
Quick breads
 Muffins, biscuits, pancakes, waffles, popovers
Yeast breads
 Sandwich bread, pizza crust, pita bread, rolls,
pretzels, pastries, doughnuts, croissants, and
Pastries – pies
Freshly baked items
Brown-and-serve baked goods
Refrigerated Doughs
Frozen doughs and baked goods
Air tight packaging
Room temperature
 Prevents molding
 Product may dry out – bread is best for toast
Depends on the amount of convenience
 Baking items at home = cost can vary depending upon the
 The overall taste will increase
Breads Differ In:
 Size variation
▪ Watch the serving size!
 Extra ingredients
▪ Add to flavoring but can increase the cost
 Brand
▪ Sarah Lee vs Great Value
Oven temps
 Correct temps help baked goods rise properly
▪ Too hot – crust will form too quickly
▪ Too low – rises too fast and gases escape before the
structure is ready
 Preheat: turn oven on about 10 minutes before
using to the desired temp
Choosing pan
 Use right depth – too deep or too shallow – may
not rise properly
 Dark pans – will burn items
Prepare the pans
 Follow the directions on each recipe
 Do not grease the pan when making a high-fat
 Grease and flour – rub solid fat on pan and then
dust with flour
 Spray with cooking spray
 Line with paper – foil or parchment paper
▪ Not wax paper
 Heated air circulates around the pans freely
▪ 1 inch space between pans and walls
 Hot spot: area of concentrated heat that can cause
uneven baking and browning
▪ From over crowding the pans
 Conventional oven - most recipes are set for this
style of oven
Baking cont.
 Convection oven
▪ Creates a continuous current of hot air that speeds some
chemical reactions in foods
▪ Product brown faster and lose less moisture
▪ Baked good rise more quickly
▪ Reduce temp by 25 to 30 degrees
▪ Reduce baking time by 1/3
 Microwave oven – does not work for baking
Remove baked products from pans
 Muffins immediately unless recipe states
▪ Prevents over baking
 Wire cooling rack to promote quick cooling
▪ Solid surface will hold heat and collect moister
 Remove cakes and breads
▪ Loosen – run a knife or spatula around the edges
▪ Flip – place wire rack on top and then sandwich flip
▪ Lift – lift pan off
▪ Flip again – setting items up right
▪ Cool – on top of rack
Batter: range in consistency from thin to stiff
 Pour Batters: thin batter
▪ Larger amount of liquid and small amount of fat
▪ Examples: Pancakes and popovers
 Drip Batter: stiff batter
▪ High proportion of flour
▪ Can drop them from a spoon
▪ Examples: biscuits and muffins
Dough: Higher proportion of
 Stiff enough to shape by hand
 Soft dough - shortcake and
 Stiff dough - rolled cookies and
Flour: gives structure to baked products
 All-Purpose Flour: most common
 Self-Rising Flour: with leavening agent and salt
Leavening agents: ingredients that produce gases
in batters and doughs
 Gases rise the product - light and porous
 Baking soda: a sodium bicarbonate
 Baking Powder: dry acid or acid salt, baking soda, starch
 Carbon dioxides: Chemical reaction between ingredients
and baked products
 Steam and air
Liquids: hydrate the protein and starch in
flour, moisten or dissolve ingredients, &
creates steam
 Proteins and water will later form gluten
 Examples: water, milk, juice, eggs, and fats
Fat: tenderizing agent
 Fat coats the flour and forms layers
Eggs: help incorporate air into baked
products when you beat them
 Add color, flavor, and structure
 Egg proteins coagulate and give batter/dough elasticity
and structure
Sugar: sweetness, tenderize, & helps crust
Salt: flavor and regulates action of yeast
* Reducing all of these ingredients will result in a
lower fat, lower sodium, and lower calorie diet.
Gluten: protein that give strength and
elasticity to batters and dough and structure
to baked products
 Mixing and stirring
Quick breads light and tender, mix them for
only a short time and handle them carefully
 10 strokes
Baking Powder: double-acting
 Release some carbon dioxide when moistened
but most released when heated
Biscuit Method:
 Sift dry ingredients
 Cut in: to mix solid fat and flour using a pastry
blender of two knives s and cutting motion
▪ Disperses fine fat particle in the dough, during baking
the fat melts between layers of flour and its liquid
content turns to steam, giving rise to a flaky biscuit
 Add liquid all at once
 Stir until the dough forms a ball
Different styles of biscuits
 Rolled Biscuits:
▪ Biscuit method
▪ Roll the dough 8 to 10 times or pat into a circle
▪ Cut with a biscuit cutter
▪ Up and down motions (no twisting)
▪ Gather leftover dough and prepare for a second
▪ Handle it as little as possible so it remains
tender and flaky
Different styles of biscuits cont.
 Drop Biscuits:
▪ More liquid in proportion to flour than rolled
▪ Not kneaded or rolled
▪ Oil sometimes replaces solid fat
▪ Uses the muffin method of mixing
▪ More mealy than flaky (crumbly)
▪ Drop a spoonful of the mixture onto a greased
cookie sheet or muffin tins
▪ Could also drop biscuits onto casseroles as a
Flaky layers
Level tops
Straight sides
Under Mixed – low volume, rounded top,
slightly rough crust
Over Mixed – low volume, rounded smooth
top, tough and compact
Muffin Method:
 Mix dry ingredients
 Make a well in the center of dry ingredients
 In separate bowl combine beaten eggs with milk
and oil, pour into the well
 Stir just until the dry ingredients are moistened
▪ Hardly no stirring = batter will still have lumps
 Examples:
▪ Waffles, pancakes, popovers, and some coffee cakes
Evenly lightly browned
Rounded pebbly tops
Symmetrical or balanced shape
Fine light and tender inside
Tender, light crumbs
Uniform texture
Under Mixed = low volume, flat top, crumb is
Over Mixed = peaked top, slick crust, broken
apart narrow open areas called tunnels
Hallow Center - can be filled
 Pudding, cool whip, drizzle with
Do not open the door because
it can cause the steam to leave
the popover and collapse
 Biggest problem with popovers is
insufficient baking
Popover should be crispy with a
moist middle
Hollow shell with crisp walls
 Can be Filled
 Dough is called puff paste
Éclairs - elongated cream puff filled with
 Requires a Special Mixing Method
 Bringing water and fat to boil, add flour, stir
vigorously over low heat until the mixture
forms a ball, remove from heat, stir in eggs
until mixture is smooth
Cook at high temp then back it down
 Allows the middle to finish cooking
Muffin method
Use a hot griddle
Ready for turning – look for dry edges and
bubbles starting to break on top
Cook until underside is golden
Best served warm
 Can reheat but maybe chewy
 Kids – make extras and freeze them, warm them
up in the microwave, add a little butter, easy for
breakfast and snacks
 All-purpose
 Bread flour: Contains larger amounts of gliadin
and glutenin
▪ Gliadin and Glutenin makes a stronger and more elastic
 Whole Wheat or Nonwheat flour:
▪ Examples: rye, soy, corn, and oat
▪ Lower protein - produce denser loaf
 Warm liquids used in yeast bread
▪ Too high kills the yeast cells
▪ Too low temp can slow or stop yeast activity
Salt: Regulates the action of yeast and
inhibits the action of certain enzymes in the
 Helps enhance the flavor
 Slows down the rising
 No salt – Dough is sticky and hard to handle!
Yeast : microscopic, single-celled plant used
as leavening agent (rising agent)
Gives a very distinct aroma and flavor
Makes the bread light & porous
Water temp – see slide before
Compressed yeast - made from fresh, moist yeast
cells that are pressed into cakes
▪ Must refrigerate
 Active dry yeast - has been dried and made into
 Fast-rising yeast - highly active yeast, smaller
*For best results buy yeast brand new, use small amounts
when needed, and place into the refrigerator when not
Sugar: browning, flavor, food for the yeast
 Produces carbon dioxide
 Helps with tenderness & texture
Fat: tenderness
 Promotes browning
 Fine texture
Eggs: flavor, richness, color, tenderness, strength,
and structure
 Other ingredients
 Can alter and change the flavors & textures
Traditional Method
 Also called conventional method
 Dissolve yeast in small amount of warm water
▪ Proofing: dissolving yeast is also a method of
testing yeast
 Add remaining liquid, sugar, fat, salt, and some
 If called for egg add at this time
 Add remain flour to form a soft dough
 Allowed to rise twice
One-rise Method
Also called quick-mix method
Requires fast-rising yeast
Mix yeast with some flour and all of the dry ingredients
Heat liquid and fat together
Add warm liquid to dry ingredients
If called for egg add at this time
Add remain flour to form a soft dough
Knead the dough
Cover and allow it to rest for 10 minutes
Allow to rise one last time
Mixer Method
 Use a mixer instead of a spoon to mix
 Steps are the same as the one-rise method
▪ Why?: Shortens the kneading time
Batter Method
▪ Also called No-Kneading Method
 Less flour
▪ Yeast mixture is thinner than dough
 Vigorous stirring, rather than kneading
 Requires two rising
▪ First: In Bowl
▪ Second: In Pan
Kneading - press the dough with the heels of the
hands, fold it, and turn it
 Repeat until dough is smooth and elastic
 Avoid adding too much extra flour
▪ It will make the dough stiff
 Knead until the dough still feelings soft
▪ Do not want the dough to feel like a bouncy ball
 Too much pressure at the beginning will keep dough sticky
and hard to handle
 Too much pressure at the end can tear or break the gluten
 Room temperature can affect how sticky the dough is
▪ Too much moisture or humidity = sticky dough
 Fermentation: yeast acts on the sugars in the bread
dough to form alcohol and carbon dioxide
Place in a lightly grease bowl – large enough for the
dough to double in size
Turn dough over so grease side is up & cover with plastic
wrap lightly – prevent from drying out
Cover with tight plastic wrap & dry dish towel
Let set in a warm place 75 to 85 degrees
Should double in volume
▪ Press two fingers into the dough, if the print stays,
then the dough is ready
Punching the Dough: Punch the dough
down to release carbon dioxide
 Firmly pushing a fist into the dough
 Fold edges of dough toward the center and turn
the dough over so the smooth side is on top
 May require a second rising
 Use sharp knife to cut into sections - allow to
rest for 10 minutes
 Dough should be pliable – accepts many
different shapes
 Score: means to make slashes about ½ inch deep
across the top of the bread
▪ Prevents crust from cracking
 Oven Spring: First few minutes of baking, dough
will rise dramatically
Breads have pulled away slightly from the sides of
the pan
Tapping the bread it should sound hallow
After baking, remove the bread from the pan and
place it on cooling racks
Let the bread cool before cutting! 
Large volume
Smooth, rounded top, golden brown
When sliced
 Fine and uniform & texture
 Crumbs are tender and elastic
 Springs back when touched
Rising too long = large over-expanded cells
Overmixed = gluten over developed and too
tight and will not rise
Cool-rising Doughs: Designed to rise
slowly in the refrigerator
 Everything is the same except you place in
pan and let it rise in the refrigerator for 2 to 24
Refrigerator Doughs
 Let it rise in refrigerator and shape after,
shape the dough, let rise, and bake
Freezer Doughs
 Mix and knead the dough
▪ Can freeze the dough before or after shaping
 Store up to one month
 Let thaw, shape, rise, and bake
Bread Machines
 Follow recipe directions that come with the