Test Prep at Its Best Raising NECAP Reading and Writing Scores by Using What We Know about How People Learn Presenter: Bill Rich william_rich@ymail.com Accessing Wi-Fi: Select “NOWIRZ” username: vhec password: 08032010 Sponsored by The Higher Education Collaborative Quickie Introductions! 1. My name is... 2. I’m here because... & 3. The most fun/interesting thing that’s happened to me this summer... Dr. Chris Jernstedt Opinion-Based Pedagogy vs. Research-Based Conclusive Design Principles for Optimizing Learning Reason & Feeling The Biggest of Today’s Big Ideas 1. The best learning occurs in environments that attend to the social, emotional, and cognitive needs of learners. The Biggest of Today’s Big Ideas 1. The best learning occurs in environments that attend to the social, emotional, and cognitive needs of learners. Name of Your Crew 90 Second Task: You must name your crew after a living creature. Any living creature. Write it on a card, which we’ll collect. Three Key Findings from How People Learn 1. Students come to the classroom with preconceptions about how the world works. If their initial understanding is not engaged, they may fail to grasp the new concepts and information that are taught, or they may learn them for purposes of a test but revert to their preconceptions outside of the classroom. Three Key Findings from How People Learn 2. To develop competence in an area of inquiry, students must: (a) have a deep foundation of factual knowledge, (b) understand facts and ideas in the context of a conceptual framework, and (c) organize knowledge in ways that facilitate retrieval and application. Three Key Findings from How People Learn 3. A “metacognitive” approach to instruction can help students learn to take control of their own learning by defining learning goals and monitoring their progress in achieving them. Crew Challenge #1 Identify the key concepts (regarding teaching & learning) from the two stories that Bill reads from Daniel Coyle’s The Talent Code. Daniel Coyle’s The Talent Code Story #1 Clarissa & Her Clarinet: The Thirteen-Year-Old Girl Who Did a Month’s Practice in 6 Minutes Story #2 Clifford’s Quest: Discovering the Secret to Brazil’s Soccer Success Crew Challenge #1 What are 3-5 of the most key concepts (regarding teaching & learning) from the two stories that Bill read from Daniel Coyle’s The Talent Code. Four Key Concepts 1. Mental Models (Absorb the whole thing.) 2. Targeted Practice (Compress the field.) 3. Rapid Feedback (Tighten the loop.) 4. Emotional Trigger (Find the feeling.) Todays’ Big Ideas & Key Concepts 1. The best learning occurs in environments that attend to the social, emotional, and cognitive needs of learners. 2. Students come to the classroom with preconceptions about how the world works. If their initial understanding is not engaged, they may fail to grasp the new concepts and information that are taught, or they may learn them for purposes of a test but revert to their preconceptions outside of the classroom. 3. To develop competence in an area of inquiry, students must: (a) have a deep foundation of factual knowledge, (b) understand facts and ideas in the context of a conceptual framework, and (c) organize knowledge in ways that facilitate retrieval and application. 4. A “metacognitive” approach to instruction can help students learn to take control of their own learning by defining learning goals and monitoring their progress in achieving them. 5. Mental Models (Absorb the whole thing.) 6. Targeted Practice (Compress the field.) 7. Rapid Feedback (Tighten the loop.) 8. Emotional Trigger (Find the feeling.) Today’s Agenda 1. Setting the Stage: Principles (Big Ideas) & Crews 2. Six Weeks: Studying a Sequence of Lessons LUNCH 3. The Students Speak: THEE Students Reflect on Their Learning 4. Beyond Six Weeks: The Coherent & Connected System of Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction 5. Your Next Steps Crew Challenge #3 Make a plan for tracking the Big Ideas and Key Concepts at work in these lessons. Please be ready to refer to that you can find on our wiki at: tassvt.pbworks.com/ Six Weeks: A Sequence of Lessons Some Context THEE: The Human Experience (English) Cliental Team & Curriculum (Summer Reading Schematic) Test Scores for Cohort Grading Pilot 1st Day of Class A Story about My Brother Timmy Notebook Prompt #1: The characters in our lives. Burden, A Graphic Short Story Describe the plot--what happens--but you only have 5 bullets to work with, so you can’t be too detailed. It will help if you imagine that you are creating this summary for someone who has never read the narrative. Out of all of the frames in the story, which three are the most important. Rank them in their importance. Are David’s actions ethical? In the space below, please make a T chart that lists why his actions might be ethical and why his actions might be unethical. Question Posed Is it okay to do bad things if, in the end, the results are good? (Do the ends justify the means?) Helping Mr. Rich Serve Me Survey Pre-Assessment Collect Summer Work Homework 1 60-90 Minutes Think Time How is the human experience different from other types of experiences? Forecast Shoe Box You Tube Recommendations Crews: Consolidation Time How do you see the Big Ideas and/or Key Concepts at Work so Far? Conference Wiki http://tassvt.pbworks.com / 2nd Class Shoe Box Greeting If you submitted your summer work last class, complete the assignment titled, “If You Did the Summer Assignment.” If you did not submit your summer work last class, complete the assignment titled, “If You Didn’t Do the Summer Assignment” Grading Conversation Grading Graph Grading Current grading practices in most secondary schools are a hodgepodge of impressions and biases that reward compliance rather than providing an accurate depiction of a student’s growth toward clear standards of performance. Grading and averaging all the work students do causes students to focus on gaming the system rather than seeking and using teacher feedback that will improve their performance. Current grading practices in most high schools do not prepare students for the kind of grading practices that happen in most colleges/universities, where the majority of a student’s grade depends on the students’ performance We will: Show students examples of competent and mastery performances so students can close the gap between where they are and where they need to be. Provide targeted and ongoing feedback that helps students improve their performance and begin to take charge of their learning. Determine a student’s grade a) primarily by assessing and reporting students’ current skills level in relation to explicit standards of performance; b) secondarily by assessing and reporting student’s learning habits and growth over time. Grading Policy Summative Assessment (Big Game) = 60% Learning Habits = 20% Growth = 20% Learning Habits Rubric Persisting Applying Feedback Organizing Listening Contributing Scoring/Grading Work on a 4-Point Scale A 93 - 100 3.6 - 4.0 B 85 - 92 2.7 - 3.5 C 77 - 84 1.7. - 2.6 D 69 - 76 0.7 - 1.6 F 0 - 68 0 - 0.6 Work on a 4-Point Scale Find the Grade Teacher 1 0 80 80 85 90 335 Teacher 2 0 2 2 3 3 10 william_rich@ymail.com Homework 2 Should We Let the Humans Live? You Tube Clip 3rd Class Shoe Box: Collect Homework To Kill or Not to Kill? NECAP Practice #1: Model 1 (PDF) Homework 3: Handwritten Response to a Quotations Exit Card: 1. How am I feeling about this class so far? 2. Is there anything Mr. Rich can do to A Powerful Sequence of Writing Instruction 1. Distribute a Prompt that Looks Like Final Performance 2. Provide a Teacher-Generated Model Response to the Prompt 3. Provide a Limited-Language Rubric for Students to Evaluate the Model 4. Ask Students to Write a Response to the Prompt, Using the Model and Rubric as a Guide 5. Provide a Rubric for Students to Evaluate Their Response 6. Teacher Uses Rubric to Provide Feedback to Students, http:education.vermont.gov/new/html. pgm_assessment/necap/resources/rel eased_items.html Class 4 Shoebox: Submit Handwritten Essay Started in Previous Class Your View of the World: Optimistic / Pessimistic? Study Videos: You Tube: Mad World vs What a Wonderful World Homework 4: “My View of the World” Mini-Lesson: Organization Requires Planning & Rewriting Redistribute Handwritten Essay Started in Previous Class Classes 5 - 7 Return Summer Work (Collecting Usable Feedback) Homework Started in Class: Revise One Part for a 4/4 Finish Handwritten Essay #1 4-Way Thinking Introduction (Summarize, Interpret, Analyze, Evaluate) Apply 4-Way Thinking to Lyrics of Tom Waits’ Song Powerful Writing Sequence Repeated 1. Distribute a Prompt that Looks Like Final Performance 2. Provide a Teacher-Generated Model Response to the Prompt 3. Provide a Limited-Language Rubric for Students to Evaluate the Model 4. Ask Students to Write a Response to the Prompt, Using the Model and Rubric as a Guide 5. Provide a Rubric for Students to Evaluate Their Response 6. Teacher Uses Rubric to Provide Feedback to Students, Who Then Revise Their Response Classes 8-11 Complete Second Handwritten Essay (Analysis of Song Lyric) Begin Third Hand-Written Essay (Response to Short Story) Multiple Choice Test Taking Strategies On-Demand Writing Tips Big Game Incentives NECAP Rap: Dream Makers During NECAP NECAP Debrief Day 1 NECAP Debrief Day 2 Slide Show Feedback Examples The Students Speak: Part I Part II of Crew Challenge #2 Based on today’s, Big Ideas, Key Concepts, and Anecdotes, how might schools apply these ideas systemically to achieve a coherent system of curriculum, assessment, and instruction that leads to ongoing improvement in student performance? Todays’ Big Ideas & Key Concepts 1. The best learning occurs in environments that attend to the social, emotional, and cognitive needs of learners. 2. Students come to the classroom with preconceptions about how the world works. If their initial understanding is not engaged, they may fail to grasp the new concepts and information that are taught, or they may learn them for purposes of a test but revert to their preconceptions outside of the classroom. 3. To develop competence in an area of inquiry, students must: (a) have a deep foundation of factual knowledge, (b) understand facts and ideas in the context of a conceptual framework, and (c) organize knowledge in ways that facilitate retrieval and application. 4. A “metacognitive” approach to instruction can help students learn to take control of their own learning by defining learning goals and monitoring their progress in achieving them. 5. Mental Models (Absorb the whole thing.) 6. Targeted Practice (Compress the field.) 7. Rapid Feedback (Tighten the loop.) 8. Emotional Trigger (Find the feeling.) NECAP Results NECAP Reading Results 4 3 2 1 CMS 06 10% 57% 23% 10% CHS 09 38% 35% 14% 12% NECAP Writing Results 4 3 2 1 CMS 06 4% 24% 42% 30% CHS 09 11% 46% 38% 6% The Biggest of Today’s Big Ideas 1. The best learning occurs in environments that attend to the social, emotional, and cognitive needs of learners. Three Key Findings from How People Learn 1. Students come to the classroom with preconceptions about how the world works. If their initial understanding is not engaged, they may fail to grasp the new concepts and information that are taught, or they may learn them for purposes of a test but revert to their preconceptions outside of the classroom. Three Key Findings from How People Learn 2. To develop competence in an area of inquiry, students must: (a) have a deep foundation of factual knowledge, (b) understand facts and ideas in the context of a conceptual framework, and (c) organize knowledge in ways that facilitate retrieval and application. Three Key Findings from How People Learn 3. A “metacognitive” approach to instruction can help students learn to take control of their own learning by defining learning goals and monitoring their progress in achieving them. Four Key Concepts 1. Mental Models (Absorb the whole thing.) 2. Targeted Practice (Compress the field.) 3. Rapid Feedback (Tighten the loop.) 4. Emotional Trigger (Find the feeling.) educere “to lead forth or draw out” midwife term meaning “to be present at the birth of” Final Thought “Behaviour that’s admired is the path to power among people everywhere.” --Seamus Heany Wisdom from Lao Tzu “Confront the difficult while it is easy; accomplish the great task by a series of small acts.” Wisdom from a T.A.S.S. graduate: “Finding our own point of readiness and beginning there is as important for you as for your students. Not beginning is a guaranteed way to avoid progress. Biting off too much invites discouragement and failure. Begin where you are and chart a timeline of your own progress.” Exit Card How’d we do, and what are your 2-3 top take aways? What questions are you leaving with? Evaluation Results Principle 1: People learn best when they are provided regular feedback that they use to improve their performance. Totally Agree/Somewhat Agree: 59 Somewhat Disagree/Totally Disagree: 5 Principle 2: People learn best when they practice over time to prepare for a performance; mistakes made during practice should not be cause for a significant penalty; and the success of students should largely depend on their final performance (Big Game). Totally Agree/Somewhat Agree: 56 Somewhat Disagree/Totally Disagree: 8 Principle 3: People learn best when they collect snapshots of their growth over time and consider how to become a more skilled learner. Totally Agree/Somewhat Agree: 49 Somewhat Disagree/Totally Disagree: 15 Principle 4: People learn best when provided models, check lists, and rubrics that make performance expectations clear. Totally Agree/Somewhat Agree: 59 Somewhat Disagree/Totally Disagree: 5 Should these new grading practices be continued and maybe even spread beyond THEE, or do you think we should reject these new grading practices? Continue in THEE: 40 Spread beyond THEE: 9 Reject and Return to Traditional Grading: 11 Don’t Know: 1 Principle 1: People learn best when they are provided regular feedback that they use to improve their performance. “This is the only class that allows me to focus on my growth of my work and the day-to-day stress a of grades isn’t there. In my other classes I finish my work just to get an A, but in THEE I don’t worry about that and I try to fix my work to the best of my ability.” Principle 1: People learn best when they are provided regular feedback that they use to improve their performance. “In my opinion getting feedback o my work has greatly improved the quality of the piece of work I got feedback on as well as the quality of future pieces of work. I like getting a lot of feedback because it lets me know where I specifically need to improve. A grade doesn’t say too much.” Principle 1: People learn best when they are provided regular feedback that they use to improve their performance. “The best part of this system is how the teachers give you feedback on what you need to improve rather than what another students needs to improve.” Principle 1: People learn best when they are provided regular feedback that they use to improve their performance. “Having more feedback gives us the tools to make our performances better. As we get our work to the best it can be, we get the grade we want and our work is the best it can be. Feedback is super important because it helps me and I can apply it in other places. Overall, I hated this method at first because of the lack of progress reports and everyone likes to know where they stand in a class. Keep it! Just give more progress report with the current Principle 1: People learn best when they are provided regular feedback that they use to improve their performance. “You can’t grade differently from every class. It hurts or inflates my grade.” Principle 1: People learn best when they are provided regular feedback that they use to improve their performance. “This years grading system sucked ass! Quit trying to be special and grade this crap like a normal class. This bs grading system might have been the most frustrating thing I have ever had to deal with, and I know everyone agrees with me!” over time to prepare for a performance; mistakes made during practice should not be cause for a significant penalty; and the success of students should largely depend on their final performance (Big Game). “It is better to practice and practice for a big assessment rather than be penalized for trying and making mistakes along the way. However, some sort of penalty should be in place for those who skip practice.” over time to prepare for a performance; mistakes made during practice should not be cause for a significant penalty; and the success of students should largely depend on their final performance (Big Game). “I loved how during this year we would practice so hard by writing a lot of papers. This process made it so when it came to quiz and test time, it was basically routine.” over time to prepare for a performance; mistakes made during practice should not be cause for a significant penalty; and the success of students should largely depend on their final performance (Big Game). “It is better to practice and practice for a big assessment rather than be penalized for trying and making mistakes along the way. However, some sort of penalty should be in place for those who skip practice.” Principle 3: People learn best when they collect snapshots of their growth over time and consider how to become a more skilled learner. “People need to see how they have done over a course. They need to see their mistakes, and learn from them. Cause if you don’t show people what they have done over time and they keep making the same mistakes, then how would they know to fix them?” Principle 3: People learn best when they collect snapshots of their growth over time and consider how to become a more skilled learner. “I do fine in all of my other classes without keeping a record of all my work and referring to it at the end of every quarter. If anything I found this annoying.” Principle 4: People learn best when provided models, check lists, and rubrics that make performance expectations clear. Should these new grading practices be continued and maybe even spread beyond THEE, or do you think we should reject these new grading practices? “I think it definitely should because this approach helped me focus on my growth rather than my grades, and that was what really helped me become a better student.” Should these new grading practices be continued and maybe even spread beyond THEE, or do you think we should reject these new grading practices? “No. I feel we should stop changing things and just keep it the same. I did way better in my last English class. I feel its too unorganized and it didn’t help me one bit. It may have helped some but I really don’t like this change.” Should these new grading practices be continued and maybe even spread beyond THEE, or do you think we should reject these new grading practices? “I think that you should return to a more traditional grading system. I’m sure that the majority of the THEE students feel this way too. I feel pretty irritated that we were used as a test group to measure the success of a grading system, and feel like this class was a complete joke. I find it pretty ridiculous introducing an unfamilar grading system to 11th grade students who have been accustomed to a more traditional grading system over the course of high school I recommend highly never doing this again.” Should these new grading practices be continued and maybe even spread beyond THEE, or do you think we should reject these new grading practices? “I think it definitely should because this approach helped me focus on my growth rather than my grades, and that was what really helped me become a better student.” Should these new grading practices be continued and maybe even spread beyond THEE, or do you think we should reject these new grading practices? “I really like it and it should continue. I have had the most improvement in this class than any other class. This grading system is great and has helped me become a better writer and learner.” Should these new grading practices be continued and maybe even spread beyond THEE, or do you think we should reject these new grading practices? “Yes! It helped me a lot this year with everyhting we did. I didn’t have to worry about getting bad grades as long as I tried my hardest and had good quality work. I think it would help other classes too so we don’t have to worry about the grading system because we are able to fix work to make it our best. Should these new grading practices be continued and maybe even spread beyond THEE, or do you think we should reject these new grading practices? “I think they should be kept and spread into more areas. At first I hated it but now I look back and see that it was really helpful and I learned a lot this year. These methods are great. Keep them!” Should these new grading practices be continued and maybe even spread beyond THEE, or do you think we should reject these new grading practices? “Continue them because you may be onto something GREAT and AMAZING!”