A survey of the groceries supply chain Stephan Shakespeare Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder Survey details • The GCA commissioned YouGov to survey the groceries supply chain • It was live from 8th to 26th May 2014 • The survey received 574 responses • 46 from Trade Associations • 381 from Direct Suppliers • 147 from Indirect Suppliers 2 About those who participated Stakeholder Type Who took part? Trade association 12% 7% Supplier categories Direct supplier 24% Fruit / Vegetables 18% 9% 12% 14% Ambient Indirect supplier 62% Other 10% 10% Chilled dairy / ready meals 7% 6% Meat / fish / poultry Trade association categories 5% 4% Frozen foods Alocholic drinks 3% Household goods 2% 3% Non-alcoholic drinks 1% Pet food 5% Fruit / Vegetables 56% Meat / fish / poultry 46% Chilled dairy / ready meals 33% Frozen foods 26% Ambient 3% 23% Alocholic drinks 18% 1% 1% Non-alcoholic drinks 18% Cleaning products 1% 1% Pet food Toiletries 1% Own label Toiletries 4% 10% 8% Cleaning products 5% Household goods 5% Branded Q1. Please tell us which organisation of organisation you are responding on behalf of. Base: 617 Q2. What products do you supply across branded and own label types? Base: 381 direct suppliers and 147 indirect suppliers Q2a. What categories do you represent? Base: 40 - trade associations 4 Suppliers characteristics Head Office Personally based … 10% 16% 84% UK 90% Outside the UK In the UK Outside the UK Size 7% 0 to 9 47% 22% 21% 10 to 49 50 to 99 8% 15% Direct Indirect 16% 15% 100 to 249 250 to 1,000 Turnover More than 1,000 2% Not sure 2% 2% 15% £6m-£9m 8% 10% £10m-£19m 8% 11% £20m-£49m 23% 5% 16% Up to £5m 6% £50-£99m 3% More than £100m 3% Q18. Number of employees (308); Q19. Turnover (308); Q19a. Is the head office based … (300); Q19b. And where are you personally based? (300). Not sure 59% Direct Indirect 16% 18% 30% 5% 6% 5 Which retailers supplied? Tesco 63% Sainsbury's 59% Asda 59% Morrisons 57% Aldi 54% Waitrose 53% Co-operative 47% Marks and Spencer Lidl Iceland q3. To which of these retailers do you currently supply groceries? (multiple) Base: 357 direct suppliers only 33% 29% 26% 6 Awareness of Code and GCA Awareness of and familiarity with the Code Trade associations Direct suppliers Indirect suppliers 27% 37% 16% 9% Very familiar 20% 49% 21% 33% Quite familiar 15% 36% Only aware it exists 13% 22% Unaware Varies significantly with supplier size – 25% of Micros unaware, 10% Large. 26% of Large suppliers ‘very familiar,’ 4% of Micros Q3a and Q3b. Are you aware of the Groceries Supply Code of Practice (the Code)? How familiar or not are you with all the elements of the Code? Base: Trade Associations (41); Direct Suppliers (354); Indirect Suppliers (129). 8 Awareness of and familiarity with the GCA – role and responsibilities Trade associations Direct suppliers Indirect suppliers 29% 14% 10% 39% 38% 39% Very familiar Quite familiar 5% 17% 24% 29% 25% Only aware it exists 25% Unaware Varies significantly with supplier size – similarly to awareness of the Code. 32% of Micros unaware of the GCA, 20% of Large. 5% of Micros very familiar, 26% of Large suppliers. Q4a and Q4b. Before this survey were you aware of the Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA) and its role and responsibilities? How familiar or not are you with the GCA’s role and responsibilities? Base: Trade Associations (38); Direct Suppliers (347); Indirect Suppliers (126). 9 The GCA’s Critical Success Factors 63% 61% The culture has changed to a more collaborative approach Supplier feel able to raise issues with retailers / CCOs when they feel treated unfairly 63% 67% 66% Suppliers feel they have a greater influence over their terms of supply 48% The whole supply chain is working more efficiently 30% 19% The cost of doing business with retailers is reduced 22% 22% 17% Advice and guidance published 15% 21% 13% By the number of investigations carried out By the number of arbitrations the GCA is asked to carry out Don’t know 59% 60% 30% 35% 38% Retailers have been fined for breaking the Code Other 75% 7% 7% 19% 4% 3% 4% 3% 2% Q5a. How will you judge that the GCA has been a success? Please tick up to 4. Base: trade associations (27); Direct suppliers (230); indirect suppliers (90). 28% 28% 52% 58% Trade Associations Direct suppliers Indirect suppliers Direct suppliers especially keen on creation of collaborative culture Indirect and Trade Associations rate supply chain efficiency as more important. Trade Associations highlighted arbitrations as important. 10 Summary (1) – The Code and the GCA • Overall – 84% are aware of the Code, 72% the GCA • Awareness varies by supplier size with the smaller ones less likely to be aware and familiar with both. • Two-thirds of trade associations and direct suppliers are ‘very’ or ‘quite’ familiar with the Code, this contrasts with 42% of indirect suppliers. • 68% of trade associations are ‘very’ or ‘quite’ familiar with the GCA, the same is true for half of direct and indirect suppliers. • Critical success factors should be: • Culture change to collaborative approach; • Feeling able to raise issues with retailers; • Greater influence for suppliers; and • Supply chain efficiency. 11 Experience of issues and raising issues with the GCA Issues categorised by the Code: Which issues have they experienced? 79% Net: any issues 40% Variation of supply agreements and terms of supply Unjustified charges for consumer complaints 37% Obligation to contribute to marketing costs 36% Delay in payments 35% 33% No compensation for forecasting errors 25% Payment as a condition of being supplier Not applying due care when ordering for promotions 23% Not meeting duties to relation to de-listing 22% 19% Variation of supply chain procedures 17% Payment for wastage Payment for better positioning of goods unless in relation to… 13% Payment for shrinkage 8% Tying of third party goods and services to payment 8% Not escalating concerns over breaches of the Code to senior… No issues with the Code 8% 21% q6a. During your contract period, and since June 2013 have you experienced any issues with retailers that are covered by the Code areas below? Please don’t include any of these that you had agreed to at the start of the contract period. (multiple) Base: 303 direct suppliers only Medium / Large suppliers experience more issues of course. 28% of Micros have no issues. 48% of Large suppliers have variation of supply agreements; 44% - delay in payments. 15% had just 1 of these issues. 32% had 5 or more of these issues. 13 Aspects of retailer practice that have the most significant negative impact (1): Payments, prices, deductions, charges Q6b. What areas of retailer business practices / behaviour have the most significant negative impact on your business in the last 12 months? (open) 14 Aspects of retailer practice that have the most significant negative impact (2): Payments, prices, deductions, charges “(1) Auditing of prior years to claim payments for promotional and other activity - anything up to 6 years; (2) unilaterally imposing charges for customer complaints etc. (3) inaccuracies in forecasting” “Disputing or delaying payment of genuine invoices for >120 days and then looking to trade them away in year end negotiations has become common place. Doing deals that involve upfront cash payments for growth commitments that do not materialise.” “The worst is creating new high charges and then emailing account manager and then taking the money without prior agreement from our account. I believe this is also being used to fill gaps in their sales performance.” Q6b. What areas of retailer business practices / behaviour have the most significant negative impact on your business in the last 12 months? (open) “Late payment for specious reasons. Renegotiation of contract under threat of "consequences" post signing. Requirement for extra contribution to margin. Expectation for compensation to maintain margin as a result of retailer reducing the shelf price.” 15 Examples of issues that GCA had heard about recently: Which issues have they experienced? 80% Net: any issues 46% Incorrect deductions from invoices with or without notice Incorrect requests for payments and charges going back up to 6 years Requirement to fund retailer margin shortfall not agreed at start 45% 36% 33% De-listing without reasonable notice Requirement for lump-sum payments over and above those agreed at start Not compensating for under-orders or penalising for nondelivery of over-orders, against agreed forecasts 32% Requirement to pay listing fees 32% 33% Requirement for marketing payments over and above those agreed at start Requirement to use a third party packaging supplier more expensive than market price Overbuying at promotional price and subsequently selling at full price Other None of these 24% 24% 18% Medium / Large suppliers experience more issues of course. 24% of Micros have not experienced any, 10% of Large. 31% experienced just 1 of these. 32% experienced 5 or more of them. 6% 14% Q6c. We have heard that the following issues have affected some suppliers. Have you experienced any of these issues in the last 12 months? (multiple) Base: 278 direct suppliers only 16 Would you consider raising issues with the GCA? Trade associations 61% Direct suppliers 38% Indirect suppliers 39% 11% 18% 44% 10% Yes No 29% 51% Don't know Smaller suppliers more likely to consider raising issues with the GCA than larger ones. 41% of Micro, 35% of Small, 41% of Medium, 31% of Large suppliers. q4c. Would you consider raising any issues you have about groceries supply with the GCA? Base – only those aware of the GCA: trade associations (28); direct suppliers (242); indirect suppliers (94). 17 Why wouldn’t suppliers raise issues with the GCA? You fear retribution 58% Don't think the GCA will be able to do anything 41% You can address the concerns yourself 19% Don't think your concerns are important enough You already alerted a trade association 10% 2% Other reason 7% Don't know 8% Q5. If you have issues about grocery supply but don’t want to follow these up with the GCA is this because … (multiple). Base: (51) all aware of the GCA but wouldn’t raise issues. Smaller suppliers not sure their issues are important enough, Larger suppliers more concerned about retribution or think they can handle themselves. From another angle: 20% of all Large suppliers aware of GCA fear retribution if they raised an issue. 18 Have or know where to find the details of the Code Compliance Officer (CCO)? Marks and Spencer (n=117) 27% Tesco (n=225) 26% Sainsbury's (n=211) 23% Waitrose (n=191) 23% Aldi (n=194) 22% Asda (n=210) 20% Morrisons (n=205) 18% Iceland (n=94) 15% Co-operative (n=169) Lidl (n=105) 14% 11% q9. For which of the following retailers do you have (or know where to find) the contact details of the CCO? Base: as indicated per retailer, direct suppliers only 19 Ever raised an issue? 18% of Micro, 20% Small, 19% Medium, 28% Large. Raised an issue? Yes 23% About which retailer? (as a % of suppliers) No 77% Tesco 12% Morrisons 12% Sainsbury's 5% Marks and Spencer When raised an issue 4% Asda February 2010 to June 2013 July 2013 to now 12% 17% 3% Waitrose 2% Co-operative 2% Aldi 1% Iceland 1% Lidl 0% q10a.Have you ever raised an issue about compliance with the Code to a buyer? (base: direct suppliers 259) q10b_1 and q10b_2. Raised an issue between Feb 2010 and June 2013? Between July 2013 and Now. (base: all direct suppliers 259). Q11. For which retailers have you raised an issue with compliance with the Code? (base: direct supplier having raised an issue – 60) 20 Summary (2) – Issues experienced • Four out of five suppliers have had a Code related issue, a third have had 5 of more of the categories of issue. • Variation of supply agreements, unjustified charges for customer complaints, contributing to marketing costs, delays in payment and forecasting errors are the leading issues. • Four out of five have experienced other related issues, the leading ones being: • Incorrect deductions from invoices and incorrect requests for payments and charges. • Half of suppliers are unsure about whether they would raise an issue with the GCA – 61% of trade associations said they would. • 23% of suppliers had raised an issue in the past. 21 Supply Agreements Have a written supply agreement with these retailers? Aldi (n=194) 44% Tesco (n=225) 44% Waitrose (n=191) 33% Co-operative (n=169) 31% Sainsbury's (n=211) 31% Lidl (n=105) 30% Marks and Spencer (n=117) 30% Asda (n=210) 28% Iceland (n=94) 28% Morrisons (n=205) 21% of Large suppliers do not have a written supply agreement with any retailers. This is the case for 42% of Micros. 23% q7a. For which, if any, of these retailers do you have a written supply agreement? (multiple) Base: as indicated per retailer, direct suppliers only 23 Change in practice over time Change in retailer practice over time All Feb 2010 to June 2013 July 2013 to now 20% 17% Improved 63% 17% 69% Stayed the same 14% Worsened Trade associations Feb 2010 to June 2013 July 2013 to now 23% 26% Improved 25 61% 18% 65% Stayed the same 9% Worsened Q15a/b. How, if at all, do you feel the following retailers practice changed between Feb 2010 and June 2013 (when the Code became statutory) / July 2013 and now? Base: all, trade associations and indirect suppliers (all), direct suppliers (as indicated per retailer). Exc. Not sure. Change in retailer practice over time: Suppliers Direct suppliers Feb 2010 to June 2013 July 2013 to now 19% 15% Improved 67% 14% 74% Stayed the same 11% Worsened Indirect suppliers Feb 2010 to June 2013 18% July 2013 to now 17% Improved 26 55% 27% 60% Stayed the same 24% Worsened Q15a/b. How, if at all, do you feel the following retailers practice changed between Feb 2010 and June 2013 (when the Code became statutory) / July 2013 and now? Base: all, trade associations and indirect suppliers (all), direct suppliers (as indicated per retailer). Exc. Not sure. Overall assessment Supplier perception of compliance with the Code Trade associations 23% Direct suppliers 22% Indirect suppliers All 13% 21% Consistently well Q16. Overall, how well or not do you think retailers follow the Code? Exc. Not sure. 47% 30% 53% 21% 55% 28% 52% Mostly 4% 4% 23% Rarely 1% Never 28 4% Summary (3) – Experience of retailers • Written supply agreements are reported to be in place by less than half of those responding. • Thinking about the time since 2010 more feel that retailers practice has improved than worsened • Larger suppliers feel that retailers are more compliant with the Code than smaller • Trade associations are more positive about compliance than the direct suppliers they represent • Indirect suppliers believe that retailers are less compliant than the direct suppliers have experienced 29 Other comments • Comments made at this stage were diverse and often very specific to suppliers circumstances, but … • A couple mentioned Boots and Superdrug not being covered by the Code. • A few reported a disconnect between retailer senior management commitment and reality on the front line of buying. • Some feel that retailers are using the Code to their advantage, others felt that things were improving. • A few mentioned that indirect suppliers are not protected / not as well protected. “Independent investigations are required without causing companies to be identified. The key issues of unapproved deductions, illegitimate audit claims and drop and drive deductions could be simply outlawed and audited with significant penalties “The GCA is starting to become effective and we may see retailers start to change their behaviour. However, it will take some time to truly understand whether the retailers have/will changed their practices.” Q6b. What areas of retailer business practices / behaviour have the most significant negative impact on your business in the last 12 months? (open) “Retailers hide behind the GCA when it suits them BUT, there has definitely been an improvement versus the bad old days!” “Retailers pay it lip service at a senior level but this does not flow through to the actions taken by their buying teams on a daily basis. However, within our business it usually feels a better long term relationship solution to try & work through noncompliance issues rather than escalate.” 30