CS 282
Questions about Assignment 1?
Questions about last week’s lab?
Otherwise, please sit next to your partner (or
someone else if your partner isn’t here)!
We are going to make a ball fall and bounce
off a table… with physics!
In a nutshell,
Get a ball to fall in the framework
Collision checking
Changing velocity
Energy Relationships
And for the over achievers…
◦ Realistic animation
First of all, download the framework for today’s
lab ( Resources in class website)
Take a look at the framework. Namely
◦ The body class (body.h and body.cpp)
◦ lab3.cpp (the driver)
Notice that the body class has
◦ 3 vectors: position, velocity, acceleration
◦ 2 scalars: mass, energy
So now let’s make the ball fall!
How do you update the position of the ball?
◦ For now, we are going to assume the ball can only
move in the y-direction, so ignore x and z.
◦ If you know the velocity and the delta time, you can
update the position!
How do we get delta time?
◦ Since we have a clock class, and a clock called
“delta_time” in our driver, all we need to do is call
the measure_reset() function
 We use measure_reset because delta time should be
reset after its value is read.
Go into body.cpp
◦ Edit the “update_position” function
 Add the C++ equivalent of:
y_position = y_position + ( y_velocity * delta_t )
Go into lab3.cpp
◦ Notice the variable “sphere” and its parameters
 For this exercise, we let the sphere have an initial
velocity of -2.0
◦ Look at the DrawGLScene() function
 Notice the part commented “Sphere Physics”
 Under “Sphere Physics” use the global_time object and
update_position function to correctly update sphere’s
Our ball fell magnificently!
◦ But it also fell through the table…
Since we never check for a collision between
the ball and the table, there is no interaction
between them
We need to fix that!
Things to consider when doing collision
◦ The position of your object (in this case, the ball)
◦ It’s size ( radius for us )
◦ The position of the object we want to check
You want to make the ball stop when it hits
the table.
◦ The table is situated at ( 0.0, -0.5, 0.0)
◦ The radius of the ball is 0.5
◦ Conveniently, this allows us to just check the
collision at 0.0
Go into body.cpp
◦ Modify the update_position function
 The ball should stop when it touches the table
Our ball now stops at the table…
◦ But something is still wrong
The ball is falling at constant speed – which
would be OK if there was no acceleration.
◦ Unfortunately for us, we have gravity
So we need to update our
velocity based on
Acceleration due to gravity
is -9.81 m/s2
Examine the your change to update_position
◦ It should be testing for y_position >=0
Add this same check to update_velocity
◦ Inside the check, add the C++ equivalent of:
 y_velocity = y_velocity + (delta_t * gravity)
 This should be the only statement inside of this check
right now.
At this point, our ball will accelerate until it
touches the table.
But something is still missing…
Next we will make the ball bounce.
For now, we will just switch the sign of the y
velocity once the ball has hit the ground
Go to body.cpp
◦ In update_velocity, add a check to switch the
velocity sign. In other words:
 If y_position < 0, switch y_velocity signs
The ball now bounces up and down!
We are still missing one more thing – when
the ball hits the ground, it should not bounce
up to the same height.
The ball starts off with a certain amount of
potential energy. When it hits the ground, this
energy is converted to both kinetic and
thermal energy.
Thus we our ball will have a lower kinetic
energy, and will not bounce as high!
First, you need to figure out the initial
potential energy of the ball.
◦ Ep = m*g*h
 mass * 9.81 * height of the ball
◦ Go to body.cpp, and calculate energy in the
constructor (since we know all our parameters at
that point already!)
Next, we need to remove some things
◦ Remove the if statement in update_position
◦ Remove the if-else in update_velocity
At this point, your update_velocity and
update_position functions should have 1 line
of code.
We need to know, however, when the ball has
hit the table (or gone underneath it)
◦ Before you change the y-position in
update_position, add a check for this and manually
set the y-position to 0 (I’ll explain why we do this
Inside this check you’ve added, we can know
calculate energy and our new velocity!
To account for thermal energy, reduce the
ball’s energy by 20%
◦ energy *= 0.8
You have your energy and mass, therefore
you can solve this equation for velocity
◦ Ek = ½ m*v2
Math time! Solve the equation for v to get the equation you need.
◦ Now set your y-velocity to this new velocity
Congratulations! You have successfully
implemented a (quasi) realistic bouncing ball!
Manually setting the position of the ball to 0
is an incorrect way of animating what’s really
occurring. The correct way is to detect the
instant the ball hits the table, and subtract
that from your recorded delta time.
◦ animation_t = delta_t – collision_t
Then, you can animate the ball bouncing up
for this amount of time, and this will be the
“realistic” way of animating your ball.