UW-W: Foreign Language Programs Draft:7/13/11 Intermediate-High* Interpretive Rubric: Assessing Textual Literacy (Reading, Listening, Viewing) Exceeds Expectations Content Comprehension Comprehension Strategies Interpretive Comprehension Cultural Awareness Meets Expectations* Does Not Meet Expectations Identifies the main idea(s) of the text and most supporting details on familiar topics. Identifies the main idea(s) of the text and some supporting details on familiar topics. Identifies the main idea(s) of the text and few supporting details on familiar topics. Responses are relevant, accurate and thus demonstrate clear comprehension. Most responses are relevant, accurate and thus demonstrate general comprehension. Few responses are relevant, accurate and thus demonstrate limited comprehension. Infers meaning of unfamiliar words and/or phrases in new contexts. Infers meaning of some unfamiliar words and/or phrases in new contexts. Uses inferences and cultural background knowledge to enhance comprehension. Uses structure and/or organization of text to enhance comprehension. Infers meaning of few unfamiliar words and/or phrases in familiar contexts. Successfully interprets and synthesizes the intended message(s) and perspectives(s) of the text from multiple viewpoints. Interprets and synthesizes some of the intended message(s) and perspectives(s) of the text. Does not interpret and synthesize the intended message(s) and perspectives(s) of the text. Expresses his/her own personal perspective and interpretation of the text supported by rich cultural knowledge. Expresses some of his/her own personal perspective and interpretation of the text. Unable to express his/her own personal perspective and interpretation of the text. Is able to infer cultural perspectives and make cultural comparisons. Is able to infer some cultural perspectives and make some cultural comparisons. Is able to infer few or no cultural perspectives and make few or no cultural comparisons. Demonstrates a clear understanding of the target culture(s) as a system in which cultural perspectives are reflected through practices and products. Demonstrates some understanding of the target culture(s) as a system in which cultural perspectives are reflected through practices and products with some errors or missing elements. Identifies few or no products and practices of the target culture(s), which demonstrates inadequate understanding of the target culture(s) as a system of values. UW-W: Foreign Language Programs Draft:7/13/11 Potential Intermediate-High Text Types: short, authentic texts within predictable and familiar contexts related to personal experiences. Potential Listening/Viewing Texts: TV/radio commercials or public service announcements TV show, soap opera, or contextualized film segments Talk show (TV/radio) interviews Podcasts Simple, straightforward segment form a news broadcast (TV/radio) (Songs) Potential Reading Texts: Authentic, yet straightforward short stories Contextualized poetry Print advertisements or public service announcements Interviews or surveys from youth-oriented print material on familiar themes Personal letters or e-mail correspondence regarding familiar themes Simple essays or editorials Resume