Existing conditions for which students receive support from BU’s Additional Learning Support (ALS) (or Partner equivalent) fall outside the remit of the policy and procedure unless evidence suggests that a circumstance or set of circumstances affect/affected a student over and above any arrangements already made for assessments, or that the agreed arrangements did not fully compensate for his/her condition in the current academic year. Help and support Your wellbeing is important to us and we understand that you may currently be suffering emotional or personal trauma whilst submitting your mitigating circumstances (and indeed at any other time during your studies here). Please note that Student Services within the University provides support which is freely available to help you through any issues you may be experiencing. Student health and well-being information and resources are located at health-wellbeing, this includes (but is not restricted to) Counselling and the Talbot Medical Centre. You may also benefit from speaking to somebody within the Chaplaincy service. A full list of support resources available to students is located at A-Z of Resources or please contact studentwellbeing@bournemouth.ac.uk. Should you require any assistance with submitting your mitigating circumstances please contact SUBU Advice. 2. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 Students: to identify and put forward circumstances to which the policy and procedure may be applied and to ensure that all requests are submitted on the correct completed and signed Request Form and accompanied by independently verified medical or other appropriate supporting evidence and that such documentation is submitted by the specified deadlines. 2.2 Framework Leaders and Programme Co-ordinators: to consider assignment extension requests and applications for exam postponements in line with BU’s policy and procedure. 2.3 Programme Administrator (or Partner equivalent): to complete the Short-Term Sickness Notification Form in line with the procedure outlined in Appendices 3 and 6 of this document. 2.4 Circumstance Board: to consider applications made by individual students for the consideration of circumstances by the Assessment Board in terms of the application’s validity and severity and to grade applications in line with Section 7, 6K – Assessment Boards: Policy and Procedure to inform the decisions made at Assessment Boards. 2.5 Assessment Board: to receive the outcomes of applications for Assessment Board consideration from the Circumstance Board and to consider the outcomes in light of students’ individual profiles. To confirm unit marks, level aggregate and/or classification. 3. LINKS TO OTHER BU DOCUMENTS 3.1 Other documents with direct relevance to this one are: 6A - Standard Assessment Regulations 6K - Assessment Boards: Policy and Procedure 6L - Assessment Board Decision-Making, Including the Implementation of Assessment Regulations: Procedure 11A - Academic Appeals Policy and Procedure for Taught Awards 11F - Student Complaints: Policy and Procedure 2 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure Policy 4. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES Definitions 4.1 Mitigating circumstances may be defined as the taking into account of circumstances which: were not within the foresight and/or control of the student are not already registered with BU’s Additional Learning Support service2 and which BU believes might adversely affect the academic performance of a student in one or more elements of assessment. Appendix 2 contains some examples of circumstances not normally taken into account. In order to be considered by BU, all applications for circumstances to be taken into account must be supported by independently verified medical or other appropriate documentary evidence3. Any costs incurred in supplying evidence are the student’s responsibility. Consideration of mitigating circumstances 4.2 All Faculties manage mitigating circumstances in line with BU’s requirements (see 6K – Assessment Boards: Policy and Procedure). A student may request that his/her circumstances are taken into consideration in one of the following ways: consideration of assignment extension/exam postponement requests by the Framework Leader/Programme Co-ordinator (or nominee). This method should be utilised where possible. consideration of circumstances by a Circumstance Board where extension/ postponement is not possible for valid reasons or where the student considers that the circumstances are serious and likely to impact on future assignments/examinations. The processes for each of these are outlined in Sections 5 and 6 below and summarised in a flow diagram in Appendix 1. 4.3 All details of the circumstances giving rise to applications for Board consideration are treated as confidential and only discussed at the Circumstance Board by those members of BU listed in its Terms of Reference. The discussions are also confidential. Exceptionally, external examiners may request evidence concerning how BU ensures equity of its assessment outcomes, including how it arrives at decisions regarding mitigation. To facilitate this it may be appropriate for external examiners to request access to information regarding individual decisions before or at the Assessment Board. All information supplied to external examiners will remain confidential. Procedure 5. ASSIGNMENT EXTENSION/ EXAM POSTPONEMENT REQUESTS Forms and evidence 5.1 If a student believes that they may have circumstances which fall under the definition of mitigating circumstances as described in Section 4.1 above4 and in Appendix 2, she/he must complete an Assignment Extension/Exam Postponement Request Form (Appendix 4) and submit the signed form to the Programme Administrator (or Partner equivalent) either in 2 As indicated in Section 1.5, existing conditions for which students receive support from BU’s Additional Learning Support (or Partner equivalent) fall outside the remit of the policy and procedure unless evidence suggests that a circumstance or set of circumstances affect/affected a student over and above any arrangements already made for assessments, or that the agreed arrangements did not fully compensate for his/her condition in the current academic year. 3 From November 2013, this includes the provision of Short-Term Sickness Notification Form for sickness of no more than 5 days in duration as outlined in Sections 5.5 and 5.6 below and Appendices 3 and 6. 4 Excluding those already taken into account through the provision of additional learning support (see Section 1.5). 3 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure person or via post/e-mail together with appropriate supporting evidence. The student should detail the circumstances and an explanation as to why the circumstances will prevent them from meeting the deadline or sitting the exam. 5.2 The form and supporting evidence should normally be submitted as far in advance of the assignment deadline or the start time of the exam as possible for consideration by the Framework Leader/Programme Co-ordinator (see Section 5.8 below). The student should keep a photocopy of the form and supporting evidence for his/her own records. Provision of late evidence 5.3 Where evidence is not submitted at the time a request is made, an extension/postponement may be granted provisionally subject to subsequent receipt of satisfactory evidence. In such cases, the student should be notified of the consequences should the extension/postponement request subsequently be unsuccessful. See Sections 5.5-5.6 below for restrictions where an extension/postponement request is supported by a ShortTerm Sickness Notification Form. Circumstances arising on the day of the assignment hand in/exam 5.4 If the circumstance arises on the actual day of the assignment hand-in or exam making it impossible for the student to submit the assignment or attend the examination, the student must inform the Programme Administrator (or Partner equivalent) immediately by e-mail and complete an Assignment Extension or Exam Postponement Request Form and provide appropriate supporting evidence within 7 calendar days of the hand-in deadline/date of the exam in order to be considered for an assignment extension/exam postponement. See Sections 5.5-5.6 below for restrictions where an extension/postponement request is supported by a Short-Term Sickness Notification Form. Evidencing short-term sickness 5.5 (Ongoing Circumstances in respect of Long-term illness is not covered by this.) Where an extension/exam postponement request is made in respect of short-term sickness (i.e. sickness of up to 5 days in duration), an extension/exam postponement request may be supported by a Short-Term Sickness Notification Form where medical evidence is not available. Where a request is made using the short-term sickness notification procedure as outlined in Appendix 3 (section 1.2) and Appendix 6, the student must telephone 5 (not email) the Programme Administrator (or Partner equivalent) who completes the Short-Term Sickness Notification Form. 5.6 Retrospective short-term sickness notification is not permitted under the short-term sickness notification procedure. Therefore, if the circumstance arises on the actual day of the assignment hand-in or exam, the Programme Administrator must be contacted before the assignment deadline/start of the exam or no later than 4pm on the day of submission/exam (e.g. if the submission/exam is at 5pm) in order to follow this procedure. Where a student who suffers from short-term sickness fails to contact the Programme Administrator by the appropriate deadline, independently verified medical or other appropriate documentary evidence may be accepted as outlined in Section 5.7 below. Failure to submit a request before the hand-in time/exam start time 5.7 5 Where a student fails to submit an assignment extension/exam postponement request, she/he may still be eligible to apply for Board consideration (see Section 6 below). The student should complete a Board Consideration of Circumstances Request Form and submit this form along with full supporting evidence and an explanation as to why she/he did not submit the form for earlier consideration of the circumstances. The Programme Administrator (or Partner equivalent) can then ensure that the circumstances are considered by the appropriate Board (see Section 6 below), which will normally mean that the student will need to wait longer for a decision. Or leave a voicemail as per the guidance in Appendix 3 section 1.2 4 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure Formal consideration of the circumstances 5.8 The Framework Leader/Programme Co-ordinator (or nominee) will consider the assignment extension/exam postponement request and decide whether the circumstances are valid based on the submitted evidence. If agreed, an extension/postponement will be granted and a new hand-in deadline/exam date set. 5.9 The student will be notified whether the extension/postponement request has been authorised and receive a revised date as appropriate, normally within 7 calendar days of receipt of the form. The information is recorded on the Assignment Extension/Exam Postponement Request Form, which is retained by the Faculty. Information on extensions granted should be noted on the information taken to the Faculty’s Circumstance Board in order to inform its decisions and assure consistency. 5.10 All extensions approved for coursework hand-ins must have a specific hand-in date which is set to reflect the nature of the Mitigating Circumstance6. A further extension to the hand-in deadline may be requested if the student submits further evidence of continuing/new circumstances for consideration before the original extension deadline has passed. Continuing circumstances which last beyond 5 days in duration must be verified by a medical certificate or equivalent independently verified evidence. Short-term sickness notification form will not be accepted. However, new circumstances that have come to light after the original circumstance may be evidenced using short-term sickness notification. 5.11 Postponed exams will normally be sat in the next available ‘resit’ exam period. 6. BOARD CONSIDERATION REQUESTS Eligibility for Board consideration 6.1 There will be occasions when a student’s circumstances will need consideration by the Circumstance Board as part of the Assessment Board process. Such instances may occur when a student: was unable to submit an assignment extension or exam postponement request before the assignment deadline/exam start time (and has provided an explanation as to why she/he did not submit the form for earlier consideration of the circumstances); circumstances may have continued to affect his/her performance over and above the assessment for which an assignment extension/exam postponement was granted; has completed his/her assessment before becoming fully aware of the impact of the circumstances.7 Forms and evidence 6.2 To seek Board consideration, the student must complete a Board Consideration of Circumstances Request Form (Appendix 5) and submit the signed form to the Programme Administrator (or Partner equivalent) either in person or via post/e-mail together with appropriate supporting evidence at least 5 working days in advance of the date of the Circumstance Board. NB See Sections 5.5-5.6 above for restrictions regarding the retrospective short-term sickness notification procedure and the requirements for the completion of the ShortTerm Sickness Notification Form. 6.3 As well as detailing what the circumstances are, the student needs to explain how they affected his/her assessment performance. The student should provide information about which assignment(s) or exam(s) were affected, including the date(s) of the circumstances and the date(s) of the assessment(s). 6 When an extension goes beyond three weeks, the consequences of other students having received feedback should be considered. For longer extensions it should be considered whether a new/different piece of assessment is more appropriate, or that an assessment during the reassessment period should be offered. 7 Excluding those already taken into account through the provision of additional learning support (see Section 1.5). 5 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure 6.4 The form should be submitted even if the student believes she/he may have passed the assessment. If a student does not inform BU of his/her circumstances at the appropriate time (unless there are valid reasons for not doing so), the circumstances will not normally be considered. The student should keep a photocopy of the form and supporting evidence for his/her own records. Formal consideration of the circumstances 6.5 Requests for the consideration of circumstances received at least 5 working days in advance of the Circumstance Board will be considered by the Assessment Board in accordance with the Assessment Regulations applicable to the student’s programme of study, normally 6A - Standard Assessment Regulations but students should check their framework/programme handbook to confirm. The Circumstance Board will decide whether the circumstances should be taken into consideration and grade the circumstance for consideration by the Assessment Board. 6.6 Ongoing Circumstances. Some long-term circumstances may only impact a period of time or one academic year, but some could affect all of the student’s studies. Based on the information supplied by the student for that Board (or any notes carried over from a previous Circumstances/ Assessment Board), the Circumstances Board will determine whether the long-term circumstances have had an impact on any assessments during that Academic Year. The Circumstances Board will determine whether any long-term circumstances need to be re-evidenced for that Assessment period. 6.7 Additional Learning Support. (In addition to the definition of Mitigating Circumstances in section 4.1) Where a student has a late diagnosis of a disability or learning difference, the Circumstances Board may, where it has been evidenced that the students’ performance in assessment has been affected, accept this as valid Mitigating Circumstances. The student may thereby be allowed the opportunity by the Assessment Board to be assessed as for the first time for the current academic level only. Normally, retrospective consideration would apply to the period between initial ALS consultation and formal diagnosis where this may have affected students’ assessment performance. 6.8 Short-term emergency care of an unexpected and serious nature. Students can submit an application for Mitigating Circumstances, if supported by appropriate evidence that their performance in assessment is affected due to providing short-term emergency care for situations of an unexpected and serious nature. Late submission of a Board consideration request 6.9 Where a student submits a Board consideration request less than 5 working days before the Circumstance Board but before the Assessment Board is due to meet, the student should seek advice from the Programme Administrator (or Partner equivalent). If there is a valid reason for late submission of circumstances, she/he may be allowed to submit evidence for consideration by the Circumstance Board or by Circumstance Board Chair’s Action. Assessment Board decision 6.10 Students need to complete and pass all appropriate units before progressing to the next stage/level of the programme. The Assessment Board will not raise the marks received even if they agree that the circumstances are valid. Depending on the grading of the circumstances, the Assessment Board may recommend that a student who has failed a unit be permitted to be re-assessed as outlined in Regulation 13.2 of 6A – Standard Assessment Regulations. In exceptional cases, where the student’s ability to complete his/her studies is affected by very serious circumstances, (such as the terminal illness of the student), the Circumstance Board may recommend implementation of Regulation 13.3 of 6A – Standard Assessment Regulations to the Assessment Board subject to ratification by the Chair of Senate. 6.11 Normally the Assessment Board will only take into consideration mitigating circumstances that have been raised during the academic year. However, exceptionally, details of serious 6 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure circumstances may be carried forward to the following academic year(s) in order that the Assessment Board may have the information to hand for consideration of the student’s overall profile when determining final award classifications. If such information is carried forward, and the student considers in the following academic year that the circumstances continue to impact on their ability to perform (or there are additional circumstances), an application for extensions/exam board postponements and/or for Board consideration should be made for all assessments that the student considers to be affected. These continuing circumstances must be verified by a medical certificate or equivalent evidence (unless the Board has determined that they do not require re-evidencing again e.g. due to the severity of the circumstances as per section 6.6 above). Short-term sickness notification will not be accepted for continuing circumstances beyond 5 days. 6.12 The student is informed of the outcome of an application for Assessment Board Consideration of Circumstances request through the publication of the Assessment Board results. On request, students may obtain further information concerning the outcome of the consideration of their application. Failure to submit a Board consideration request 6.13 Where a student fails to submit a Board consideration request before the Assessment Board has met, and considers that he/she has a valid reason for doing so, the student may be entitled to appeal against the decision of the Assessment Board in accordance with 11A Academic Appeals for Taught Awards: Policy and Procedure. Any circumstances that could have been raised before the meeting of the Circumstance and/or Assessment Board but, without valid reason were not raised, will not be considered in the event of an appeal. General 7. DATA PROTECTION ACT 7.1 As required by the Data Protection Act 1998, BU will not normally disclose personal information to a third party other than with the data subject’s explicit permission; except where there is a legal obligation to do so. Likewise it is not possible for BU to obtain information about a student from a third party (such as a doctor) without the student’s prior explicit consent. 8. REFERENCES AND FURTHER INFORMATION 8.1 If a student is not satisfied with a decision concerning an extension request, she/he may address this through the Faculty’s complaints process as outlined in 11F – Student Complaints: Policy and Procedure. If a student wishes to lodge an appeal against the decision of the Assessment Board, she/he may do so in accordance with 11A - Academic Appeals for Taught Awards: Policy and Procedure. All appeals must be submitted within 10 working days of the date of publication of results. 8.2 Further guidance, advice and information can be obtained from askBU Students’ Service (telephone 01202 969696 e-mail askBUstudents@bournemouth.ac.uk) or SUBU Advice (email subuadvice@bournemouth.ac.uk telephone 01202 965779). 8.3 This document has been mapped against the requirements outlined in meeting the equality duty in policy and decision-making at Bournemouth University. 9. APPENDICES AND FORMS Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6 7 Mitigating Circumstances Process Diagram A guide to identifying mitigating circumstances for students and staff Guidance Notes for the Student Assignment Extension/Exam Postponement Request Form Assessment Board Consideration of Circumstances Request Form Short-term Sickness Notification Form 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure Appendix 1: Mitigating Circumstances Process Diagram Student decides to submit circumstances for consideration EXTENSION/EXAM POSTPONEMENT Student completes the assignment extension/ exam postponement request at earliest opportunity (see Appendix 4). NB: If the student considers the circumstances require more consideration than an extension/ postponement, he/she may apply for Board consideration at the same time. Has the hand-in deadline/exam start time passed? No Yes Circumstances Board Considersation Yes Are there at least 5 working days before the circumstances Board? No Student completes Board consideration request form in Appendix 5 and collates supporting evidence. NB Short-Term Sickness Notification Form cannot be completed retrospectively. NB Short-Term Sickness Notification Form cannot be completed retrospectively. Student submits signed form and evidence to Programme Administrator/equivalent Partner College administrator who logs receipt of the request. Programme Coordinator/Framework Leader/Nominee considers evidence and grants extension or rejects the request Programme Administrator logs decision and notifies student within 7 calendar days of the request Student submits assignment/sits exam(s) by revised deadline and work is marked in advance of relevant Assessment Board Student submits signed form and evidence to Programme Administrator/ equivalent Partner College Administrator who logs Board consideration request in Student Records System for Circumstances Board Circumstances Board meets to consider evidence and grade circumstances Programme Administrator logs outcome in Student Records System Assessment Board meets and makes decisions as to what action should be taken (if any) in each case, referring to the outcome of the Circumstance Board Has the Assessment Board already met? No Student seeks advice from the Programme Administrator/ equivalent Partner College Administrator regarding further action. NB. The University is not obliged to consider late applications for Assessment Board consideration but may exceptionally do so if the student provides evidence of a valid reason for late submission of circumstances Yes No Refer student to Academic Appeals Policy. Advise on limited ground for appeal. NB. Appeals must be made within 10 working days of the publication of results Yes Are the circumstances to be considered by the Circumstances Board (may be as Chair’s Action) The student is informed of Assessment Board decision by virtue of publication of results Yes Does the student consider the circumstances to have affected him/ her over and above any extension/ postponement granted? 8 No 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure Appendix 2: A guide to identifying mitigating circumstances for students and staff 1. What is a Mitigating Circumstance? Students may be given an extension to coursework or be allowed to postpone sitting an exam where they have a valid mitigating circumstance. Students may also be eligible for consideration of circumstances by a Circumstance Board. A mitigating circumstance is something that: was not within the foresight and/or control of the student is not already registered with BU’s Additional Learning Support service and which BU believes might adversely affect a student’s academic performance in one or more elements of assessment. 2. What is not a Mitigating Circumstance? The following are not normally considered valid mitigating circumstances: computer/IT failure of student’s own equipment8; transport problems9; misreading of assessment dates and times; moving house; holidays or expeditions; inadequate planning, organisation or time management; timetabling of coursework/examinations; demands of paid employment10. 8 For BU systems failure when submitting assignments online, (prior to the submission deadline) students should refer to the Submitting Assignments Online – Student Support Guide. 9 Unpredictable and exceptional transport delays on the day of the exam may, in some circumstances be considered a valid circumstance for non-attendance; however, routine delays to trains or buses will not. 10 Exceptionally, this may be considered for some students on part-time programmes or members of HM Forces. 9 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure Appendix 3: Mitigating Circumstances - Guidance Notes for the Student Help and support Your wellbeing is important to us and we understand that you may currently be suffering emotional or personal trauma whilst submitting your mitigating circumstances (and indeed at any other time during your studies here). Please note that Student Services within the University provides support which is freely available to help you through any issues you may be experiencing. Student health and well-being information and resources are located at health-wellbeing, this includes (but is not restricted to) Counselling and the Talbot Medical Centre. You may also benefit from speaking to somebody within the Chaplaincy service. A full list of support resources available to students is located at A-Z of Resources or please contact studentwellbeing@bournemouth.ac.uk. Should you require any assistance with submitting your mitigating circumstances please contact SUBU Advice. 1. What evidence do I need? It is your responsibility to identify and put forward circumstances to which this policy and procedure may be applied and to ensure that all requests are submitted on the correct, completed and signed Request Form and accompanied by independently verified medical or other appropriate supporting evidence and that such documentation is submitted by the specified deadlines. The following guidance notes will help you do this. 1.1 Requests supported by independent medical or other evidence All requests must normally be supported by appropriate independent evidence (but see 1.2 below regarding short-term sickness notification), for example: a GP letter or medical certificate which includes the dates of an illness and its impact on the student’s ability to study; independent evidence of the death or ill health of a family member (such as an order of service/equivalent/a death certificate or a medical certificate). Requests for circumstances to be taken into account which are not accompanied by a signed and fully completed Request Form and independently verified medical or other appropriate documentary evidence will not normally be considered by BU. Letters from friends and family are not sufficient evidence on their own. Where documentation cannot be reasonably obtained before a request is made, any decision will be subject to subsequent receipt of satisfactory evidence within a reasonable timeframe approved by the Programme/Course Administrator. 1.2 Requests supported by short-term sickness notification (of up to 5 days in duration) Short-term sickness (i.e. an illness which lasts no longer than 5 days) may be supported by a ShortTerm Sickness Notification Form where medical evidence is not available. Please follow the procedure outlined below as this enables you to inform your Programme/Course Administrator of the circumstances. The Administrator will complete the Short-Term Sickness Notification Form in Appendix 6 for you. Short-term sickness notification procedure: You must telephone your Programme/Course Administrator as soon as you realise that you have a short-term sickness which may affect your performance in one or more assessments or prevent you from meeting a deadline/sitting an exam. If you cannot speak to your Administrator, you must leave a voicemail and clearly state your name, course, contact number and a short explanation of your sickness. Email or text messages will NOT be accepted. If your short-term sickness arises on the actual day of the assignment hand-in or exam, you must call your Programme/Course Administrator before the submission deadline/start of the exam. If 10 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure the submission/exam is after 4pm, you should call no later than 4pm. Calls after 4pm will NOT be accepted. If your sickness lasts more than 5 days, you must provide a medical certificate/other appropriate independently verified evidence in order for your circumstances to be considered. The Programme/Course Administrator will complete the Short-Term Sickness Notification Form on the basis of the information you provide so you should have the following available before you make the phone call: your ID number; telephone number; email address; course; level; assessment(s) and unit(s) affected; brief details of sickness and when you became unwell.Following your telephone call, your Programme/Course Administrator will email you a copy of the completed form so that you can submit it alongside a completed Assignment Extension/Exam Postponement Request Form in Appendix 4. The Short-Term Sickness Notification Form does NOT replace this document. The Programme/Course Administrator who receives the call (for short-term sickness notification) does not approve (or otherwise) the request for mitigating circumstances. If you need to use short-term sickness notification later as evidence to seek Board consideration of circumstances and you complete and sign the Board Consideration of Circumstances Request Form in Appendix 5, you can do so only if you notified the Programme/Course Administrator of your sickness promptly and a Short-Term Sickness Notification Form was completed at the time you were unwell. Retrospective short-term sickness notification will NOT be accepted under this procedure. This process does not cover ‘flare-ups’ of long-term illness, as these will be considered under ‘Ongoing Circumstances’ by the Circumstances Board, however, you must notify your Programmes Team of any ‘flare ups’ of a long-term condition which has affected you in assessment. 2. How do I request an assignment extension or postpone sitting an exam? As soon as you believe that you may have mitigating circumstances you must complete the Assignment Extension/Exam Postponement Request Form and submit it to the Programme/Course Administrator together with all supporting evidence (see Section 1.1 above for medical/other independently verified evidence and Section 1.2 above for short-term sickness notification). If you are submitting your Mitigating Circumstances form electronically, or a third-party is doing this on your behalf, make sure that these confidential forms are only sent to those members of staff who need to see them. The form must be submitted before the assignment deadline or the start time of the exam. As well as detailing what your circumstances are, you need to explain why they will prevent you from meeting your deadline or sitting your exam. The Framework Leader/Programme Co-ordinator (or nominee) will decide whether your circumstances should be taken into consideration and, if they are in agreement, they will make alternative arrangements for your assessment. These will then be noted on your Assignment Extension/Exam Postponement Request Form. You will be informed if your extension or postponement request has been authorised, normally within 7 calendar days. If circumstances arise on the day of your assignment hand-in or exam making it impossible for you to submit the assignment or attend the examination, you must contact your Programme/Course Administrator immediately. In circumstances relating to short-term sickness, you must contact your Programme/Course Administrator by telephone and leave a voice mail if you cannot get through (see Short-term sickness notification procedure in Section 1.2 above). You will need to follow this up with a completed Assignment Extension/Exam Postponement Request Form and full supporting evidence. If you do not turn up for an exam, or do not submit on time, and do not let us know that you have a valid reason for your absence or non-submission, you will be penalised (as per the assessment regulations for your course). Although the Assessment Board may permit a resit of the exam, the resit mark will be considered as a second attempt resulting in the formal element mark being at the pass mark. If mitigating circumstances are of a longer term nature, and affect you over and above any assignment extensions/exam postponements that are requested, both the Assignment Extension/Exam Postponement Request Form and the Assessment Board Consideration of Circumstances Request Form should be completed. 11 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure NB Continuing circumstances must be verified by a medical certificate or other independently verified evidence. Short-term sickness notification will not be accepted for continuing circumstances beyond 5 days. However, new circumstances that have come to light after the original circumstance may be evidenced via short-term sickness notification. 3. How do I let the Assessment Board know about my circumstances? If you have already been given an extension to your coursework or allowed to postpone sitting your exam(s), we have already made allowances for your circumstances and no further action is normally necessary. If your circumstances are of a longer term nature, you should complete both the Assignment Extension/Exam Postponement Request Form and the Assessment Board Consideration of Circumstances Request Form. Exceptionally, you may already have completed your assessment before you become fully aware of the impact of your circumstances, or you may not have had time to submit an assignment extension or exam postponement request before your assessment was due. In this case, the Assessment Board may take your circumstances into account when they are considering your performance or the arrangements for you to progress to the next stage of your programme. To make the Board aware of your circumstances you should complete an Assessment Board Consideration of Circumstances Request Form and provide all supporting evidence. As well as explaining what your circumstances are you need to explain how they affected your assessment. You will need to provide information about which piece(s) of coursework or exam(s) were affected, including the date of your circumstances and the date of your assessment(s). You will also need to explain why you were unable to apply for an assignment extension or exam postponement. This information needs to be submitted to your Programme/Course Administrator (or as advised by the Faculty/Partner) at least 5 working days before the relevant Board meets (your Programme/Course Administrator can let you know the deadline for this). NB. You cannot inform the University of short-term sickness retrospectively (i.e. after your assignment hand-in date/date of your exam). Where short-term sickness notification is used as evidence to support a Board consideration request, you must have notified the University (or partner) of your short-term sickness (i.e. an illness of no more than 5 days in duration) at the time you were unwell and the Short-Term Sickness Notification Form in Appendix 6 should be dated accordingly. 4. What happens to my request for Board consideration? Your request for Board consideration goes to a Circumstance Board for ‘grading’ (see below). The Circumstance Board will decide whether your circumstances are valid. As the Circumstance Board can only take into consideration circumstances that have been raised during that academic year, you cannot ask for things to be taken into account that may have affected your performance in previous years. Exceptionally, serious circumstances may be carried forward to the following academic year(s) in order that the Assessment Board may have the information to hand when considering the overall profile of a student when determining final award classifications. However, students should apply afresh for extensions, exam postponement, or Board consideration each academic year. Circumstance Board Grading 0 Perceived circumstances/problems which have been discussed but are not deemed to have materially affected a student’s performance (or the application was invalid). (Not taken into account by Assessment Boards). 1 Significant short-term circumstances/factors which impaired a student’s performance in one or more identified assessment(s). (Assessment Boards would then implement Section 13.2 of the Assessment Regulations.). 2 Significant long-term circumstances which may have caused substantial impairment of a student’s performance in one or more identified assessment(s) and may continue to affect future performance (Assessment Boards would then implement Section 13.2 of the 12 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure Assessment Regulations and the grading would be made available to future Assessment Boards in order to inform consideration of the student’s overall profile when considering final classifications). If you submitted your Assessment Board Consideration of Circumstances Request Form by the deadline for the Circumstance Board, the grading of your Mitigating Circumstance is taken to the Assessment Board for a decision and your results will then be published. Please note the following: The Assessment Board will not raise marks even if it agrees that you have valid circumstances but you may, for example, be permitted to resubmit your assessment or resit your exam ‘as a first attempt’. This means that your first attempt will be disregarded and your formal element mark will not be ‘capped’ at the pass mark (NB element and/or unit marks will be capped in line with the Assessment Regulations where mitigating circumstances relate to a reassessment or a repeat). You will still need to complete and pass all your units before you progress to the next stage of your programme or are able to graduate in line with the Assessment Regulations for your programme. The document ‘6L - Assessment Board Decision-Making, Including the Implementation of Assessment Regulations: Procedure’ states the following: ‘Following the acceptance of evidence of mitigating circumstances submitted after the submission date (in accordance with the mitigating circumstances process) the Assessment Board may decide to award the actual mark for work classed as late or to offer an assessment as if for the first time. However, without such evidence, the mark of zero will stand.’ 5. What can I do if I don’t agree with the Assessment Board decision? If you have valid grounds, you may Appeal against the decision of the Assessment Board. Please see 11A – Academic Appeals for Taught Awards: Policy and Procedure. 6. What can I do if I miss the deadline for Board consideration? Late submission of a Board consideration request Circumstances must be submitted at least 5 working days prior to the Circumstances Board. If you need to submit less than 5 working days before the Circumstance Board this will be considered ‘late’ by the University unless you have a valid reason (see 7 below) for not submitting by the deadline. If you think you have a valid reason, circumstances may be presented for consideration after this point but before the Assessment Board. You must seek advice from your Programme/Course Administrator to discuss whether you have a valid reason for not submitting by the deadline. Failure to submit a Board consideration request If you are unable to submit a Board consideration request, circumstances may be presented as part of an Appeal of the decision of the Assessment Board, but must be accompanied by evidence of valid reasons for missing the earlier deadlines (see 7 below). 7. What is a ‘valid reason’ and what is ‘not a valid reason’ for missing the deadline(s)? Valid reason for submitting ‘late’ circumstances or for an appeal You must be able to demonstrate why you were previously unable to submit your circumstances by the deadline(s) stated above and for the University to agree that this is a valid reason to consider your circumstances. Not valid reasons for submitting ‘late’ circumstances or for an appeal The following are common explanations that are not accepted by the University as a valid reason to consider your circumstances: 13 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure Not submitting circumstances by the deadline(s) by your own choice or because you were unwilling to disclose the information at the time are not considered valid reasons. Not feeling that the circumstances affected you at the time but later believing that they did once you see your results, is not considered a valid reason. 8. Important to remember 8.1 Confidentiality You may feel that you do not want to tell us about your circumstances because you are worried about who will get to know. You can be assured that your information is only shared with the people who need to know in order to make a decision about whether to allow an extension/postponement to your assessment or make a decision about your academic progression. If you are submitting your Mitigating Circumstances form electronically, or a third-party is doing this on your behalf, make sure that these confidential forms are only sent to those members of staff who need to see them. 8.2 Timely Disclosure of Information Understandably you want to be judged on your academic ability alone. Some students decide not to submit mitigating circumstances for this reason but change their mind once they see their final results. BU will not accept this as an adequate reason for not disclosing mitigating circumstances. You are not obliged to let us know of any circumstances but if you do not tell us at the appropriate time, we cannot take them into consideration. It is therefore essential that you ensure that you disclose all relevant information as soon as you can. If you want the Board to consider your circumstances you must submit the Assessment Board Consideration of Circumstances Request Form even if you think you may have passed. 8.3 False Declarations The Mitigating Circumstances forms include the following declaration: “I understand that by knowingly making a false declaration I may render myself liable to disciplinary action.” If you knowingly make a false declaration, this could result in disciplinary action being taken against you under the Student Disciplinary Procedures. 9. Any Questions? If you have any questions about the Policy and Procedure on Mitigating Circumstances or the Form, please contact your Faculty/Partner, the askBU Students’ Service, or SUBU Advice. 14 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure Appendix 4: Assignment Extension/Exam Postponement Request Assignment Extension/Exam Postponement Request Form. This must be submitted before the hand-in deadline or the start of the exam. This form should be completed for an Assignment Extension or Exam Postponement ONLY. If you wish for your circumstances to be considered by the Assessment Board, you must complete the Assessment Board Consideration of Circumstances Form in Appendix 5. Please read the guidance notes in Appendix 3 or seek further advice from your Programme/Course Administrator or from askBU Students’ Service (telephone 01202 969696 e-mail askBUstudents@bournemouth.ac.uk) or the Students’ Union Advice Centre (e-mail studentadvice@bournemouth.ac.uk telephone (01202) 965779). If this document is not in an accessible format to you, please contact Educational Development and Quality, telephone (01202) 961244, who will endeavour to supply the information in a more suitable format. PRINT NAME IN CAPITALS: Student ID Number: Date of submission: Programme/Course Name: Level/Year: Name of Programme Co-ordinator / Framework Leader: 15 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure Outline of Circumstances (please read the attached Guidance Notes carefully) Please explain clearly the detail of the circumstances, when they occurred and how the circumstances have affected your assessment(s). Attach a continuation sheet if necessary. From To ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Independent supporting evidence (please indicate item(s) attached below) Medical Certificate GP/Consultant Letter Counsellor Letter Order of Service/Death Certificate Other independent supporting evidence (please give brief details) Or In support of short-term sickness Short-Term Sickness Notification Form (up to 5 days in duration)* Please specify: First day of sickness: ___/___/_____ Date of return to study: ___/___/_____ Date University informed: ___/___/_____ * This form cannot be completed retrospectively (i.e. if you notify us after your original assignment deadline/date of your exam). 16 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure Enter the assessment(s) affected by your circumstances Unit Title Assignment Title Assignment submission date if affected Requested new submission date Date of Exam if affected I confirm that I wish my Circumstances to be considered in respect of the assessment(s) listed above and that the attached evidence is genuine. I understand that by knowingly making a false declaration I may render myself liable to disciplinary action. (Student) Signed: _________________________Date:________________________ Please return this form, with attached supporting evidence to your Programme/Course Administrator either in person or via post or e-mail. Please keep a copy for your own records. NB: As per section 5.3 of this document: Where evidence is not submitted at the time a request is made, an extension/postponement may be granted provisionally subject to subsequent receipt of satisfactory evidence. 17 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure To be completed by authorised Staff: I confirm that the above extension(s)/postponement(s) are/are not approved (delete as appropriate) New assignment submission date (must be completed): ________________________________ Staff verification/authorisation: Signature: _________________________ PRINT NAME:___________________________ Framework Leader/Programme Co-ordinator or nominee Date signed: ____________________________________ Date student informed of outcome: (Normally within 7 calendar days of receipt of form) ________________________________ 18 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure Appendix 5: Assessment Board Circumstances Request Form Consideration Assessment Board Consideration Circumstances Request Form. of of This form is to be completed only if you wish for your circumstances to be considered by the Circumstance and Assessment Boards. If you are seeking an Assignment Extension or Exam Postponement, you must complete the Assignment Extension/Exam Postponement Request Form in Appendix 4 Please read the guidance notes in Appendix 3 or seek further advice from your Programme/Course Administrator or from askBU Students’ Service (telephone 01202 969696 e-mail askBUstudents@bournemouth.ac.uk) or the Students’ Union Advice Centre (e-mail studentadvice@bournemouth.ac.uk telephone (01202) 965779). If this document is not in an accessible format to you, please contact Educational Development and Quality, telephone (01202) 961244, who will endeavour to supply the information in a more suitable format. PRINT NAME IN CAPITALS: ID Number: Date Form Submitted: Programme/Course Title: Level/Year: Name of Programme Co-ordinator/ Framework Leader: 19 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure Outline of Circumstances (please read the attached Guidance Notes carefully) Please explain clearly the detail of the circumstances, when they occurred and how the circumstances have affected your assessment(s). Attach a continuation sheet if necessary. From To ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Independent supporting evidence (please indicate item(s) attached below) Medical Certificate GP/Consultant Letter Counsellor Letter Order of Service/Death Certificate Other independent supporting evidence (please give brief details) Or In support of short-term sickness Short-Term Sickness Notification Form (up to 5 days in duration)* Please specify: First day of sickness: ___/___/_____ Date of return to study: ___/___/_____ Date University informed: ___/___/_____ * This form cannot be completed retrospectively (i.e. if you notify us after your original assignment deadline/time of your exam). 20 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure Enter the assessment(s) affected by your circumstances Unit Title Assignment Title Assignment submission date if affected Date of Exam if affected Assignment Extension/Exam postponement already given (yes/no) I confirm that I wish my Circumstances to be considered by the Board in respect of the assessment(s) above and that the attached evidence is genuine. I understand that by knowingly making a false declaration I may render myself liable to disciplinary action. (Student) Signed: _________________________Date:________________________ Please return this form, with attached supporting evidence, to your Programme/Course Administrator either in person or via post or e-mail. Please keep a copy for your own records. NB: As per section 5.3 of this document: Where evidence is not submitted at the time a request is made, an extension/postponement may be granted provisionally subject to subsequent receipt of satisfactory evidence. 21 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure To be completed by authorised Staff: Record of Board consideration given 22 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure Appendix 6: Short-Term Sickness Notification Form and guidance notes for students SHORT-TERM SICKNESS NOTIFICATION FORM (UP TO 5 DAYS IN DURATION) IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS: This form should be used for short-term sickness notification where medical evidence is not available. This is known as the short-term sickness notification procedure. This form is completed by your Programme/Course Administrator when you telephone to notify the University/Partner of short-term sickness which may affect your performance in one or more assessments or prevent you from meeting an assignment deadline/sitting an exam. Once completed, this form should be submitted alongside a completed Assignment Extension/Exam Postponement Request Form in Appendix 4 or Board Consideration of Circumstances Request Form in Appendix 5. It does NOT replace these documents. Section 1.2 of Appendix 3 outlines the procedure for short-term sickness notification. Please read it carefully to help you with your application. You will NOT be able to inform the University/Partner of short-term sickness retrospectively (i.e. after your assignment deadline/time of your exam) under the shortterm sickness notification procedure. PROGRAMME/COURSE ADMINISTRATOR TO COMPLETE: STUDENT NAME: STUDENT ID NUMBER: STUDENT TELEPHONE NUMBER: STUDENT EMAIL ADDRESS: FACULTY/PARTNER COLLEGE: COURSE: LEVEL: ASSESSMENT(S) AND UNIT(S) AFFECTED: BRIEF DETAILS OF SICKNESS: FIRST DAY OF SICKNESS: DATE UNIVERSITY/PARTNER INFORMED: NAME OF PROGRAMME/COURSE ADMINISTRATOR RECEIVING THE CALL: 23 6J – Mitigating Circumstances including Extensions: Policy and Procedure