The Masonic VOL. NO. 16 NOV. 2012 ISSUE NO. 9 Trestle Board Mad River Lodge No. 77 1868 - 2012 Waitsfield, Vermont King Hiram’s Lodge No. 45 1817 - 1832 A MESSAGE FROM THE EAST My Dear Brothers, Let me say, ‘Thank you to all’. With all that needed to be done; from overnight duty at Baked Beads beginning on Thurs. night, Slice & Dice food prep on Fri. night, the cooking and juggling between Bake Beads and the serving and takeouts on Saturday for our annual supper; with all the help we had on the Chicken Pie supper this year was superb as usual and we carried on a 36-year tradition in serving the community, We have Brother Rick Rayfield to thank for that, as he was the chairman of this event backed up by his resourceful bride, Holliday. This couple organized the event well and once again we thank many of you brothers and your families for helping out both at the dinner and from home. Next we bestowed the Entered Apprentice degree to a young man on Oct. 16th and by the time you read this we will soon be planning a Third Degree and another Fellow Craft degree. Our Christmas Party committee will be headed up by SW Chris Keast this year and will be held on December 16th so mark your calendars early. We’ll need several brothers to volunteer ahead of schedule to help out in the kitchen, please plan on assisting this year. At Carla Straight-Messer's suggestion, this year's December holiday party will be accompanied by an Arts & Crafts Show. Masons and their families are invited to bring their creations for display. Set up time will be included in the December Trestle Board. Start gathering your homemade artwork, woodcraft, textiles and other items, and share your talents with us! We have a busy and exciting year in progress and I encourage everyone to become more involved. Fraternally yours, WM Fred R. Messer NEXT LODGE MEETING –NOV. 6TH Our Regular Tuesday Communication at 7:30 pm -2- OCT’s MONTHLY MEETING Worshipful Master Fred Messer called our lodge’s October meeting to order 7:37 pm, with acting Flag escorts SS Richard Rayfield and JS Charlie Kettles. SD Gary Bombard paraded our flag as WM Fred Messer recited our Flag Charge. The Officers in their stations: WM: Fred Messer, SW: Christopher Keast (Bill Morse filled in for opening), JW: Brent Adams, Treasurer: Gerry Maynard, Secretary: Charlie Kettles, SD: Gary Bombard, JD: Bill Peatman, Tyler: Richard Backusacting, Marshal: Vacant and Chaplain: Rick Rayfield. Seated on the side for the evening was: DDGM Lee Martenson, PM’s Donnie Demas, Richard Backus, Bill Morse and Geoffrey Colby of Mt. Lebanon Lodge AF&AM of Boston, MA. The first order of business was the approval of the minutes of September’s meeting. WM Fred asked for the minutes to be accepted as printed in the Trestle Board with the correction that it was omitted that brownies were served and were provided by Fred Messer. It was so approved. Next Treasurer Gerry Maynard presented his report for Sept – Oct 4th that showed receipts of $1,049.00, which included a porch donation of $550 and expenses of $1,053.41. A motion to accept the report pending audit was moved and accepted by a vote of the members and so passed. The next order of business was the Resolution Comte’s report for Brother Philip Jones, which was read by Rick Rayfield and accepted with the ‘Thanks’ of the lodge. The Masonic funeral service for Wor. Brother Manny Crafts on Thursday, Sept. 13th by the lodge was remembered. Then a new comte was appointed to present a Set of Resolutions for PM Manny Crafts, Jr. The chairman is Gerry Maynard and members Donnie Demas and Rick Rayfield. (Cont. on Next Page) -3- OCT’s MEETING (Cont. from Pg 3) Next WM Fred Messer reviewed the Cornerstone Ceremony and the Open House of the lodge on Saturday, Sept. 8th last month. He thanked the Grand Lodge Officers for an excellent ceremony. The Cornerstone was set in the position and tested by our Masonic working tools. Fred ‘Thanked’ Rick for donating two new Dan Brown books as door prizes. Rick reported that bro. Kip Campbell sent him a disc of photos of that days event which he’ll get to the Secretary. Gerry next reported on our recent District meeting of the 6th and 13th at Granite Lodge. It was a good meeting, excellent meal, the Grand Master did a great job and Bill Morse received the ‘Citizen of the Year’ award. Bill was in attendance and received a standing ovation. Charlie, the Interview Comte’s chair, for the Duel membership petition of bro. Geoffrey Colby was next to report. He stated that the comte recommended that the petition be acted upon. The master dismissed the comte with the thanks of the lodge and asked that Bro. Geoff be escorted to the anteroom. He ordered the ballot be cleared and read the petitioner’s request. A ballot was taken and bro. Geoff was remitted to find he was voted the newest member of Mad River Lodge. He received a welcoming round of applause and Sec. then presented him with the by-laws and books of the lodge; along with a “Proud to be a Mason” pin. Next WM Fred dealt with our 4th of July Parade fundraiser and he elucidate on how we did. He explained that we didn’t do as well as we might have done and the profit was a little over $40. And he felt we shouldn’t do this event again. JW Brent Adams next reported on his progress heading up the Baked Beads Comte. He said he needed a few more men to step up to stand guard duty this weekend and to call him, Chairman of the Chicken-pie Comte Rick told us that Holliday has already been lining up the help they need to have another successful supper. He said he had his kitchen crew signed up for Saturday and we needed to know who was doing the Slice and (Cont. on Page 12) -4- FROM OUR CHAPLAIN By Rick Rayfield Digging Deeper For each one of our many Masonic symbols we can dig deeper into a rich heritage of stories, meanings, and history of the symbol. The Master’s gavel, for example, is a symbol of a proper instrument, used practically for controlling the business of the lodge. The broader symbol of a courtroom judge banging the gavel for “Order in the Court!!!” is an exaggeration we all know, both dramatically and comically. The gavel in a stonecutter’s hands is the power behind the chisel which trims the rough surface into smoothness. It engraves beauty and knowledge into the stone. A gavel used judiciously nudges stones perfectly into place. The gavel is a symbol of many kinds of order that helps perfect our lives. Sometimes we forget to dig deeper. We think we know enough. My daughter is named for a great-great-grandmother who left Lithuania in 1891 at age 15 to work as a seamstress in Gloversville, New York. She brought with her a large, detailed, beautiful needlepoint she had made showing Abraham casting Hagar and their son Ishmael out into the desert. Sara and baby Isaac are in the background. I have often wondered what was in the mind of this young immigrant leaving her homeland to come to this country. I have long known the Bible passage which this scene depicts. But just this week a child in church read aloud the next verses. Hagar is hopeless in the desert, and she abandons her boy Ishmael under bush rather than watch him die. God then provides a spring to keep them alive, and Ishmael flourishes to become the father of all Arabs. No doubt this miracle was part of young Sophie’s vision. Though she felt pushed away from her home, she had hope that America would provide blessings. It did. It still can. I was reminded to always dig deeper. Our fraternity and nation may need to dig deeper into its symbols to see a hopeful future. -5- Mad River EA Degree Held After a brief rehearsal at 5 pm on a chilly Tuesday evening of October 16th the degree team was ready to inducted ‘Chuck’ Abere, Jr. into the Entered Apprentice Degree of Masonry. After the lodge was opened, it was reset so an additional FC member could attend. The initiation began at 7:03 pm with WM Fred Messer presiding in the East. The degree team was: Fred Messer, who did a first-rate job in the East, with an assist from SS Bruce Humphrey and JS Gerald Maynard. And particularly from SD Gary Bombard who escorted the candidate thru-out the evening. The rest of the degree team was: JW Brent Adams, Tres. Gerry Maynard, Sec./Prompter. Charlie Kettles, SW Chris Keast, JD Bill Peatman, Mar. Gordie Eurich, Chap. Rich Rayfield and Tyler Bob Danaher. After receiving his new apron; RWGerald Maynard gave the Apron Charge for the newly entered member. After the tools, PM Charlie Kettles gave a Charge for the degree, which was immediately followed by the Degree’s Symbolism, nicely presented by PM Rick Rayfield. It was good to have PDDGM Richard Backus, and WM Eugene Corliss, PM Bill Morse, PM Bruce Humphrey of Winooski #49 on the degree sidelines. After the entire lodge welcomed and congratulated our newest brother; further assistance and advice for the new brother came from: Robt. Danaher, Rick Rayfield, Gerry Maynard. WM Messer thanked his team for their fine work tonight; also Bill P., Brent A. and Chris K. for a good job tonight as he did our visiting brothers from Waterbury, whom he thanked for coming. The meeting closed at 8:34 pm. Afterwards all retired to the dining area for some ice cream along with Wilma Maynard’s nicely baked brownies, the small groups chatted and ate. -6- Great Chicken-Pie Supper Held On Friday evening of Oct. 5th we had Rick Rayfield heading up the Slice and Dice team as the pots of cooked chickens and quash filled the top of the stove. With the additional help of Gary Bombard, Charlie Kettles, Donnie Demas and Chuck Abere de-boning chickens and filling cooking pans, with cooked chicken meat. This crew finished up quicker than usual because of the work done behind the scenes by Gerry Maynard and Gordie Eurich. Also Joann Eurich beautifully set up the dinning area for our guests. Once again all the excellent planning and work done by the Rayfield Family and all of the people they get together to make this years feast one the best ever. Holliday had everyone donating, decorating, prepping, cooking, baking, and volunteering right on schedule this year. This year we had more pre-seating tickets sold at the book store and folks were allowed to enter the building a bit earlier because of the inclement weather. Greeting our hungry guests was ticket-seller Charlie Kettles. When all was ready, Wor. Fred Messer welcomed everyone and our Chaplain Rick Rayfield offered Grace before the meal. (Cont. on Next Page) -7- Great Chicken-Pie Supper (Cont.) This year the kitchen staff seemed to have everything prepped and ready on time. The biscuit boys, Brent Adams and Kraig Greenslet (shown here) rolling pins in hand were topping the pans of pre-baked chicken pies. The tables were set with apple cider and condiments, while Rick was adding the finishing touches to the cole slaw (shown below) at the take-out table. Gordie had the mountains of mashed potatoes set to go when the squash was ready to be served. This year the ladies set up a table-full of desserts for ‘Take-outs’ ready go so as to avoid any delays. This worked out very well, and between Vicky Kingsbury and Rachel Keast filling all the orders, we had people in and out with their supper in no time at all. The first serving was full to our usual capacity and as the delicious chicken-pie trays all came out on time and were served piping hot by a great team of adults and kids. The adults were as followed: Holliday Rayfield, Rachel Keast, JoAnn Eurich, Fran Blair, Vicki Kingsbury, Carla Messer, Linda Sinnott and Laurie Hannah, Gordie Eurich, Fred Messer, Ken Blair, Chris Keast, Bill Beard, Brent (Cont. on Next Page) -8- Great Chicken-Pie Supper (Cont.) Adams and Kraig Greenslet and the volunteer kids were Miranda Rayfield, Caroline Blew, Aurora Cunning ham, Fiona Adams, Emily Sinnott and Sarah Sinnott . None of our guests were left wanting for anything as these servers doted on their every need. It was good to see so many of our returning friends and neighbors who stopped by for an enjoyable evening meal and chat with local friends. We also had some visitors from out of state who enjoyed this special seasonal treat. It was good to see some brothers from Winooski Lodge #49. Also this year we did way more take-outs than usual. The Folks who cooked all those delicious desserts of Apple and Pumpkin Pies year were: Rachel Keast, Allen Gaylord, Linda Sinnott, Lynne Kingsbury, Arlie Belknap, Rachel McCuin, Suzanne Austin, Rebecca Peatman, Joan Foster, Fran Blair, Ayla Walker, Louise Moulton, Cheryl Kingsbury, Ruth Beard, and Holliday Rayfield, So if we missed or forgotten to mention you here, please except our sincere “thank you for all your help.” WE TRULY APPRECIATE IT. -9- Happy Birthdays Now as winter’s Jack Frost is here we can wish these brothers the very best of an Happy Birthday. So from all of us, we wish you all a very special Happy Birthday. Everett C. Maynard Gerald M. Maynard Donald J. Demas Timothy S. Baker Gary H. Kenyon John L. Hadden David E. Jamieson Stuart A. Maynard NOV. 6TH NOV. 6TH NOV. 7TH NOV. 9TH NOV. 11TH NOV. 12TH NOV. 20TH NOV. 21ST MASONIC BIRTHDAYS Lauren H. Long Nov. 7th 61 Yrs. George R. Kingsbury Nov. 7th 58 Yrs. Cornerstone Ceremony Video Be sure to watch and enjoy on youtube FOR EXCELLENT JOBS WELL DONE To: Charlie Kettles for Layout, Printing, Folding, Stapling, Mailing & emailing of the Sept’s issue. For Content: WM Fred Messer, Wayne Whitelock, Rick Rayfield and Chas Kettles. Many Thanks to all – Editor -10- Service Award Presented On very rainy Friday of October 19th the members of Mad River Lodge headed down to the lodge by 7 pm to meet and greet Brother Clifford E. Kew II. After he greeted us in the dining room and introducing himself and his son Trey, we all had a nice visit until it was time to head up to the Lodge room and present our brother with his 25 year service award button and certificate. WM Fred Messer read our lodge’s presentation and the certificate. He asked if he would like his son to pin him, which the 8th grader was happy to do. Next secretary Charlie Kettles reminded Bro. Kew of some of the world events that occurred back in the year 1987 when he was raised in this lodge room. Then Gerry Maynard and Gordie Eurich read the poem, “I see you’ve Traveled some” and the secretary presented Bro. Cliff with a ‘Proud to be a Mason’ pin. Then in the dining room Bill Peatman helped dish up the ice cream sundaes and milk. PM’s 6TH DIST. MEETING On Friday, October 26th at the Hilltop Restaurant the Past Masters Social Hour of cheese, crackers and conversation opened at 6:00 pm, with dinner beginning at 7 pm. ‘Thank’ to our sec/treas. Randy Ricker for all he’s doing for the Past Masters. -11- OCT’s MEETING (Cont. from Pg 3) Dice or chicken pick’en and such on Friday at 6 pm. He took the names of those who volunteered. It was reported that the fundraiser Luncheon on Thursday, September 27th for the State Cemetery Commissioners turn out very well and everyone had a good time; with Richard Backus, Rick Rayfield, Bill Peatman and Bob Danaher doing the cooking and serving. The meeting began at 10 am followed by a delicious meatloaf meal which was a big hit, plus they had plenty of food and finished up by 1:30 pm. Bro. Geoff Colby, in his Revolution enactment garb, enlighten the audience about some Revolutionary War facts. New Business: The Building Comte held a meeting on Wed, Sept. 19th to determine how they should proceed with the work of the porch. They reviewed to courses of action. One with the porch in place and the other with the porch removed. It appears the Long Term Flood Recovery people are living up to their name and will not be moving out of our lodge dining room as soon as we thought? They have additional flood relief cases they are still working on. Wor. Fred reminded everyone that there will be a rehearsal on Monday, Oct. 8th at 6 pm for the 1st degree. The degree is scheduled for Tuesday, October 16th at 7 pm. SD Gary Bombard reminded the brothers that we have two men who should be about ready to take there Master Mason degree. He will check on the progress of bro. Travis Morse, while SW Chris Keast will find out the status of bro. Kyle Greenslet. They should report back at our up coming degree on their readiness. For Masonic Education Brother Gerry Maynard was asked to review how we properly receive Grand Lodge Officers. He explained the procedure in detail and concluded with the giving of Grand Honors. Next WM Fred Messer asked that we now put into practice (Cont. on Page 13) -12- OCT’s MEETING (Cont. from Pg 12) everything that Treasurer Gerry Maynard had just enumerated. At this point our DDGM C. Lee Martenson was escorted out of the lodge room and with Rick Rayfield acting as Marshal and Bill Morse to introduce the Grand Officer. They reentered, were received, and welcomed. Grand Honors were given and escorted to the east. The last to speak was District Deputy Grand Master R.·.W.·. C. Lee Martenson who, brought the greeting of the Grand Master M.·.W.·. Phil Morton and the Grand Lodge Officers, strongly suggested to WM Fred not to give up on the 4th of July event and having Masonry being out in the community is also very important. He then informed us of the origin of our Fraternity’s influence and related that a Southwest Air article on NYPD detective Tom Burns who back in 1883 broke up a gang of criminals by using a secret method on them that became known as the ‘Third Degree’? The meeting was closed in form at 9:30 pm and in the ante-room we indulged in some sweet flat cake that WM Messer had baked. Time to Pay Your Annual Dues First off, we would like to say “Thanks” to those brothers who have recently sent in their annual dues. Second we still have 1/3 of our membership who haven’t paid up? Lastly, if you have a financial problem and feel you can’t afford the .14¢ a day? Please let your secretary know. Send your $50 check made out to: Mad River Lodge #77 F & A M to: P.O. Box 448, Waitsfield, VT 05673-0448. And as Bartles and Jaymes use to say, “We thank you for your support.”[Paid up lifetime members owe $35] -13- OFFICERS: MAD RIVER LODGE 2012 - 2013 Frederick R. Messer Worshipful Master 793-2238 Christopher M. Keast Senior Warden 454-0174 Brent V. Adams Junior Warden 496-3774 Gerald M. Maynard Treasurer 496-3614 Charles R. Kettles Secretary 496-4880 Gary A. Bombard Senior Deacon 496-2941 William R. Peatman, Jr Junior Deacon 496-3951 Ryan J. Green Senior Steward 585-0581 Junior Steward Gordon E. Eurich Marshal 496-3869 Rick J. Rayfield Chaplain 496-5667 Robert J. Danaher Tyler 496-6818 MASONIC E-MAIL ADDRESSES Brent Adams Charles Kettles Rich Backus Dick Kingsbury Tim Baker Mike Kingsbury William Beard TJ Kingsbury Gary Belknap Troy Kingsbury Kenton Blair Janos Lawrence Gary Bmbd James Leith Bob Danaher Steve Maynard Marke Englert Stuart Maynard Bruce Fowler Darrell Mays Allen Gaylord Fred Messer Willard Gove Pete McMullen Ryan Green Bill Peatman Roy Hadden Rick Rayfield Bruce Hyde A. Rich’dson Jon Hammond Alan Rossetto Jeff Hunsberger Jeffrey Silman Dick Jamieson Wayne Whitelock Jon Jamieson Bruce Humphrey Jeffery Kahn Skip Flanders Chris Keast Geo. Seymour Grand Lodge VT Bill Morse Masonic Trestle Board Committee Fred Messer Chairman 793-2238 Charlie Kettles Editor 496-4880 Rick Rayfield Member 496-5667 Bob Danaher Member 496-6818 -14- MEETING AGENDA Tuesday –Nov. 6, 2012 OPENING OF THE LODGE Reading of Minutes & Treasurer's Report Unfinished Business/ Committees: 1. Report by Resolution Comte 2. Report on Bake Beads, 3. Report on Chicken Pie Comte 4. Report on 6th District PM’s Meeting 5. Report on Oct. 16th EA & Nov 3rd MM Degree 6. Report on Porch Construction 7. Other Old Business or Reports New Business/ Committees: 1. Drape the Charter 2. Report of Christmas Comte 3. Set up MM Degree Team & Dates 4. Set up FC Degree Team & Dates 5. Any New Business, Communications 6. Masonic Education Petitions for Membership: 1. Affiliation or Candidates!!! 2. Balloting on Candidate CLOSING OF THE LODGE Snail or e-mail: Articles, Comments, Notices and Dues to: Charles Kettles - P. O. Box 448 -Waitsfield, Vt. 05673-0448 e-mail to: -15- VERMONT 05673-0448 Mad River Lodge # 77 4376 Main Street Waitsfield, VT 05673 What is Freemasonry? It’s a spiritual, benevolent and patriotic society of men committed to our God, our families, our neighbors and our country.