MLS Best Practices

MLS Best Practices
Created by CMLS with a goal of improving professional
standards in the entire industry through the development
and establishment of MLS best practices.
Created with input from the industry
Contributing Organizations
Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service (ARMLS) Austin Board of REALTORS® (ABoR)
California Regional Multiple Listing Service (CRMLS)
Heartland Multiple Listing Service and Kansas City Regional Association of REALTORS® My Florida
Regional Multiple Listing Service (MFRMLS)
Metropolitan Regional Information Services (MRIS) MLSListings, Inc.
Northern Nevada Regional Multiple Listing Service (NNRMLS) Northwest Multiple Listing Service (NWMLS)
Multiple Listing Service Property Information Network (MLSPIN) Delaware Valley Real Estate Information
Network (TREND)
 From “How To” to “Good” practices to “Best Practices”
 Checklists Provided
 Real Life Examples
Who says they’re Best?
It is time. It is time for every MLS to take an honest
assessment of their organization. Every organization can
rise to the next level. Take the challenge and adopt Best
Your Customers will be happier,
Your Employees will improve,
Your Volunteers will step up,
and the Organization will thrive.
Why adopt best practices?
Best Practices
& Governance
• Came into the MLS world as a listing entry clerk (back in
the day before “broker load”. (30something years ago)
• Became the MLS Administrator and eventually MLS
Director for the Reno/Sparks Association of Realtors.
• First CEO for Northern Nevada Regional MLS
• Currently CEO for My Florida Regional MLS with
40,000 subscribers and a staff just shy of 50.
Merri Jo Cowen
CEO, My Florida Regional MLS
What does it take to lead?
• What is Leadership?
• The “ACTION” of leading a group of people or an
• Ah….. “ACTION” is involved?
• Does that mean Managing?
Let’s Start with the Big
• Kevin Kruse, Author of “What is Leadership?” an article
published online by Forbes Magazine, breaks it down like this:
Leading is not management
It’s not just having followers
It’s not automatic because you have vision
It’s not simply because of personal attributes like charisma
It’s not “automatic” because of title or status
It’s not only about empowering others
It’s not just about influence
• And defines it like this:
• “Leadership is a process of social influence which
maximizes the efforts of others towards the
achievement of a goal.
And break it down.
• Amazon identified
over 28,000 books on Leadership
Over 451 million articles on Leadership
Over 26 million Leadership Development courses
Over 2 million Leadership Skill instructors
…….and we have 20 more minutes
And the Expert is……..
• Successful leaders have key traits in common:
• Ability to establish vision and translate that to others
• Passion for the vision and bringing it forward through
• Listening Skills – truly listening and being willing to adjust
• Be a Decision Maker – obtain info needed, involve the right
people and be timely – and know that you won’t always be
• Create the Atmosphere and Culture for Strong Relationships
• Strength of Character – look within and identify your
strengths and weaknesses – Professional Development is
The Essentials
and Team
Strength of
Key Traits for
Remarkable Leaders
• It’s a fine line to walk, but balancing staff and volunteer
leadership is critical to the success of the organization:
Encourage “big picture” role to avoid micromanagement
Beware of the pitfalls of pet projects
Keep them informed on industry happenings from all angles
Keep the volunteer focus on Policy, Strategy and Fiscal Oversight
Build a team with your leadership just as you do with your staff –
and expand that further – build team-type relationships with your
key staff and volunteers as well!
• The relationship with volunteers can be magical or detrimental.
The CEO must stick with the “plan” but also recognize that others
have great ideas and differing perspectives that can make the MLS
even better!
Leaders help Volunteer
Leaders “Lead”
• Start with a Mission and/or a Vision Statement
• Keep it Short and Sweet – don’t describe the entire purpose
of the organization.
• Mission Statements should be clear, memorable and
• Vision Statements tend to be more aspirational in nature
• Neither is beneficial if not woven into the core values and
culture of the organization
• Don’t say it if you don’t mean it – or if you cannot possibly
achieve it
It’s Hard to Lead
Without a Plan!
• Spell it out so that everyone understands the values and
direction of the organization.
• Build a belief system by which the company will operate.
• A company’s core beliefs and values are the crux of its
• Guide decisions
• Only impactful if integrated throughout the organization
Core Values or
• No need to change mission and vision every time the Plan
is reviewed – that should hold solid
• Don’t go too deep into the woods or the plan will just sit
on a shelf or will become a micro-managing task-master
• Focus instead on strategic thinking and direction with
leadership and senior staff working together
• Staff can put the ideas from the process and incorporate
them into the organizations structure.
Key Components of
the Plan
Planning Best Practices:
Corevaluesembeddedin theorganization
Timelessmission, values, goals
Planning Best Practices
• MLSs are built on many different structures:
• Single REALTOR Association owned (committee or
separate corporation).
• Regional MLS owned by multiple REALTOR Associations
• MLSs owned by Brokers (some or all)
• Hybrids of all of the above
• There is no right or wrong way
Governance Structure
• Some structures do not allow for effective or nimble
decision making.
• Shareholder opportunities (or lack of) can create conflict,
whether broker owned or association owned.
• How revenue is shared can also be contentious.
• The Key: remain flexible and encourage review of the
process because, “times, they are a changin’.” and we all
need to be prepared for various scenarios!
Legal Structure
Effective decision making process
All stakeholders empowered
Cultivate forwardmomentum
Structure that has the best of the best clamoringto be on the Board
Allow for reasonable change
Governance Best Practices
• Is there a perfect sized Board of Directors? Ah, the
debate….too few is no representative, too many is too
hard to manage…..
• How much authority does your Executive Committee
have to act in between meetings?
• Nimble is they key in today’s changing world – but that
also depends on the culture of your organization and the
typical decisions made by your Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors
• In addition to finding the optimal size, other
considerations that should be considered:
• Business Leaders? (broker owners have seats reserved in
some MLSs)
• Various areas of size and expertise?
• Any special requirements for serving as an Executive
Committee member?
• Should Shareholder (for regionals) Association Executives
have a voting representative?
• How about business leaders outside of Real Estate? Can
they lend some expertise to the overall vision of the group?
• Term limits?
• Executive Leadership serving for longer than one-year?
Make-Up of the BOD
• The MLS Executive/CEO is responsible for the overall
operation of the MLS organization.
• Building an understanding of the roles of each group
(Directors, Executive Committee, Senior Staff,
Shareholders, CEO) is critical to success – particularly
when it comes to the fiduciary responsibilities of
Directors, regardless of who elected/appointed them.
• The CEO is also responsible for keeping the organization
in sync with its vision, core values, goals and long term
• Communication is key!
Understanding the Roles
Board of Directors
Financial oversight including budget
Approves the high level policies governing
how employees will be treated.
Authorizes contracts above the levels
delegated to the CEO for approval.
Long term strategic direction of the
Operates within the predefined budget of the
In charge of all employees including salaries,
reviews, and responsibilities.
Negotiates and executes contracts. Approves
contracts within limits delegated by the board.
Brings ideas, information, and thoughts to
leadership, with research that enable them to set
the best strategic direction.
Policies of the organization.
Appoints special Taskforces as necessary.
Implements the board policies as approved by the
board of directors. Creates, monitors, and
implements operational and organizational
Makes recommendations for changes.
Product development.
Fiduciary duty is to the MLS.
Inspires and leads the organization.
Roles: BOD and CEO
Refuse to accept
Craft great
Make tough
What CEO’s Do
Take Risks
Extend vision to
customer and
• Are you watching the Landscape?
• Core Standards for Associations – Best Practices for
• What does the future hold? Are you willing to consider:
Growth/Expansion (politics aside, it’s about relationships)
Merger (compromise is the word)
Data sharing (short term solution)
Wholesaling/Retailing (requiring clearly defined roles)
Look to the Future
• First and foremost, the biggest challenge in any type of
growth or expansion is politics – just that simple! But
• Control and representation
• Resistance to change
• Financial considerations
• Are you putting your best leadership foot forward?
• Are your volunteer leaders getting what they need to
• Mission, Vision, Goals – Oh My!
• Is it time for a Governance Review?
• Is your Board of Directors properly focused?
• How would you characterize the relationships with all
stakeholders in your organization?
• Are you committed to becoming an extraordinary leader
and an extraordinary organization?
The Checklist
• Regardless of size, there are relationships that can be built to
strengthen the organization.
• Outside facilitators can be a huge help – whether local or
national. Perhaps an MBA student at your local college if
funds don’t allow for more, an on-line leadership course, your
local, state or National Leadership academy…. – an outside
perspective is priceless and neutral enough to ask the tough
• How about a peer review?
• An exercise in reviewing all of the CMLS Best Practices
Checklists with your Board of Directors?
• A mentor or fellow MLS Exec makes a great sounding board.
• It’s true that we don’t know what we don’t know – let’s be
willing to be objective and see what we can do to move
towards and maintain excellence!
How do We Know?
Contact Info:
Merri Jo Cowen, RCE, ePRO, CMLX2
CEO, My Florida Regional MLS
For more information go to
Questions & Discussion
Human Resources
20+ years supervisory and managerial experience
Worked in organizations large and small
Managed multiple groups of various sizes
8+ years Association and MLS management
Wes Wiggins
CEO, Jupiter-Tequesta-Hobe Sound
Multiple Listing Service
• Keep the organization in line with its culture, vison and
• Foster the productivity and success of the organization by
creating workforce plans
• Ensure the organization is compliant with local, state and
federal regulations
Why Human Resources?
• At least one designated individual
• May be outsourced, HR professional, or even the CEO
• Access to an attorney with HR and employment law is
Who Is Human
• Work with management to create and foster the culture,
vision, and goals of the organization
• Acquire the right people at the right time
• Ensure knowledge of and adherence to legal requirements
• Maintain employee records, create job descriptions
What Do They Do?
Should be accurate
Need to be updated
Correctly identified as exempt or non-exempt
Clearly define duties and responsibilities
Based upon an formal analysis of the job
Job Descriptions
Crucial to the success of the organization
Incorporate clear and measurable selection criteria
Require employment application from every candidate
Do not ask questions that violate state or federal laws
(Birthday, marital status, number of children, etc.)
• Asses internal candidates
• Targeted marketing
• Creative recruiting
• Determine if the candidate will fit the organization’s
• Will they raise the level of knowledge and experience
within the organization?
• Do they meet the qualifications?
• Has a background check been performed?
• Check references
The Interview Process
• Provide a new employee orientation to introduce the
employee to the organization
• Review policies and procedures
• Assign a mentor if possible
• Provide job specific training, emphasizing importance of
their role
• Offer fair compensation
• Ensure all documents have been completed (W-4,
Citizenship, etc.)
New Employees
Goals need to be S.M.A.R.T.
At minimum, evaluations are performed annually
Identify training needs
Provide employee with evaluation process and criteria in
• No surprises
• Provide method for employee feedback
Goal Setting and
Performance Evaluations
Communicate and document
Consider consequences
Take action
Be fair
Effective dispute resolution policies
Whistleblower policy
Workplace safety, health and security
Handle terminations in a professional manner, comply with regulations
Conduct exit interview
Maintain Confidentiality
Excellent Employee
• Create and maintain a written handbook that describes
policies, procedures, benefits, etc.
• Ongoing anti-harassment training
• Workers compensation and statutory information clearly
• Know how ADA affects your organization
• Retain documentation of compliance with state and
federal regulations
Regulatory and
Contact Info:
Wes Wiggins, CMLX2
CEO, Jupiter-Tequesta-Hobe Sounds Assoc. of REATORS®
For more information go to
Questions & Discussion
Finance Degree – Real Estate
Banking 5+ years
Lending 10+ years
Non-profit 3+ years
Denee Evans
CEO, Council of MLS
 Purpose:
Describe and document financial management activities
In order to accomplish this, every financial policy needs to address
several areas:
• Formal budgeting process.
• Defined authority to spend funds including approval, check signing, and
• Specific assignment of authority to enter into contracts.
• Assignment of responsibility for maintaining accurate financial records.
• Defined process to negotiate and approve contracts, services, loans,
credit terms with outside financial agencies such as banks, financial or
trade institutions, insurance companies, etc.
Financial Management
Documented and implemented processes and procedures
Accurate and timely financial statements
Compliance with generally accepted accounting principles
Compliance with applicable laws
Fund operations from operating revenue, not reserves or financing
 MLS should budget to fund all operations from operational revenue
Financial Management
 A good budgeting process engages those responsible for
adhering to the budget, and implementing the objectives in
creating the budget.
• Staff prepares draft budget and submits to BOD
• Staff works with treasurer and jointly submits budget to BOD
• Staff works with treasurer and audit, or finance committee and
submits to BOD
Budget Process
Budgeting Best Practices
Realistic, timely, achievable budget
Limit fixed costs to minimum subscription levels
Use variable cost services to allow for rapid
Billing in advance for services is preferred
Excellent communication between staff and the board of
 To stakeholders, a budget provides a measure of
accountability, transparency, and good faith.
• Must meet all goals and objectives of the organization
• Budget plan should be flexible
• Two types of costs – fixed and variable
 Fixed = “Overhead” (rent, salaries and depreciation)
 Variable = labor and materials
 A cash flow statement is one of the most important financial
statements for a business.
Working capital is an important part of a cash flow analysis
Timing of cash flows
Cash flow budget
Advance billing
Cash Flow
Purpose: Tools used to educate the board of directors.
Financial Reporting Best Practices
Full and Fair Reporting of all business transactions, assets and liabilities
Balance Sheet
Cash Flow
Financial Reporting
Budget vs. Actual
• Balance Sheet = Moment in time
• Statement of financial position
• Assets vs. Liabilities
• Net assets
 Unrestricted, temporarily restricted and permanently restricted
• Income Statement = Period in time
• Statement of activities
• How net assets have changed
• General Ledger = History
• Complete record of financial transactions
• Used to prepare financial statements
 Chart of accounts
BS, IS and GL…
CEO Best Practices
Must understand how budget,
operating statement, balance sheet
and cash flow statement work
Ultimate responsibility for the
soundness of the organization
 Proper checks and balance
 Learn about finance
 Hire a CPA…?
Management Responsibility
 The Board of Directors has a fiduciary duty to oversee
the financial soundness of the organization.
• Finance committee and/or Audit Committee
• Board approves budget
• Board members must always act for the good of the
• Objective, unselfish, responsible, honest, trustworthy, and
Don’t know….Ask
• Audits
 Best
 Expensive
 Painful
• Reviews
 Better
 Less expensive
• Compilations
 Hired CPA
Audit Best
MLSs with an annual
budget of $1 million or
more should have an
independent annual audit
Less than $1 million to
promote financial
transparency, accuracy
and monitoring to plan
 Purpose: Set standards and guidelines governing the
investment and management of the MLS’s investable assets.
 Objective: preservation of principal, allow liquidity to meet
operating expense cash flow and ROI with minimal risk
Preserve Capital
Provide for liquidity
Regular reporting
Manage asset allocation
Finance committee or investment committee
Employ an external investment manager
Investment Policy
1. Operating Reserve
2. Capital Expenditure Reserves
3. Legal Reserves
 Should we borrow money?? Why?
Reserve Policy
Billing and Collection
Banking Policy
Expense Policy
Petty Cash Internal Controls Checklist
in place
Line of credit
or preapproved
Contact Info:
Denee Evans, CEO
919.459.2167 office
919.674.4185 direct
Questions & Discussion
Lunch Break
MLS Best Practices
Created by CMLS with a goal of improving professional
standards in the entire industry through the development
and establishment of MLS best practices.
& Communication
First big job out of college
REALTORS Real Estate Directory
VP Sales and Marketing
CEO (who can’t keep her nose out of the creative stuff)
Shelley Specchio
CEO, Northern NV Regional MLS
Why do we need a Marketing and
Communication Best Practice?
Items 3,352
We all prioritize based on
Unread 3,185 need and value
• Effective Marketing ensure Focus on Value to the Customer
• Does your product fulfill your Customers Needs?
• Marketing has less to do with getting customers to pay for your
product, more to do with developing DEMAND for that
Creating Value
Discover, Create, Arouse,
& Satisfy Customer Needs
Where you develop your strategy for putting
• The Right Product in the
Where you create the
• Right Place at the
• Action Programs
• Right Price at the
• Projecting Income
• Right Time
• Anticipated Expense
The Marketing plan is always be based on the Strategic Plan
The Marketing Plan
• Result of ALL that Work
• Helps You Set Objectives
• Develop plans to meet objectives
• Positions you to take advantage of opportunities
• Contains the Tools, including:
• Advertising - Public Relations - Sales
Marketing Strategy &
Action Plan
• Is the Road Map guiding the MLS toward the objectives
of the Marketing Plan
Communication Plan
What do you want them to know?
What do they already know and value about your MLS?
Why do they need to know this?
Who (precisely) is your audience?
How can you better segment your audience to target your
message to only those who need it?
• How will they likely react to the message and why?
• What are some factors influencing your audience?
• Can everyone on staff articulate this message?
It all about
Asking Questions
• Brand is how you build a Relationship with your member
• Brand is how you build Trust
• Your MLS already has a brand; it’s built on everything
the community sees and hears about the MLS
How your phone is answered
How the staff presents itself
How MLS materials look
How MLS responds to complaints
How the MLS system works
The Heart of the Marketing Plan is the Execution!
All the Planning is about
Taking the Time to Get it Right
But it requires Action, Management and Follow-up
Getting the Job Done
Don’t overwhelm
Include CAN-SPAM compliant features
Send on regular schedule so its expected
Look at analytics, open rates to see when members open and what types of
headlines get attention
Ensure mobile optimization
Be aware of latest spam themes and avoid them
Target email to the subset most interested or affected
If possible create opt-in preferences to avoid them opting-out.
Delivering your Message
Keep Asking the Questions
• What is the open rate of messaging?
• What is the adoption of products?
• How is member satisfaction?
Keep fine-tuning your message!
Measure Results
In The End, you might find
Contact Info:
Shelley Specchio, RCE, ePRO, CMLX2
CEO, Northern Nevada Regional MLS
For more information go to
Questions & Discussion
Customer Service
Is an attitude, not a department
Started as AE
(~60 Members)
Recruited into MLS world (~1000 Users)
30+ years
(now 5000 Users)
I LOVE what I do!
(most days)
Lauren Hansen
“Use your good judgment in
all situations.
There will be no additional
Nordstrom’s Rule #1
Remove barriers & restrictions
Rules, policies in the way?
Ask about bottlenecks & solutions
Ideas to improve customer experience
Empower employees
Purpose of organization
Toss out unnecessary rules
Develop a culture of service
CEO can model behavior
Treat employees like customers
Create environment of cooperation, teamwork
Fun, sense of humor can do wonders
Company Culture
Business is motivated by customer focus
Communication channels
Solicit feedback
Identify new opportunities
LISTEN !! Consider proportion of 2 ears to 1
Customer Experience
Ask the right questions
What is important to them
Survey, by any method
View policies through the eyes of customer
Customer = Best Research Dept
• Tracking
• Reporting
• Emergency messaging – Email, Broadcast,
• Waiting back stage?
CRM System
Answering calls
Abandonment Rate
Average Handle time
On hold?
First Contact Resolution Rate
KPI = Key Performance Indicators
Great Traits
1st Point of Contact, Escalation, Advanced
Technical vs. Product Support
Walk ins
Online Help, after hours
Handling the Public
Conflict (e.g. scripts)
Support Facets
Understand customer segments
Understand customer needs
Listen to internal/external customers
Anticipate, analyze impact of change
Prioritize based on customer need & impact
10 Steps to Customer Focus
6. Set expectations for timing, resolution
7. Transparent & quick response
8. Keep customer in loop
9. Measure: How did you do?
10. Recognize & celebrate putting
customers at the center of your business!
10 Steps to Customer Focus
Contact Info:
Lauren Hansen, CMLX2
For more information go to
Questions & Answers
Matt Consalvo
CEO, Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service, Inc.
There is no single standard of “Best Practices”
for technology that applies to each and every
MLS organization.
Every organization benefits from recognizing
and applying reasonable guidelines for their
technology operations.
Best Practices
An organization today
employs many systems
to support its business
Technical Management
• Develop a plan to allocate resources to
meet organizational needs
• Define clear responsibility for
maintenance of internal systems and
management of outside service partners
Technical Planning
• Outstanding relationships and clearly
defined roles of staff and outside
partners are critical to the overall
success of all technical systems
• Outside partners should be utilized
when their expertise is beneficial
• Staff works effectively with leadership
and business partners to determine and
direct the ongoing execution of the plan
Organizations have
different resources and
skills available to them.
Goals and Planning
• Data: customer and business information
• Communications: telephones and networks
• Hardware and Software: servers, accounting
and MLS
Mission Critical
• Temporary measures for backup operations
before disaster occurs
• Identify various situations or scenarios that
could occur
• An “autopsy” of the event should be conducted
following restoration
Disaster Planning
Technology is a moving target.
Budget and Expenditures
Internal vs. External Activities
• Scope
• Time
• Cost
• Consider ongoing capital investments
• Clearly identify income and expenses for
technical activities
• Evaluate financial impact and requirements
for internal staff vs. outside
Technical Budget
Options for training:
• Vendor
• Web-based
• Solid documentation
An effective organization will
create, develop and implement
a variety of training and
education programs for the
members and staff.
• Guidelines are necessary to provide a
framework for staff to manage systems.
• Email systems
• Use of software owned or licensed
• Hardware including PCs, tablets and
• Guidelines or policies should be developed
and coordinated with human resources.
• Protect the Brand
• Capture your domains
• Evaluate and update
Websites/Social Media
• Lock door
• Passwords
• Exercise great judgment
• Secondary
• Single Sign On
• Enhanced access
• Segregated systems
Systems Security
• Firewalls and Filters
• Backups
• Data Breaches
• Have a plan
• Credit Cards and Personal Information
• The Payment Card Industry (PCI)
Data Management
• PCI:
Payment Card Industry
• ISO:
International Standards Organization
• Distribution
• Publication
• Real Estate Standard Organization (RESO)
• Real Estate Transaction Standard (RETS)
• Application Programming Interface (API)
The Business of the MLSs
Data Management
Software Systems
• Association Management and Customer
Relationship Management (CRM)
• Accounting
• Contract Management
• Help Desk / Call Centers / Data Integrity
• Office Productivity Software
Infrastructure Software
• Support Software
• Patches
• Fixes
• Programming changes
• Services
• VoIP
• Webinars
• EFax
• Scanned to PDF
• email
Infrastructure Software
• In house software development
• Buy
• Modify
• Build
• Computers
• Desktops
• Printers
Rapid Change
• Note books
• Servers
• Ultra books
• Firewall
• Tablets
• Switches
• Phablets
• Routers
• Phones
• Etc.
Hardware Systems
• Identify income and expenses
• Capital investments
• Internal and External resources
Budget & Expenditures
• Goals and objectives defined and
clearly stated in a plan
• Mission critical systems identified
Technical / IT
• Staff equipped with technology
required for the job
• Staff properly trained on use of the
• Websites are maintained by the
• Use of strong passwords and staff
policies to insure compliance
• Networks are properly configured and
• Networks are segregated and secure
• Business information is properly
stored and secured
• Credit info and processing
is PCI compliant
• Policies and legal agreements
govern data use and reuse
• RETS is supported and can be
provided on request
• IDX, VOW and custom data fields
are available
Data & Information
For more information go to
Matthew Consalvo, CMLX2
Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service, Inc.
MLS Best Practices
Created by CMLS with a goal of improving professional
standards in the entire industry through the development
and establishment of MLS best practices.
Adopting Best Practices will create
an environment where the organization
can succeed at its highest level.
Elevating the Industry
The CMLS Best Practices Resources would not have been
possible without:
Ann Bailey, Pranix, Inc.
Arizona Regional MLS
Austin Board of
Broker Listing Cooperative
& Metropolitan Indianapolis
Board of REALTORS ®
California Regional MLS
Carolina MLS & Charlotte
Regional REALTORS ®
Delaware Valley Real Estate
Information Network (TREND)
Heartland MLS and Kansas City
Regional Association of
Metropolitan Regional
Information Services (MRIS)
MLSListings, Inc.
MOVE, Inc.
MLS Property Information
Network (MLSPIN-Boston)
My Florida Regional MLS
National Association of
Northern Nevada Regional MLS
Northstar MLS
Northwest MLS
Thomas N. Jacobson,
Attorney at Law
Utah Real Estate
Thank You Contributors
As a living, breathing, ever-evolving document,
MLS Best Practices cannot continue
to flourish without…
Your Contribution
• Please thank the Diamond Sponsors of CMLS whose
contribution has helped make the Best Practices possible:
The end