Revision of the Evaluation Plan

Evaluation Plan in Hungary
Dr. Tamás Tétényi
Head of Department for Strategy and Evaluation
National Development Agency
Outline of the presentation
• Role of the evaluation
• Financial base
• Legal base
• Role of the National Development Agency (NDA)
• Division of tasks
• Structure of the Evaluation Plan
• Drafting of the Evaluation Plan
• Revision of the Evaluation Plan
Role of the evaluation
Evaluation is a judgement on the quality,
effectiveness and consistency of the strategy and
implementation of an intervention, taking into
account of its horizontal impacts.
Evaluations are used in
– bi-annual programming and the occassional
modifications of the OPs;
– selection and change of delivery mechanisms;
– addressing horizontal issues
Evaluations support accountability and publicity.
Financial base
Evaluations are financed by Priority 2 of the Implementation OP.
9-year provision for „Priority 2 – system of tools required for the
high standard use of support” amounts to € 100 million
– of which € 37 million has been allocated for 2007-2008
• of which € 4 million has been earmarked for „scheme 2.3 evaluations and studies” in 2007-2008.
OP-specific evaluations not foreseen and thus not contained in the
Evaluation Plan can be decided upon by the MA and financed by
the TA budget of the corresponding OP.
Legal base
• Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 (11 July 2006)
• Monitoring and Evaluation provisions of the
implementation chapter of the operational programs
(7 August 2007)
• Chapter III.8 – Evaluation Activities of the Operational
Manual for the implementation of NDP II (April 2007)
• New Hungary Development Plan (NDP II.) Technical
Assistance Rules of Procedure: Chapter I.3.2.4 on Priority
2 projects, Implementation OP (May 2007)
Role of the National Development Agency (NDA)
Evaluation Market:
– Demand side: NDA + ministerial bodies
– Supply side: evaluator companies
The dominant actor on the demand side:
Department of Strategy and Evaluation, NDA
The role of the NDA evaluation plan:
– Coordinating instrument for the NDA
– Information instrument for the evaluators
Division of tasks I.
Definition of tasks (ToR)
Department for Strategy and
Evaluation (DSE) or Managing
Authority (MA) elaborates the ToR,
DSE agrees on it with all concerned
Public procurement, selection of
the evaluator
DSE, in agreement with the MA(s)
Contracting and administration
Project management, approving of
initial, interim and final reports
DSE, in collaboration with the MA(s)
concerned (forming a Steering
Division of tasks II.
Providing data
DSE and MA(s)
Professional consultations,
commenting on the preliminary
findings and recommendations
DSE and MA(s), ministries, Regional
Development Agencies and other
professional and civil bodies
Certificate of performance and
DSE, in agreement with the MA(s)
Using the findings &
During the course of action:
planning/review, legal amendments,
amendment of the standardised
operational manual etc. (DSE and
Plan on use/communication
Structure of the Evaluation Plan
General Evaluations
• horizontal impacts
• territorial impacts
• implementation
• strategic evaluation of
Individual, in-depth
individual measures and
• impact analyses
• operational evaluations of
• assessment of means of
• joint evaluation of specific
measures of different OPs
Drafting of the Evaluation Plan I.
Foreseeable necessary evaluations must be
approved in a 3-year evaluation plan (revised
List of evaluations comprise of strategic and
operational evaluations focusing on
individual OPs
several (related) OPs
horizontal issues
in-depth topics
Drafting of the Evaluation Plan II.
The list is compiled and evaluations timing is
– by the Dept. of Strategy and Evaluations
– based on the initiatives of itself and of the
MAs in consultation with the Ministries.
The draft Evaluation Plan is
– discussed with the MAs and
– approved by the President of the NDA
(10.3.2008, 6/2008 President of NDA
Revision of the Evaluation Plan
Annual revision of the Evaluation Plan:
On a one-year horizon:
– the plan is complemented with OP-specific and indepth topics for the coming year
– the focus is on the capacity available and the use of
the evaluations.
On a three-year horizon:
– new global/horizontal topics
– evaluations concerning OPs
– focus is on evaluation capacity building
Thank you for your attention!