Janice Antino RD, MS, CSP Review Energy Expenditure Indirect Calorimetry Enteral Nutrition (EN) Parenteral Nutrition (PN Increased metabolic stress Meeting energy expenditure Nutrient delivery Pre-existing malnutrition Goals Minimize protein catabolism Meet energy expenditure Critical Illness + Poor Nutrition = Prolonged ventilator dependence Prolonged ICU stay Increased susceptibility to infections Increased mortality with mild/moderate malnutrition Hyperglycemia Azotemia High Triglycerides Electrolyte imbalance Immunosuppression Hepatic steatosis Failure to wean from mechanical ventilation Decreased respiratory muscle strength Failure to wean from mechanical ventilation Impaired organ function Immunosuppression Poor wound healing Low transport protein levels in the absence of inflammation Patients are fed below their REE (50-75%) May benefit several populations of adult critically ill patients Not recommended for pediatrics Resting Energy expenditure (REE): The amount of calories required by the body at rest during a 24 hour period Represents 70-80 % of the calories used Defines the energy released to maintain normal basal physiological functioning Basal metabolic rate (BMR): The EE of a recumbent child in a thermoneutral environment after a 12-18 hour fast Total energy expenditure : BMR, thermic effect of food, thermoregulation, activity Shulmman et al. 2002 Available methods to determine REE Predictive equations- estimates energy expenditure Indirect calorimetry- measures gas exchange to determine energy expenditure Measures exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide Provides REE and Respiratory quotation(RQ) Can be performed on ventilated or non ventilated patient’s RQ: the ratio of carbon dioxide to oxygen consumed Most accurate method for determining energy needs Age RDA (kcal/kg) Protein (2002, Dri’s) 0-6 months 108 1.5 AI 7-12 months 98 1.2 1-3 years 102 1.05 4-6 year 90 .95 7-10 yeas 70 .95 Males 11-14 years 15-18 years Females 11-14 years 15-18 years .85 55 45 .85 47 40 ASPEN Pediatric Core Curriculum 2010 Age Male Female 1-3 years 51.3-531 51.2-53 4-7 years 47.3-50.3 45.4-49.9 8-11 years 43.0-46.5 39.3-41.3 Raju. 2005 Condition Stress factor Mild starvation .85-1.00 Postoperative state 1.0-1.05 Cancer 1.10-1.45 Sepsis/peritonitis 1.05-1.25 Multi trauma, burns 1.20-1.55 Raju 2005 Infants- intubated likely require > REE Older children 0-3 months at least 80 kcal/kg 4-12 months at least 65 kcal/kg May use WHO, Schofield, White equations Activity and injury factors may not be needed Burn patients require an activity/stress factor 2012, retrospective review, 240 patients Critically ill patients had cumulative energy and protein deficits in the first days <90 % of energy requirements on 60 % of all patient days and >110 % of energy requirements on 30 % patient days Both under and over feeding were prevalent, expect in children younger than 2 Prospective clinical study Measured REE in 37 children and compared to predictive equations Conclusion Recommended dietary allowance and energy expenditure predicted by stress related correction factor-Grossly over estimate MEE Briassoulis, 2000 Energy needs should be assessed throughout the course of illness to determine energy needs/ Estimates using available standard equations are often unreliable In a subgroup of patients with suspected metabolic alterations or malnutrition, accurate measurements of EE using indirect calorimetry is desirable. Criteria for using Targeted Indirect Calorimetry Prospective cohort study -29 patients over 12 months Examined the role of targeted indirect calorimetry in detecting the adequacy of energy intake and risk of energy imbalance Measured REE from IC Predicted EE from standard equationsSchofield, Harris-benedict ASPEN criteria for Targeted IC (Mehta et.al, 2011) In Summary 72% had an altered metabolism High incidence of overfeeding Standard equations overestimate the energy requirements Children < 1 year of age represented the large majority of patients with hyper metabolism Medical patients tended to be hypo metabolic Nutritional support via placement through the nose, esophagus, stomach, or intestines (duodenum or jejunum) —Tube feedings —Must have functioning GI tract —IF THE GUT WORKS, USE IT! —Exhaust all oral diet methods first Plan for 2-5 days to meet nutrition goal Use isotonic feedings initially Avoid making simultaneous changes in volume and concentration Advance cautiously in critically ill patients Increase volume before concentration when administering transpyloric feeds Advance concentration before volume with gastric feed If feeding intolerance develops return to the previously tolerated rate ASPEN 1999 Trophic feeds: < 20 ml/kg/day Continuous: Initiate: 1 ml-2 ml/kg/hr Advance: .5-1 ml/kg/ as tolerated- q 8-12 hrs Bolus/Intermittent: Begin at 25 % goal on first day Divide formula equally between 5-8 feedings Increase by 25 % as tolerated ASPEN 1999 Fluid restriction Longest duration off feeds Gastrointestinal intolerance Vomiting-most frequent Gastric residuals Diarrhea Interruptions for procedures shorter duration 50% patients achieved full EER by day 7 Roger et al 2003 Always use EN whenever possible Use PN only when Unable to meet nutritional requirements via the GI tract Bowel dysfunction resulting in inability to tolerate EN for 1-3 days in infants 4-5 days in children and adolescents 7-10 days in adults Very low birth weight infants(<1500 grams) Inability to tolerate EN feeds Small bowel obstruction Radiation enteritis Gastrointestinal fistula/high out put Hemodynamic instability with high risk of mesenteric ischemia( e.g ECMO, NEC in preterm infants, shock, acute critical illness) Conditions associated with intestinal failure-short bowel syndrome, diarrhea with malabsorption, intestine epithelial disorder-microvillus inclusion disease ASPEN. Pediatric nutrition support core curriculum 2010 Peripheral Parental Nutrition (PPN) Osmolality is limited to 900 mOsm/kg to minimize risk of phlebitis and infiltration Dextrose limited to 10 -12.5 % Will require large volumes to supply adequate nutrients Central/Total Parental Nutrition (TPN) Longer term needs, > 2 weeks > 900 mOsm/kg Meet nutrient requirements Fluid restrictions ASPEN. Pediatric nutrition support core curriculum 2010 2-in-1 Dextrose and amino acids Lipids are provided via a piggy back infusions 3-in-1 Dextrose, amino acids and lipids Advantages Convenience Cost Decreased risk of microbial contamination-fewer manipulations to the line ASPEN. Nutrition Support Core Curriculum 2007 Non-protein energy Carbohydrate (dextrose) Fat (lipid) Protein (amino acids) Electrolytes Minerals, Vitamins, trace elements Water Miscellaneous: heparin, medications Glucose infusion rate (GIR) % dextrose x volume ÷ wt (kg) ÷ 1.44 Example: 15% dextrose @ 20ml/H (480ml total volume) for 5kg patient: 0.15 x 480 ÷ 5 ÷ 1.44 = GIR 10 3.4kcal/g dextrose Net fat synthesis may lead to hepatic steatosis; would not exceed GIR >12.5mg/kg/min in term infants (maximum glucose oxidation rate) Age Initiate Advance Maximum < 1 year 6-9 mg cho/kg/min 1-2 mg cho/kg/min Goal 10-12 mg cho/kg/min Max: 14 1 – 10 years 1-2 mg cho/kg/min 1-2 mg cho/kg/min 8-10 mg cho/kg/min > 10 years 1-2 mg cho/kg/min 1-2 mg cho/kg/min 5-6 mg cho/kg/min ASPEN 2010 Functions: Provides structure : muscle Provides function: enzymes, transport protein Increased Protein Needs: malnutrition, stress, burns, enteric/urinary loss Infants: need conditional amino acids like histidine, taurine and cysteine because of immature synthetic abilities Protein should not serve as an energy source Excess protein intake leads to hyperazotemia Age Gram/kg/day Preterm 2.5-4.0 grams/kg Term infant 2.2-3.5 grams/kg Child 1.0-2.0 grams/kg Adolescents 0.8-2.0 grams/kg ASPEN 2010 Fat 20 % emulsion = 2 kcal/ml Soybean/safflower oil and emulsified egg yolk phospholipid Minimum of 1-2% of calories from combinations of linoleic and linolenic acid to meet EFA needs- met with .5-1.0 g/kg/d Serum triene to tetraene ratio is reflective of EFA status Triene to tetraene ratio ratio >0.2 suggest deficiency Monitor Triglyceride to assess tolerance 300-400 mg/dl are tolerated APEN 2010 Age Starting dose Maximum dose Neonate/infant 1 gram/kg/day 3 gram/kg/day Children 1 gram/kg/day 2 gram/kg/day Adolescent/adult 0.5grams/kg/day 1 gram/kg/day ASPEN 2010 Gura et al 2008 Infectious complications- Central line associated blood stream infections Mechanical Metabolic Hyper/hypoglycemia Essential fatty acid deficiency Azotemia- increased BUN may occur as a result of intolerance to the protein load Fluid/electrolyte complications/refeeding syndrome Parenteral Nutrition Associated Liver Disease Three types of hepatobiliary disorders Steatosis: Cholestasis : Direct bilirubin >2 mg/dl can occur 2 weeks after pn started, elevated serum aminotransferase levels Treat: decrease total energy intake, appropriate fat intake Appears to be related to over feeding Treat: decrease fat and/or change composition of fat Gallbladder sludge/stones: gall bladder stasis may lead to BG stones/cholecystisis Kumpf, 2006 Provide maximal tolerated EN Provide a cyclical PN as soon as possible Prevent over feeding Consider restricting lipids to 1 gm/kg/day Consider fish oil based lipids Guru, et al 2008 Kumpf 2006 10% fish oil fat emulsion Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) Anti inflammatory properties Used to treat/prevent PNALD Guru et al. 2008 Compassionate use to treat infants and children who PNALD Goal: Reverse cholestasis, prevent liver disease Patient selection Two consecutive direct bilirubin levels 2 mg/dl for tpn dependent children Other causes liver disease ruled out Must have utilized standard accepted therapies Removal copper and manganese Trial enteral feeds Use of ursodiol Definition Risk factors Chronic malnutrition, anorexia nervosa, pt’s not fed 7-11 days with evidence of stress and depletion Clinical The metabolic and physiological shifts of fluid, electrolytes and minerals that occur as a result of aggressive nutrition support Low serum phosphorus, magnesium, potassium levels, acute respiratory and circulatory collapse Treatment Initiate and advance slow 25-50 % energy needs and increase by 10 -20 % daily ASPEN 2010 Use caution when estimating energy needs using predictive equations Indirect calorimetry is considered the gold standard method to measure EE Use EN when ever possible PN can be lifesaving when tolerance to enteral nutrition is limited The ASPEN Nutrition Support Core Curriculum : A Case-based Approach: the Adult Patient. American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 2007. The ASPEN Pediatric Nutrition Support Core Curriculum. American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 2010 Briassoulis, G., Venkataraman, S., & Thompson, A. E. (2000). Energy expenditure in critically ill children. Critical care medicine, 28(4), 1166-1172. Gura, K. M., Lee, S., Valim, C., Zhou, J., Kim, S., Modi, B. P., ... & Puder, M. (2008). Safety and efficacy of a fish-oil–based fat emulsion in the treatment of parenteral nutrition–associated liver disease. Pediatrics, 121(3), e678-e686. Kumpf, V. J. (2006). Parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease in adult and pediatric patients. Nutrition in clinical practice, 21(3), 279-290. MCHIR, L., & David, A. (1998). Energy requirements of surgical newborn infants receiving parenteral nutrition. Nutrition, 14(1), 101-104. Mehta, N. M., Bechard, L. J., Dolan, M., Ariagno, K., Jiang, H., & Duggan, C. (2011). Energy imbalance and the risk of overfeeding in critically ill children*. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 12(4), 398-405. Mehta, N. M., & Compher, C. (2009). ASPEN Clinical Guidelines: nutrition support of the critically ill child. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 33(3), 260-276. Mehta, Nilesh M., et al. "Cumulative energy imbalance in the pediatric intensive care unit: role of targeted indirect calorimetry." Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 33.3 (2009): 336-344. Kyle G. Ursla. MS, RD, Rd/LD., Jaimon Nancy RN., Coss-Bu A Jorge, MD. Nutrition Support in Critically ill Children Under delivery of energy and Protein compared with Current Recommendation. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 112 (12)2012 Shulman, R. J., & Phillips, S. (2003). Parenteral nutrition in infants and children. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, 36(5), 587-607. The ASPEN Nutrition Support Core Curriculum: A Case-based Approach: the Adult Patient. American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 2007. The ASPEN Pediatric Nutrition Support Core Curriculum. American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 2010 de Souza Menezes, F., Leite, H. P., & Koch Nogueira, P. C. (2012). Malnutrition as an independent predictor of clinical outcome in critically ill children. Nutrition, 28(3), 267-270. Raju col ums, Choudhary, Sanjay., Harjai, MM., Nutritional Support in the critically ill child. MJAFI 2005; 61: 45-50 Hardy, C. M., Dwyer, J., Snelling, L. K., Dallal, G. E., & Adelson, J. W. (2002). Pitfalls in predicting resting energy requirements in critically ill children: a comparison of predictive methods to indirect calorimetry. Nutrition in clinical practice, 17(3), 182-189. Janice Antino RD, MS, CSP Recommended for the first 6 months of life Lower risk for otitis media, lower respiratory infections and diarrhea Supplement – Vitamin D 400 i.u units starting in the first few days of life Iron 1 mg/kg starting at 4 months age, until iron containing complementary foods have been introduced Fortified Breast milk-premature infants, cardiac or GI surgery Weight gain- 4-7 ounce per week after the 4 th day of life Minimum of 6 wet diapers (after 3-5 days) Minimum of 3-4 stool daily during first few week Minimum 8-12 feeding ( 15-20 minutes) Alert, healthy appearance No food or drink other than breast milk Infant formula act passed in 1980 with amendments in 1986 Established minimum levels of 29 nutrients and maximum of 9 (protein, fat, Vit A, Vit D, Fe, iodine, Na, K, and chloride) Human milk is the gold standard for infant formula compositions Cow’s milk became the major substitute for human milk changes in substrates were necessary Protein: alter casein whey ration from 80:20 Electrolytes: decrease concentration Fat: cow’s milk fat is not well absorbed, add vegetable oil Increase iron content Similac Special Care or Enfamil Premature – considered pre discharge formulas 24 kcal/oz, milk protein based, higher concentrations of protein, calcium and phosphorus, used until discharged Neosure or Enfacare – considered post discharge formulas 22 kcal/oz, milk protein based, used until 9 months corrected age Standard –cow’s milk based Soy based Extensively hydrolyzed protein Free amino acid Metabolic Categorized by: Protein composition : cow-milk, soy protein, protein hydrolysate or amino acid based Consumer group: Term infant, premature or metabolic/special needs Indications: healthy term infants Enfamil Newborn or infant Similac advance, Store brands Enfamil gentelease and Similac sensitive Enfamil AR or Similac for Spit up Contradictions: Galactosemia and lactose intolerance, milk protein allergy, metabolic disorders Nutrients are expressed as “per 100 kcal” Standard concentration is 20 kcal/oz Composition CHO: Lactose (42% calories) Protein: Altered casein: whey to 60:40 with dominant whey protein B-lactoglobin (9-12% calories) Fat: Combination of vegetable oils (40-50 % calories) Available in: Ready-to-use, concentrated liquid or powder Different methods of preparation powder 1scoop/2 oz water = 20 kcal/oz 13 oz can of concentrate/13 oz water = 20 kcal/oz Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) Arachidonic acid (ARA) Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids Derived from linoleic and linoleic acids Structural Components of cell membranes in the brain and retina Studies have shown enhanced cognitive development and visual acuity in premature infants Nucleotides: Non-protein nitrogenous compound, found in high concentration in breast milk Prebiotics: non digestible food ingredient that benefits the host by selectively stimulating the favorable growth or activity of one or more probiotic bacteria Probiotics: An oral food supplement that contains a sufficient # viable microorganisms to alter the micro flora of the host with potential health benefits Benefits Enhances immune system Promotes Gastrointestinal development Decrease diarrhea Improved antibody response after vaccines-Hib, diphtheria and polio ENFAMIL NEWBORN –FIRST 3 MONTHS AAP recommends 400 i.u Vitamin D with in the first few days of life Breast milk : Vitamin D content : <25-78 i.u/L Suggest 1ml Di-vi-sol daily Formula fed: 400 i.u Vitamin D in 27 oz of formula Indications: Vegetarian, lactose intolerance, galactosemia, IgE –associated allergy to milk protein Condradictions: Premature infants < 1800 gms, renal disease, Fructose intolerance (has sucrose), prevention of colic or allergy, cow milk protein induced entercolitis or enteropathy Supplemented with L-methionine and taurine to improve it’s biologic value Nucleotides are not added Supplemented with zinc and iron Aluminum concentrations of 600-1.300 ng/ml compared to 4-65 ng/ml in human milk Contains isoflavones with estrogenic activity Proteins are casein or whey Treated with heat and enzymatically hydrolyzed. Results in free amino acids and peptide of varying length Contain varying amounts of Medium chain Triglycerides Indications: Disorders associated with compromised enteric digestion-Short bowel syndrome, food protein allergy, pancreatic insufficiency, biliary atresia Contraindications: Severe food allergy/intolerance Formula CHO Fat Protein Nutramigen Corn syrup solids, corn starch Sucrose, tapioca starch Corn syrup solids, dextrose LCF, No MCT Hydrolyzed casein 33 % MCT Hydrolyzed casein Hydrolyzed casein Alimentum Pregestermil 55 % MCT Protein source are free amino acids Considered non-immunogenic Only available in powder Indications: Severe and multiple food allergies Caution: contains soy oil Renal impairment Protein content same as standard, whey:casein ration is 60:40 Mineral content same as human milk Slightly less NA and K than standard formula Low Iron Fat malabsorption Usually associated with chylous ascites, chylothorax MCT oil- 85% fat content Not for long term use, may need essential fatty acid supplementation Formulas: Enfaport, Portagen, Monogen To provide increased macronutrients For patients who can not tolerate high volumes necessary to meet needs Usually increase by 2-4 kcal/oz increments Can be concentrated to 24 or 27 kcal/oz (see hand out for mixing instructions) Addition of modulars after 26-28 kcal/oz Older than one year can concentrate greater than 30 kcal/oz Fluid vs. calorie needs Micronutrient adequacy Renal solute load The sum of solutes filtered by the kidney Solutes include amino acids urea, electrolytes When the solute load is above is above the handling capacity of the kidney can result in dehydration and osmotic diuresis Hypernatremia, metabolic acidosis, elevated BUN Fat CHO Polycose, rice cereal Protein Microlipid, MCT, Vegetable oil Beneprotein, Prostat, Juven Other Duocal, powder infant formula, fiber Vitamin K provided at birth Vitamin D: 400 i.u daily Standard Term formula requires 32 ounces Enfamil newborn requires 27 ounces Flouride-begin at 6 months .25 mg/day if water supple 0.3ppm – 1 ml poly-vi-flor Standard dilution 1 kcal/1ml = 30 kcal/oz Ready to feed or powder For children 1-10 years Concentrated pediatric formulas available 30-40 kg may use adult formulas Decrease fluid, concentrated formula Increase protein needs Pediasure or Nutren jr Elemental: Pediasure peptide, Peptamin jr 1.0 to 1.5 kcal/ml Milk protein base Used orally or tube feeding 1.0, 1.5 kcal/ml Speciatly formulas: Vivonex, Elecare Jr, Tolerax, Modulen Pediasure side kicks 20 kcal/oz-lower calorie