English Settlement in North America 0 First and foremost- these are business enterprises 0 Try to make a profit on something (just not sure what that is right away) 0 No real attempt to blend English society with local culture/custom 0 Ultimately create distinct political/social institutions 0 Absolutely nothing goes according to plan Roanoke (NC) 1584 0 Sir Walter Raleigh (and 0 0 0 0 friends) First Attempts by the English to colonize North America Poor timing to the expedition; England gets caught up in conflict with Spain Supplies are scarce Colony is considered a failure, but it gets the ball rolling for English colonization Jamestown (VA) 1607 0 First successful English Settlement 0 London Co. and Plymouth Co.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 joint-stock companies 144 men, 3 ships Initially looking to discover gold John Smith get credit as the colony’s savior (in the physical sense) John Rolfe becomes the economic savior- tobacco (“brown gold”) Generally bad relationships with Native Americans This becomes the first of the Southern colonies Colony will eventually develop into VA Develop representative govt. Plymouth Colony (MA) 1620 0 Pilgrims 0 Forced out of England and the Netherlands before arriving in N.A. 0 Joint-stock company (William Bradford) 0 Originally headed for VA; didn’t quite work out 0 35 “Saints” and 67 “Strangers” 0 Mayflower Compact 0 1st Winter is a disaster 0 Fish/Fur for trade, some subsistence farming, but generally a poor society 0 “Religious Freedom” 0 1st of the New England colonies, but it doesn’t grow very large Puritan Massachusetts Bay 1629 0 Other “Puritan” groups will start leaving 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 England MA Bay is founded by John Winthrop (original gangster) Huge migration- 17 ships and 1,000 passengers This group owns it’s charter no responsibilities to England Congregations run the show MA colonies are theocracies- church & state as one Many settlements spring up, including Boston MA Bay Puritans believed material wealth may be evidence of God’s favor Native relations are dicey at best (King Phillip’s War, etc.) This colony flourishes Connecticut 1636 0 The discipline of Puritan MA Bay does drive people away from the colony 0 Thomas Hooker settles CT 0 Establishes Hartford 0 New Haven develops shortly thereafter 0 Looking for better land opportunities and an escape from Puritan Mass Bay 0 Some drawbacks to the area- big Native American and Dutch presence (Pequot War w/ Natives) 0 Develop Fundamental Orders of CT 0 Gives more Men the opportunity to vote Rhode Island 1636 0 “The Sewer of New England” 0 Founded by Roger Williams 0 Engaging and controversial Mass Bay minister 0 Williams encouraged total separation from the Church of England 0 Respectful of Natives; felt the land belonged to them 0 Expelled from MA Bay; heads south and establishes Providence 0 Initially all faiths free to worship 0 Establish separate church and govt. 0 Anne Hutchinson also heads hereshe challenges the role of women in Puritan society 0 Her followers will lead to further settlement in “Rogue’s Island” New Hampshire 1637 0 John Wheelwright and/or John Mason (depending on what you read) 0 Follower of Anne Hutchinson 0 Looking for religious toleration separate from the MA Bay Puritans 0 Also looking for better land and fishing/farming opportunities Maryland 1632 0 George Calvert a.k.a “Lord Baltimore” 0 Given a land grant that provides him with a kingly power (which was eventually passed to his son) 0 Initially relations with Natives are good (not for long) 0 Establishes MD for a variety of reasons: 0 Real estate development 0 Catholic refuge (all Christians will be allowed) 0 Vast amounts of natural resources- esp. tobacco The Carolinas 1663 0 8 proprietors- the most prominent is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Anthony Ashley Cooper (SC) Religious freedom provided to all Christian faiths Establish a representative assembly Starts out as one large colony but will eventually split along geographic lines North- tobacco farming, subsistence agriculture, lumber/shipping South- fertile lands (rice and cotton), great harbor, much more profitable and aristocratic society Racially diverse society African slavery will firmly take hold here New York 1664 0 Originally settled by the Dutch 0 James, Duke of York- granted all 0 0 0 0 0 of the territory between Maryland and Connecticut English will bully the Dutch out of what was then “New Amsterdam” Diverse region- there are a ton of different ethnicities and religions present No true religious enforcement Grows exponentially as a result of abundant trade potential Royal colony New Jersey 1664 0 Lords Carteret and Berkeley 0 Good land opportunities for 0 0 0 0 0 0 Manhattan overflow Originally a territory set up for unorthodox Puritans West Jersey had a large Quaker population Like NY, there is plenty of diversity Mostly small farmers Some excellent ports Royal governor Pennsylvania 1682-84 0 William Penn 0 Bequeathed territory in England 0 0 0 0 0 0 and Ireland by his father Acquires PA as a land grant (debt payment from King Charles II) The Society of Friends aka Quakers Pacifists- choose not to participate in wars of governments Successful and prosperous from the outset Unbelievable planning and city development Develop Legislative assembly Delaware 1684 0 Originally settled by Swedes, 0 0 0 0 and later purchased by William Penn Like RI- very small Eventually separates from PA after putting pressure on Penn Had its own legislative assembly, but was originally controlled by PA governor Not super profitable, but there is enough tobacco production to make the colony stable Georgia 1732 0 James Oglethorpe 0 Prison colony 0 Used as a buffer between English and Spanish territories 0 Military discipline 0 Will eventually develop like SC in the agricultural sense, though not quite as profitable