Metric System Notes General Science Textbook: Read the pages in

Metric System Notes General Science Textbook: Read the pages in General Science textbook to help
you take the following notes. Pages 5 - 18
1. A _______________________________ is a known amount used for measuring. (page 5)
2. Two systems of measurement are the ________________________ system and the
__________________________ system. (page 6)
3. The English system measures length using the ____________, foot, yard, and __________. (page 6)
4. The metric system is used by _________________________________throughout the world. It is
simpler to use and easier to remember than the English system. (page 6)
5. The metric system is similar to the __________________ system used in the United States. (page 7)
How Can You Use Metric Units to Measure Length? - pages 7, 8 and 9
6. In the metric system, you measure _________________________________ in meters.
7. The abbreviation for a meter is_______________.
_______________________ of a man’s arm.
8. A meter is the same as 39 inches or the
9. The tool used for measuring length in the metric system is a ____________________. It is one
_____________________________ long.
10. One meter has _______________________centimeters in it. A centimeter is abbreviated _______.
11. The unit smaller than a centimeter is a _________________________ which is abbreviated ______.
12. To measure the distance from your school to your home, you will use a larger unit called a
_______________________________ which is abbreviated km.
Meauring Length - Length Equivalents
10 millimeters
= __________ centimeter
1,0000 millimeters = __________meter
100 centimeters =
1,000 meters
Using Metric Prefixeskilo (k) means
1,000 x
Example: ___________________km
centi (c) means
1/100 (0.01)
Example: ___________________cm
milli (m) means
1/1,000 (0.001) Example: ___________________mm
How Can You Use Metric Units to Measure Volume? Pages 14, 15, 16
Volume describes the amount of _____________________________ an object takes up.
Volume of a Rectangular Solid: volume = length x width x height
= 1 cm x 1cm x 1cm
= 1 cm
Volume of a Liquid:
The liter is used to measure the volume of ________________________.
To measure the volume of a liquid, you can use a _________________________________cylinder.
How Can You Use Metric Units to Measure Mass? Pages 18
All matter has ___________________________. Mass is the amount of ____________________ an
object has.
The ___________________________________is the basic unit of mass.
To measure mass, you can use an instrument called a __________________ _______________
Complete Chapter 1 Review on Page 22- Vocabulary Review Only (1 – 6)
CPO Life Science Metric System Notes
pages 4 - 8
1. A ______________________________ is a value that tells the amount of something. It has a
quantity and a ________________________.
2. Example: 5 cm
5 is the quantity and cm is the _________________.
3. A _______________________ is a fixed amount of something.
The International System of Measurement
4. To make sure that measurements are accurate, scientists us a set of standard ____________
that have been agreed upon around the ______________________________________.
Common SI Units (International System of Measurement)
Length- is a measure of
meter (m)
kilometer (km)
decimeter (dm)
centimeter (cm)
millimeter (mm)
micrometer ( m)
nanometer (nm)
cubic centimeter (m3)
cubic centimeter (cm3)
liter (L)
milliliter (mL)
Use a ruler or meterstick
Long distances are measured
in meters
Volume- amount of space that
an item takes up
Use a flask, beaker or
graduated cylinder
Mass- amount of material an
item has
1 km = 1,000 m
1 dm = 0.1m
1 cm = 0.01 m
1 mm= 0.001 m
1 m = 0.000001 m
1 nm = 0.000000001 m
1 cm3 = 0.0000001 m3
1 L = 0.001 m3
1 mL 0.001 L
kilogram (kg)
gram (g)
milligram (mg)
1 g = 0.001 kg
1 mg = 0.000001 kg
Kelvin (K)
Celsius (0C)
00 C = 273 K
1000= 373 K
Use a triple beam balance
Use a thermometer
Volume page 4
5. Volume is the measurement of the amount of ______________________something
occupies. 6.The volume of solid objects is measured in __________________ meters (m 3) or
cubic ____________________________ (cm3).
To find the volume of an aquarium you would do the following:
7. Volume = ________________________________ x Width x Height
Example: 1.0 m x 0.5 m x 0.5 m = 0.25 m3 (See page 7 in CPO Science)
8. Volume of liquids is measured in ____________________ (L) or milliliters (mL). One milliliter
is equal to one cubic centimeter. 1 mililter (mL) = 1 cubic centimeter (cm3)
Mass and Temperature page 5
9. Everything around you is made of matter and has _______________________________.
10. Matter is defined as anything that has __________________ and takes up space.
11. The basic unit of matter is the _________________________________________ (kg).
12. There are 1,000 grams in 1 _____________________________________.
13.____________________________________ is a measure of how ______________________
or __________________________________something is. It has to do with the average
_________________ of tiny particles that make up matter. As those particles move faster on
average, the temperature goes _______________________.
****Use a ruler to answer the following on page 10 in CPO Life Science.
1. Millipede: _____________________ meters
_______________________ centimeters
4. Volume of the fish tank in cm3? Show your work. (Remember length x width x height)