Seven Habits of Highly Effective People By Chief Instructor NIM “… the success of leadership can be measured by what kind of talent and structure one leaves behind.” Vartan Gregorian, former president New York Public Library Introduction Some Basics: Some people are consistently successful because of qualities and abilities they have developed in addition to their education and experience. Value, as perceived by the public, will determine your worth. Genuine career happiness comes from achieving personal goals in harmony with organizational goals. 7 Habits Reactive Stimulus Stimulus Response Proactive Freedom to Choose Response Self-awareness Imagination Conscience Independent Will Seven Habits of Highly Effective People 1. Be proactive 2. Begin with the end in mind 3. Put first things first 4. Think win-win 5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood 6. Synergize 7. Sharpen the saw: physical, mental, emotional/social, spiritual Habit One - Be Proactive Proactivity vs. Reactivity I am responsible for my life My choices control my behavior I stand for something Factors beyond my control create my life My conditions, conditioning, and feelings control my behavior Disowning vs. Owning “There’s not enough time in the day” “I was never very good at public speaking” “I lost my temper” “Find out what the prof wants and do it” “I’ve overscheduled myself” “I’ve avoided public speaking because I’m uncomfortable with it” “I gave way to my feelings” “I decide what’s needed & get the system working on it” Seven Habits - Number Two Habit Two: Begin with the end in mind Meaning All of this habit things are created twice The two creations Rescripting Personal Values mission statements at the center Value of Habit Two Stating why we exist & what we are about is difficult Expression - putting into words - changes us What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. Henry David Thoreau Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind. The law of the farm: You reap what you sow. translated “sacrifice” vision = what you want to see mission = immediate next step(s) Both tend to focus priorities. Specifically … write what you want to reap. What do you HOPE for? A prestigious job? A girlfriend or boyfriend? Money? Write what you are willing to sow. Time? Personal energy? Money? Your friends? Any books or movies or models that guide you? Begin With The End In Mind Identify the Target! “To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now, so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.” Stephen Covey Stages in the Backward Design Process Identify desired results. What should students know and be able to do? Determine acceptable evidence. How will we know that they know? Plan learning experiences and instruction. What activities, skills, information and resources will be best? Why “backward”? The stages are logical but they go against habits We’re used to jumping to lesson and activity ideas before clarifying our performance goals for students The change in lesson design does not necessarily mean that we throw out everything that we’ve done but it is a matter of being more selective, It helps us modify and also helps us to decide what not to teach. By thinking through the assessments upfront, we ensure greater alignment of our goals and means that teaching is focused on desired results Stages in the Backward Design Process Identify desired results What should students What should others know and know and be able to do? be able to do? Stage 1 Stages in the Backward Design Process Identify desired results. What should others know? Determine acceptable evidence. How will we know that they know? What this habit means Consider the end of your life image, picture, or paradigm criterion by which everything else is examined Start with a clear destination know where you are going understand where you are now take steps in the right direction Habit 3: Put First Things First Habit 3: Put first things first. important not important urgent I: necessity crises deadlines “maintaining” not urgent II: opportunity PC activities planning & prevention commitment (25 - 25) (65-15) III interruptions some meetings some reports IV trivia busy work time wasters (5-55) (5-5) • We want Quadrant II > Quadrant I. • Quadrant II comes from Quadrants III and IV. Estimate how much time you spend in Quadrant II (and what IS Quad IV?) ... How do you plan your day? cell? Laptop etc? How much is your time worth to you, in rupees/hour? What is the best system for me? Depends upon: Type of work you do (work with people vs. work with things) Amount of discretionary time you use (how much time is under your control) Nature of Work 0% Work with Things 100% 100% Work with People 0% Your work falls someplace on the diagonal line. The higher up the line you go, the more sophisticated your time management system needs to be. Discretionary Time 100% Amount of control you have over your time 0% The higher up the line you go, the more sophisticated your time management system needs to be. Time Management Systems Primitive Simple Paper-based Organizers Hand Helds PIM (Personal Information Managers) Software Primitive Crisis Management Running around putting out fires C RTN_A-H Primitive Priority Meandering Start on task a get distracted resume on task b get distracted jump to task c Primitive Jump to Others Wait for others to tell me what to do Primitive First Come - First Served Handle tasks in the order in which they arrive Primitive Grouping Do all the same types of tasks at the same time (phone calls, writing letters, etc.) Primitive Whimsical Do whatever you feel like doing Simple Floating Pieces of Paper (including postits, business cards, napkins) Write notes on assorted pieces of paper Sooner or later the paper floats Simple “To Do” List A “to do list is written on a notepad, business card, envelope, etc. Simple Pocket Calendar A variety of small calendars are used to record appointments Simple Desk Calendar Calendar stays on desk, typically four days behind Simple Address book A variety of devices are used to record addresses and phone numbers Simple Combination typically a combination of simple devices are used Habit Four – Think Win/Win WinWin Definition The win-win approach is a set of principles, practices, and tools, which enable a set of interdependent stakeholders to work out a mutually satisfactory (win-win) set of shared commitments. consideration Habit 4: Think win-win. lose-win win-win or no deal (you get hard feelings) (abundance mentality; get P and PC) lose-lose win-lose (never pays) (other person gets hard feeling) courage Are there times when paradigms others than “win-win” are appropriate? How do you develop “courage”? “Consideration”? Emotional bank account? What causes conflict? Tools for conflict resolution? Your “boundaries”? Win-lose Generally Becomes Lose-lose Proposed Solution “Winner” Loser Quick, Cheap, Sloppy Product Developer & Customer User Lots of Developer & User “bells and whistles” Customer Driving too hard a Customer & User bargain Developer Actually, nobody wins in these situations Win/Win Negotiation Model Win Condition Issue involves covers Agreement addresses adopts Option WinWin Equilibrium State - All Win Conditions covered by Agreements - No outstanding Issues Habit 5: First understand ... then be understood. win-win area = L x h h = “understand” L = “be understood” 4 tips for dealing with people Do not criticize, condemn, or complain. Express sincere appreciation. Give them “emotional air” and learn their story. Focus on their interests (know your best alternative coming in). What are some “stranglers” for emotional air? What are some ways we can express sincere appreciation? How often do you ask someone to a professional lunch? How do you meet a person? How do you greet a person? Actions for Success Exhibit a winning work ethic Show initiative Discover additional responsibilities Ask questions What are Competencies? Knowledge Skills/abilities Understanding Behavior/motivation Competencies have definitions and key actions. Your actions demonstrate competencies. Habit 6: Synergize. “Animal school” Once upon a time, the animals decided they must do something heroic to meet the problems of a “New World”, so they organized a school. They adopted an activity curriculum consisting of running, climbing, swimming, and flying. To make it easier to administer, all animals took all the subjects. In the end, the duck’s web feet were so badly worn that he couldn’t swim, the rabbit had a nervous breakdown and couldn’t run, the eagle was disciplined severely for getting to the top of the tree without climbing, and an abnormal eel ended up doing best overall and winning valedictorian. What are your unique gifts? What talents do you need from others? What qualities often seem like a disadvantage, but are necessary? How do you contact or talk with people, if you are shy? (Carnegie) Principles of Creative Communication Synergy The exercise of all the other habits prepares us for the habit of synergy. Synergy. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Few people experience synergy in their lives because most people have been scripted into defensive or protective communications. Synergy can be unnerving unless one has a high tolerance for ambiguity and gets security from integrity to principles and inner values. Valuing the Differences Valuing the differences is the essence of synergy. The truly effective person has the humility and reverence to recognize his own perceptual limitations and to realize the rich resources available through interaction with the hearts and minds of other people. If two people have the same opinion, one person is unnecessary. What is your “personality”? 4 categories I-E introvert (reserved) - extrovert (expressive) S-N sensory (observant) - intuitive (conceptual) T-F thinking - feeling P-J perceiving (probing) - judging (critiquing) • no “ranking” • don’t feel “boxed in”! • people are different ARTISANS (observant, probing) IDEALISTS (intuitive, feeling) ESTP promoter (Roosevelt, Madonna) ENFJ teacher (Gorbachev, Billy Graham) ISTP crafter (Bruce Lee, Earhart) INFJ counselor (Gandhi, E Roosevelt) ESFP performer (Elvis, Reagan) ENFP champion ISFP composer (Carson, Streisand) INFP healer (Albert Schweitzer) GUARDIANS (observant, critiquing) ESTJ supervisor (Colin Powell) ISTJ inspector (Truman) ESFJ provider (G Washington) ISFJ protector (Mother Teresa) RATIONALS (intuitive, thinking) ENTJ fieldmarshall (Gates, Greenspan) INTJ mastermind (D Eisenhower, Rand) ENTP inventor (Disney, Edison) INTP architect (Einstein, Darwin) Habit 7: Sharpen the saw. Spiritual battle of good versus evil (atheism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism) Social Mental family, friends, service (notes, phone calls, emails, visits) reading, journaling, discussing, seminars, meetings Physical endurance, strength, flexibility, sleep, eating When will YOU sharpen your saw? What measures will you use in each category? Self-Management Self-Management when an individual consciously controls the learning process of acquiring new behavior through the interplay of environmental cues, consequences and cognitive processes The Two Creating Forces Management’s main focus: How can I best accomplish certain things? Leadership’s focus: What are things that I want to accomplish? Personal Mission Statement The most effective way to begin with the end in mind is to develop a personal mission statement The key to the ability to change is a changeless sense of who you are, what you are about, & what you value Circle of Influence To create a mission statement begin with the center Principles & values: security, guidance, wisdom, & power The Circle of Influence Mission Statement What are you first things? List those things that are most important in your life. How effective are you at keeping those things first in your life? Why? Mission Statement If you were to do one thing in your professional life that would have the most positive impact, what would that one thing be? If you were to do one thing in your personal life that would have the most positive impact, what would that one thing be? Mission Statement Record your personal mission statement, philosophy, or creed. Your mission statement is your personal “contribution” and represents the deepest and best within you. Preparing for Turbulence Focus on core values Revisit goals Prioritize services Build for the future Measure and evaluate progress Strategic Leadership Build a team Identify talent Training and deploy as necessary Build community Establish and nurture partnerships Establish support groups Build relationships Focus on people, not policies Value diversity and inclusion Examples of Defective Habits: React-Blame all your problems on your friends, teachers, parents; take no responsibility for things that happen to you. Begin with No End in Mind-Have no goal or plan and never think about tomorrow. Put First Things Last-Always put off doing what’s important by talking on your mobile and surfing the net. Always put off your homework until tomorrow. Examples of Defective Habits: (Continued) Think Win-Lose-Don’t let anyone else succeed at anything because if they win, you lose. Seek First to Talk, Then Pretend to Listen-If you want their opinion, give it to them. Don’t Cooperate-Teamwork is for losers; be your own island. Wear Yourself Out-Make being busy the only thing that matters; never exercise or improve yourself. The 7 Successful Habits 7 Sharpen saw Interdependence Understand Synergize 5 6 PUBLIC VICTORY Think win-win 4 Independence 1st habit = knowledge + skill + desire 3 things 1st PRIVATE VICTORY 1 2 Be Proactive End in mind Dependence . What are the qualities of a great leader? Long-term success requires good leadership. Understands Has the Big Picture. vision and is a systems thinker Team Orientation / Learning Communities Leadership Long-term success requires good leadership. Teamwork Effective and empowered teams responsible for problem solving and product development. Culture Core values and operating norms. Sense of community. It is important for you to know the status of each so you can assess your future. Four Levels of Leadership Personal—Trustworthiness Interpersonal—Trust Managerial—Empowerment Organizational--Alignment The End Developing Personal Potential First three habits deal with self-reliance and selfmastery. These are private victories; they only involve the follower Habit 1: Be Proactive Be responsible, don’t blame others Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind Start with a clear mental image of your destination Habit 3: Put First Things First Focus on preserving and enhancing relationships and on accomplishing results Effective Interdependence The first three habits build a foundation on independence, from which one can move to interdependence—caring, productive relationships with others When a person moves to interdependence, he steps into a leadership role Effective Interdependence Habit 4: Think Win-Win Implies understanding that without cooperation, the organization cannot succeed Habit 5: Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood Requires a nonjudgmental attitude. Emphatic listening gets inside another person’s frame of reference Effective Interdependence Habit 6: Synergize Synergy is the combined action that occurs when people work together to create new alternatives and solutions. The essence of synergy is to value and respect differences Habit 7: Sharpen The Saw Process of using and continuously renewing the physical, mental, spiritual, and social aspects of life