Young People Helping in Hospitals Programme Expression

Young People Helping in Hospitals Programme
Expression of Interest Application Form
Once completed, please email this form to
Personal details
First name:
Last name:
Email address:
Organisation details
Name of hospital:
Name of Voluntary Services Manager (if this is not the person submitting the application):
Hospital address:
Are you a:
Acute Trust ☐, Mental Health Trust ☐, Foundation Trust ☐, Community Trust ☐
Number of paid staff in your volunteering team:
Number of volunteers of all ages and roles as at 1 February 2015:
Roughly what percentage would you say are 16-24 years old?
How are most of your volunteers currently deployed in the hospital (e.g. on wards, behind
the scenes in administration etc)?
About the Programme
The Young People Helping in Hospitals programme will be a partnership between Nesta and
the Department of Health to mobilise more young people to help improve patient
experience, satisfaction and outcomes in hospitals.
The programme will support a small number of hospitals to significantly increase the
number of young volunteers (16 – 24 year olds) volunteering in the hospital in frontline,
impactful roles where their volunteering efforts make a direct difference to patients. We
expect most hospitals will either be expanding an existing role for younger volunteers (and/
or recruitment method) or replicating an effective impact volunteer role for younger
volunteers from another hospital. For example, you might:
 expand your own mealtime volunteers, recruiting young people to specific wards to
sit with patients whilst they eat and help with feeding (which we know has a big
impact on nutrition);
 expand your own dementia befrienders, recruiting and training young people to help
on specific wards with reminiscence and therapeutic techniques that help patients
feel more relaxed and at ease in their surroundings and help reduce loneliness on
the ward.
 copy the Norwich and Norfolk Trust’s bleeper buddies, where volunteers are on call
to help with small tasks to get patients discharged eg keeping them company whilst
they wait for a consultant or fetching prescriptions from the pharmacy; or
 copy Kings College Hospital’s group recruitment and assessment of volunteers
through colleges.
Grants of £35 – 50,000 will be available to hospitals to expand their younger volunteer
workforce between April 2015 and March 2016. We expect to make four to five grants.
In addition successful hospitals will also receive non-financial support from Nesta to connect
with and learn from other hospitals on the programme, establish rigorous impact measures
(gathering impact data quarterly) and publish evaluations of the work.
Programme Conditions
If you would like to apply for support and your hospital meets our criteria we would be
delighted to hear from you. Please fill in this application form and email it with your
attachments to
The deadline for completing this expression of interest form (EOI) is 12 noon on Wednesday
25th March 2015. A small number of applicants will be invited to refine and develop their
application (with support from Nesta) on Tuesday 14th April 2015, after which the winning
grants hospitals will be announced.
Support will be available from April 2015, subject to agreement of contract.
I confirm that I have read the programme details and Terms and Conditions on the Nesta
Website and agree with the required conditions for applicants
I confirm that I have got the required permissions internally to apply for and receive a
grant (if successful) from this programme ☐
I confirm that I am free to meet with Nesta to further refine and develop my proposal on
Tuesday 14th April (note Nesta will pay all of your expenses)
1. Impact Volunteer role
Please specify the impact volunteering roles that you intend to pilot in the table below.
role title
Description of role
Impact on
Possible measures
of impact on
patient outcomes
Current #
vols doing
this exact
Target # vols doing this
exact role in 2015/6
-Spending time on dementia wards using
reminiscence techniques to engage
patients in conversation.
-Training and delivering therapeutic
activities in wards
-The role will need specific training for 8
-The volunteer will be required to assist the
wards for 4 hours per week for a minimum
of 12 weeks.
satisfaction with
their experience
in hospital
-Friends and Family
Tests (FFT) scores
by ward
-Mood and
Wellbeing forms
A few notes that may help when completing the table:
By impact volunteering we mean frontline roles working directly with patients on wards in specifically defined roles which you know will
have an impact on patient outcomes and/or satisfaction. You might know this because you already have volunteers undertaking this
role and you have good data or because you are copying the role from another hospital which equally has good impact data.
You might offer one or two roles, but given the limit of the funding (max £50k) we wouldn’t expect any hospital to be recruiting impact
volunteers for more than 2 roles.
Under ‘description of the role’ please give a bit more detail about the role. What will the main functions of the role be? What tasks will
the volunteer undertake? How many hours a week or month would they be expected of the volunteer?
Under ‘impact on patients’, please list the impact you expect the volunteering will have on patients. Note, you might here list both
impacts you expect to be able to measure and those you know will be difficult to measure quantitatively. In the next column you can
give a clear indication of how you’ll measure some of the impacts.
Under ‘current numbers’ please indicate how many people are currently undertaking this exact role. Note, if you are copying a role from
another hospital or adapting an existing role (both of which would certainly not score you down) then specify 0, as we want to track
people just undertaking the impact volunteering role.
‘Target numbers’ of volunteers should be cumulative and broken down into quarters, Q1 (April –June) Q2 (Jul – Sept) Q3 (Oct- Dec) Q4
(Jan-Mar). Again, we are just interested in volunteers undertaking the impact volunteering role you have described
Why have you chosen this/these Impact Volunteer role(s) for your hospital?
(max 200 words)
If this is an existing volunteer role please explain why you have chosen to expand this role. If
this is a new impact volunteer role please explain why you have chosen this and where have
you seen this being used in a successful way.
Phases of work
Please insert or attach with your application a simple and relatively brief Gantt chart
overview of the main activities you’d put in place to give us a sense of when you’ll recruit,
train, place and measure the success of your new young volunteers.
Please include the following (note we’ll expand this further with you if you are invited to
make a full proposal):
When will the new impact volunteer roles be advertised?
When do you expect to select and train the first wave of new volunteers?
When will you gather baseline data (one month’s data on the wards you’ll be rolling
the impact volunteering roles out on)? NB we’d expect this to be no later than May
When will the first impact volunteers start on the ward(s)? NB we’d expect this to be
no later than June.
If you plan to pilot the roles first, when will you expand the scheme from one ward to
3. Recruitment and retention
How will you recruit and train the impact volunteers? (max 200 words)
4. Staffing
Who in your team will lead the project and how much time will they give?
Please give us a sense of the staffing below – again you are not committing yourself to
anything here and we’ll iterate with you at the next stage if needed.
It’s worth noting that you can spend a good proportion of the grant on staffing. Given the
short programme length we wouldn’t expect you to appoint any new hires (as it usually
takes 4 months on average to get someone in post), so think about how you could deploy
existing capacity differently.
Name and job title
Role on the
Main tasks
e.g. Grace, Deputy
Chief Nurse
e.g. Nancy, Volunteer
e.g. Jason, Volunteer
e.g. Project
e.g. Project
e.g. Project
e.g. Oversight
Link to the board
e.g. Day to day contact for Nesta
Project manager
e.g. Completing DBS checks
Gathering and analysing survey data
% of time
on the
5. Budget
Please insert or attach an indicative budget for how you would spend the grant.
We have set out an example table below but feel free to amend the titles or attach in
your own format. A few parameters it might be helpful to note:
Grants are available of £35,000 - £50,000.
Capital costs including equipment, uniforms, lanyards etc. should not exceed
Staffing role 1 (inc on-costs)
Staffing role 2 (inc on-costs)
Management oversight (inc on-costs)
Volunteer recruitment
Volunteer training
Volunteer materials and equipment (e.g. lanyards / uniforms
Volunteer expenses (e.g. travel etc.)
Surveys or new data collection
DBS checks
Please email this application form along with any supporting documentation
to by 12 noon on Wednesday 25th March 2015.