Why your lodge needs a Mentor Program!

50th Masonic District
School Of Instruction
George T. Mason,
WM, JSA #628
I Am My Brothers Keeper
Why Your Lodge Needs A Mentor Program
Why me?
"Something has to be done by
somebody, and it's just pathetic
it has to be us”
Jerry Garcia
If he could figure that out,
It doesn't take a brain surgeon!
You need to fix this!
The problem
• The attrition rate in our lodge is deplorable.
• 60% of all our new candidates leave and do
not come back.
• What project have you ever worked on that
60% loss was acceptable?
• Of the 40% who are left, 20% are not
“productive members” they are either “just
“come-outers” or sick and shut ins.
• You are left working with the last 20%!
You have a leak!
In the past how have we been
dealing with this?
We turn up the volume of new
members to overcome the
This is not the best way to fix a
Studies show a majority
of these members are
difficult, if not impossible
to get back once lost.
Is this new?
• Masonry has always
had this problem to
some extent.
• What has changed?
Why is this now a
The Effect Of This
“He’s not coming out why should I?”
Morale sinks
Artificial worry sets in
Masters plans begin to drop
Morale sinks more
Real worry sets in
Lodge Fails
Every lodge is one term away from extinction, status quo, or success.
-G. Mason
OK, So how do I Fix This?
• Grand Lodge has given you a gift!
• A Gift to save your lodge!
The fact is: The mentor program
stems the loss of active masons.
Why Now?
• This used to be done informally with the
ritual instructor.
• When The New Member learned the
obligations and their meaning, a
relationship was formed with the instructor,
and he became a “mentor” until the new
member met new friends.
• To some extent this was lost when new
members memory work was reduced, but
also when instructors time was diminished.
How does this help?
• Program keeps members involved.
• Believe it or not it is less work for you with
better communications.
• Keeps the lodge on track for its 5 year
• Easier to meet and exceed goals
Let me tell you what it did for Me!
When I took on WM at the last minute…..
Full line of officers.
Lots of new petitions.
Members fighting for who gets to be an
appointed officer.
• More active lodge that to some extent runs
itself on it’s 5 year plan.
Is it perfect?
• Of course it is! (required GL content)
• Tailor it to suit your lodge and its strengths
• It was developed in New Hampshire and
some things within just do not fit My Lodge
(In my opinion) so I just adjust it.
• Give it a try. You have nothing to loose but