I BELIEVE…by Craig L. Hayes

I KNOW…I BELIEVE…by Craig L. Hayes
I now write some of my basic beliefs so that you may know a little
more about what makes me who I am.
Warning to all Progressives: this will probably annoy you even more
than any other story I have written. If it does then perhaps you should THINK
more and be far less emotional in your life.
I would invite all Progressives to evolve and become Constitutional
thinkers and not become extinct in their emotions.
For the purposes of illustration I use the term Progressive or
Progressivism instead of the many forms of Progressivism such as
Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Marxism, or Fascism to describe the
I Know…
I know that God lives.
I know that Jesus is the Christ.
I know that they love me no matter my many faults.
I know we are all brothers and sisters of an eternal Heavenly Father.
I know that free will is one of the greatest gifts that God gave to man.
I know that Gods’ plan for man is far greater and glorious than mans’
plan for his fellow man.
I know that mans abilities and potential are limitless.
I know that government limits mans’ potential so as to control him.
I know that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are
sacred texts.
I know that the Federal Constitution does not provide for or guarantee
for our health care, education, housing, employment, retirement, success, or
our happiness.
I know that America is a promised land. It is a precious land that is
choice above all other lands in the world.
I know that America is the world’s first and last bastion of freedom. If
we fail to remain free, the rest of the world will eventually lose their freedom.
I know we must not fail.
I Believe…
I believe Conservatism is compassionate.
I believe Conservatism is individualism.
I believe Conservatism is liberty.
I believe Conservatism is freedom.
I believe Conservatism is self-determination.
I believe Conservatism is Constitution based.
I believe Conservatism is moral.
Conservatism believes in the smallest amount of government possible.
Progressivism believes in the largest amount of government imaginable.
If you love liberty and freedom you are not a Progressive. If you love
government and central control of your life, you are not a Conservative.
If the Constitution were to be followed strictly, we would have liberty
and wealth in this country beyond our wildest dreams. Instead we now have
government slave-masters and debt.
I believe Progressivism is a lie.
I believe Progressivism is not constitutional.
I believe Progressivism is not compassionate.
I believe Progressivism is slavery.
I believe Progressivism is immoral.
I believe Progressivism destroys. It does not create.
I believe Progressivism is hypocrisy
I believe Progressivism is about controlling other people and their lives.
I believe Progressives do not confuse facts with the goals they wish to
I believe Progressivism is government coercion.
I believe Progressivism is the most destructive force to our Constitution
and our liberties.
I believe Progressivism and those that promote Progressivism should
be shunned.
I believe Progressivism has not been able to deliver on promises of the
past, the present, and will not deliver on promises for the future.
I believe Progressivism does not raise the bar. It lowers it.
I believe Progressivism wishes to dumb down people so as to control
I believe all government programs enacted by Progressives have failed.
I believe Progressivism is un-American.
I believe Progressives are not eternal thinkers.
I believe Progressives are not deep or critical thinkers.
I believe Progressives are not logic or rational thinkers.
I believe Progressives, though they may be intelligent, are not wise
I believe Progressives promote political correctness because they
believe in speech and attitude censorship.
I believe that Progressives use bribes, indoctrination, ridicule, and
mockery. They try to silence their opposition, and use personal destruction to
accomplish their programs and institute their ideas.
I believe that when Progressives are open and honest with their ideas
and truly discuss and debate them, they lose every time.
I believe that if you as a Representative in Congress vote for anything
that is not specified in the Constitution qualifies you as a traitor to the
I believe Americas’ previous rendezvous with destiny was
accomplished with the fall of the Soviet Union.
I believe Americas’ next rendezvous with destiny must be focused
inward to eliminate any vestige of European style socialism form America
and throw those traitorous ideas on the scrap heap of history.
I believe that this nation will be brought down to its knees so as to
humble us.
I believe we will be given a second chance to govern this land.
I believe we will then re-establish the government according to the
wishes of the God of this land.
I believe we will govern this land again until the great day of our
Saviors return in glory.