Formation & Types of Governments Types of Government Systems

1st thing we will look at is how governments
are broken into regional systems
Unitary System
 Federal System
 Confederacy
All key powers are located in the national or
central governments
Does not mean just one level of government,
rather central government has the power to
create lower levels
Example: Great Britain
Divides government between a national
and/or state/provincial governments
Each level of government has power with
National powers being supreme
Ex- United States of America
Loose union of independent states
Power is controlled by local/state governments
with little power given to a central government
No modern example, The United States tried
this under the Articles of Confederation.
A plan that provides the rules for government
Ideals that the people bound by the constitution
believe in and share
 It establishes the basic structure of government and
defines the government’s powers and duties
 It provides the supreme law for the country
Principles of Government
Principles of Government
Power and authority to rule held by one
Totalitarian dictatorships (examples…)
Monarchies- Absolute & Constitutional
Pros & Cons…
Principles of Government
Power and authority to rule is held by a small
group of individuals
Principles of Government
From the Greek demos (people) and kratia (to
rule). Thus ~ rule by the people
Too simple & naïve
 Democracy is a system of government in which
people select policy makers so that policies
reflect the will of those governed.
Principles of Government
Direct democracy allows the people the
authority to govern themselves directly
People make and vote on policies in forums
Only exist in small communities today
Principles of Government
Representative democracy people select
representatives and give them authority to
make laws and run the government
Also known as: republic, indirect democracy
and constitutional republic
Still in all, power ultimately rests with the
Legitimacy and Revolution?