
By Kyle Jones
Delcourt Zero hour
What is it?
1. The favorable or prosperous termination of
attempts or endeavors.
2. The attainment of wealth, position, honors, or
the like.
3. A successful performance or achievement.
4. A person or thing that is successful.
Definition from
“Most successful men have not
achieved their distinction by having
some new talent or opportunity
presented to them. They have
developed the opportunity that was
at hand.”
-Bruce Barton
I did this project on
success because I believe
there are many
interpretations of success
and no one interpretation is
right for everyone
And it is these many
interpretations that make
this word so unique and
wonderful. These next slides
show how other people define
“Victory; achieving goals
one has set for themselves.”
-William Schrader
“Doing what you want to do
and not letting anyone get
in your way.”
-Merissa Wenzara
“The point where you feel
where you have accomplished
what you were going for.”
-Lisa Schmidt
“I don’t think it’s
monetary, it’s that you have
left the situation better
than what it was when you
first encountered it.”
-Ms. Delcourt
“Success in something set by
yourself and no one else.”
-Steven Turnbaugn
“I’m going to copy Steve’s
-Nick Hanson
“Being happy with the things
one has done.”
-Jeremy Flett
“Living up to your dream.
Becoming what you want to
become. Making good grades
in school so I can get into
a good college.”
-Charlotte Misuraco
“Achieving your goals,
aspirations, all with a
feeling of fulfillment.”
-Dr. St. Pierre
“Being on Jackass.”
-Mitch Iken
“Success comes in hopes,
dreams, cans and success
does not come in failure.”
-Nathan Hoernschemeyer
“Something that your
passionate about and that
you strive toward your goal
until you succeed.”
-Jessica DiMariano
“If your happy with what you
have and your relationships
are good.”
-Sammi O’ Tolle
“Being content with what you
have achieved and just being
happy with yourself.”
-Sandra Schmidt
“Working to achieve
-Mr. Bishop
“Not Failing.”
-Brian Carpenter
“The achievement of a large
majority of your goals while
gaining a sense of
-Troy Porter
“Eighty percent of success
is showing up.”
-Woody Allen
“When you achieve your goals
and feel proud of yourself.”
-Joanna Crotty
“Following your passion with
100 % of all your talents.”
-Mrs. Holloway
“Accomplishing your goals.
It also means having your
aspirations come true.”
-Courtney Roam
“Being completely happy and
satisfied with the life you
have. You don’t have to make
the biggest salary to be
successful. As long as you
can go through each day
smiling and living the way
you’d like. It’s your only
life; enjoy each and every
-Teighlor Molacek
“Being happy and content
with your chosen path.”
-Mrs. Vondera
“When you are completely
happy and don’t have to work
for 30 years.”
-Joey Demma
“Try not to be a man of
success, but rather to be a
man of value”
-Albert Einstein
“Self achievement.”
-Chelsea Little
“Doing your best and not
being able to do more. If
you can say this then you
are successful.”
-Kyle Jones
“You’ve accomplished what is
important to you.”
-Mr. Pulido
“A result that you
“Being happy with where you
are in life with no
-Ryan Harling
“Not having to look at a
price tag.”
-Ms Delcourt(2ed answer)
“Success is my name.”
-Andrew Jones
So what does
success mean?
It means what ever
you want it to be