Grade 9 Social Studies Name: Defining, Illustrating, & Examining American Ideals Equality Rights Liberty Opportunity Democracy 1. Definition (20 words max): 2. Current example of my ideal: Examine newspapers, listen to talk radio or TV news programs (such as NPR or PBS), explore the teacherrecommended on-line sources in search of your assigned ideal. Describe in detail the story (read, heard, or seen) for someone who is unfamiliar with the issue or example you have chosen. “READ” the entire article/story, but ONLY print OR cut it out IF it’s a GREAT example and/or visually appealing. DESCRIPTION of your Ideal from recent media: Source of story? “IDEALS” SUMMARY QUESTIONS Date: page #/other: (ANSWER in the space below; later, reorganize worksheet, esp. #3 & 4 into a half page of text/writing for possible display on classroom wall) 3. How does your chosen article demonstrate your ideal (positive/improving? negative/worsening? other?) 4. What thoughts, opinions, and/or reactions do you have about you story & your assigned ideal? -Show that you know WHAT your ideal means and express your view of its status (What’s it like today?) 5. All students must submit one VISUAL contribution for the wall: printed articles are not usually the visual! Image or picture….drawing or collage….clip art….relevant article heading or picture “showing” ideal Each person submits a “sizeable” VISUAL image representing his/her American Ideal. Fist-sized up to FULL page (if it’s original/creative, etc.) NAME on it (back)? Each person TYPES a DETAIL-FILLED ½ page essay: 10 minor points 20 major points Summarizing or defining your ideal in your own words…question #1 (FRONT of this worksheet) TWO sentences Describing the relevant current event story…#2 3-4 sentences Assessment of whether or not America is improving or getting worse…#3 & #4 3-5 sentences Evaluation DEDUCTIONS? Inadequate, incomplete, or impersonal descriptions? -1 to -3 per part Excessive typos, poor sentence structure, spelling, and/or grammar errors Lateness? -1 or -2 points -1 to -3 points