Virginia Supporting and Evaluating
Educators (VSEE) Webinar
Date: November 2, 2011
Time: 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Participants : Secondary school teachers and
• Wiki Familiarization
• Top Ten Frequently Asked Questions
• Sample Goal Setting Forms
The Top Ten
FA Q # 1
Are the Virginia Uniform Performance
Standards for Teachers required for use in
teacher evaluation?
Yes. Pursuant to Section 22.1-253.13.5 of the
Code of Virginia (Virginia statute), school boards
are required to develop and implement a
teacher evaluation system that is consistent with
the Uniform Teacher Performance Standards.
FA Q # 2
Are measures of student progress required in
teacher evaluation?
Yes. Section 22.1-295 of the Code of Virginia
requires that teacher evaluations in Virginia
must address student academic progress.
FA Q # 3
Is a school board required to include a portion of a
teacher’s evaluation that is based on student progress
using the Virginia Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) or
Student Achievement Goal Setting as recommended in
the 2011 Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards
and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers?
No, unless you are a pilot school. The use of SGPs and SAGS are
recommended, but not required. These are required for pilot
schools A school board may use other legitimate measures of
student academic progress to augment or replace these
recommended measures. However, the measures that a school
board chooses to use must be valid, reliable, and feasible for
ongoing use.
FA Q # 4
Must the portion of a teacher’s evaluation that is
based on student progress equal
40 percent of the total evaluation?
No, unless you are a pilot school. The weighting for
each of the seven Uniform Performance Standards for
Teachers is recommended, but not required. Pilot
schools must use the recommended weighting. The
final determination for weighting is a decision to be
made by the local school board.
FA Q # 5
What is the weighting for each performance
standard if implemented according to the
Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and
Evaluation Criteria for Teachers?
Performance Standard 1
Performance Standard 2
Performance Standard 3
Performance Standard 4
Performance Standard 5
Performance Standard 6
Performance Standard 7
Professional Knowledge
Instructional Planning
Instructional Delivery
Assessment of and for Learning
Learning Environment
Student Academic Progress
FA Q # 6
Must teachers receive a rating for each of the
seven standards included in the Uniform Teacher
Performance Standards?
Yes. Evaluations must be consistent with the Uniform Performance Standards
for Teachers (see §22.1-253.13:5 Standard 5 of the Code of Virginia noted
earlier). Additionally, the language regarding the procedures that local school
boards must adopt for teacher evaluation include such standards as student
academic progress and the skills and knowledge of instructional personnel,
including, but not limited to, instructional methodology, classroom
management, and subject matter knowledge, all of which are consistent with
the Uniform Performance Standards for Teachers (see §22.1-295 of the Code
of Virginia noted earlier).
FA Q # 7
Must teachers receive an overall summative rating
of performance?
Yes. The Code of Virginia regarding dismissal of
continuing contract teachers includes incompetency as
one basis for dismissal. For performance to be
documented as less than satisfactory, it is necessary to
provide an overall rating of “unsatisfactory” or “less
than satisfactory” (i.e., often described as
“unacceptable” or “unsatisfactory” in teacher
evaluation procedures).
FA Q # 8
Must teachers be evaluated using multiple data
Yes. The Code of Virginia requires two explicit data sources for
documenting performance in teacher evaluation systems:
observation (§22.1-253.13:5) and measures of student academic
progress (§22.1-295). Various data sources suggested in the
Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation
Criteria for Teachers, such as student surveys, document logs,
portfolios, and self-assessment, are provided only as options to
FA Q # 9
Does the teacher need to set a goal for each
class/subject taught?
No. During the pilot, each teacher sets one goal for
improving student growth. A secondary teacher,
teaching in a 4X4 block schedule, should develop one
goal for each semester.
FA Q # 1 0
How will the Teacher Performance Evaluation
System affect resource teachers?
The full measure of Standard 7 (40% of the total evaluation score)
would be based on student achievement goal setting and other
applicable measures of student progress. Goal setting for student
progress should be appropriate for the content/subject/field
• One of the measures of student growth that
might be used as evidence for Standard 7
(measures of academic progress)
• Must have a pre- and post-test component
• Must be SMART (specific, measureable,
appropriate, realistic, and time-bound)
• Must be rigorous
Goal Setting for Student Progress Form
Teacher Performance Evaluation System
2011 – 2012 Pilot Year
Subject/Grade: Sixth Grade English
I. Setting (Describe the population and special
learning circumstances)
This is an urban middle school that receives
Title 1 funding. Ninety percent of my students
receive free or reduced lunch. I have students
who are divided into four class sections of English.
II. Content/Subject/Field Area
Reading comprehension
III. Baseline Data (What is shown by the current
Based on the October 2011 istation results, the
data indicate that students consistently struggle
with all aspects of reading comprehension. Thirty
five percent of students fall into the two bottom
tiers in comprehension (tier 2 and tier 3). This
means that they are performing moderately or
seriously below grade level and are in need of
Goal Setting for Student Progress Form
Teacher Performance Evaluation System
2011 – 2012 Pilot Year
Subject/Grade: Sixth Grade English
IV. Goal Statement (Describe what you During this school year 100% of my students will demonstrate
want learners/program to
measurable progress in reading comprehension. Students in
Tiers 2 and 3 will improve by at least one tier. Further,
students in Tier 1 will be on grade level readers and make at
least one year’s growth in reading comprehension as
measured by istation.
V. Means for Attaining Goal (Strategies used to accomplish the goal)
Target Date
Use frequent formative
assessments with student’s to provide
feedback and modify instruction.
Lesson plans and evidence of
Ongoing (at
least weekly)
Used modified pacing to attend to
students’ needs.
Copies of modified pacing.
Goal Setting for Student Progress Form
Teacher Performance Evaluation System
2011 – 2012 Pilot Year
Subject/Grade: Seventh Grade Math
I. Setting (Describe the population and special
learning circumstances)
This is an urban middle school that receives
Title 1 funding. Ninety percent of my students
receive free or reduced lunch. There are a total of
58 students in my combined inclusion seventh
grade math classes.
II. Content/Subject/Field Area
7th grade math
III. Baseline Data (What is shown by the current
The Solar district generated benchmark revealed
that 40% met the benchmark in number and
number sense and measurement and geometry.
Goal Setting for Student Progress Form
Teacher Performance Evaluation System
2011 – 2012 Pilot Year
Subject/Grade: Seventh Grade Math
IV. Goal Statement (Describe what you
want learners/program to
During the 2011-2012 school year, 100% of my students will demonstrate
measurable progress on the Solar Benchmark assessments. At least 70%
of my students will reach the benchmark for number and number sense
and measurement and geometry on the end of year Solar Benchmark
V. Means for Attaining Goal (Strategies used to accomplish the goal)
Target Date
Use ARDT, algebra readiness
diagnostics testing to target and
remediate areas of weakness.
Test results
Differentiated instruction to
include plans for target groups
that will allow the student to be
challenged to his/her learning
level for remediation.
Lesson plans
Goal Setting for Student Progress Form
Teacher Performance Evaluation System
2011 – 2012 Pilot Year
Subject/Grade: Technology Systems/9th Grade
I. Setting (Describe the population and special learning
II. Content/Subject/Field Area
III. Baseline Data (What is shown by the current data?)
An all year course with 52 students in two classes; 17 girls
and 35 boys. 38% of my students receive special services
or have an IEP.
Students explore, design, analyze, and evaluate
technological systems. Students also explore technology
oriented careers.
I administered a pre-assessment that required students
to explain the definition of technology and core concepts
rated using a 5-point rubric (1 – able to teach concept to
others; 2 – can perform without supervision; 3 – can
perform with limited supervision; 4 - can perform with
supervision; 5 – cannot perform). Nine students received
a score of 1 or 2.
Do you need more information? If so, what?
III. Baseline Data (revised)
• Identify the competencies scored
• Summarize the scores for all students
assessed by competency.
Goal Setting for Student Progress Form
Teacher Performance Evaluation System
2011 – 2012 Pilot Year
Subject/Grade: Technology Systems/9th Grade
During the school year, students will be required to achieve a satisfactory
IV. Goal Statement (Describe what you
rating (3,4, or 5) on the Student Competency Record rating scale on at
want learners/program to
least 80% of the required competencies in this course.
V. Means for Attaining Goal (Strategies used to accomplish the goal)
Skill based lessons to include
direct instruction on skills related
to required CTE competencies
Apply problem-solving technique
to technology and other subjects
Target Date
Lesson plans, project rubric, final project grade; student ongoing (Sept – June)
competency record
Lesson plans, cross-curriculum planning
Relate technology systems to “real Lesson plans, project planning/implementation, project
world” applications
Goal Setting for Student Progress Form
Teacher Performance Evaluation System
2011 – 2012 Pilot Year
Subject/Grade: Band
I. Setting (Describe the population and special learning
II. Content/Subject/Field Area
III. Baseline Data (What is shown by the current data?)
I teach 7th grade intermediate and 8th grade advanced
band classes. There are 34 students in total with varying
amounts of performance experience: 38% have at least 2
years of experience, 41% have a least 1 year of
experience, and 21% are in Band for the first time. Four
students participate in the HS Marching Band after
demonstrating above average performance. 53% of
students own their instruments and other are provided by
the school.
Concert Band
Using the Concert Band Performance Assessment
provided by the Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors
Association which assesses performance based on tone
quality, intonation, technique, balance, musicianship,
and general factors. Adjudication scale: “Superior “IA,
“Excellent“ IIB, “Good” IIIC, “Fair” IVD, “Poor” VF.
Students prepare and rehearse 3 pieces that are
adjudicated by 4 state accredited judges. Based on
current data, 38% of students are performing at IIB
proficiency; 41% at IIIC, and 21% at IVD or below.
Goal Setting for Student Progress Form
Teacher Performance Evaluation System
2011 – 2012 Pilot Year
Subject/Grade: Band
For the current school year, all Band students will demonstrate progress in
the principal items of our concert performance assessment by improving by
at least one performance level, as measured by the VBODA performance
assessment. 79% of students will score at “Excellent” IIB or higher, while 21%
of students will perform at least “Good” IIIC proficiency on the concert
assessment in March 2012.
V. Means for Attaining Goal (Strategies used to accomplish the goal)
IV. Goal Statement (Describe what you
want learners/program to
Bi-weekly playing assessments
Grade books, Engrade online; daily
review and performance of principal
Target Date
Every 2 weeks
Extra help after school - Inviting students Roster of students attending after
that are performing below proficiency school sessions
in particular; also an opportunity for
challenging students with more
experience to tutor those students
after school
2 days a week after school through
the school year
Preparation and rehearsals for district
festival assessment
Fall Concert-Oct, Winter ConcertDec, PreDistrict Concert-Feb
At least 3 performances/concerts
before assessment
Learning is not attained by
chance, it must be sought
for with ardor and
attended to with diligence.
Abigail Adams, 1780