Annual Update of the Course Equivalency Table

Articulation Agreement between
McNeese State University (MSU) and
Sowela Technical Community College (STCC)
Annual Update of the Course Equivalency Table
2011-2012 Academic Year
STCC Courses
TSEN 0093*
TSMA 0093*
BIOL 1010
BIOL 1020
CHEM 1010
CHEM 1011
CHEM 1020
CHEM 1021
CRMJ 1110
CRMJ 1120
CRMJ 1220
CRMJ 1230
CRMJ 1310^
CRMJ 1322
CRMJ 1332
CRMJ 1340
CRMJ 1410^
CRMJ 1422^
CRMJ 2112
CRMJ 2510^
CRMJ 2520
CRMJ 2552^
CRMJ 2997^
ECON 2010
ECON 2020
ENGL 1010
ENGL 1020
ENGL 2010
ENGL 2020
ENGL 2110
ENGL 2120
ENGL 2535
ENSC 2000
HIST 1210
HIST 1220
HIST 2010
HIST 2020
ITEC 1000
MSU Courses
ENGL 090*
MATH 092*
ART 351^
BIOL 105
BIOL 106
CHEM 101
CHEM 102
CJUS 111
CJUS 241
CJUS 271
Criminal Justice Elective
CJUS 342^
CJUS 221
CJUS 252
CJUS or SOCL 231
CJUS 362^
CJUS 355^
Criminal Justice Elective
CJUS 322^
Criminal Justice Elective
SOSC 370^
CJUS 461^
ECON 204
ECON 203
ENGL 101
ENGL 102
ENGL 201
ENGL 202
ENGL 301^
ENGL 302^
ENGL 253
ENSC 101
HIST 121
HIST 122
HIST 201
HIST 202
CSCI 241
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STCC Courses
ITEC 1005
ITEC 1100
ITEC 1200
ITEC 1320
ITEC 1550
ITEC 2110, 2120, 2130, and 2140
ITEC 2270
ITEC 2450
MATH 1100
MATH 1110
MATH 1120
MATH 1305
MATH 2100
PHSC 1000
PHSC 1200
PHSC 1500
PHYS 2100
PHYS 2200
POLI 1100
PSYC 2010
PSYC 2335
SPCH 1200
MSU Equivalent
CPST 101
CSCI 278
CSCI 286
CSCI 242
CSCI 102
Up to 6 hours may be awarded for
elective credit
CSCI 241
CSCI 284
MATH 113
MATH 175
MATH 170
MATH or STAT 231
PHSC 101
PHSC 111
PHSC 102
PHYS 201
PHYS 202
GOVT 201
PSYC 101
PSYC 233
COMM 201
Each course above meets SACS/COC criteria for a 3 semester hour lecture course and is taught
by instructors who meet or exceed the criteria for academic and professional preparation as
required in the SACS/COC standards for accreditation. The prerogative for accepting a course
for fulfilling degree requirements, general education requirements, or elective credit rests with
the academic department to which the student intends to transfer. Therefore, students are urged
to contact the appropriate department for definitive answers.
*These courses are developmental courses and do not count toward the number of college-level
hours required for transfer admission. While the Sowela courses are not accepted for transfer,
successful completion of TSEN 0093 and TSMA 0093 can be used to satisfy developmental
^These courses are lower division (100/1000 and 200/2000) at Sowela and upper division
(300/3000 and 400/4000) at McNeese. The Sowela courses will transfer to McNeese; however,
they will not be included in the number of upper division courses required for a degree at
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