
Skeletal System
Subdivision: Micro-anatomy & Physiology
Chapter 7: Skeletal System
Overview: This chapter deals with the skeletal system- the bones that form the framework for the
body. It explains the function and structure of bones and the development of different types of bone.
Learning Outcomes
After studying part this subdivision of the chapter, you should be able to do the following:
7.1 Introduction
1. List the active tissues in a bone. (p. 131)
7.2 Bone Structure
2. Describe the macroscopic and microscopic structure of a long bone, and list the
functions of these parts. (p. 131)
7.3 Bone Development and Growth
3. Distinguish between intramembranous and endochondral bones, and explain how such
bones develop and grow. (p. 133)
7.4 Bone Function
4. Discuss the major functions of bones. (p. 135)
CP A & P
Life Without a Skeletal System
In this exercise you will come up with a short story
about a fictional person that does not have a skeletal
system. You must explain how this person functions
every day. Include how his/her daily life is different
from ours. Your person can not die. Furthermore, this
fictional character cannot be a blob. You must be
creative. Use any examples that you can think of and
explain why they cannot perform certain functions.
Make sure you cover all the functions of the skeletal
system. Use the lines below to brainstorm ideas for
your story. This paper must include introductory,
body, and conclusion paragraphs. Refer to the rubric
on the back of the sheet for grading details.
Life Without a Skeleton
CP A & P
The final product
shows careful
The final product
shows that planning
has been attempted.
The final product
shows some planning.
The final product shows
little if any planning.
There are no errors in
punctuation and
grammar. The final
product has been
carefully proof read.
It is professionally
formatted and is
There are no more
than 5 errors in
punctuation and
grammar. The final
product has been
proof read. It is has
been formatted
resourcefully and is
There are no more
than 10 errors in
punctuation and
grammar. The final
product shows
evidence of some
proof reading. Lacks
proper format and is
There are more than 10
errors in punctuation
and grammar. The final
product shows little
effort at proof reading.
Lacks proper format or
is not typed
Demonstration of
Curricular Content
Student has used all
and more of the
curricular content
Student has used all
of the curricular
content accurately.
Student has tried to
use all of the
curricular with some
accuracy. However, it
is not fully precise.
Student showed little
use of the curricular
content and has used
Story is fully and
Paragraphs are used
There is some
frequently and
attempt at
reasonably accurately. paragraphing.
Main Character
The main character is The main character is The main character is There is no effort to
colorfully and
effectively created
more than just a
create an interesting
effectively created.
main character.
The plot is very logical The plot is reasonably The plot has some
and completely
logical and satisfying. logic.
Audience and Purpose The story fully meets The story meets most The story attempts to
audience expectation audience expectations meet audience and
exactly and is to its
and does entertain.
purpose, to entertain.
CP A & P
Little or no evidence of
The plot is confusing
and unsatisfying.
The story does not
meet audience
expectation or sticks to
its stated purpose.
Bone Structure
Introduction: A bone represents an organ of the skeletal system. As such, it is composed of a
variety of tissues including bone tissue, cartilage, dense connective tissue, blood, and nervous
tissue. Bones are not only alive, but also multifunctional. They support and protect softer tissues,
provide points of attachment for muscles, house blood-producing cells, and store inorganic salts.
Although bones of the skeleton vary greatly in size and shape, they have much in common
structurally and functionally.
Part 1
(20 points)
Directions: Match each of the terms with the correct definition or statement. Write the
word in the blank. A term may be used more than once, or not at all. All words must be
spelled correctly or the answer is wrong.
Word Bank
Articular cartilage Compact bone Diaphysis Endosteum
Flat bone
Irregular bone
Medullary Cavity Osteoblast Osteoclasts Osteocystes
Osteonic canals Periosteum Red marrow Short bone
Spongy bone
Volkmann’s canal
Yellow marrow Epiphysis
Long bone
the thigh bone, for example _______________________________
the sternum, for example _______________________________
the vertebrae, for example ______________________________
the bones of the wrist, for example ________________________
the long central shaft of a bone ___________________________
thin layer of cartilage on the articulating surfaces of bone
another word for articulation ___________________________
extreme ends of bone ___________________________________
connective tissue on the diaphysis _______________________
type of densely packed bone tissue ______________________
type of loosely packed bone tissue found in the epiphyses
location of yellow marrow in a long bone _____________________
the youthful stage in the life of a bone cell ____________________
mature bone cells ________________________________
wandering bone cells which dissolve minerals ____________________
bone cell which produces matrix by is not trapped ______________________________
CP A & P
17. bone cell trapped in a lacuna surrounded by matrix
18. structure composed of osteonic canal, lamellae,
osteocytes, and canaliculi ____________________________
19. canals in the bone matrix through which blood vessels of
the osteons interconnect ______________________________
20. site of hematopoiesis _________________________________
Part 2
(15 points)
Directions: Five descriptions of bone structure are provided in Column A. First identify the
structure by choosing the appropriate term from Column B and placing the corresponding
answer in the answer blank. Then consider Figures A & B which are a view of a cross section
of bone. Select different colors for the structures and bone areas in Column B, and use them
to color the coding circles and corresponding structures on the figure diagrams. Because the
concentric lamellae would be difficult to color without confusing other elements, identify 1
lamella by using a bracket and label it
Column A
_______________________ 1. Layers of calcified matrix
_______________________ 2. “Residences” of osteocytes
_______________________ 3. Vertical canal, carrying blood
vessels and nerves
_______________________ 4. Nonliving, structural part of bone
_______________________ 5. Tiny canals, connecting lacunae
CP A & P
Column B
A. Central (Haversian) Canal
B. Concentric lamellae
C. Lacunae
D. Canaliculi
E. Bone matrix
F. Osteocyte
Part 3
(6 points)
Directions: Match the following types and parts of bone tissue. Answers may be used more
than once.
1. Compact bone ____________________________
2. Spongy bone ____________________________
3. Osteocytes _____________________________
4. Bone Matrix
CP A & P
A. Regulate the amount
of calcium in the bone
B. Made of calcium
carbonate and calcium
C. Made of haversian
systems, which are
arrangements of
osteocytes within
D. Contains osteocytes
and bone matrix, but
these are not arranged
in Haversian systems
E. Bone cells
F. Often contains red
bone marrow
Part 4
(4 points)
Directions: Circle the term that does not belong in each of the following groupings.
Red marrow
Yellow marrow Spongy bone
Marrow Cavity
Central canal
Articular cartilage Periosteum
Hyaline cartilage
Part 5
( 13.5 points)
Directions: A long bone diagram is presented below. Also, five descriptions of the parts of a
long bone are provided in Column A. First identify the structure by choosing the appropriate
term from Column B and placing the corresponding answer in the answer blank. Select
different colors for the structures in Column B, and use them to color the coding circles, then
label corresponding structures on the diagram in that color.
_________________ 1.
_________________ 2.
_________________ 3.
_________________ 4.
_________________ 5.
_________________ 6.
_________________ 7.
_________________ 8.
_________________ 9.
Column A
Site of spongy bone
Site of compact bone
Site of heatopoiesis
Bone shaft
Site of fat storage
Site of longitudinal growth
Lining of medullary cavity
Protective coating on outside of bone
Cushion on ends of long bones
CP A & P
Column B
A. Diaphysis
B. Epiphyseal plate
C. Epiphysis
D. Red marrow
E. Yellow marrow
F. Endosteum
G. Periosteum
H. Medullary cavity
I. Articular Cartilage
Part 6
Directions: Label the diagrams of an osteon (the functional unit of compact bone) below. Use your
notes or book to find the terms associated with diagram. Each arrow must have a structure named next
to it Then, write the function of each part next to the term.
CP A & P
Bone Development, Growth, and Remodeling
Directions: Complete the following statements
Bones develop from two layers of embryonic tissue: from
______________________________ and from ____________________________.
After birth, bones grow in two directions, __________________________________ and
_______________________________________. Through out adulthood, bone
remodeling continues in order to _______________________________________.
2. When does bone development begin? ______________________________
3. The word “intramembranous” literally means ___________________________
4. The word “endochondral” literally means _______________________________
5. In what way are these two types of bone alike
6. Define ossification in your own words:
7. The function of osteoblasts is
Directions: Compare & Contrast intramembranous and endochondral bones in the chart below.
What secretes bone matrix?
When does development
Describe development
Examples of bones formed
( give 1 for each type)
CP A & P
Bone Composition
12 pts
Bones are composed of tissue that may take one of two forms. Compact (dense)
bone or Spongy (cancellous) bone. Most bones contain both types. Furthermore,
bone tissue is composed of several types of bone cells embedded in a web of
inorganic salts to give bone strength, collagenous fibers to give flexibility, and
ground substance to give a foundation to bone.
1. What are the four types of bone cells?
2. What are the roles of each type of bone cell in growth? Note: some cells may not
play a role in this process.
3. What are the roles of each types of bone cell in repair? Note: some cells may not
play a role in this process.
4. On a separate sheet of paper, create a timeline for bone repair. Use different
colors to indicate important “dates”.
CP A & P