YALTA CONFERENCE: FEBRUARY 1945 • FDR, CHURCHILL, STALIN • AGREED ON: United Nations International Peacekeeping organization Division of Germany Democratic Elections for Poland German Prisoner of War Forced Labor Met in a German city of Potsdam. - American concern that communism and soviet influence might spread in the postwar world. July 1945 • TRUMAN, CHURCHILL, STALIN • AMERICAN VIEW: We had fought to bring DEMOCRACY to the world Wanted an ECONOMICALLY strong and POLITICALLY open world to create MARKETS • SOVIET VIEW: Wanted to rebuild to PROTECT interests SATTELITE NATIONS: countries subject to soviet domination While the U.S and Soviets were allies during WWII they argued over military strategy MISTRUST - Development of the atomic bomb in the United States - Soviet spies had managed to steal the plans and Soviet scientists followed them closely. - -- Soviets saw it as a threat and began to develop a bomb of their own. Became Ran His President in 1945 again, successfully, in 1948. family's financial problems kept him from attending a four-year college. -Outlawed political parties that opposed communism Jailed or killed opponents to ensure success of communist candidates - Every nation in Eastern Europe had a Sovietfriendly Communist government in place. - (under direct control of Stalin and Soviet Union) - Removing of Germans brutally. - American/British leaders did not want Eastern Europe to fall under a dictator. 1946- former British Prime Minister, CHURCHILL, went to US. March 5, delivered a speech attacking the Soviet Union for creating an IRON CURTAIN– belief that communism had created a sharp division in Europe. DEFINITION: Stalin used Churchill’s speech to persuade his people that U.S. and Britain were ENEMIES The competition between the United States and the Soviet Union for power Began to rebuild the and influence in the Soviet Union’s Military. world American leaders needed a new policy to deal with the situation at hand Late 1940s, new policy CONTAINMENT: Provided economic aid to strengthen countries against the Soviets. GEORGE KENNAN- American diplomat and expert on Soviet Union Kennan believed that the United States should resist Soviet attempts to expand its power and influence wherever those attempts occurred. -- not limited to military force. 1947 Truman informed Congress of an urgent need to provide emergency economic and military aid to Greece and Turkey (who were facing Soviet pressure) Argued that providing aid would help both the Greek and Turkish govt resist Soviet Expansion. United States providing hundred of millions of dollars in aid to Greece and Turkey to fight Communist influence. In both countries, the Soviets did not succeed in gaining control. In your groups, please split up the Truman Speech into four sections. Each person will read and outline one of these sections and “report back” to their classmates. You will then answer the questions as a group about the speech. Read the comments and quotes that were given to your group (split them up into 4) Economic Problems with Greece were severe. Fighting was over, but people were continuing to suffer (hunger, poverty) AMERICANS felt moved to help and knew that if things became worse- Communism would spread. Marshall plan helped the United States build political support in Western Europe. June 1947 George C. Marshall, former WWII military leader, and now secretary of state - speech at Harvard University Called for a massive American program of aid to help Europe rebuild and get back on its feet. 1948-1951- U.S. government spent over 13 billion in 17 diff countries. Food, farm equipment, rebuilt homes and factories Even offered aid to Stalin and his allies -- he refused. After - - WWII, The allies had divided Germany into four zones of occupation British French American in the western area Soviet in the east. The capital of Berlin, which lay within the Soviet zone, was divided into 4 zones In June 1948, Stalin decided to blockade West Berlin. BERLIN BLOCKADE**How had West Berlin been supplied? WHY?? Stalin is upset because the British, Americans, and French are ready to combine their zones and form West Germany Trains, trucks and waterways Stalin shuts those down: can’t use them ….Crisis begins In your marking period groups brainstorm ALL possible solutions to this crisis. In addition, each group needs to come up with at least two advantages and disadvantages to each solution. When you have finished making this list, create a COLLINS II persuasion letter describing why your solution is the best. 2.1 million residents cut off from sources of food, coal, basic necessities Western powers could try to supply West Berlin by air. -- what would Soviets do? Decided to take the risk. Their hope for keeping West Berlin free was a massive air lift. Within days, Britain and American airplanes were making deliveries to the people of West Berlin. Flew an average of 7,000 tons of supplies into West Berlin. LANDED, UNLOADED, TOOK OFF Built another airlift in the French sector of Berlin. In April 1949, nearly 1400 separate flights took place and 400,000 tons of supplies were delivered. 70 Americans and British citizens died in airplane crashes 5 German civilians on the ground were killed May 12, 1949, Soviet Union lifted the blockade. American British and French planes had made nearly 280,000 flights by then. North Atlantic Treaty Organization --Provide a measure of security, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom joined together in a system of common defense in 1948. In April 1949 the United States and six other nations joined the original five to create a new military alliance – North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO. Belgium, France ,Luxembourg, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Portugal. According to the Treaty… An armed attack against one of the member nations would be considered an attack against all. Mid 1950s – Greece, Turkey, and West Germany joined. 1955 the Soviets established a new organization called the WARSAW PACT. Military Alliance with the Soviet-dominated countries of Eastern Europe. These nations stood ready to defend each other and the Soviet Union. Tool that helped the Soviets solidify control in Eastern Europe. # of countries in NATO today WARSAW PACT DISSOLVES NATO TODAY 1949- two events added greatly to nation’s anxiety 1. 2. Soviet Union possessed an atomic weapon Communism had gained control of China, the most populous country in world. Hydrogen 1949: USSR develops the • Atomic Bomb! Bomb 1952: In response, the US developed the over diameter, 25 mile high cloud Korea Some didn’t want to build it, • Hydrogen Bomb: fireball 3 mile • Truman gave OK 1953: USSR developed HBomb MASSIVE RETALIATION : Pledge that the United States would use overwhelming force against the Soviet Union, including nuclear weapons, to settle a serious CIAconflict. Central Intelligence Agency – formed in 1947 to collect information about – and spy on – foreign governments Choose any country in the world that you would like to spy on as a CIA agent -- name two things that you would want to know and find out, what you would do with that information, and your execution plan. (8 minutes) In your MPGs, discuss what your plan is, where you are going, and fears or dangers that you may encounter. : market value of all goods and services produced DOUBLES! 1945: $212 billion 1960: $504 billion : average income per person $1,526 To $2,788 CONGLOMERATE: Corporation made up of three of more unrelated businesses. Large corporation that owns smaller companies that produce different goods and services Ex: FRANCHISE: The right to open a restaurant using a parent company’s brand name and system Franchise owners assume less risk than small business owners and they sell a product that is well known and liked by the consumer. Machines do the jobs people used to. : performing services for others Fill in the Graphic Organizer at the bottom of notes Define “Executive Order 9981” At bottom of page Write a Letter! Imagine you are a soldier returning home from WWII Write to a fellow soldier over seas Explain how different life is in America now GI Bill, Executive Order 9981, Jobs, Economy, etc “Government Issue” -- nickname for members of the armed forces. Provided money for veterans to attend college or receive advanced job training. Arranged for loans for those wishing to buy a home, far, or business. Goal: life help veterans make a smooth entry into civilian • • • Helped millions of GI’s return to civilian life Homes were bought College attendance increased Ended segregation in the U.S. armed forces. **Major step forward for African Americans BABY BOOM -- a dramatic rise in the birthrate (2 decades following WWII) NEW HOMES -- Suburban developments – LEVITTOWN, New York. Offered suburban lifestyle to many African Americans not allowed Built with necessities – even TVs!!!! Single-family home at a reasonable price 2 will read about Senator Joseph McCarthy (481-482) – Summarize, identify & define TTK 2 will read Korea before the War & the Start of the Korean War (484485) – Summarize, identify & define TTK Compare knowledge with partner Share with other pair – take notes! 2 will read about Senator Joseph McCarthy (657-658)– Summarize, identify & define important terms 2 will read Korea before the War & the Start of the Korean War (653-655) – Summarize, identify & define important terms Compare knowledge with partner Share with other pair – take notes! Exposed rigid gender roles Showed that women were unfulfilled in roles as housewife Made it okay for women to speak about unhappiness HUAC House Un-American Activities Committee - Investigate the full range of radical groups in the United States - 1947- Explore possible Communist influence in the American film industry HOLLYWOOD TEN- 10 actors/producers/writers 10 actors/producers/writers accused of radical political views Served jail time – up to 12 months Employee Loyalty Program -- Created by TRUMAN -- All federal employees would be investigated --Anyone found disloyal to the U.S. would be barred from fed govt. BLACKLIST – a list from which all the major Hollywood employers refused to hire. -- 3 million investigated --200 judged disloyal HOLLYWOOD TEN- Federal (1952) Required Communist organizations to register with the government and established a special board to investigate Communist involvement. Made it illegal to plan for a creation of a totalitarian dictatorship and prevented Communists or other radicals from entering the United States. • Truman: “One of the most un-American acts I have ever witnessed in my public career.” • Congress passes over Truman’s veto American Accused Pleaded Communists of selling A-Bomb secrets to USSR the 5th Pablo Picasso “do not let this crime against humanity take place” Electrocuted Julius in 1953 guilty Ethel knew, but didn’t take part 9, 1950 – U.S. senator, McCarthy, went to West Virginia to deliver Wheeling, West a speech in front of a Virginia Republican women’s group. February Topic: dangers of communism - Claimed that there were 205 known Communists working for the U.S. Department of State. - ~~Waved a list in front of the crowd saying it contained 57 names of Communists in the State Department. Americans easily believed his claims. He never produced the list of names he claimed to have. Senate committee looked into his charges and never found evidence of Communists in the State Department. Earned the reputation as the nation’s top Communist fighter. Went on attack; made new charges, again with no evidence. Herb Lock (cartoonist) called his tactic of spreading fear “McCarthyism” Tydings – Maryland senator, one of Truman’s strongest supporters. Millard McCarthy tried to bring him down…produced fake photographs showing Tydings talking to the head of American Communist party. TYDINGS WAS defeated in this election. McCarthyism spread everywhere. FBI was investigating people who were questioned, etc. 1000s of people were fired for political views. 600 mile long Korean Peninsula lies between China and Japan. Since 1905 Korea had been under the control of the Japanese. At Yalta: the allied agreed the Korea should be free following the war. 38th Parallel: Allies agreed to temporarily divide Korea into northern and southern parts. -- dividing line would be the parallel at 38 degrees north latitude NORTH- USSR SOUTH - AMERICA June 25, 1950, 100,000 North Korean troops crossed the 38th Parallel and invaded South Korea. Carried Soviet-made weapons Drove Soviet-made tanks Came as a surprise to U.S. Truman and World War II hero General Dwight D. Eisenhower felt the same. Truman ordered American naval and air forces to support South Korean ground troops. THE UN voted unanimously in favor of the use of force. POLICE ACTION: U.S. never declared war. GOAL: UN forces formed a line around the port city of Pusan. Douglass MacArthur’s plan – make a landing behind North Korean lines at the port city of Inchon. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/truman-relievesmacarthur-of-duties-in-korea Inchon Landing: Led by Douglas MacArthur, --70,000 troops landed and held ground October 1: all of South Korea freed Challenge? Should they stop at the 38th Parallel? MacArthur wanted to take all of North Korea and Truman MacArthur supported the plan OOPS! 260,000 Chinese troops crossed the border! UN forces had to retreat to Seoul -- MacArthur called for bombing of the Chinese mainland --Truman fired MacArthur 80,000 Americans wounded 14,000 Americans dead Ends in an Armistice Split NORTH- Communist SOUTH- Anti-Communist Between 1945-1950 5 million television sets appeared in home By 1959 more than 40 million American had at least one set. • In 1954 televised McCarthy hearing that finally gave the public the chance to see his disgraceful, bulling behavior. • Advertising: one show sponsored, then commercials! • Shifting to buying just one or two minute segments during shows to sell their products • Programming: reflected • 50s values (family, game shows) American Bandstand, I Love Lucy, - rock and roll music Mom: Stay home, cook, clean, create the perfect home Dad: Provide financially, disciplinarian Children: Obey! Be seen, not heard. Effects of violent content on young viewers TV industry promised that law enforcement would always appear in a positive light and criminals would be “bad guys.” SOVIETS ADVANCE USSR behind in number of weapons October 4, 1957: Soviets launched : first satellite launched into space : investigated the future of exploring space SATELLITE: An object that orbits around the earth 1958- Us was ready to launch a satellite of its own. 1951 – congress passes 22nd amendment • President may only serve two terms • Truman: “eight years as president is long enough and sometimes too much for any man to serve in this capacity.” Dwight Eisenhower & Richard Nixon(vice presidential running mate) • Richard Nixon accused of having $18,000 as campaign “gifts” (not illegal, but accused of dishonesty) • Nixon used new technology, TV, to give famous “Checkers Speech” • Ticket wins 1953: power Stalin dies, Nikita Khrushchev comes to SUMMIT: meeting of the heads of government -- Americans and Soviets meet in Switzerland in 1955 Eisenhower proposed an “open skies” treaty • Both countries would be able to fly over other’s territory to see military operations Soviets say no! (not a problem, we have the U-2 Plane and we sent it into Soviet airspace to inspect their military facilities) Americans still like Ike, re-elect him in 1956 - SEATO Southeast Asia Treaty Organization - Australia, Great Britain, France, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, US. - Agreed to work together to resist communist aggression. In partners… Create a proposal for a new television program for the year 1952 that would fit into one of the categories that were popular during the time. Include an analysis explaining why they think their program would have been popular with 1950s audiences. You should include ideas for characters and plots. What is the name of your television show? What is the plot? What is the purpose of the plot? Who are the characters? Why would this show be popular to audiences during this time?