Prof. Anderson ENC1101 Major Essay 1-Literacy Narrative Objectives For this assignment you will write a 1,000 word literacy narrative. A literacy narrative is a genre of college writing written in open form prose. It should follow a clear plot and show thoughtful reflection on some part of your life related to reading, writing, language, education, rhetoric, or culture. A successful literacy narrative will include characters and settings and use concrete and figurative language. To put it simply, your literacy narrative should draw on your past experiences to tell a story that says something about who you are as a literate person. More information can be found on p. 181 of the A&B textbook. Rhetorical Context You are writing this essay with an intended audience of your university peers. As such, it should maintain a polite tone and engage appropriate subject material. Your topic should be one that you feel comfortable having your peers read and evaluate. The genre of a literacy narrative is open form, and it should have a clear plot with a beginning, middle, and end. Requirements The following criteria must be met in order to receive full credit for your work. Failure to comply with any of these requirements will penalize your grade: Minimum 1,000 words MLA Format with 12 pt Times New Roman font Engage an appropriate topic Final Draft due to by 7-6 at midnight Original Work Scoring Criteria Your essay will be evaluated on four different criteria that are described below. Each of these individual scores are combined in order to determine your final grade. It is entirely possible to receive a high grade in one category but fail another, so keep all of these aspects of your paper in mind as you begin to write. A= Excellent quality work that surpasses the guidelines and expectations of the paper B= High quality work that fulfills all guidelines and shows adequate effort C= Lower quality work that meets most but perhaps not all guidelines or shows inadequate effort D= Below average work that does not comply with essay requirements or shows little effort F= Extremely below average work Purpose: The essay tells a story with a salient theme and presents something of value. It should engage a relevant topic about language, literacy, education, rhetoric, or culture and show thoughtful reflection about an element of your literary past. Structure: The essay follows conventions of open form prose and is structured around a coherent plot. It should have scenes or events that follow a logical progression and not simply an “and then” narrative. Ideas and paragraphs should flow smoothly with good transitions. Open Form Prose Techniques: The essay uses concrete, descriptive, and figurative language with attention to word choice. It should have clear and vividly described characters and settings and have sufficient tension to hold the reader’s interest. Figurative language and other literary techniques should be used where appropriate. Mechanics: The final draft of the paper should show sufficient editing and revision. It should also utilize college-level grammar and correctly follow MLA formatting conventions. 25% 25% 25% 25%