
Chemistry HP-Course Expectations
Instructor: Mrs. Macwan
Telephone:310 395 3204 X71204
Office hours: Lunch-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Course Description:
Welcome to Honors Chemistry course!
Honors Chemistry is a rigorous introductory-level science course. The emphasis of this course is on understanding chemistry
concepts—NOT memorizing and regurgitating material.The class will move at a faster pace and will present students with
expectations for higher quality work, not necessarily a greater quantity of work, Students will be expected to complete activities
requiring higher levels of thinking.skills.
Along these lines, our major areas of study will be as follows:
Fall Semester
Scientific Measurement
Atomic Structure
Light and Quantum Chemistry
Periodic Trends and Bonding
Chemical Compounds
The Mole
Chemical Reactions
Spring Semester
9.Nuclear Chemistry
10. Gases
11. Solutions
12. Acids and Bases
13. Thermochemistry
14. Equilibrium
15. Organic Chemistry
Required Materials:
It is suggested that students bring the following supplies with them to class EVERY DAY:
Textbook: Modern Chemistry, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1999
Pencil (w/eraser) and pen (blue or black ink)
Notebook/paper for class notes
3-ring binder with three dividers for class notes, homework, labs and tests.
Scientific Calculator
All materials must be brought to class everyday. Students should keep all assignments in their folder until the end of semester (for
review and in case of grade disputes). Notebooks will be checked periodically to verify that students are participating in all required
classroom activities.
Grading Policy
Category Weighting
Labs/Activities 25%
Grading Scale
<59 Why are you even looking here???
Homework Policy:
Homework is generally assigned each night and discussed in class the following day by the teacher, you or another student. I view
homework as a means to help you review the days lesson and to practice what has been learnt in the class. It is not given as busy
work and it plays an essential role in your understanding of chemistry.
Lab Expectations: Chemistry is a laboratory-based science, thus experiments are a very important component of this course. Your
understanding of the lab is essential to keep EVERYONE safe. All students are expected to safely participate in all parts of
laboratory activities. Students not working (or nor working safely) will be removed from the lab and will receive a zero for the lab.
In order to ensure understanding of safety rules students must read and sign safety contract before any lab work may be completed.
Absence/Make-up Policy:
If a student is absent it’s the student’s responsibility to obtain the notes and homework for the days missed. Missed work must be
made up in a timely manner. Students will be allowed one day per day missed in order to make up homework. After this grace
period, grade will become zero. Any work that is not turned in at the time of initial collection will be considered late. Any work
missed due to an unexcused absence cannot be made-up. Late work may be turned in for partial credit according to the following
 Work will lose 25% of the total points (before being graded) per day late.
(i.e. 1 day = 25% off, 2 days = 50% off, etc.)
 Students who are absent on an exam or quiz day will take the exam or the quiz the following day. If a student is absent for
an extended period of time, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the teacher on the day that they
return to make-up that exam or quiz.
Suggestions for Success
Chemistry is a cumulative subject that builds upon prior learned material. It is difficult to catch up once one has fallen behind.
Learning chemistry requires persistence, diligence and hard work. I suggest that you plan to spend at least 20 minutes everyday.
Problem solving can only be mastered through practice. Put forth the time and effort to solve chemistry problems.
Reading assignments must be done before coming to class. Read everything on the pages assigned including picture
headings, explanations, tables, and graphs.
Quizzes are given to make sure you understand the material along the way before a test is given. Suggestions for studying
could be any or several of the following: re-read the chapter, study your notes and homework assignments, highlight key
Labs are just as important as a test. Take them very seriously. Be prepared for lab. You must read the lab completely
before coming to class.
Test dates are given far in advance. Do not wait until the night before to begin studying. Make a crib sheet for each
chapter test.
All Samohi rules apply at all times in classroom
Follow directions
Use appropriate language
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
Food and beverages are not permitted in the classroom.
Consequences for rule infractions:
 Level 1: Warning
 Level 2: 3 minutes after class
 Level 3: 15 minutes at lunch
 Level 4: Parent phone call
 Level 5: Sent to the advisor with a referral.