Name ___________________________
Learning Objective
Today, we will determine1 the meaning of unknown words using context clues.
figure out
What are we going to do today?
What does determine mean? Determine means _____________.
Activate (or provide) Prior Knowledge
What is the meaning of the following bolded words?
1. Water sustains life. All living things need water to survive.
2. The egret has beautiful white feathers.
a type of bird
Students, you all were able to determine the meaning of egret because the sentence had the word feathers. When words in a sentence or
paragraph help us determine the meaning of an unknown word, we call them context clues. Today, we will determine the meaning of
unknown words using context clues.
DataWORKS Educational Research
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6th Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (3Q)
Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word,
sentence, and paragraph clues to determine meaning.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Concept Development
Context clues are nearby words or sentences that can help us determine the meaning of unknown words.
• Unknown words are often surrounded by definitions and/or descriptive details.
Type of Context Clue:
Sentence clues are
context clues within a
Paragraph clues are
context clues within a
Sedentary individuals, people who are not very active, often have diminished health.
Pungent odors, including those from onions, garlic, and ammonia, can cause allergic
reactions in some people.
In the early 1600s, a trip across the Atlantic Ocean was a daunting journey. The
Europeans, who would someday be known as the Pilgrims, must have been a very
determined and brave group of settlers.
Which sentence has a context clue? How do you know?
There are many theories, or ideas, about what made the ice ages happen.
The cause of ice ages is not fully understood.
In your own words, what are context clues? Context clues are__________________.
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
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6th Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (3Q)
Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word,
sentence, and paragraph clues to determine meaning.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Skill Development/Guided Practice
Context clues are nearby words or sentences that can help us determine the meaning of unknown words.
Determine the meaning of unknown words using context clues.
Step #1: Read the paragraph, carefully looking for the underlined word.
Step #2: Identify2 the context clues that help you determine its meaning.(underline)
Step #3: Determine the correct meaning of the underlined word.(circle)
a. Reread the sentence within the paragraph, substituting the correct meaning to check.
Step #4: Write what the underlined word means.
Martin Luther King Jr.
1. Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) was a great civil rights leader. 2. Using nonviolent methods, he
helped end racial discrimination, the unjust treatment of people. 3. He inspired
many people with his “I Have a Dream” speech. 4. In 1968, he was shot and killed by an assassin in Memphis,
50 words
Use sentence clues to determine the meaning of the bolded word.
1. What is the meaning of discrimination as it is used in the sentence?
a) cruel treatment of animals
b) fair treatment of a group of people
c) respectful treatment of African Americans
d) prejudiced treatment towards a group of people
The word ____________________
means __________________________________________________.
prejudiced treatment of a group of people
2. What is the meaning of assassin as it is used in the sentence?
a) person who speaks out for people’s rights
b) person who uses nonviolent methods
c) person who murders someone important
d) person who lies to the government
The word ____________________
means __________________________________________________.
person who kills or murders someone important
(#2) How did I/you identify the context clues that help determine the meaning of the underlined word?
(#3) How did I/you determine the meaning of the underlined word?
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
©2012 All rights reserved.
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6th Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (3Q)
Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word,
sentence, and paragraph clues to determine meaning.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Skill Development/Guided Practice (continued)
Context clues are nearby words or sentences that can help us determine the meaning of unknown words.
Determine the meaning of unknown words using context clues.
Step #1: Read the paragraph, carefully looking for the underlined word.
Step #2: Identify the context clues that help you determine its meaning.(underline)
Step #3: Determine the correct meaning of the underlined word.(circle)
a. Reread the sentence within the paragraph, substituting the correct meaning to check.
Step #4: Write what the underlined word means.
The Giant Panda
1. The giant panda is a large, gentle bear that lives in China. 2. It is one of the rarest types of bears. 3. In
1990, there was a scarce number of giant pandas, only about one thousand living wild in China and only
fifteen in zoos outside China.
4. While the dragon has historically served as China's national emblem, the giant panda is also becoming
a popular symbol for the country. 5. In recent decades, images of the giant panda have been used to
symbolize the nation rather than the dragon. 6. For example, the giant panda can be seen on a large
number of silver, gold, and platinum Chinese coins.
106 words
Use paragraph clues to determine the meaning of the bolded word.
3. What is the meaning of rarest as it is used in the sentence?
a) most friendly
b) most common
c) most uncommon
d) most aggressive
The word ____________________
means _______________________________.
scarce number or most uncommon
4. What is the meaning of national emblem as it is used in the sentence?
a) object that shows wealth
b) object used to represent a country
c) object used to represent the army
d) object that is rare
The word ________________
national emblem means ______________________________________________________.
an object used to symbolize a nation or represent a country
(#2) How did I/you identify the context clues that help determine the meaning of the underlined word?
(#3) How did I/you determine the meaning of the underlined word?
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
©2012 All rights reserved.
Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com
6th Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (3Q)
Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word,
sentence, and paragraph clues to determine meaning.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Context clues are nearby words or sentences that can help us determine the meaning of unknown words.
1. Determining the meaning of unknown words using context clues will expand your
vocabulary when reading.
When you go to the party, show your best decorum: dress nicely, eat and drink politely,
and thank the host.
We can use the context clue “dress nicely, eat and drink politely, and
thank the host” to determine that decorum must mean proper manners.
2. Determining the meaning of unknown words using context clues will help you on test.
Sample Test Question
One of those rhymes became an anthem that we sing todaymore then a hundred years after she wrote it.
What is the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.
A a poem about an object
B a love ballad
C a hymn of praise
D a short excerpt from a dairy
Does anyone else have another reason why it is relevant to be able to determine the meaning of unknown words using context clues? (pairshare) Why is it relevant to be able to determine the meaning of unknown words using context clues? You may give me one of my reasons
or one of your own. Which reason is the most relevant to you? Why?
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
©2012 All rights reserved.
Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com
6th Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (3Q)
Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word,
sentence, and paragraph clues to determine meaning.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Context clues are nearby words or sentences that can help us determine the meaning of unknown words.
Skill Closure
Determine the meaning of unknown words using context clues.
Step #1: Read the paragraph, carefully looking for the underlined word.
Step #2: Identify the context clues that help you determine its meaning.(underline)
Step #3: Determine the correct meaning of the underlined word.(circle)
a. Reread the sentence within the paragraph, substituting the correct meaning to check.
Step #4: Write what the underlined word means.
Formation of a Chicken Egg
1. A chicken egg must incubate for about 21 days until it hatches. 2. During this time, the eggs are kept at a temperature
between 99 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit. 3. This ideal temperature promotes, or supports, the proper development of the
egg. 4. In addition, the eggs must be rotated and turned for the baby chick to grow properly.
56 words
Use sentence clues to determine the meaning of the bolded word.
1. What is the meaning of promotes as it is used in the sentence?
a) hurts
b) helps
c) cooks
d) weakens
The word ____________________
means _______________________________.
supports; helps
Use paragraph clues to determine the meaning of the bolded word.
2. What is the meaning of incubate as it is used in the sentence?
a) be maintained at a cool temperature
b) be maintained at a warm temperature
c) be kept in a safe place
d) be protected from enemies
The word ____________________
means _______________________________.
to be maintained at a warm temperature
Constructed Response Closure
The ancient Greeks pioneered many of the kinds of writing . They wrote speeches, plays, poems, books about science and, long
histories of the things that happened to them. Is it correct to say pioneered means developed ? Explain your answer.
Summary Closure
What did you learn about using context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words?
Day 1__________________________________________________________________________________________________
Day 2__________________________________________________________________________________________________
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
©2012 All rights reserved.
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6th Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (3Q)
Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word,
sentence, and paragraph clues to determine meaning.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Independent Practice
Context clues are nearby words or sentences that can help us determine the meaning of unknown words.
Determine the meaning of unknown words using context clues.
Step #1: Read the paragraph, carefully looking for the underlined word.
Step #2: Identify the context clues that help you determine its meaning.(underline)
Step #3: Determine the correct meaning of the underlined word.(circle)
a. Reread the sentence within the paragraph, substituting the correct meaning to check.
Step #4: Write what the underlined word means.
House Cats
1. Unlike wild cats, such as lions and tigers, house cats are domesticated, or tamed by humans. 2. In the past, people kept domestic cats to
catch rodents, which are small mammals with large gnawing teeth, like mice and rats.
3. House cats like to live in proximity to humans. 4. They can always be found near their home and caretaker. 5. Many people enjoy having
cats as pets and feel cats give them a sense of happiness. 6. For these people, life with cats is exultant.
81 words
1. What is the meaning of domesticated as it is used in the sentence?
a) wild
b) able to live with animals
c) aggressive
d) able to live with people
The word ____________________
means ____________________________________.
tamed or able to live with people
2. What is the meaning of rodents as it is used in the sentence?
a) small animals that feed on plants
b) large animals that eat meat
c) small animals that carry disease
d) small, sharp-toothed animals
The word ____________________
means ____________________________________.
small animals with large, sharp teeth
3. What is the meaning of proximity as it is used in the paragraph?
a) separation from
b) closeness to
c) caged area
d) great distance from
The word ____________________
means ____________________________________.
near or closeness
4. What is the meaning of exultant as it is used in the paragraph?
a) difficult
b) joyful
c) tolerable
d) depressing
The word ____________________
means ____________________________________.
sense of happiness; joyful
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
©2012 All rights reserved.
Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com
6th Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (3Q)
Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word,
sentence, and paragraph clues to determine meaning.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Periodic Review 1
Name ______________________
Context clues are nearby words or sentences that can help us determine the meaning of unknown words.
Determine the meaning of unknown words using context clues.
Step #1: Read the paragraph, carefully looking for the underlined word.
Step #2: Identify the context clues that help you determine its meaning.(underline)
Step #3: Determine the correct meaning of the underlined word.(circle)
a. Reread the sentence within the paragraph, substituting the correct meaning to check.
Step #4: Write what the underlined word means.
Ulysses S. Grant
1. Ulysses S. Grant was the foremost, or the leading, Union1 officer in the American Civil War. 2. Grant also became the eighteenth president of the
United States. 3. In his early career as head of the army, Grant’s tactics, or plans to win battles during the war, were different from leaders before him.
4. General Grant’s tactics for war were to always have his forces carefully marshaled. 5. That is, his plans were always well thought out which led to
many victories. 6. Grant was not well-known by many people, but because of his achievements in the war, he soon became a prominent military figure.
7. He became well-known by taking Forts Henry and Donelson in 1862 in the first Union victories of the war.
1 army fighting for the northern states
119 words
1. What is the meaning of foremost as it is used in the
a) best
b) worst
c) smartest
d) most corrupt
The word _______________________
best; leading
3. What is the meaning of marshaled as it is used in the
a) disorganized
b) unplanned
c) organized
d) hurried
The word _______________________
well thought out; organized
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
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2. What is the meaning of tactics as it is used in the
a) methods to operate weapons
b) methods for training
c) methods to achieve a goal
d) methods for farming
The word _______________________
plans or methods to achieve a goal
4. What is the meaning of prominent as it is used in the
a) dishonorable
b) famous
c) unknown
d) humble
The word _______________________ means
well known; famous
6th Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (3Q)
Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word,
sentence, and paragraph clues to determine meaning.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Periodic Review 2
Name ______________________
Context clues are nearby words or sentences that can help us determine the meaning of unknown words.
Determine the meaning of unknown words using context clues.
Step #1: Read the paragraph, carefully looking for the underlined word.
Step #2: Identify the context clues that help you determine its meaning.(underline)
Step #3: Determine the correct meaning of the underlined word.(circle)
a. Reread the sentence within the paragraph, substituting the correct meaning to check.
Step #4: Write what the underlined word means.
George Washington Carver
1. It is uncommon to find a man of such caliber, or one that has the level of skill and excellence, of George Washington Carver. 2. Carver was a famous
American scientist and inventor, born into a slave family. 3. Sadly, Carver lost his mother at a young age. 4. He was reared by the Carver family because he
had no family to raise him.
5. After his education, George did research which helped farmers. 6. Crops that were planted year after year depleted all the nutrients in the soil.
7. Carver discovered that changing what was planted on a piece of ground each year would help keep the nutrients from being completely used up. 8. Much
of Carver’s fame is based on his encouragement of growing alternative crops. 9. He wanted farmers to grow crops, other than the usual cotton, to provide
farmers with more opportunities.
138 words
1. What is the meaning of caliber as it is used in the sentence?
a) ability
b) uselessness
c) inability
d) size
The word _______________________
level of skill or ability
2. What is the meaning of reared as it is used in the sentence?
a) abandoned
b) brought up
c) unloved
d) ignored
The word _______________________
raised or brought up
3. What is the meaning of depleted as it is used in the
a) exhausted
b) replenished
c) expanded
d) increased
The word _______________________
completely used up or exhausted
4. What is the meaning of alternative as it is used in the
a) the same
b) usual
c) different
d) cotton
The word _______________________ means
other than the usual; different
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
©2012 All rights reserved.
Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com
6th Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (3Q)
Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word,
sentence, and paragraph clues to determine meaning.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Periodic Review 3
Name ______________________
Context clues are nearby words or sentences that can help us determine the meaning of unknown words.
Determine the meaning of unknown words using context clues.
Step #1: Read the paragraph, carefully looking for the underlined word.
Step #2: Identify the context clues that help you determine its meaning.(underline)
Step #3: Determine the correct meaning of the underlined word.(circle)
a. Reread the sentence within the paragraph, substituting the correct meaning to check.
Step #4: Write what the underlined word means.
The Silk Road
1. The Silk Road was a trade route that extended over land from China to Europe. 2. In all, the Silk Road covered over 5,000 miles, and typically
stretched between oases, or water sources. 3. The main route split and rejoined several times through central Asia until getting to Persia, also known as
current-day Iraq and Iran.
4. Goods were often moved by caravans. 5. It was not common for only one person to cross the route; rather parties of merchants 1 would travel the Silk
Road carrying goods. 6. Perhaps the most important things traded along the Silk Road were not silk or gold, but rather the trading of culture and ideas.
7. Buddhism, now the most common religion in China, made its way into China along the Silk Road. 8. Buddhist grottoes were built along several parts of the
1 people who sell goods
Silk Road between India and China. 9. These caves contain some of the most famous wall paintings of China.
142 words
1. What is the meaning of oases as it is used in the sentence?
a) shady spots in the desert
b) places in the desert with
c) places in the desert with
d) places in the desert where
no water
goods are sold
The word _______________________
water sources or places in the desert with water
2. What is the meaning of Persia as it is used in the sentence?
a) area of land called China
b) area where the route came
c) the area where the route
d) area of land we know as
Iraq and Iran
The word _______________________
the area of land we know as current day Iraq and Iran
3. What is the meaning of caravans as it is used in the
a) groups of vans
b) trains
c) groups of traders
d) individual sellers
The word _______________________
parties of merchants or groups of traders
4. What is the meaning of grottoes as it is used in the
a) wall paintings
b) place where goods are sold
c) trade routes
d) buildings in the side of a mountain
The word _______________________
caves or buildings in the side of a mountain
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
©2012 All rights reserved.
Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com
6th Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (3Q)
Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word,
sentence, and paragraph clues to determine meaning.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
EDI – Cognitive, Teaching and English Learners Strategies
Learning Objective : Today, we will determine the meaning of unknown words using context clues.
Cognitive Strategies
Teaching Strategies
Targeted vocabulary: determine, identify
Language Strategies
determine, identify
Vocabulary Words
determine, identify
Internal Context Clue
Listen, Speak
Similar Sounds
Tracked Reading
Decoding Rules
Content Access Strategies
Graphic Organizer
Contextual Clues
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
©2012 All rights reserved.
Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com
6th Grade Reading Vocabulary 1.4 (3Q)
Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word,
sentence, and paragraph clues to determine meaning.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.