Romantic Poetry Study Guide

Name __________________________________
Date _________________________
English 12 Honors
Period ________________________
Romantic Poetry Study Guide
The test on Romantic Poetry consists of 40 multiple choice questions. To prepare for the test,
complete (and study) the questions below. There are 5 questions about Romanticism, 4 questions
for each of the 7 poems we read in class (that’s 28 questions), and 7 questions that deal with
quote recognition or important lines from the poems (1 important line from each poem). You
may NOT use your notes for the test. For each of the 7 poems, there is 1 question about each of
the following: plot (what happens in the poem), literary devices, theme, and author info. For each
literary device, be sure that you recognize it AND understand its purpose and effects.
Part 1: Romanticism
-Two basic tenets of romantic thinking were the idealization of _________________________
and ________________________________.
-Romanticism emphasized the _________________________, the _______________________,
and the _____________________________.
-The Romantics were revolting against _____________________________________________.
-The beginning of Romanticism is associated with the publication of ______________________
by __________________________________ and _____________________________________.
-Who were the 1st generation Romantic poets? ________________________________________
-Who were the 2nd generation Romantic poets? _______________________________________
Part 2: Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley
What is this poem basically about? _________________________________________________
Find an example of alliteration. ____________________________________________________
What is the theme? ______________________________________________________________
What is the most interesting fact about Shelley? _______________________________________
Part 3: The World Is Too Much with Us by William Wordsworth
What is this poem basically about? _________________________________________________
Find an example of a metaphor AND an allusion. _____________________________________
What is the theme? ______________________________________________________________
What is the most interesting fact about Wordsworth? ___________________________________
Part 4: She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron
What is this poem basically about? _________________________________________________
Find an example of simile. ________________________________________________________
What is the theme? ______________________________________________________________
What is the most interesting fact about Byron? ________________________________________
Part 5: Ode on a Grecian Urn by John Keats
What is this poem basically about? _________________________________________________
Find an example of tone. Where does it shift? From what to what? ________________________
What is the theme? ______________________________________________________________
What is the most interesting fact about Keats? ________________________________________
Part 6: Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
What is this poem basically about? _________________________________________________
Find an example of a symbol AND find an example of imagery. __________________________
What is the theme? ______________________________________________________________
What is the most interesting fact about Coleridge? _____________________________________
Part 7: The Lamb & The Tgyer by William Blake
The Lamb
What is this poem basically about? ___________________________________________
Find an example of rhyme AND meter. ________________________________________
What is the theme? ________________________________________________________
What is the most interesting fact about Blake? __________________________________
The Tyger
What is this poem basically about? ___________________________________________
Find an example of personification. __________________________________________
What is the theme? ________________________________________________________
What is another interesting fact about Blake? ___________________________________
Part 8: Quote Recognition
Reread the text of each poem. Write the text of the line from the poem that you think is most
important or the line that helps your remember what the poem was about.
Ozymandias ___________________________________________________________________
The World Is Too Much With Us __________________________________________________
She Walks in Beauty ____________________________________________________________
Ode on a Grecian Urn ___________________________________________________________
Kubla Khan ___________________________________________________________________
The Lamb _____________________________________________________________________
The Tyger _____________________________________________________________________