Aujourd’hui c’est le vingt-neuf septembre. Kick Off Question (kes-tyohn): 1. Where (où) do you think French is spoken? 2. What is a cognate? 3. What do you think the following words mean in English? • la lampe Goal of the Day: SWBAT identify French • la musique cognates and where French is spoken. • la bicyclette • populaire -Kick Off/Discuss (7 -Dictation of min) Greetings/What Agenda: -Before/After Fold • le ballon do you hear? -Video/Powerpoint • l’ennemi -Map it! • français • le théâtre Aujourd’hui c’est le trente septembre. Kick Off Question (kes-tyohn): 1. List as many French Speaking countries as you can. 2. What do you think of when you think of France? Quebec? Goal of the Day: SWBAT identify where French is spoken and learn the alphabet as well as choose and spell common French names Agenda: -Kick Off/Discuss (5 min) -Videos/Discuss and Quickwrite (20min) --Alphabet Song -Choose names and Spell Aujourd’hui c’est le quatre octobre. (mardi) Kick Off Question (kes-tyohn): 1.Select a nom from either garcon or fille. 2.Write your nom in the complete sentence below. 3. Listen to the video. Write what you think the question being asked is in English. Je m’appelle ________________. AGENDA 1.Kick Off: 3 Youtube Video Clips & Question/Discuss (5 min) *Share names/teacher writes* 2.T Overview 1st page packet and pronounce with clothing articles and French Name Bingo Sheet & Intro– Learn how to ask, “Comment tu t’appelles?” Or “Comment vous appelez vous?” (5min) 3.Youtube Greeting Video/Pronunciation (5 min) 4.Practice speaking (volunteers with clothing) TPS/ then whole class (5 min) 5.L’Alphabet PPT Slide & Youtube Alphabet Songs/Sing with Purpose of Knowing how to spell your name-volunteers? (10 min) 6.T model French name Bingo using 2 volunteers & “Ca s’ecrit comment?” (5min) 7.French Name Bingo! (10min) Goals de mardi: •Speak/answer to greetings. •Distinguish tu from vous. (World Languages 8.1.1) L’Alphabet A B C D E F G H I J K L M N ah bay say day uuh ef jhay ash ee jhee ka el em en O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z oh pay koo ehr es tay oo vay DO-bleh-vay eeks ee-greg zedt Aujourd’hui c’est le cinq octobre. (mercredi) Kick Off Question (kes-tyohn): Look at the first 4 key words that we are using today below. Write out what they mean. THEN, Study your alphabet sheet and practice spelling your nom with the person next to you. 1. Bonjour! 2. Como tu t’appelles? 3. Como vous appelez vous? 4. Je m’appelle… 5. Epelez, s’il vous plait. Agenda 1) 2) 3) 4) Kick Off/Discuss (6 min) Pronunciation Practice & When to use Tu versus Vous with Youtube (10 min) T Model (French Names Bingo Game with Key Questions/volunteers & Teach #5; Alphabet) (8 min) French Names Bingo! (20) -----TPR? Goals de mercredi: •Speak/answer to greetings. •Distinguish tu from vous. (World Languages 8.1.1) Aujourd’hui c’est le six octobre. (jeudi) Kick Off Question (kes-tyohn): Agenda Grab the packet at the door (French Greetings) and complete each page. For some pages, you are simply re-writing the words. 1. Bonjour! 2. Comment tu t’appelles? 3. Comment vous appelez vous? 4. Je m’appelle… 5. Epelez, s’il vous plait. 1)Kick Off Together & Pronunciation (10 min) 2)French Names Bingo (use the key words) 3)Youtube Videos/Prounciation and Fill in the Blank for Words in Video…Put together poster? DEVOIR: 1)Comment ca va? 2)Greetings Crossword Puzzle -----TPR Classroom Commands Goals de jeudi: •Speak/answer to greetings. •Distinguish tu from vous. (World Languages 8.1.1) Joyeux Anniversaire! Kendall, Raven, Valerie, Alyssa, and Mikey! Aujourd’hui c’est le sept octobre. (vendredi) Kick Off Question (kes-tyohn): Agenda Fill in the blanks for the missing letters. Then… Escrivez what #s1-8 mean in anglais. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Salu__! Commen__ ça v_? Tres bie_. C__mme ç_ comme ç_. M__l. M__rc__. C__mmen__ tu __’appelle? A__ rev_ir! 1)Kick Off /Discuss (4 min) 2)Collect Devoir & Kick Offs—Pass out Missing Assignments Notices (2 min) 3) Comment Ca Va? Verbal practice—explain HW-due lundi (4 min) 4)Review Games outside! (28 minutes) *Find your match! (5min) Garcon vs Fille OR Bleu vs Rouge **Les Salutations Duck, Duck Goose/Chapeau Toss* (15 min) *Telephone OR Hangman using chalk with partner* (8 min) *7 min moving inside-outside (round trip) DEVOIR: 1)Comment Ca Va? for 5 new people-due lundi Goals de vendredi: •Speak/answer to greetings. •Use tu/ vous correctly/speak in complete sentences. (World Languages 8.1.1) Greetings Duck, Duck, Goose (10 min) 1. Sit the students in a circle. 2. One player walks around the outside of the circle and taps one other player on the shoulder stating “Bonjour, Bonjour, Bonjour, TU!” 3. These two players stand, shake hands, and exchange greetings in the target language. (“Hello! How are you? OR What’s your name?”...and an answer) 4. After the greetings and introductions, they say “Goodbye” and run in opposite directions. The first to return to the empty space wins. 5. The player left standing walks around the circle to choose the next player. Games Materials : • • • • Chalk Basket of Sentences Cards w/phrases and pictures Hat “Chapeau” Toss: Pass around the chapeau spelling the word, the person who misspells the vocab word has to “Epelez” his or her nom for the class. (5 min) Telephone Circle OR Hangman with a Partner/Chalk (8 min) Aujourd’hui c’est le dix octobre. (lundi) Kick Off Question (kes-tyohn): Agenda: •Kick Off Prompt / “MUTT” the songs as listen (8 min) •Discuss Comment ca va? HW/collect (3 min) •You tube Videos for Pronunciation/social explanation with Fill in the Blank (15 min) •Categorize 14 Greetings and different greetings from packet/share (8 min) •Salut/Comment ca va song with Pictures and Inferences Share (11 min) •If time….quick Wheel of Fortune preview DEVOIR= STUDY greetings & alphabet (QUIZ demain) Demain (mardi)!— • *missing assignments talk * •Review game “Wheel of Fortune” •QUIZ •College Survey Write “MUTT” with chanson for lundi Kick Off. Turn the paper over and use “MUTT” with the song lyrics and list the words you already know at the bottom. Goals de lundi: •Speak/answer to greetings. (WL 8.1.1) •Sing to practice intonation/pronunciation with increasing accuracy (WL 8.3.3) •Use cognates and word families to guess meaning (WL 8.7.1) Aujourd’hui c’est le onze octobre. (mardi) Kick Off Question (kes-tyohn): Agenda: 1. Kick Off Worksheet Questions/Discuss (4/4=8 min) 2. *Pass out papers* 3. You tube Videos for Pronunciation/social explanation with Fill in the Blank (8 min) 4. Categorize 21 Greetings and different greetings from packet/share (5 min) 5. Sing Songs and Alphabet with Lyrics (10min) Whiteboards? 6. WHEEL OF FORTUNE (12min) 7. Discuss HW and Quiz options demain (2 min) DEVOIR= STUDY greetings & alphabet (QUIZ demain) Grab the worksheet at the door. Begin working quickly and quietly if you would like to be able to sing our songs and play WHEEL OF FORTUNE for review of tomorrow’s QUIZ. Goals de mardi: •Speak/answer to greetings. (WL 8.1.1) •Sing to practice intonation/pronunciation with increasing accuracy (WL 8.3.3) •Use cognates and word families to guess meaning (WL 8.7.1) Aujourd’hui c’est le onze octobre. (mercredi) Kick Off Question (kes-tyohn): Imagine you just received a penpal from Paris. What are 2 questions that you know how to ask now in Francais that you would ask him/her? Agenda: 1.Kick Off Video Clip/Questions (8 min) 2.*Pass out papers (Pd.6/7).Collect more missing assignments—assign closed lunches for Thursday/Friday. 3.WHEEL OF FORTUNE?/Quiet Study Time (3 min) 4.QUIZ (15 min) 5.College Surveys (18 min) DEVOIR= NONE Write these in your mercredi KO box. Goals de mardi: •Speak/answer to greetings. (WL 8.1.1) •Practice intonation/pronunciation with increasing accuracy (WL 8.3.3) •Use cognates and word families to guess meaning (WL 8.7.1) Greetings and Alphabet Quiz CHOICE A: (15 pts total)Write a skit! 1.Use 3 different characters and label them appropriately as Mrs./Miss/Mr. (3pts) 2.Use 2 different “hello” greetings for the morning/afternoon (2pts) 3. Ask “How are you?” once and have every one of the 3 characters respond with a different emotion (4 pts) 4. Use 2 different ways to say goodbye (2 pts) 5.Ask “What is your name?” using a formal or informal you & have the other character respond with “My name is”. (2 pts) 6.Say 2 “manners” words (2 pts) CHOICE B (15 pts total): Written Quiz of Greetings with Pictures L’Alphabet Quiz= Separate teacher will say letter and choose letter choice on screen (10 pts) Aujourd’hui c’est le 13 octobre. Kick Off Question (kes-tyohn) for jeudi: Listen to the song from 1-10 and write what you think the numbers sound like. Rush Hour French CD practice (5:18 min begin—8:40min )/You tube Clips 0-10; 10-20; 20-30; 10s to 100; Video Explanation Goal(s) of the Day: *SWBAT recognize how to ask/answer what time it is using numbers. (8.1.6) *SWBAT compose written information with teacher guidance. (8.3.4) *SWBAT sing songs in French to improve intonation/pronunciation. (8.3.5) 1) Kick Off Listen/Discuss (5 min) 2) French CD listen/discuss and speak (10 min) Replay Songs/Sing and practice on clocks? (9min) Aujourd’hui c’est le 14 octobre. Kick Off Question (kes-tyohn) for vendredi: Listen to the song. Write what you think is being said. If you get done early, shade in your Sudoku Cards as shown on the board. Today: Rush Hour French CD practice (5:18 min begin—8:40min ); You tube Clips 0-10; Electronic Song Quelle heure est il? Monday: 10-20; 20-30; 10s to 100; Video Explanation Goal(s) of the Day: *SWBAT recognize how to ask/answer what time it is using numbers. (8.1.6) *SWBAT compose written information with teacher guidance. (8.3.4) *SWBAT sing songs in French to improve intonation/pronunciation. (8.3.5) 1) Kick Off (5 min) 2) 1-10 Song with TPR (3 min) 3) French CD listen/discuss and speak (10 min) 4) Repeat French CD-record chimes and listen (8 min) 5)T give instructions for artwork. 6)Independent Work Time and/or missing work (15 min) Aujourd’hui c’est le 17 octobre. Kick Off Question (kes-tyohn) for lundi: Begin filling in your Bingo “Salut”cards with numbers using your number sheet. The first card will have any numbers of your choice from 0-60. The next card will have just numbers 125. You have less than 5 minutes to do this…we will play today!!! Rush Hour French CD practice (5:18 min begin—8:40min )/You tube Clips 0-10; 10-20; 20-30; 10s to 100; Video Explanation Goal(s) of the Day: *SWBAT compose written information with teacher guidance. (8.3.4) *SWBAT sing songs in French to improve intonation/pronunciation. (8.3.5) 1) Kick Off (5 min) 2) 1-10 Song/TPR (3 min) T explain objective: patterns? Activate schema 3) Video Explanation for 120, 10s (12 min) 4) Whole Class T-Chart for 10-60/Discuss (5 min) 5) Math Problem Examples and SudokuT model Sudoku on screen (5 min) 6) Whiteboards Independent Work (6 min) 7) BINGO (8 min) DEVOIR: Matching worksheet + math problems (Extra Credit=sudoku) 1 un………….uno 2 deux……….dos 3 trois……….tres 4 quatre…….cuatro 5 cinq……….cinco 6 six………….seis 7 sept………..siete 8 huit………..ocho 9 neuf………..nueve 10 dix………..diez 11 Onze……….once 12 Douze………doce 13 Treize………trece 14 Quatorze……catorce 15 Quinze………quince 16 Seize…………diez y seis 17 dix-sept………diez y siete 18 dix-huit………diez y ocho 19 dix-neuf………diez y nueve 20 vingt…………viente • 30 trente…..trienta (trahnt) • 40 quarante….cuarenta (Carahnt) • 50 cinquante….cincuenta (sankahnt) • 60 soixante…….sesenta (swazahnt) • Et= and • Et quart= and 15 • Moins= minus • Moins le quart= minus 15 1. Soixante – vingt = quarante (40) 2. Vingt + vingt= _______________________ 3. Trente – dix= _______________________ 4. Quinze – onze = _____________________ 5. Quatorze + treize = __________________ 6. dix-neuf + dix-huit = __________________ 7. Seize – six = _______________________ 8. Cinq + sept = _______________________ 9. Douze – deux = ______________________ 10. Deux + trois = ______________________ 1. Soixante – vingt = quarante (40) 2. Vingt + vingt= quarante (40) 3. Trente – dix= vingt (20) 4. Quinze – onze = quatre (4) 5. Quatorze + treize = vingt sept (27) 6. dix-neuf + dix-huit = trente sept (37) 7. Seize – six = dix (10) 8. Cinq + sept = douze (12) 9. Douze – deux = dix (10) 10. Deux + trois = cinq (5) Aujourd’hui c’est le 18 octobre. Kick Off Question (kes-tyohn) for mardi: A. 4 Match the B. 50 numbers appropriately: C. 60 1. dix 2. quarante 3. soixante 4. vingt 5. trente 6. cinquante 7. huit 8. Quatre D. 30 E. 10 F. 20 G. 40 H. 8 BONUS: When and only when is “et” used with numbers? Goal(s) of the Day: *SWBAT recognize how to ask/answer what time it is using numbers. (8.1.6) *SWBAT compose written information with teacher guidance. (8.3.4) *SWBAT sing songs in French to improve intonation/pronunciation. (8.3.5) Rush Hour French CD practice (5:18 min begin—8:40min )/You tube Clips 0-10; 10-20; 20-30; 10s to 100; Video Explanation 1) Kick Off (4 min) QUIZ JEUDI 2) Trade and Grade-Review HW Math Problems (10 min) Sudoku Extra Credit 1pt 3) Listen to French CD-Script of Quelle heure est il? Practice Pronunciation/Listen to chimes (10 min) 4) Quelle heure est il worksheet together (10 min) 5) Listen/Write time on clocks with whiteboards (10 min) Practice with your Whiteboards!!! Quelle heure est il? Practice with your Whiteboards!!! Quelle heure est il? Il est dix heures dix. Il est deux heures cinquante. Il est huit heures vingt huit. Il est douze heures trente. Il est douze heures cinquante cinq. Il est cinq heures. Aujourd’hui c’est le 19 octobre. Kick Off Question (kes-tyohn) for mercredi: Match the words to the correct meaning: 1. Quelle heure est il? 2. Il es six heures. 3. Il est une heure. 4. Il est quatre heures. 5. Il est trois heures. A. It is six o’clock. B. It is one o’clock. C. What time is it? D. It is three o’clock. E. It is four o’clock. I’m collecting these things tomorrow: • Goal(s) of the Day: *SWBAT recognize how to ask/answer what time it is using numbers. (8.1.6) *SWBAT compose written information with teacher guidance. (8.3.4) *SWBAT sing songs in French to improve intonation/pronunciation. (8.3.5) 1) Kick Off (4 min) QUIZ TOMORROW • 2 HW worksheets • Art project paper Kick Off sheet from last week • Permission Slip 3) T Model how fold paper for daily routine. Students create squares with blank, white piece of paper. (4 min) 4) T dictates/shows times and students write in complete sentences. (6 min) 5) Design pictures using some daily verb words (15 min) 6) T question– students post on walls (5min) and Review HW A Day in Ma Vie Directions: Finish writing in each box what time it is. Then, you will draw a picture of what you do at that hour of the day. You will look at the 8 things below that you could possibly do and select only 3 of them. For example, JE MANGE (I EAT)…I would put that in my “It is six.” box because that is roughly when I eat dinner. (23 pts). “Quelle heure est il?” Il est six heures. Il est huit heures. Nom____ It is three. Je mange Je etudie It is 9:00. It is noon. It is eight twenty. It is midnight. Je bois. It is four thirty. Je joue It is six. Je chante Je cuisine. Je marche. Je regarde la television Je danse Aujourd’hui c’est le 20 octobre. Kick Off Question (kes-tyohn) for jeudi: Write what the following words mean in English: 1.Trente 2. trente cinq 3.vingt 4.Il est midi. 5.Il est minuit. 6. quarante 7.Soixante 8.Cinquante quatre #s to know for the QUIZ… • 10 DIX • 20 VINGT • 30 TRENTE • 40 QUARANTE • 50 CINQUANTE …and the #s in between!!! QUIZ! Goal(s) of the Day: *SWBAT recognize how to ask/answer what time it is using numbers. (8.1.6) *SWBAT compose written information with teacher guidance. (8.3.4) *SWBAT sing songs in French to improve intonation/pronunciation. (8.3.5) 1) Kick Off/Discuss (5 min) 2) HW Questions/Collect papers (10min) 3) BINGO Review/Clock Whiteboards (10 min) 4) QUIZ (20 min) Share daily schedules???? Aujourd’hui c’est le 21 octobre. Kick Off Question (kes-tyohn) for vendredi: Quelle heure est il? Rush Hour French CD practice (5:18 min begin—8:40min )/You tube Clips 0-10; 10-20; 20-30; 10s to 100; Video Explanation Goal(s) of the Day: *SWBAT compose written information with teacher guidance. (8.3.4) *SWBAT sing songs in French to improve intonation/pronunciation. (8.3.5) *SWBAT recognize how to ask/answer what the date is using numbers. (8.1.6) 1) Kick Off (3 min) 2) Trade and grade quizzes/discuss (10 min) 3) Intro: Days of Week and Months with Songs– Quelle est la date??? (20 min) 4) Numbers Games (12 min) • • • Zut: Go around the room and count. Each time there is a 7 - a number with 7 in it (like 17, 27) or a multiple of 7 (14, 21) - the student must say zut instead of the number. They are knocked out of the game if they mispronounce the number, say the wrong number, or say the number when they should say zut. So the game should sound like this: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, zut, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, zut, 15, 16, zut, 18, 19, 20.... You can change the zut number periodically to keep them on their toes. Le Prix est juste / The Price is Right: Teacher thinks of a number and gives students a range to guess from. Students respond and if incorrect, teacher responds with plus or moins. When a student finally guesses the correct answer, s/he can be rewarded with a sticker, piece of candy, or a point for the team. Then teacher thinks of a new number and gives a range and students begin guessing again. British bulldog / Dog and Bone: A game for outdoors or a gymnasium: Divide the class in half, and have each side stand in a long line facing the other half, with a large gap for running between the two teams. Give each member a number: each team should have the same set of numbers but in a different order so that the students with the same number are not facing each other. An article, such as a scarf, skittle, or baton, is placed in the space between the two teams. Then the teacher calls a number and the student from each team with that number races to retrieve the article. Whoever gets it earns a point for his/her team. La Nourriture Plan for 7 Days: •Monday 10/24 Intro Foods (create own list of vocabulary under categories with likes and dislikes) WEBQUEST •10/25 WEBQUEST and 10/26 WEBQUEST Jigsaw Share—Create Menus •FALL BREAK 10/27- 10/30 •10/31– Halloween in France Culture Mini-Lesson & Complete Menus/Select Foods to make for Friday from Menu (group) •11/1 & 11/2 Food Pyramid Continue with Restaurant phrases/manners with TPR table setting vocabulary •11/3 Role Play Restaurant & French Cuisine REVIEW Day– food test tasting rubric and discussion • 11/4 French Cuisine Day & Turn in group Menu/Role Play Restaurant Assessment– food test tasting rubric and discussion •Make posters for event at HS– share with students not in our classes-Art? Finance? French Cuisine Webquest Your Project will include the following: Information about French cuisine and a typical French specialty. The name, description, and picture of your restaurant. A menu, including a recipe for your signature dish. Colorful, labeled pictures of your food. Use of French vocabulary words whenever possible. JIGSAW The following categories will be addressed in at least 1 paragraph (each): Meal times in France When do people eat meals? Which meal is the largest/most important? How long are meals? What is lunch like at school? Courses What are the different courses in a typical French formal dinner? What is the order of the courses? What is served during each course? What drinks accompany each course? Le Restaurant What are the different types of restaurants in France? What type of food does each restaurant serve? What are some of the different customs? (tip, seating, how long you can stay, etc.) Les Étoiles » What is the name of the dish? What is it? What makes it special? When and where do people eat it? What is the recipe for your dish? What does it look like? (Find a picture) LA CARTE Cover - Le Restaurant Do you like bistros? Are you a café person? Do you long for a formal dinner in a fancy restaurant? This is your chance to wow and impress the judges. 1) Give your restaurant a creative French name. 2) Find a picture that represents your restaurant for the cover of your menu. 3) Put your own name on the bottom right corner of cover. 1. Les hors d’œuvres 2. Les plats principaux 3. Les boissons 4. Les desserts Inside Left Page - La Carte Create “une carte” for your restaurant. Write entirely in French. Divide your menu into four sections. 1. Les hors d’œuvres 2. Les plats principaux 3. Les boissons 4. Les desserts Include at least 3 items in each section. For example, the beverage section could contain water, coffee, and/or tea. Remember this is a French restaurant so your “plats principaux” items should be French. That means no pizza, no hamburgers, no chicken fingers, and no sushi. Give your items Inside Right Page– “L’Étoile” *this is the dish you will be making for our class This is where you will put a recipe of your signature dish. The recipe should be in English. If you also find a French version, you may include both. Include a picture of this dish and your paragraph about the dish on this page. Back Cover Research Information Synthesize your research information into three paragraphs. Paragraph 1: Meal Times in France Paragraph 2: Courses Paragraph Paragraph 3: Le Restaurant prices. Use the € and not the $. Front page Middle page (left) Middle page (right) Back page La Nourriture (18+) L’eau- water La glace- ice cream Le raisin- grapes La pomme- apple L’orange- orange Le pain-bread Add more to this!!! Les frites- french fries La soupe - soup Le fromage- cheese Le hamburger- hamburger Aujourd’hui c’est le _____ . Kick Off Question (kes-tyohn) for __________: Unscramble the foods. 1. Al mmeop 2. El gaerfmo Add more to this! Blanc - white Rose Rouge Orange Jaune Vert Violet Bleu Gris Marron - pink red orange yellow green purple blue gray brown Aujourd’hui c’est le _____ . Kick Off Question (kes-tyohn) for __________: Unscramble and write the English meaning. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ionr njeau goeru rnoamr tvre tvoeli groean 1. What 3 groups of people have controlled Algeria? 2. What are the 3 main languages spoken in Algeria? 3. In what year were the Moors pushed out of Spain? 4. In what year did the Algerian people elect their first president? 5. What are two Algerian foods that are popular in Provence? La têtehead Les yeux eyes Une oreilleear Le nez nose La bouche - mouth Le cou neck Une épaule - shoulder Le bras arm Le coude elbow Le poignet wrist La main hand Le doigt Un estomac La jambe Le genou La cheville Le pied Un orteil - finger stomach leg knee ankle foot Toe Time for this unit or move onto German