Group 3 The Gods Pages 36-47

Group 3 The Gods
Pages 36-47
Megan Martin, Amber Cialone,
Simon Democko, Matthew Thompson,
Frank Hightower, Tim Jennings
The Lesser Gods of
•Eros – God of Love
(cupid in Latin) Early
poets say he was
Aphrodite’s occasional
companion. In the later
poems he was her son.
• Hebe – Goddess of
Youth. Daughter of Zeus
and Hera no stories
about Hebe except of
her marriage to
•Iris – Goddess of
rainbow, messenger of
the gods
Goddess Hebe
Lesser Gods of Olympus
•The Graces – Agaia,
Euphrosyne and Thalia.
Daughters of Zeus and
Eurynome . With the
muses they were “Queens
of Song”
• The muses – 9 Daughters
of Zeus and Mnemosyne
The Muses
The Graces
Gods of Water
•Poseidon (Neptune) - Lord
and Ruler of the Sea, the
Mediterranean and the
Friendly Sea (Black Sea).
•Ocean – Titan, Lord of the
river Ocean. ( A great river
encircling the earth)
•Triton – Trumpeter of the Sea
, Son of Poseidon and
•Proteus – Sometimes said to
be Poseidon’s son .
Sometimes his attendant. He
foretold the future and
changes shape at will.
•Naiads – Water Nymphs.
Dwelt in fountains, springs,
and brooks.
Gods of the Underworld
• Charon – Boat man who carried
the souls of the dead across the
water to the Gates of Tartarus.
•Cereberus – 3- headed, dragon
tailed dog who permits souls to
enter, but not return.
•Acheron, Cocytus, Styx Acheron and Cocytus separate
the underworld from the world
above. Styx River is the river of
the unbreakable oath by which
the Gods swear on.
•The Furies – They Punish evil
doers . They are usually
represented by three people :
Tisiphone, Megaera, Alecto.
•Sleep and Death - Two brothers
who sent dreams to the humans
from the underworld.
The Furies
Acheron, Cocytus,
Sleep and
Gods of the Earth
•Demeter ( Ceres) - Goddess of
corn, daughter of Cronus and
Rhea. She has a daughter
•Dionysus (Bacchus) – God of the
•Pan (Faunus) – Son of Hermes.
Half man half goat. Loved the
Nymphs, but they didn’t love him
back. He played the Reed pipes
and lived in the wild.
•Pollux and Castor – They are
brothers who live half on earth
and half in heaven. Pollux died
and Zeus took pity on Castor. Zeus
split Castor’s life and gave it to
•Satyrs – They look like Pan and
live in the wild too.
The Gods of the Earth
•Nymphs – Woodland
•Oreads - nymphs of
•Dryads –
Goddesses of trees
and their life force is
within the tree.
The Lesser Gods of the
•Boreas, Notus, Eurus, and Zephyr
- They are the chiefs of the
winds. Boreas is the chief of the
North winds, Notus is the chief of
the South winds, Eurus is the
chief of the East winds, and
Zephyr is the chief of the West
•The Centaurs – They are half
man, half horse. They are savage
creatures that are more beast
than man. Chiron is an exception
because he was wise and good.
•The Gorgons – There are three
and two of them are immortal.
They are dragon- like with wings
that turned men to stone. Their
dad was Phorcys, son of Sea and
The Gorgons
The Gods of the Earth
•The Sirens – They lived on an
island in the Sea. They had
enchanting, singing voices
that led sailors to their death.
No one know what they look
like because all that have seen
them did.
•Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos –
Clotho spins the threads of
life. Lachesis was known as
“The Disposer of Lots”
because she assigned
destinies to men. Atropos
carried “The Abhorred
Shears” and cut the thread of
death. They are known as the
Clotho, Lachesis,
The Sirens
Roman Gods
•Saturn - Was originally
one of the Numina. He is
the protector of the
Sowers and the Seed. His
wife was Ops she was a
Harvest Helper
•Janus – also originally one
of the Numina. “the god of
good beginnings” (which
are sure to result in good
endings). Chief temple ran
East to West , where the
day begins and ends.