
Disease Brochure (project grade) We will work on in class for 2 days and you will present on _________.
Create 2 brochures or Digital Presentations
(1 infectious & 1 non-infectious)
Fold paper into a tri fold (see example)
Front cover, of both must include:
 Title of diseases 5 pts.
 Labeled Infections or noninfectious 10 pts.
 Your name 5pts.
 Must be decorative and colorful 10 pts.
Inside should include 4 diseases total (2 from each section):
 With each disease, you should have a brief description of each with symptoms 25 pts.
 Colorful picture of someone with the disease or something illustration this disease 10 pts.
 Preventions and/or treatments for the disease 15 pts.
 Last fold should include an advertisement to help with one of the diseases (be creative) 10 pts.
 Present 1 disease from each category 10 pts.
Total: 100 points
Some possible Disease choices are:
Common Cold, Influenza, Athlete’s Foot, AIDS, Strep throat, Diabetes (Type1), Color Blindness,
Albinism, Dwarfism, Sickle Cell, Parkinson’s Disease, Skin Cancer, Asthma, Arthritis, Heart
Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Polio, Tetanus, Pneumonia, Malaria, Seasonal Allergies, Downs
Syndrome, Turners Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Hemophilia, Huntington’s,
Disease, or get permission on another disease
Important Reminders:
Section 1: Infectious diseases are caused by tiny organisms called pathogens.
 These pathogens can be bacteria, viruses, fungi, or protists (protozoans).
 These pathogens can come from another person, a contaminated object, an animal bite, or
the environment.
 The immune system is responsible for distinguishing between the different kinds of
pathogens and reacting to each according to its type.
 Once a pathogen has entered the body, it works by damaging individual cells within the
organs or in some cases attacks an entire body system.
 Bacteria can be treated with antibiotics, viruses can not
Section 2: Noninfectious diseases are diseases that are not caused by pathogens in the body.
 They are not spread from organism to organism.
 These diseases are caused by malfunctions in body systems that are either inherited or
caused by environmental factors.