Review Questions for Renaissance Test

Review Questions for
Renaissance Test
We will play a review game in class on Wednesday and Friday. Your job is to look over the
review sheet in order to be prepared for the game and the Test on Monday!
1. Who wrote the Praise of Folly?
2. Who painted the Mona Lisa?
3. Who used cadavers and autopsies to study the human body?
4. Henry VIII had him executed
5. Who painted the Sistine Chapel
6. Who invented the Printing Press? Why was this so important?
7. Who wrote The Prince?
8. Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy?
9. Why is Durer often compared to DaVinci
10. How did Humanism effect religion?
11. Why/How did the feudal system break down?
12. What is vernacular? Who is most notably credited for using this?
13. Where did the Renaissance begin? What family funded it?
14. What did artists of the Renaissance focus on? Subjects? Themes?
15. Who painted the greatest portraits of the 16th century?
16. Who mastered the art of wood cuts?
17. Who wrote Macbeth?
18. Who painted The School of Athens?
19. Who was the first Renaissance artist to use oil paints?
20. Who wrote Utopia?
21. What does the word Renaissance mean?
22. What two civilizations did Italians look to for inspiration?
23. Why did Italians admire “universal men” like DaVinci?
Sample Open Ended Questions: 5 on test
24. How did the focus of study change from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance?
25. Identify two reasons why the Renaissance began in Italy.
26. What did Northern Renaissance artists paint?
27. Who were the two most famous writers of the Renaissance time period? Why
were they so revered?
28. How did values of a simple life change? Why? How?
29. How did art change? What were some themes/techniques used?
30. Explain why DaVinci was considered a Renaissance man.
31. What was the Burning of the Vanities?
32. How did trade impact society and economy of the Renaissance?