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Republic Day Speech: Democracy & Indian Values

Good morning dear Sanjeevians! I would like to start by expressing how grateful and
honored I am that you have given me the opportunity to stand before you for this wonderful
celebration. I cannot express in words how much this means to me.
Today we have gathered here to celebrate something that we often take for granted - our
nation’s democracy. Our forefathers suffered year after year but never gave up on their
dream of freedom so that we, the latter generations, could proudly call ourselves citizens of
the world’s largest democracy. Now what exactly does “democracy” stand for? Democracy
stands on the pillars of free, fair, and frequent elections, active participation of its citizens,
fundamental rights like freedom of expression, and the presence of a rule of law. Without
these amenities, our India would look very different than what it currently does. Fortunately,
we have many brave individuals who are constantly defending our nation like the
courageous soldiers at the border as well as officials like Mr. Narendra Modi who fight
different kinds battles - ones to defend and uphold our constitution.
Looking back at this past year, I see how much our lives have changed - now it is up to you
to decide whether it was for the better or for the worse (laugh/smile here). Just last year, we
celebrated Republic Day is such a different manner. A large parade in the capital of our
country and not a mask in sight. It frequently makes me wonder if life will ever be the same.
This thought and the ever-changing answer to this deep question often saddens me, but then
I remember that I am a member of the Sanjeeva family - a democracy of its own kind. Here
we enjoy the presence of our board and our dear board members, their elections, the board’s
willingness to listen to our problems and solve them as soon as possible, and to enjoy a
carefree, secure, and happy life. And thus, I know in my heart, that we shall be able to
overcome any hurdle that comes our way together, as a family. As a citizen of India living in
a large family where my country’s qualities are celebrated and its values upheld every single
day, I could not be happier. With this said, I would like to end my speech and wish you all a
warm, safe, and happy Republic Day!