7 Pete Arnold Dr. Sperry P.8 21 January 2010 34 The Vichy Government 17 15 Other Names • Vichy Regime7 • French State • État Français • Germany’s Puppet Government 36 15 Background • • • • Gov. of France set up by Germans10 Collaborated openly with Germans July 1940- September 1944 Led by Marshal Henri Philippe Pétain 18 2 Pétain Hitler Causes of Vichy Regime • German invasion of France (1940)8 • Premier Paul Reynaud elects Marshal3 Pétain to vice premier • Raise morale 37 • War Hero 1 Causes of Vichy Regime • June 14, 1940: Germans occupy Paris8 • France realized German army unstoppable 5 • What do we do? 38 Causes of Vichy Regime 32 31 Vs. 22 • Paul Reynaud (French Prime minister)8 Vs. • Marshal Pétain (vice premier) and General Maxime Weygand (Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces) 40 Causes of Vichy Regime 39 • Reynaud outvoted, resigns8 • Albert Lebrun now premier • Lebrun and Pétain immediately begin collaborating with Germans • Reach armistice on June 22, 1940 Franco-German Armistice • Divides country • Surrender all Jews in France to Germany • French Army disbanded • Germany keeps French POW’s • French Forces can’t leave country • People told not to oppose German efforts • France pays occupational costs for German soldiers 11 41 42 43 Vichy Regime Beginnings • Pierre Laval joins Vichy regime7 • Main architect of government • July 10, 1940: Persuades National Assembly to put Pétain in power • Vote: 569 for, 80 against, 18 absent 23 44 18 Vichy Regime Beginnings • Pétain assumes FULL legislative and7 executive power • Supposed to draft new constitution • Never happened in 4 years of existence 17 45 Vichy Regime • October 1940: Pétain meets with1 Hitler • Offers his collaboration • French now working with Germany 2 10 Vichy Regime • Slogan Changed7 • Before: “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” • After: “Work, Family, Fatherland” • Labor charter passed 9 20 12 Vichy Regime 8 • People become more and more upset2 with Vichy Rule • Give into Germany’s constant demands • Vélodrome d’Hiver rafle Vélodrome d’Hiver rafle • July 16-17, 19425 • Greatest mass arrest of Jews on French soil • 13,152 Jews arrested, put in velodrome2 • Then deported to concentration camps 29 4 Vélodrome d’Hiver rafle Kickers 28 • 1/3 of all Jews deported to Polish death camps in 19425 • 4,500 French police and gendarms • French police not obliged to act 30 Verdict on Vichy Quote “Yes, the Vél d’Hiv, Drancy, Compiègne, and all the transit camps, these antechambers of death, were organized, administered, and guarded by French people. Yes, the first act of the Shoah (the Holocaust) was played our here with the complicity of the French State (the Vichy Regime).” French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, July 21, 20022 Vichy Regime • Germany now in massive world war7 • Need better border security • Allies land in Africa • Nov. 11, 1942: Germany occupies all of France • Armistice army disbanded 47 46 24 Vichy Regime 3 • Vichy now holds little power, few bargaining tools • Becomes tool of German government • Pierre Laval put in power • Pétain now mostly a figurehead7 The Milice • Vichy Secret Police • Led by Joseph Darnand • Helped with capture/torture of Resistance • By 1944, had 35,000 members8 16 25 Vichy Regime • Resistance movements begin occurring • Gestapo and Milice Vs. Resistance8 14 48 Downfall of Vichy Regime • June 6, 1944: D-Day invasions begin • Vichy Gov. flees to Sigmarigen • Set up exiled rule7 26 27 Downfall of Vichy Regime • Allied forces along with Resistance free Paris • Charles de Gaulle abolishes Vichy state and laws7 • Begin arresting/prosecuting Vichy leaders8 6 Freeing of Paris 13 End of Vichy Regime • 1945- Laval tried and executed War Crimes • 1945- Darnand tried and executed War Crimes8 23 25 End of Vichy Regime • Pétain then flees to Switzerland • Returns on own accord • Sentenced to death • De Gaulle commutes it to life imprisonment • Dies in jail in 19517 49 Why was Pétain was elected? • 1916- halts Germans at battle of Verdun • 1918- appointed Marshal • 1926- concludes successful Moroccan campaign • 1934- War minister in cabinet of Gaston Daumergue • 1939- Name ambassador to Spain3 Why was he elected? 19 21 33 He should not have… • Expected to retire at start of WW1 • 84 years old in 1940 • Right motives, wrong friendships1 20 Vichy Regime Conclusion • • • • Imprisoned 135,000 Interned 70,000 Deported 76,000 Jews Sent 650,000 French workers to 4 Germany9 Works Cited- Info Sources 1. Bienvenu, Richard. "GI -- World War II Commemoration." Www.Grolier.com. Web. 18 Jan. 2010. <http://gi.grolier.com/wwii/wwii_petain.html>. 2. Curtis, Michael. Verdict on Vichy power and prejudice in the Vichy France regime. 1st ed. New York: Arcade Pub., Distributed by AOL Time Warner Book Group, 2002. Print. 3. "Henri Philippe Petain Facts, information, pictures | Encyclopedia.com articles about Henri Philippe Petain." Encyclopedia - Online Dictionary | Encyclopedia.com: Get facts, articles, pictures, video. Web. 18 Jan. 2010. <http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Henri_Philippe_Petain.as px>. 4. "Interned Definition | Definition of Interned at Dictionary.com." Dictionary.com | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Dictionary.com. Web. 18 Jan. 2010. <http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/interned>. Works Cited- Info Sources 5. Laffitte, Michel. "The Vélodrome d’hiver Round-up: July 16 and 17, 1942 -." Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence. 21 Dec. 2009. Web. 18 Jan. 2010. <http://www.massviolence.org/The-Vel-d-Hiv-round-up>. 6. "Marshal Definition | Definition of Marshal at Dictionary.com." Dictionary.com | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Dictionary.com. Web. 18 Jan. 2010. <http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/marshal>. 7. "Vichy France." Britannica. 15th ed. 2005. Print. 8. "Vichy France." Digger History; (ANZAC). Web. 18 Jan. 2010. <http://www.diggerhistory.info/pagesenemy/vichy.htm>. 9. "Vichy government." TalkTalk. Web. 18 Jan. 2010. <http://www.talktalk.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchin son/m0026975.html>. 10."Vichy." World Book. 2010. Print. 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