the 37 PowerPoint ® slides

Spreadsheets to
Enhance Teaching
and Learning
History, Advantages, Disadvantages,
Student Misconceptions, Classroom Uses,
and Activities Involving Spreadsheets
Electronic Spreadsheets
 An electronic spreadsheet is analogous to
an accountant’s ledger sheet. It contains
rows and columns for entering character or
numeric data.
 Rows are arranged horizontally, while
columns are arranged vertically. The
intersection of both produces a cell. A
collection of cells is known as a range.
Electronic Spreadsheets
 Data is organized into columns and
rows in a meaningful way to convey
relationships and display information
used for both simple and complex
“number crunching.”
 The electronic spreadsheet
a calculating tool.
Electronic Spreadsheets
 One of its tremendous advantages is its
ability to allow changes in data to affect
the entire spreadsheet. Changes in one
place are automatically applied to every
cell dependent upon the cell changed.
 Using the manual accountant’s ledger,
changes in one place had to be erased
and often, this produced errors of
Electronic Spreadsheets
 View the resources for information to
see more on the definition of a
spreadsheet and its organization.
 Another extremely helpful feature of a
spreadsheet is its ability to allow users
to create charts or graphs. Many
packages allow users to select from
many different styles of graphs and use
these to provide a visual representation
of data and the relationships between
Electronic Spreadsheets
Spreadsheets are calculating tools that can
be applied:
 To numerical applications.
 To problems of description.
 To problems involving relationships.
 To problems involving analysis.
 To problems where large volumes of data
to be manipulated, saved, and compiled.
 To statistical applications.
Electronic Spreadsheets
 Spreadsheets can be
used across the
curriculum in
 They need not be
confined to only one
or two areas (i. e.,
math or science).
History of Spreadsheets
 The electronic spreadsheet was created
by two Harvard Business School Graduate
Students in 1979: Daniel Bricklin and
Robert Frankston.
 With Bricklin’s idea and Frankston
programming, they created an electronic
accountant’s ledger to perform repetitive
calculations associated with case studies,
eliminate duplication, and use the
computer’s rapid computational abilities
to increase performance.
History of Spreadsheets
 This initial spreadsheet application,
VisiCalc, made its debut in 1979. It became
the prototype of many other programs that
were the first wave of electronic “number
 VisiCalc was the forerunner for the second
generation of electronic spreadsheets. The
second generation came in 1982 with the
introduction of Lotus 1-2-3, which was the
first integrated software program.
History of Spreadsheets
 Lotus 1-2-3 blended three programs
together: graphics, spreadsheet, and
database to extend the usability,
functionality, and application of the
electronic spreadsheet.
 Lotus 1-2-3 was created for the IBM and
IBM compatible. Mitch Kapor founded
Lotus Development with Jonathan Sachs
in 1982. They created a more powerful,
user friendly, and integrated business
based spreadsheet tool.
History of Spreadsheets
 Third generation spreadsheet tools were
integrated with extended capabilities
(i.e., word processing, communications)
to make them even more useful. For
example, Symphony in 5 Movements
developed by Lotus Development, Inc. .
 Finally, the fourth generation of
spreadsheet tools increases the capacity
or size in terms of the number of rows
and columns available for use. *
*This is now only limited by the user’s RAM.
Spreadsheet Packages
 ClarisWorks
 Microsoft Works
for Windows
 Microsoft Excel
 1-2-3 for Windows
 SuperCalc
Spreadsheet Software in
Teaching & Learning
 Spreadsheet are also called
worksheets. In Excel, many worksheets
can exist within the same workbook.
 Spreadsheets were the
earliest application
software available for
Spreadsheet Software in
Teaching & Learning
 An integrated software package
includes a spreadsheet application,
used to help students manipulate data,
form conclusions, analyze, express
relationships, document findings, and
prepare material for distribution.
 Teachers use spreadsheets most
commonly for grade computation, the
development of instructional materials,
and lesson planning.
Spreadsheet Advantages
 Calculations and comparisons
 Modeling
 What-if-analysis
 Range estimation
 Projection
 Automatic
Spreadsheet Advantages
 Time savings
 Creating charts
 Problem-solving
 Decision making
 Fill options
 Macros
 Real-world applicability
Disadvantages of
 Need for specialized software and
 Time for planning and practicing
 Development of meaningful and useful
applications takes energy and effort.
 Data can be incorrect, and must be
reviewed and verified for accuracy.
Disadvantages of
 Complexity surrounding formulas and
their arguments.
 Lack of detail in error messages often
causes user’s frustration and wastes
 Aspects of the spreadsheet can be
applied incorrectly, due to incorrect
assumptions, missing or inaccurate
Student Misconceptions
Using Spreadsheets
 Understanding
rounding versus
 Creating formulas
and supplying
 Omitting parenthesis.
Correcting Student
 Understanding rounding versus formatting.
Rounding changes the value in memory, while
formatting is merely a change in the value’s
 Creating formulas and supplying arguments.
Be very specific. Provide at least three
examples of commonly used functions and their
associated parameters. Use the system’s help
facility as needed.
Correcting Student
 Omitting parenthesis.
Follow the rule insisting that
an even number of
parenthesis is always used.
Student Misconceptions
Using a Spreadsheet
 Conversions
between text and
numeric data.
 Placing data on one
 Printing formulas.
Correcting Student
 Conversions between text and
numeric data.
Apply the appropriate functions and
distinguish between those used for
text and numeric data. Provide
examples and show consequences
of using inappropriate values.
 Placing data on one page.
Alter fonts, font sizes, margins, and
column/row designations.
Correcting Student
 Printing Formulas.
Review formatting
and tool options and
provide examples.
Student Misconceptions
Using a Spreadsheet
 Absolute versus relative referencing.
 Creating lookup tables.
 Plotting non-consecutive series of data.
Correcting Student
 Absolute versus relative referencing.
Show many examples of instances where data
is copied or moved. Explain fixed data or having
the move or copy reference an exact cell and its
contents versus allowing the spreadsheet to
apply values based on its position.
 Creating lookup tables.
Break this into three or more steps. Explain the
table, its position, referencing its contents, and
replicating the formula.
Correcting Student
 Plotting non-
series of data.
Show students how
this is done, and
indicate where they
should enter the
ranges of different
Student Misconceptions
Using Spreadsheets
 Creating a formula.
 Understanding the
difference between a
formula and a
Correcting Student
 Creating a formula.
Make sure students know what symbol is
needed to begin to create a formula.
 Understanding the difference
between a formula and a function.
Explain to students that a function is a preprogrammed set of instructions invoked by
name to perform a given task. A formula is a
user-derived set of operations used in
computation. A formula may or may not
include a function.
Student Misconceptions
Using a Spreadsheet
 Manipulating and using
DATE functions.
 Applying percentages.
 Displaying values (###)
column widths.
Correcting Student
 Manipulating and Using DATE
Thoroughly explain how DATE functions work
and provide examples of correct usage.
Explain how a date is represented, and
whether or not it must be formatted by the
 Applying percentages.
Explain the concept, supply manual
examples, and then, use the spreadsheet
package to simplify, aid retention, and shorten
Correcting Student
 Displaying values (###) column
Change the size of the column, so that
more data can be displayed.
Classroom Uses of
Attendance charts.
assessment checklist.
 Exploring mathematical
 Class inventory.
Teaching and Learning
Activities for Spreadsheets
 Demonstrations.
 Student products.
 Problem solving
 Storing and
analyzing data.
 Projecting grades.
Teaching and Learning
Activities for Spreadsheets
Learning Objectives
Spreadsheet Application
Calculate, Multiply, Subtract,
Divide, Add, Sum
Calculate temperature.
Change, Alter, Vary
Determine the effect of profit if
fixed prices increase.
Graph, Chart, Interpret, Analyze
Determine where the greatest
rainfall was within a state.
Explore, Compare, Discriminate,
Compare the voting record for
young and mature adults.
Estimate, Infer, Predict,
If wind speeds increase by 1530mph, how much force will be
exerted on a billboard ?
Modified from p. 169 of Integrating Computer Technology into
the Classroom by Morrison, Lowther, & DeMeulle.
Reference Material
Gary Bitter & Melissa Pierson
Using Technology in the
Classroom, 5th ed. 2002, Allyn
and Bacon; Boston
Priscilla Norton & Karin M.
Teaching with Technology, 1998,
Harcourt Brace College
Publishers; Fort Worth
Gary R. Morrison, Deborah L.
Lowther, & Lisa DeMeulle
Integrating Computer Technology
into the Classroom, Merrill; New
M.D. Roblyer, Jack Edwards, &
Mary Anne Havriluk
Integrating Educational
Technology into Teaching,
Merrill; New Jersey
 Spreadsheets are calculating tools that can
be used to solve problems involving data
analysis, numerical computation,
projection, estimation, interpretation,
comparisons, and predication.
 One of the biggest advantages of a
spreadsheet is its ability to create graphs
or charts that give users a fast and easy
way to quickly interpret and observe