THE WAYS OF COLLABORATION WITH THE HUMAN RIGHTS OMBUDMSAN OF REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Katja Sodja PROGRAMME OF VISITS At the beggining of the year The Ombudsman and selected NGOs have MEETING ROLE OF NGOs: + adoption of the programme of visits for further year, specified by the Ombudsman; + opportunity to express evaluation of the work in previous year; + opportunity to point if there are any problems in cooperation between The Ombudsman and NGOs. TIME AND PLACE OF THE VISIT The time and place of the visit and the number of people involved in visiting a particular place of surveillance is specified by the Ombudsman. Every NGO has its own coordinator. Usually the representative of Ombudsman that is leader of the planned visit contacts the selected representative of NGO to confirm the time and place of visit. THE VISIT Interview with the menegment: we have opportunity to ask question after the end of an interview that is lead by The Ombudsman. Interview with the detained person(s): we are equal members to The Ombudsman. Final inspection report: a) in 8 days after visit we send brief written contribution to The Ombudsman which (do not always!) form final report of the visit b) In year 2012 the representatives of our NGO provided 5 final reports (of 35s final reports) OTHER ACTIVITIES 1. At least one meeting of Ombudsman and NGOs regarding methodology of work over the year. + Our NGO was always presented. - What if not all selected NGOs are present? 2. Final Yearly Report: Insight in responses of proper authorities (Ministries) to final inspection reports of visits. Conclusion about findings that are not taken into account. 3. Trainings: in the beginning of 2013 The Ombudsman and NGOs agreed that there is need for additional trainings for representatives of NGOs + till May 2013 we had one lecture regarding persons with dementia (Nursing Homes) and one training regarding Istanbul Protocol EVALUATION OF METHODOLOGY + the model is well prepared on experiences of The Ombudsman and selected NGOs in the past +/- communication between The Ombudsman and NGOs, communication between selected NGOs +/- the representatives of NGOs are equal members to representatives of The Ombudsman in NPM +/- instructions before visits +/- brochures of NGOs - control visits - other tasks of NPM (beside visits) How can NGOs contributes to good collaboration with The Ombudsman? representatives are experts in area of Human Rights representatives have to be involved in meetings with Human Rights Ombudsman representatives have to take trainings that are offered by The Ombudsman representatives of NGO must have inner meetings/meetings with representatives of other NGOs regarding main problems in institutions of visits