Schools of Distinction What Makes Them Distinct? Greg Lobdell Kristi Smith, Principal Director of Research Stacey Krumsick, Instructional Specialist Center for Educational Effectiveness East Port Orchard Elementary South Kitsap SD C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Center for Educational Effectiveness • Field-based research, service, and data-centric tools to support School & District Improvement • In WA-- Partnerships with 580 Schools in 115 districts – What we do & how we do it varies based on serving districts from 80 students K-12, to districts over 30,000 K-12 • The largest WASL “Educational Growth” repository in the state (2000 – 2008 WASL growth data (student cohorts) for districts serving 700,000 students) C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Center for Educational Effectiveness • The largest repository of school effectiveness information in the state of Washington (Nine Characteristics of High Performing Schools) – 53,000 Staff, 162,000 Students, and 59,800 Parents (30% from homes where English is not primary language) • Assist all schools & districts in OSPI School, District, & Summit District Improvement programs • Assist all districts in Idaho’s “Building Capacity” K-12 District Improvement Program • Active partnerships: OSPI, AWSP, WSSDA, Leadership Innovations Team (Powerful Teaching & Learning), West-Ed Regional Ed Laboratory, WSU and UW C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Today’s Outcomes • Introduction: Schools of Distinction Selection Methodology- How are the award winners selected? • Research Methodology • Findings – Highlights: Repeat winners vis-à-vis State sample – What’s happening at a repeat winner? East Port Orchard Elementary, South Kitsap SD • Implications & application C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Performance, Improvement, and Poverty • Poverty is inversely correlated with performance • What about improvement- does the same hold true? C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Poverty and Improvement HS-Grade 10 1.50 SOD Award Level 1.00 RMLI Change 0.50 0.00 R2 = 0.0032 -0.50 -1.00 -1.50 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 Poverty HS-Grade 10 Award Winners Linear-ALL C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . 90.0 100.0 Poverty and Improvement MS-Grade 7 1.50 SOD Award Level 1.00 RMLI Change 0.50 0.00 R2 = 0.0072 -0.50 -1.00 -1.50 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 Poverty MS-Grade 7 Award Winners Linear-ALL C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . 90.0 100.0 Poverty and Improvement Elems- Grade 4 1.50 SOD Award Level 1.00 RMLI Change 0.50 0.00 -0.50 R2 = 0.01667 -1.00 -1.50 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 Poverty Award Winners Elems Linear-ALL C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . 80.0 90.0 100.0 Why do we see significantly different improvement results in Reading and Math? C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Award Winners: Who Are They? 2008 Schools of Distinction 53 elementary, 21 middle, 20 high schools and 7 alternative schools ESDs: at least 3 winners in all 9 ESDs. 65 from Western WA, 31 from Eastern WA Poverty Ranges: 1% to 82% ELL Percentage: 0% to 31% % Non-white enrollment: 0% to 70% Title I School wide: 40 buildings Did Not Meet AYP: 40 buildings 2008 Repeat Winners 14 elementary, 3 middle, 4 high schools (no alternative repeat winners) Repeat winners in 7 different ESDs. 14 from Western WA, 8 from Eastern WA Poverty Ranges: 5% to 69% ELL Percentage: 0% to 26% % Non-white enrollment: 1% to 57% Title I School wide: 8 buildings Did Not Meet AYP: 10 buildings C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Elementary Schools RMLI 2002-03 WA State Grade 4: RMLI '02-'03 Baseline 4.00 Reading / Math Learning Index 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 WA 4th Grade 2008 Schools of Distinction 0.50 0.00 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 Percent Poverty C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . 80.0 90.0 100.0 Elementary Schools RMLI 2008 WA State Grade 4: RMLI 2008 4.00 Reading / Math Learning Index 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 WA 4th Grade 2008 Schools of Distinction 0.50 0.00 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 Poverty C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . 80.0 90.0 100.0 Middle Schools RMLI 2002-03 WA State Grade 7: RMLI '02-'03 Baseline 4.00 Reading / Math Learning Index 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 WA 7th Grade 2008 Schools of Distinction 0.50 0.00 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 Percent Poverty C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . 80.0 90.0 100.0 Middle Schools RMLI 2008 WA State Grade 7: RMLI 2008 4.00 Reading / Math Learning Index 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 WA 7th Grade 2008 Schools of Distinction 0.50 0.00 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 Percent Poverty C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . 80.0 90.0 100.0 High Schools RMLI 2002-03 WA State Grade 10: RMLI '02-'03 Baseline 4.00 Reading / Math Learning Index 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 WA 10th Grade 2008 Schools of Distinction 0.50 0.00 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 Percent Poverty C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . 80.0 90.0 100.0 High Schools RMLI 2008 WA State Grade 10: RMLI 2008 4.00 Reading / Math Learning Index 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 WA 10th Grade 2008 Schools of Distinction 0.50 0.00 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 Percent Poverty C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . 80.0 90.0 100.0 A quick look at a repeat winner East Port Orchard Elem South Kitsap SD Poverty: 48.4% Students of color: 28% ELL: 2% C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . All Schools of Distinction accelerated Reading and . . . WASL 4 Reading: Percent of Students by Level 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 25% 36% 28% 33% 45% 49% 48% -11% -9% -19% -11% -7% 2008 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 25% 41% 19% 31% Meeting Standard -38% 44% -23% -6% 52% -17% -5% -4% -11% 49% NOT meeting standard to 77% MEETING standard C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . 36% -20% -3% 2009 2010 . . .accelerated Math as well. WASL 4 Math: Percent of Students by Level 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 30% 23% 22% 30% -33% -26% -15% -22% 2007 2008 39% 33% 30% 30% -11% -16% 100% 80% 60% 31% 40% 8% 20% Meeting Standard 27% -30% 22% 25% 31% -23% -39% -16% -35% -13% -19% 65% NOT meeting standard to 63% MEETING standard C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . -22% 2009 2010 Research Approach • Guiding Prompt: How are attitudes and practices different in the Schools of Distinction C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Today’s Focus Data Will Be: Phase I Practices of Improving or Turnaround Schools Oct 2007 – Jan 2008 Phase II EES-Staff Survey Characteristics of High Performing Schools Dec 2007 – May 2008 Phase III EES-Staff with Repeat Winners Oct 2008 – Jan 2009 For Details: • OSPI January Conference-2008, WERA-Spring-2008, AWSP/WASA Summer Conference 2008 Session, OSPI January Conference-2009 • • Sharratt, G. C., Mills, S., & Lobdell, G. (2008). Schools of distinction: What makes them distinct? Washington State Kappan, 2(1), 20-22. C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . CEE Research Focus- Schools of Distinction "Nine Characteristics of High Performing Schools" OSPI Characteristics of Improved School Districts" OSPI, Shannon & Bylsma, 2004 "Beat the Odds, 2006" Morrison Institute for Public Policy, "Knowing the "School Right Things Turnarounds" to Do", Elmore, Public Impact, 2004. 2007 What Works In Schools, Marzano, 2003 Instructional Leadership student learning focus distributed leadership observes instruction frequently √ √ √ √ √ √ High Quality Teaching and Learning High expectations use of student data personalized interventions aligned C & I √ √ √ √ √ √ Systems Support for Improvement effective use of data parent involvement professional learning community I(2nd ed.) √ √ √ √ I Collaboration communication addressing conflict organizational trust peer observation √ √ √ √ √ √ Readiness for Improvement belief in student learning openness to new ideas problem solving, conflict management √ I √ I I I C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . CEE Research Focus- Schools of Distinction "Nine Characteristics of High Performing Schools" OSPI Characteristics of Improved School Districts" OSPI, Shannon & Bylsma, 2004 "Beat the Odds, 2006" Morrison Institute for Public Policy, "Knowing the "School Right Things Turnarounds" to Do", Elmore, Public Impact, 2004. 2007 What Works In Schools, Marzano, 2003 Instructional Leadership student learning focus distributed leadership observes instruction frequently √ √ √ √ √ √ High Quality Teaching and Learning High expectations use of student data personalized interventions aligned C & I √ √ √ √ √ √ Systems Support for Improvement effective use of data parent involvement professional learning community I(2nd ed.) √ √ √ √ I Collaboration communication addressing conflict organizational trust peer observation √ √ √ √ √ √ Readiness for Improvement belief in student learning openness to new ideas problem solving, conflict management √ I √ I I I C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Highlights of Phases I and II Very High Readiness for Improvement 75% belief that ALL students can meet state standards 75% willingness to change, and openness to new ideas Culture of Collaboration High trust across staff and with leadership 75% willingness to address conflict Leadership Stable – average of 4 yrs in building and 8 years as principal Focus on instruction and student learning - 50% observe classrooms daily Reading and Math Beliefs are more important – both in top 10! Collaborative planning for integration of literacy and numeracy across the curric. Leadership facilitate processes for improvement Staff have frequent feedback about how they are doing System Support for Improvement 80% have release time monthly for professional development 60% monitor school improvement plans at least monthly High Quality Instruction and Supportive Instructional Practice 92% use assessment data to identify student needs and instructional intervention 84% use data to guide professional development 80% use collaborative lesson design and analysis of student work Teachers engage in PD to learn and apply skills and strategies Struggling students receive intervention Celebrating student success Teachers integrate literacy and numeracy High Level of Trust 71% believe there is a high level of trust in their school Strength in positive side of Trust Lower “Trust Erosion” factors C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Phase III • Approach: differential comparison – By each of the Nine Characteristics – By each item within the characteristic scales • Focus on repeat winners – 2008 repeat winners – 2008 first year winners – Comparison with schools across the state • Instrumentation: Educational Effectiveness Survey v9.0 – – – – Voluntary participation: Staff self-reflection Nine Characteristics of High Performing Schools Readiness to Benefit Includes views of: Organizational Trust, District Support for Improvement, and Cultural Responsiveness C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Sample Definitions • SOD EES Overall Sample (non-repeat winners) N= 1,710 staff in 55 Buildings • Repeat Winners N= 520 in 18 Buildings (out of 21) C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Demographics for State Sample • • • • EES-Staff surveys from October 2007 to January 2009 N= 16,934 staff 321 unique schools Geographically, demographically, and achievement fairly representative of the state (slightly higher poverty, ELL, and Hispanic representation than state overall) – WASL Reading slightly higher than state average, WASL Math slightly lower than state ESD by Respondents School Level Middle / Jr. High, 3843, 23% ESD121, 5070, 32% Elementary, 8461, 50% High School, 3992, 24% Other, 87, 1% K-12, 347, 2% ESD123, 1860, 12% Position ESD171, 1129, 7% ESD189, 803, 5% ESD114, 1458, 9% ESD113, 125, 1% ESD112, 2406, 15% ESD101, 724, 5% ESD105, 2199, 14% C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . ParaProfessional / Instr. Aide 12% Administrator 2% Classified Support Staff 14% Certificated Support Staff 6% Certificated Teacher 66% Distinction: Repeat Schools of Distinction demonstrate significant strength in ALL of the Nine Characteristics High Quality Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessemnt 4.500 Readiness to Benefit 4.000 Monitor Teaching and Learning 3.500 Effective Leadership Collaboration for Student Learning 3.000 2.500 2.000 Community & Parent Involvement Supportive Learning Environment Focused Professional Development District Support for Improvement High Standards and Expectations Clear and Shared Focus SOD-Repeats State Sample C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Distinction: The Instructional Core Matters SOD-Repeats State Sample Mean Mean Difference: Repeats vs State Monitor Teaching and Learning 3.646 3.341 0.306 1 High Quality Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessemnt 3.967 3.687 0.280 2 Collaboration for Student Learning 3.825 3.581 0.244 3 High Standards and Expectations 3.664 3.468 0.196 4 Focused Professional Development 3.731 3.537 0.195 5 Supportive Learning Environment 4.128 3.936 0.191 6 Community & Parent Involvement 3.729 3.538 0.190 7 Clear and Shared Focus 4.230 4.068 0.162 8 Effective Leadership 4.189 4.032 0.157 9 Mean: 5=ALMOST ALWAYS TRUE, 1=Almost Never True C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Rank of diffs DISTINCTION: Monitoring Teaching and Learning Reduce isolation and open practice up to direct observation, analysis, and feedback. – Make direct observation of practice, analysis, and feedback a routine feature of work. Elmore (2000, 2002, and 2004) C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Distinction: Monitor Teaching and Learning SOD-Repeats Mean: 5=ALMOST ALWAYS TRUE, 1=Almost Never True State Sample Mean Combined Positive Mean Combined Positive Repeats vs State Means Repeats vs State %Pos 3.843 69.6% 3.322 56.0% 0.520 13.6% 3.867 69.0% 3.483 52.6% 0.384 16.4% We reflect upon instructional practice to inform our conversations about improvement 3.698 65.7% 3.338 57.2% 0.360 8.5% Struggling students receive early intervention and remediation to acquire skills 4.018 73.1% 3.678 58.4% 0.340 14.6% 3.492 58.6% 3.205 50.3% 0.287 8.3% 3.000 47.8% 2.794 41.0% 0.206 6.8% Assessment data is used to identify student needs and appropriate instructional intervention 4.175 78.5% 3.985 71.0% 0.189 7.5% We are encouraged to participate in classroom observation 3.080 43.6% 2.920 42.8% 0.159 0.8% Monitor Teaching and Learning 3.646 We monitor the effectiveness of instructional interventions We are frequently informed about how well we are doing Teachers collaboratively plan lessons Data from peer observations leads to meaningful change in instructional practice 3.341 C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . 0.306 DISTINCTION: The “VITAL Cycle” of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Beat-the-odds-schools are figuring out ways to customize instruction and intervention so it exactly suits each student’s needs. The beat-the-odds schools are putting in place a whole set of interlocking practices and policies geared toward winning a marathon (instead of a sprint). It involves a vital cycle of instruction, assessment, and intervention, followed by more instruction, assessment and intervention. Beat The Odds (2006) C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Distinction: High Quality Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment SOD-Repeats Mean: 5=ALMOST ALWAYS TRUE, 1=Almost Never True Common assessments are used to inform instruction Instruction is personalized to meet the needs of each student Regular assessment is used to monitor student progress The reading program we teach is aligned with state learning standards Our staff demonstrates a thorough understanding of state learning standards for reading This school provides curriculum that is relevant and meaningful Our staff demonstrates a thorough understanding of state learning standards for math The math program we teach is aligned with the state learning standards This district uses assessments aligned to standards and instruction All teachers integrate literacy and numeracy concepts into their teaching High Quality Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessemnt State Sample Mean Combined Positive Mean Combined Positive Repeats vs State Means Repeats vs State %Pos 4.01 76.2% 3.43 59.5% 0.579 16.7% 3.79 68.0% 3.48 55.5% 0.313 12.5% 4.26 85.6% 3.95 76.5% 0.312 9.1% 4.22 81.2% 3.92 69.3% 0.301 11.8% 4.06 78.8% 3.78 64.4% 0.276 14.5% 4.25 85.2% 4.00 74.8% 0.241 10.4% 3.68 64.6% 3.48 52.0% 0.208 12.6% 3.87 69.4% 3.68 60.2% 0.196 9.2% 3.96 74.0% 3.77 63.2% 0.189 10.8% 3.57 61.0% 3.38 48.4% 0.186 12.6% 3.967 3.687 C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . 0.280 DISTINCTION: Action-Based Collaboration Improved districts build a culture of commitment, collegiality, mutual respect, and stability. – Professional culture of high standards – Trust, mutual respect, and competence – Opportunities for peer support, collaboration, and develop professional learning communities Shannon & Bylsma (2004) C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Distinction: Collaboration & Communication SOD-Repeats Mean: 5=ALMOST ALWAYS TRUE, 1=Almost Never True State Sample Mean Combined Positive Mean Combined Positive Repeats vs State Means Repeats vs State %Pos 4.109 80.4% 3.732 62.3% 0.377 18.1% 4.058 75.0% 3.687 60.1% 0.372 14.9% 3.998 74.2% 3.648 58.4% 0.350 15.8% 3.716 65.0% 3.382 47.0% 0.334 18.0% 4.072 80.6% 3.801 65.8% 0.272 14.8% 3.959 71.5% 3.695 59.5% 0.264 12.0% 4.302 83.5% 4.075 75.7% 0.227 7.7% 3.539 55.6% 3.320 46.5% 0.220 9.1% 3.322 48.8% 3.103 38.2% 0.219 10.7% 3.626 59.4% 3.461 51.0% 0.165 8.4% 3.394 49.8% 3.263 42.7% 0.131 7.1% Our school meets regularly to monitor implementation of our school improvement plan 3.804 62.7% 3.801 64.5% 0.003 -1.8% Collaboration for Student Learning 3.825 Students understand the expectations and standards of this school When there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it Staff in our building do not manipulate others to achieve their goals Parents & community understand the expectations & standards of this school Staff in our school are consistently truthful There is a willingness to address conflict in this school Staff at this school collaborate to improve student learning We collaboratively plan the integration of literacy & numeracy concepts across the curriculum There is effective, 2-way communication between the district and our school Our staff shares learnings from conferences and seminars they attend Collaboration between district and schools is based upon trust and respect 3.581 C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . 0.244 Application of Findings A Quick View by School Level Why do we see significantly different improvement results in Reading and Math? C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Elementary Staff- Top 10 Differences Characteristic Elementary Schools Stack % Positive Rank of % Positive State Gap SOD Sample Gap Instruction is personalized to meet the needs of each student CIA 1 74.2% 60.5% 13.8% We hold one another accountable for student learning HSE 2 70.0% 57.4% 12.6% We are frequently informed about how well we are doing MTL 3 68.6% 57.6% 11.0% We monitor the effectiveness of instructional interventions MTL 4 75.7% 64.8% 10.9% We reflect upon instructional practice to inform our conversations about improvement MTL 5 73.0% 62.5% 10.5% Parents & community understand the expectations & standards of this school Collab 6 63.6% 53.2% 10.4% We are provided training to support a culturally responsive learning environment FPD 7 47.8% 37.4% 10.4% Common assessments are used to inform instruction CIA 8 78.2% 67.8% 10.4% Students understand the expectations and standards of Collab this school 9 78.6% 69.1% 9.5% Staff members enforce consistent behavior expectations and consequences in their classrooms 10 77.8% 68.3% 9.4% SLE C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Secondary Staff- Top 10 Differences Characteristic Secondary Schools Stack Rank of Gap SLE 1 77.9% 60.4% 17.5% Students understand the expectations and standards of Collab this school 2 73.0% 55.6% 17.5% When there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it Collab 3 72.2% 55.9% 16.3% MTL 4 64.9% 49.0% 15.9% Parents & community understand the expectations & standards of this school Collab 5 55.4% 40.7% 14.7% Staff in our school are consistently truthful Collab 6 76.7% 62.1% 14.6% My colleagues welcome new and innovative ideas RTB 7 67.7% 54.6% 13.2% Our teachers engage in professional development activities to learn and apply math skills and strategies FPD 8 66.5% 53.8% 12.7% We are frequently informed about how well we are doing MTL 9 60.2% 47.6% 12.7% Our staff believes that all students can meet state reading standards HSE 10 57.8% 45.4% 12.5% Students in this school are engaged in learning Struggling students receive early intervention and remediation to acquire skills % Positive % Positive State SOD Sample C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Gap Application: Areas of Focus and Reflection Successful turnarounds are typically marked by vigorous analysis of data, identification of key problems, and selection of strategies to address the central challenges. Two leader actions fall into this category: • Collecting and personally analyzing organization performance data • Making an action plan based on data School Turnarounds (2007) C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Monitoring Teaching and Learning • We monitor the effectiveness of instructional interventions, • We are frequently informed about how well we are doing, • We reflect upon instructional practice to inform our conversations about improvement, and • Struggling students receive early intervention and remediation to acquire skills. C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . High Quality Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment • Common assessments are used to inform instruction, • Instruction is personalized to meet the needs of each student, • The school provides curriculum that is relevant and meaningful, and • The district uses assessment aligned to standards and instruction. C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Collaboration & Communication • Students understand the expectations and standards of this school, • When there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it, • Staff in our building do not manipulate others to achieve their goals, • Parents and community understand the expectations and standards of this school, • Staff in our school are consistently truthful, and • There is a willingness to address conflict in this school. C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . A View from the Field… • What’s happening at East Port Orchard Elementary- South Kitsap SD C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Clear and Shared Focus Clear and Shared Focus / Vision 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% My performance goals are set based on the mission/purpose of this school Staff I work with demonstrate commitment to our mission 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 83% 64% 14% 0% 2% 33% 2% 0% I understand the mission/purpose of our school 76% 21% 2% 0% Important decisions here are based on the mission/purpose of this school 76% 21% 2% 0% My work contributes to the mission/purpose of this school 81% 14% 0% 5% This building has a data-driven school improvement plan 79% 17% 0% 5% The mission/vision of this school and district are aligned with each other 69% C EAlmost N T E RAlways F O R E DOften U C ATrue T I O N ASometimes L E F F E C TTrue I V E N Seldom E S S , I True NC. 17% Almost Never True 5% 0%10% Missing Systems of Support • School Improvement Plan – Data driven – Everyone participates – Align BATRP (Building Added Time Responsibility Pay) – Aligns with district goals – On going evaluation and revision of plan by teams C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Systems of Support • Individual teacher goals – Align with professional development focus – Align with SIP goals • Professional Learning Communities – Building focus on common subject – Common Assessments – Data Analysis to drive instruction – Student learning targets C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Systems of Support • Schedule – 90 minutes uninterrupted reading and math instruction – Support staff teams with classroom teacher for daily reading instruction – Grade levels have common instructional blocks – Special Education services are provided at times that do not conflict with core C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Readiness to Benefit 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% I welcome new and innovative ideas 76% My colleagues are willing to work at changing this school for the better 74% My colleagues are willing to be held accountable for student learning Our staff believes that all students can meet state reading standards Our staff believes that all students can meet state math standards I believe that all students can meet state reading standards I believe that all students can meet state math standards 70% 80% 90% 100% 7%0% 24% 26% 52% 43% 45% 48% 57% 50% 0% 2% 0% 2% 10%2% 0%12% 38% 57% 50% 0% 5% 0% 50% 76% I am willing to be held accountable for student learning When there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it 60% 93% I am willing to work at changing my school for the better My colleagues welcome new and innovative ideas 50% 12% 2% 0% 26% 31% 19% 26% 7%2% 0%7% 5%2%5% 7% 12%0% 5% 7% 12%0%7% 5% C E N T E R Almost F O R Always EDUCA T I OTrue N A L Sometimes E F F E C TTrue I V E NSeldom E S S , True I N C .Almost Never True Often Missing Resistance Factor- 2007 Resistance: "I" vs. "They" Mindset 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% GAP: Difference between "I" and "They" Perspective 62% I welcome new and innovative ideas 36% 2% 0% 0% 50% 100% 50% 100% 29% My colleagues welcome new and innovative ideas 21% I am willing to work at changing my school for the better My colleagues are willing to work at changing this school for the better Almost Alw ays Often True Sometimes True 48% 31% 0% 0% 17% 2% 0% 81% 0% 38% Seldom True 26% 36% Almost Never True 0% Missing C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . 33% Resistance Factors- 2009 Resistance: "I" vs. "They" Mindset 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% GAP: Difference between "I" and "They" Perspective I welcome new and innovative ideas 76% 24% 0% 0% 50% 100% 5% My colleagues welcome new and innovative ideas 52% 43% I am willing to work at changing my school for the better 5% 0% 0% 7% 0% 93% 0% 50% 100% 0% My colleagues are willing to work at changing this school for the better 74% I am willing to be held accountable for student learning 76% We hold one another accountable for student learning Almost Alw ays Often True Sometimes True 55% Seldom True 26% 0% 10% 2% 0% 12% 33% Almost Never True 5% 0% 7% Missing C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . 0% 50% 100% • Student learning always the focus • Developing staff culture to support collaborative, honest interactions needs to be addressed so that the focus can remain on learning C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . EPO’s Organizational Trust Comparison Perspective- Organizational Trust Percent Positive Responses Note: Further from the center implies more positive responses Integrity Competence 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Benevolence / Caring December 2008 Openness Reliability November 2007 April 2007 Copyright © 2006 Center for Educational Effectiveness. All Rights Reserved. C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . rs hi p Le ad e n io ct ru st In Student Learning Organization The Center for Educational Effectiveness, Inc. C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Implications: Further Research • So much to do, so little time… – Regressions and ANOVA across all 9 Characteristics and performance and improvement are underway – Level by level, additional demographic views, characteristics of leadership, instructional practice, etc. C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Comments? Le ad e Student Learning n io ct ru st In rs hi p Questions? Organization The Center for Educational Effectiveness, Inc. C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . References You Can Use Primary • Elmore, R. (2004). Knowing the Right Things to Do: School Improvement and Performance-Based Accountability. Washington, D.C.: National Governors Association- Center for Best Practices. • Marzano, R. (2003). What Works in Schools: Translating Research Into Action. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. • Beat The Odds (2006). Morrison Institute for Public Policy (2006). Why Some Schools With Latino Children Beat the Odds…and Others Don’t. Tempe, AZ.: Morrison Institute for Public Policy, Arizona State University, jointly with Center for the Future of Arizona. (aka: “Beat The Odds (2006) ). • Fixen, D.L. et al. (2005). Implementation Research: A synthesis of the literature. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, Louis de la Parte Mental Health Institute, The National Implementation Research Network (FMHI Publication #231) • School Turnarounds (2007). Public Impact (2007). School Turnarounds: A review of the cross-sector evidence on dramatic organizational improvement. Public Impact, Academic Development Instituteprepared for the Center on Innovation and Improvement. Retrieved from: (aka: School Turnarounds (2007)). • Shannon, G.S. & Bylsma, P. (2004). Characteristics of Improved School Districts: Themes from Research. Olympia, WA. Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. • Shannon, G.S. & Bylsma, P. (2003). Nine Characteristics of High Performing Schools. A research-based resource for school leadership teams to assist with the School Improvement Process. Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Olympia, WA. • Sharratt, G. C., Mills, S., & Lobdell, G. (2008). Schools of distinction: What makes them distinct? Washington State Kappan, 2(1), 20-22. Secondary • Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE) (2005). Longitudinal Change in Staff Perceptions of the 9 Characteristics of High Performing Schools in OSPI SIA Cohort-II and III Schools. Redmond, WA: Center for Educational Effectiveness. • Elmore, R. (2000). Building a New Structure For School Leadership. Washington, D.C.: The Albert Shanker Institute. • Elmore, R. (2002). Bridging the Gap Between Standards and Achievement. Washington, D.C.: The Albert Shanker Institute. • Tschannen-Moran, (2004). Trust Matters, Leadership for Successful Schools. San Francisco, CA. JosseyBass. C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Background Material Le ad e Student Learning n io ct ru st In rs hi p Organization The Center for Educational Effectiveness, Inc. C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . Schools of Distinction Selection Design Objectives • Recognize improvement in performance over 5+ years. • Meaningful – Use a Reading and Math Learning Index to determine balanced improvement. • Additional information for stakeholders—not a replacement for AYP determinations. • Transparency and openness through the use of publicly available data. • Must have at least “adequate performance” in both Math and Reading. See: C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . School of Distinction Selection Methodology • Learning Index == (1 * % at Level-1) + (2 * % at Level-2) + (3 * % at Level3) + (4 * % at Level-4) • Reading and Math combined as weighted average • Improvement from 2002/03 baseline to 2008 • Minimum threshold for consideration: at or above state average in Reading and Math percent-meeting-standard • Top 5% See: C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . • Reading, Math, Writing, & Science • Compensatory Rigor (Robustness) - Content coverage - Systemic (K-12) SBE Accountability Index •Reading & Math Level Index RMLI- Schools of Distinction Selection • Conjunctive • Improvement over 6 years • Status AND Improvement (over 1 year), AND “Beat The Odds” • Risk Adjusted for Low and non-Low Income • Systemic- Gr. 3-10 and Extended Grad. Rate • Criterion-based • Grade 4, 7, and 10 only • 5% “winners” Low Complexity C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C . High Center for Educational Effectiveness Screening Student Achievement • Status • Improvement • Growth Organizational Effectiveness • Status • Improvement • Growth Instructional Effectiveness • Status • Improvement • Growth Leadership Effectiveness • Status • Improvement • Growth Custom analysis on relationships between data sets used for “screening” Progress Monitoring WASL, WLPT, DiBELs, MAP, and other assessment triangulation Diagnostic Summative / Evaluative Strand analysis and analysis of challenges by different groups of students (ethnicity, gender, poverty, etc). Integration of data from multiple assessments • Comprehensive WASL Analysis • I3 Analysis- year to year growth • Comparative Cohort (multi year growth Educational Effectiveness Survey (EES) Suite: • Board-Leadership • Central District Staff (all areas including operations) • Building Staff, Students, & Parents (available in multiple languages) EES- Instructional Team Survey: PLC focused instrument for reflection on Attributes of Effective Instruction in a PLC or collaborative environment. In-depth professional development provided by Leadership Innovations Team (i.e. “Powerful Teaching and Learning Group”- A. Olzendam & H. Knight). Profiles of Leadership Effectiveness (POLE) – 360: 360degree feedback instrument based on the ISLLC standards for educational leadership (State wide standard for Ed Leadership Pro Certification) C E N T E R F O R E D U C AT I ON A L EF F E CT I V E N E SS , I N C .