Salary Benchmarking Report CEO Salary Survey AME Recruitment January 2014 Salary Benchmarking January 2014. LGA SA Page 1 Executive Summary AME Recruitment was retained by LGA SA to collect and collate CEO Salary Data for South Australian Local Government entities with comparisons to be made with the Not for Profit Sector, Interstate Local Government entities and Selected Public Sector Organisations. The intention is for this report to be updated and reissued every 6 months (late July and January each year) in order to capture changes in the salary packages and conditions under which LG CEOs are employed. This report updates the report released in July 2013. Data Collection AME undertook extensive data collection and verification in order to produce an accurate set of results against which informed comment and analysis could take place. Specifically we sought information from: South Australia’s 68 Local Government Councils; Equivalent Local Government Councils from Western Australia, Victoria and Broken Hill; Equivalent roles within the South Australian Public Service; Relevant South Australian not-for-profit organisations. Information was asked for from all 68 Councils. Where a response was not received data used is from the July 2013 report. 6 councils did not respond. The data requested was: Salary package, including all additional benefits both cash and non cash; Information relating to the terms and conditions of the CEOs contract including the length of the contract length, scheduled performance review dates. Number of Elected Members; Total staff FTE’s; Council budget, operational and capital; Key financial sustainability ratios. The appendices include information for every SA Council. Data Analysis The CEO Salary Survey data was collated and reviewed for validity. The data was then segmented to enable comparison within segmented groups, between segmented groups, and between South Australian Local Government entities and Interstate Local Government entities. Due to a reluctance by several respondents to disclose additional benefits (such as additional leave) and a general consensus amongst CEOs that additional annual leave (taken in the year it is awarded) has no commercial value, the salary data reported in this report does not assign a dollar value to additional leave or other non cash benefits. For consistency of comparison the July 2013 data has been restated omitting values for items such as additional leave, Council supplied housing etc. This report now simply identifies the presence of these benefits (where disclosed by CEOs). Salary Benchmarking January 2014. LGA SA Page 2 Data Segmentation Grouping of Councils have been made using the following measures: Council size, scale and location, using classifications such as G6 + ACC, Other Metro, Outer Metro and Regional and Small Regional. Revenue, being annual budget including Operating and / or Capital Budget, or simply Total Budget. Number of employees. Asset Base. Key Financial Sustainability Ratios. Elected Member Groupings as determined by the Remuneration Tribunal Key Data Contained within the attached tables are the results and averages for all South Australian Local Government Councils split and presented in various ways. Key numbers are highlighted below: 1. The average Total Salary Package in January 2014 (comprised of base salary, super and motor vehicle) for the CEO of all 68 Councils is $202,256 (vs. $196,041 in July 2013), an increase of 3.17% in the past 6 months. Measure January 2014 Total Base Salary, Super and Vehicle July 2013 Total Base Salary, Super and Vehicle Average CEO Salary $202,256 $196,041 $202,256 is made up of base salary, super and motor vehicle. (See Table 1 for details) 2. The average annual salary package (comprised of base salary, super and motor vehicle) for the CEO of all 68 Councils split into common groupings (based on size, locations and Council scale) is: January 2014 Total Base Salary, Super and Vehicle July 2013 Total Base Salary, Super and Vehicle G6 + ACC $302,742 $295,169 Other Metro $247,129 $239,698 Outer Metro $217,867 $217,549 Regional $194,007 $188,008 Small Regional $149,397 $143,022 Average CEO Salary Salary Benchmarking January 2014. LGA SA (See Table 2 for details) Page 3 3. The average annual salary (comprised of base salary, super and motor vehicle) for the CEOs of all 68 Councils split into groups as per Elected Members Remuneration Tribunal Classification (i.e. Group 1, etc) Average CEO Salary July 2013 January 2014 Total Base Salary, Total Base Salary, Super and Super and Vehicle Vehicle Group 1 $293,550 $286,982 Group 2 $232,090 $225,135 Group 3 $207,115 $201,474 Group 4 $175,524 $169,976 Group 5 $149,397 $143,022 (See table 3 for details) Notes on Other Benefits The salary package numbers reported throughout this report are the summation of Base Salary, Superannuation and contractual value of Motor Vehicle supplied to the CEO. These numbers will be consistent with the Salaries Register maintained by Councils and available for public review. The following additional benefits have been excluded due to the subjective nature of their valuation: Additional Annual Leave Special Leave Performance Bonuses Council supplied housing Other Allowances Private phone calls (mobile and land line) Subscriptions Professional Memberships A vast majority of “Other Benefits” is made up of additional annual leave (at least 15 instances have been reported) which ranges from 1 to 2 weeks. The existence of these benefits, where disclosed, has been outlined in Table 4. Salary Benchmarking January 2014. LGA SA Page 4 Notes on Calculations The following notes should be read in conjunction with the tables produced. Superannuation is 9.25% unless the CEO is in the Defined Benefit scheme where it is currently 9.55%. Few CEOs have negotiated additional superannuation contributions in lieu of salary – all these factors are reflected in the Total Salary Package calculation. The value of motor vehicles is as advised by individual Councils and is between $7,000 and $15,000 with one outlier at $36,000. Additional benefits such as additional salary benefits, additional annual leave and rent assistance have not been assigned a commercial value. A number of CEO respondents have presented an argument that additional leave (taken in the year of allocation) does not have a commercial value nor a financial cost to the Council. With this argument in mind, several CEOs have elected not to disclose additional annual leave. To ensure equity and accuracy, base salary, superannuation and motor vehicle components of the CEOs salary package have only been included. Average Increase in Salaries South Australian Local Government Councils As reported in the July 2013, the average increase for CEOs in the Local Government Sector has been 3.15% per annum for the period from July 2009 to July 2013. In the period July 2013 to January 2014, the average increase across all Local Government CEO Salaries was 3.17%. South Australian Public Service The average increase for CEOs in the Public Sector has been 3.0% per annum. Salary increases for Public Sector CEOs have been constrained in line with general salary constraints placed upon the Public Sector by Government. State Government Business Entities A cross section of CEOs from State Government Business Entities sector (i.e. directly owned or substantially funded by State Government) shows an increase of 11.01% per annum between 2012 and 2013. This increase is being driven largely by the appointment of a new CEO in SGBE# 4 at a salary package significantly higher than the previous incumbent. Setting this entity aside, the average per annum salary increase for this sample would be 6.84% between 2012 and 2013. Salary Benchmarking January 2014. LGA SA Page 5 Not for Profit Sector A cross section of salaries of CEOs from the Not for Profit Sector are outlined below. Generally salary increases in this sector mirror that of the Private Sector as major Not For Profits seek to attract and retain skilled corporate leaders. This is further reinforced by the presence of Corporate Leaders occupying key decision making Board positions. It is for this reason that the average salary increase across this sector has been around 4% per annum for the past 3 – 4 years. National Average Private Sector The average increase for CEOs on a national basis has been between 4% and 5% per annum with general constraint being common place in many companies for the past 3 to 4 years driven primarily by subdued economic climate. South Australian Average Private Sector The average increase for CEOs in the private sector in South Australia has been 3.5% and 4% per annum with general constraint being common place in many companies for the past 3 to 4 years driven primarily by subdued economic climate. The Role of CEO The CEO is the highest ranking officer within an organisation and is responsible for the total management of an organisation. Whilst the business they are leading may vary their broad responsibilities cover: Leadership Financial Management Strategic Planning Governance Stakeholder Management Hence the salaries of CEOs within different sectors are able to be compared. It should be noted, however, that in comparison to CEOs in other sectors, those in Local Government are employed by Council and so report to the whole Council. Councils business requires these Executives and their Senior Management Team to attend Council meetings and Workshops which are usually held after hours. The number of nights per month is dependent the number of meetings held. These meetings have no time limit. Chief Executives within Local Government are also expected to attend community functions which again are often after hours and on weekends. There is generally no time in lieu for this time commitment and is an expectation of the role of the Chief Executive. Salary Benchmarking January 2014. LGA SA Page 6 Interstate data Below are a sample of Councils from Western Australia and Victoria (selected as these States border SA). Salary Packages are similar in size and composition to those available in South Australia. Western Australia CEO Salary Package Vehicle Total Cash, Super and Car $17,571 N/A $212,800 $174,476 $15,703 $15,000 $205,179 $67,715,000 $249,000 $22,410 $15,000 $286,410 610 $166,000,000 $300,032 $27,003 $15,000 $342,035 South Perth 268 $46,375,000 $217,799 $32,670 $10,000 $260,469 Victoria Park 185 $47,914,000 $206,002 $35,020 $10,000 $251,022 $223,756 $25,063 $13,000 $259,653 Council Staff Numbers Budget Salary Super Albany 379 $43,322,000 $195,229 Broome 175 $29,958,000 KalgoorlieBoulder 410 Perth Average Victoria CEO Salary Package Council Staff Numbers Budget Salary Super Vehicle Total Cash Super and Car Glenelg Shire Vic 236 $59,000,000 $218,780 $20,482 $8,800 $248,063 240 $13,975,000 $193,097 $17,379 $10,000 $220,476 384 $76,915,000 $224,770 $20,230 $10,000 $255,000 377 $39,198,000 $187,203 $16,848 $10,000 $214,051 $205,963 $18,735 $9,700 $234,398 Broken Hill Council Warrnambool City Council Southern Grampians Shire Council Average Salary Benchmarking January 2014. LGA SA Page 7 State Government Business Entities Below is a cross section of CEOs from State Government Business Entities sector (i.e. directly owned or substantially funded by State Government). Salary packages range in size in a similar way as salaries do in the Local Government Sector. Salaries have increased for the 4 SGBE’s listed below by 11.01% between 2012 and 2013, driven primarily by the appointment of a new CEO for SGBE 4 at a significantly higher rate than the previous incumbent. If SGBE # 4 is excluded from the calculation, the average increase between 2012 and 2013 is 6.84%. 2013 Salaries / Wages 2012 SGB Entities Budget Head Count Salary Super Vehicle Total Package Salary Package Growth SGBE # 1 $48,500,000 200 $253,000.00 $24,200.00 $19,000.00 $296,200.00 $290,700.00 1.89% SGBE # 2 $18,844,000 110 $211,009.00 $18,991.00 $230,000.00 $210,000.00 9.52% SGBE # 3 $8,258,000 50 $172,700.00 $15,543.00 $188,243.00 $168,000.00 12.05% SGBE # 4 $4,600,000 15 $136,500.00 $13,500.00 $150,000.00 $110,000.00 36.36% Average $216,110.75 $194,675.00 Average Increase 11.01% Salary Benchmarking January 2014. LGA SA Large increase driven by change in CEO @ SGBE #4 Page 8 Not For Profit Sector A cross section of CEOs from the Not for Profit sector is shown below. Generally salary increases in this sector mirror that of the Private Sector as major Not For Profits seek to attract and retain skilled corporate leaders. This is further reinforced by the presence of Corporate Leaders occupying key decision making board positions. It is for this reason that the average salary increase across this sector has been around 4% per annum for the past 3 – 4 years. 2013 Salaries / Wages Motor Vehicle Notional Value NFP Entities Budget/Income Head Counts Salary Superannuation NFP # 1 $3,300,000 13 $128,054.92 $11,845.08 NFP # 2 $17,800,000 573 $256,820.00 $25,000.00 NFP # 3 $18,950,000 145 $256,292.91 $23,707.09 NFP # 4 $48,300,000 200 $277,200.00 $25,641.00 $19,000.00 $321,841.00 NFP # 5 $53,000,000 1100 $251,716.25 $23,283.75 $12,000.00 $287,000.00 NFP # 6 $105,000,000 1500 $251,716.25 $23,283.75 $236,966.72 $22,126.78 Average Total Package $139,900.00 $25,000.00 $306,820.00 $280,000.00 $275,000.00 $18,666.67 $268,426.83 Yours sincerely, AME Recruitment Pty Ltd Adam Kennedy Senior Consultant Phone: (08) 8228 3800 Email: Salary Benchmarking January 2014. Allison Ashby Director Phone: (08) 8228 3800 Email: LGA SA Page 9