
Research of distribution
L 11
Ing. Jiří Šnajdar
Research of distribution ways
In scope of marketing researches displays
distribution (as one of elements of marketing mix) in
three different aspects :
Distribution research as source of information to
choose the most suitable distribution channel.
Distribution research as marketing research
providing by distributor.
Distribution research as obtaining of necessary
information of marketing research, when the
respondent, place or object is distributor (research
at distributors).
Links of distribution way
Research oriented on distributors, obtaining
information necessary to decision about structure
and course of distribution way.
Basic research problems :
• If and what mediators and intermediaries exist,
• Research of characteristics of links of distribution
way :
- “output” service (assortment, time, place, volume,
services, prices)
- size
- increase
- solvency
- competitors (distribution ways of rivals).
• Attitudes and assessments of distributor in
relation to firm and its products,
• Territorial extent of distributors,
• Relations among distributors,
• Kinds of using distribution channels,
• Attitudes of consumers to distributors (kinds of
distribution ways, types of distributors, concrete
• Market demands on segmentation of distribution
• Basis approaches
- secondary research (relatively bigger possibilities
than at consumer research)
- syndicate information, database
- primary research :
Main targets and methods of primary
research of distributor
Interviewing :
- width and profundity of assortment
- currency and mark image
- services - required
- requested
- who are main suppliers
- some “demographic” data (time of
existence of shop,
number of workers, branches)
Observing :
windows : number, area, style of setting
shopping area
forms of merchandising
Research from view of dealers
Marketing research which provides distributor, or
inner link of distribution way to clear his distribution
ways and his marketing orientations.
Bigger stress is on :
a. Placement
b. shop image
c. shop atmosphere
d. possibilities of merchandising
e. sale personnel
a. Place
- Research of stock placement.
Methods :
simulation of gravitation centre,
usage of transport problem (more stocks),
simulation models
- Placement of retail shop
• Methods :
observing :
frequency, number of parking cars,…
surrounding (kind of residences)
shops of our competitors and other
regressive multiply analysis
shop gravitation (between two places,
At research of shop placement can be used also
non-traditional ways of research. Example
– retail giant Wal-Mart : Selection of placement
done by air observation.
Otherwise it was hobby of Sam Walton (founder of
company), but it was far-seeing form
or research , because basic factors of placement of
supermarkets and large-area shops are from air
view better distinguishable (especially in country
area) :
- traffic ways,
- directions of growth of town,
- evaluation of competitors´ places.1
1 Huey,J., “Sam Walton In His Own Words”, Fortune, June 29, 1992
4. Own interviewing for perception of particular
shops with usage of significant characters in
chosen scales.
5. Processing of semantic differential of shop.
6. Evaluating of image :
weaknesses, priorities,
relations to shops of competitors,
relation to features of ideal shops.
Semantic differential is possible to use also for
creation of maps of shops perception.
Market research via distributors
The base of research in this case are so called shop
In certain intervals visit employees of research firm
specimens of shops and obtain following
information about :
• extent of supplies in structure (delivery reports,
• change from last visit,
• and other useful information (prices, exposure of
goods, …)
Results of examination in sample – panel of shops
– are basis of projection on larger (for example
countrywide) level.
From these are deduces such important information
for marketing, as are extents of market shares.
Themes to think over
1. Suggest basic structure of questionnaire for
interviewing of distributors from view of firm,
which enters market with electric appliances.
2. What formal pertinence will have interviewing at
distributor ?
3. What main restrictions do you see at method of
gravitation centre ?
4. What main characters do you connect with
shopping centres ?
5. Do you know any firms, that offer information of
shop panel ?