My School Portfolio - Sadhbhavana World School

My School Portfolio
By (insert name, grade and school)
(Insert Picture of
• Why do you want to make
this portfolio?
Teacher Introduction
This section is for your teacher to
write an introduction paragraph to
your portfolio. Your teacher will
include information about you, your
interpersonal skills and perhaps
comment on your efforts to create
this portfolio.
All About Me
• Things to Include:
– Interests
– Likes/Dislikes
– My Neighbourhood
– Picture(s) of personal interest
– The moment I felt most proud of myself
Family Information
• My Family
• Who helps me with my homework?
• How much time do I spend with my
• My Role Model:- In my family and among
• My Most Cherished Moment
My time @ home
What do I generally do?
Who is with me?
How often do you sit together?
The best family time this year( recall an
incident when you were a part of the
decision making)
• How often do I help with chores at home?
Peer Pal
• My best friend and what I like about them
• List three positive traits that you like in your
best friend
• A change that came over me after I started
practicing my friend’s good traits.
Language Arts
My Story
Type or scan in a story that you have
written. Make sure it demonstrates
your best effort.
Reading for Pleasure
How many hours do you read in a week?
What kind of books do you read?
List a few.
How has reading helped me in my school life?
Take a photograph of a comment when your
teacher has appreciated your reading skills.
My Poem
• Type or scan in a poem that you have
written. Make sure it demonstrates your
best effort.
My Handwriting
• Scan in a sample of your handwriting or
printing. Make sure it demonstrates your
best effort.
Arts Education
Scan in a picture you have created, or
take a digital picture of an art project or
type in an assignment or research report
that you have written. Make sure it
demonstrates your best effort.
Social Studies
• Type or scan in an assignment or research
report that you have written. Make sure it
demonstrates your best effort
Special Interests
• This section is for you to showcase your
special interests. Perhaps you are an athlete,
a musician, or a collector. Use this section to
describe your special interest and include
Insert a picture of your participation
in a short activity (your best) one in
school and one outside school.
• (Eg, get-togethers, gatherings,etc)
My Social Responsibility
• List one activity ( with a photograph) that
says “I care” for my society.
Community Engagement
• Do you get involved in activities around your
• If yes, list a few.
• What is the one thing you would want to change
to make your city a better place to live?
• Recount on a social activity that you are
involved in your neighbourhood.( with a
• Eg: Planting a tree
Cross-cultural Exchange
• Choose a school mate who has lived or
studied abroad.
• Interact with her/him and write a small
biography of that person.
My Values
• List down five values you think is important
in life.
• Narrate an incident that brought out any of
these values.
Healthy Lifestyle
• List five good habits that you practice to
ensure a healthy lifestyle
• Celebrate a ‘No Junk Food’ day at home and
record all that you ate that day. (Include date,
month and pictures of your meals)
My Future
• What do I want to become?
• What am I doing to get there?
Comments About My Portfolio
• Use this section to collect comments from
people about your portfolio. After someone has
looked through your portfolio ask him/her to
write a comment on this slide. Some people to
include are:
• Teachers
• Principal
• Parents
• Friends