syllabus 112 - Staunton City Schools

Blue Ridge Community College
Dual Enrollment College Composition 112 (including English 11 or 12credit)
Room 228, Robert E. Lee High School
Instructor: Mr. Shutt
Website: see Lee High website (faculty)
I. Course Description:
Course develops students’ writing ability for study, work, and other areas of writing
based on experience, observation, research, and reading of selected literature. English
112 guides students in learning to write as a process: understanding audience and
purpose, exploring ideas and information, composing, revising, and editing. English 112
supports writing by integrating experiences in critical thinking, reading, listening,
analyzing, and speaking. English 11 and 12 SOL bullets will also be addressed.
II. Course Objectives:
 Write a variety of compositional modes including interpretation, evaluation, and
 Use the writing process approach: prewrite, write, rewrite, and publish
 Write compositions that demonstrate an appropriate sense of audience and purpose for
designated writing assignments which include processed and spontaneous writing.
 Develop paragraphs through details and images arranged in a variety of conventional
 Employ Standard English syntax, grammar, punctuation, usage, spelling, and
 Interact with texts—essays, narratives, explanations, reviews, etc.—through close reading
to develop relationships between content and form, reading and writing, creative and
critical discourses, and ordinary and literary language.
 Discover the dynamics of texts through close reading or narrative, dramatic, poetic,
meditative, explanatory, and persuasive modes and respond to them interpretively.
 Read texts to think, experience, and appreciate.
Researching and Computing:
 Access research materials, major reference works, library stacks, print and digital
indexes, informational sources via BRCC and VCCS network—to include Internet
sources and databases.
 Develop research-based papers. Projects and presentations from resources accessed
through library and PC sources.
 Produce, edit, and revise texts using networked word processing and other composition
software, such as a networked online handbook.
 Differentiate and use MLA and APA documentation for a variety of textual forms.
III. Value of Assigned Work:
Midterm/Final (of total)
Tests, Classwork, and Participation
Essays/Projects (see individual rubrics)
Shutt 1
IV. Late Work:
All work should be turned in on time. Please see instructor well in advance for potential
extensions. Unexcused Late Work = 5% off each day (weekends / holidays included)
Work can be submitted in class or emailed.
V. Blue Ridge Community College Grading Scale:
A = 90-100
D = 60-69
B = 80-89
F = 59 and below
C = 70-79
Writing Requirement: All essays and journalsmust be completed in order to pass the
Holistic Scoring Guide for Essays
A An essay that is excellent contains the following:
* substantial ideas and content and mature style
* clear focus and organization
*effective, creative language use and sentence structure
*strong voice and clear sense of audience
*polished grammar and mechanical conventions
B An essay that is good contains the following:
*competent content /ideas and style
*clear focus and organization
*recognizable voice and sense of audience
*effective language use and sentence structure
*minimal grammar and mechanical mistakes
C An essay that is fair contains the following:
*developing content/ideas and style
*developing clear focus and organization
*minimal language problems
*developing sense of audience and voice
*adequate use of grammar and mechanical conventions
D An essay that is below average contains the following:
*thin in substance and undistinguished in style
*little, if any, focus or organization
*recurring language problems that interfere with reading
*inappropriate or lacking voice or sense of audience
*major sentence errors
F An essay that is unacceptable and failing:
*contains severe weaknesses that render that content incomprehensible
*is the product of plagiarism, severe lateness, or other academic dishonesty
VI. Attendance:
Class attendance is mandatory. If you are absent then it is your responsibility to see me
about missing work. More than 5 unexcused absences are grounds for not
receiving credit for the course.
Shutt 2
VII. Academic Honesty:
BRCC’s Academic Honesty Policy is available online at the following address: and states that, “The
functioning of an academic community depends on the integrity of all of its members.
BRCC values truthfulness, respect for the property of others, and honesty in academic
work. Violations include but are not limited to cheating on tests and quizzes,
unauthorized collaboration on assignments, and plagiarism. Violations of these values
may result in permanent dismissal from the College or a “0” for the assignment. The
Statement on Student Rights and Responsibilities, located at the address below provide
specific guidelines.
VIII. Expectations:
It is your responsibility to treat others and yourself with respect, and with conduct
appropriate to a college student.
Cell Phones, MP3 Players, PDAs, etc.: TURN EVERYTHING OFF AND PUT IT
ALL AWAY unless otherwise instructed. See Robert E. Lee Student Handbook.
Homework: In addition to noted assignments, you should always be reading and
writing/revising outside of class. This is also a great time to peer edit.
Behavior: Your behavior should exemplify that of a college student who just paid for a
course and is trying to earn college credit. Therefore, demonstrate the following:
 Pay attention and be quiet during reading and instruction; participate!
 Ask questions related to the lesson
 Be to class on time and stay seated until the bell
 I need you in the class, so limit bathroom and water breaks.
Please see Robert E. Lee Handbook for other policies concerning tardy, absences, dress,
language, behavior, etc. Dual Enrollment students must obey both Robert E. Lee
policies and Blue Ridge Community College policies.
IX. Texts and Supplies:writing utensil, paper, notebook or binder, typing options
Meyer, Michael. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. 8thed.
Boston: Bedford/St Martin’s, 2010. Print.
Kesey’sOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Miller’s Death of a Salesman
Choice Novel (choose 1 novel)
Shutt 3
X. Assignment Schedule (subject to additions and possible subtractions)
Poetry: poetic elements, purpose, tone
 Romantics, Transcendentalists, Harlem Renaissance, and Lost Generation / Beats
Drama: dramatic elements, characterization, purpose, tone, plot, symbols, irony
 Death of a Salesman
Fiction: elements of fiction, characterization, purpose, tone, plot, symbols, irony
 One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Journals: 300+ words in MLA format
J1 due 11/4 song and tone
J2 due 11/10 song and theme
J3 due 11/24Cuckoo’s Nest and Characterization
J4 due 12/10 Knife Thrower and Characterization
J5 due 12/18 Death of Salesman and Characterization
J6 due 1/8/2016 Symbols in independent novel
Essays: 600+ words in MLA format (FOLLOW THE RUBRICS)
Essay 1: Due 11/18 Poetry Analysis Essay (published poem and theme)
Essay 2: Due 12/3 Cuckoo’s Nest Poem Connection Essay (in class)
Essay 3: Due 12/15 Death of a SalesmanArgue essay
Essay 4: Due 1/5/2016 Fiction Compare and Contrast Character Essay (in class)
Essay 5: Due 1/12/2016 Literary criticism on choice novel (1500+ wds)
Shutt 4
Journals: At least 300+ words in MLA format
Journal 1: Choose a song with lyrics. Treat the lyrics like a poem. What is the overall
Tone of the poem? What dominant poetic devices are used to create the Tone? You
must quote from the song and cite the quotes and the source.
Journal 2: Choose a different song with lyrics. Treat the lyrics like a poem. What is the
overall Theme of the poem? What dominant poetic devices are used to create the
Theme? You must quote from the song and cite the quotes and the source.
Journal 3: Read Cuckoo’s Nest. Choose 1 character and explore their personality,
strengths, and weaknesses. Also, if you were to assign them a symbolic color then what
would it be and why? You must quote from the novel and cite in MLA format.
Journal 4: Choose 1 character from The Knife Thrower. Explore their personality,
strengths, and weaknesses. Also, if you were to assign them a symbolic color then what
would it be and why? You must quote from the novel and cite in MLA format.
Journal 5: Choose 1 character from Death of a Salesman and explore their personality,
strengths, and weaknesses. Also, if you were to assign them a symbolic color then what
would it be and why? You must quote from the story and cite in MLA format.
Journal 6: Choose 1 symbol in your independent novel. The symbol could be the
setting, a person, an object, a color, weather, etc. In the context of your novel, what are
the potential meanings behind the symbol? You must quote from the novel and cite in
MLA format.
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