Unit 6: The Inter War Period and WWII

Mr. McLaughlin
Name: ________________________
Unit 6: The Inter War Period and WWII
Unit Overview: This unit will consist of eight lessons that will be covered through reading AMSCO as well as numerous
primary documents. You will be responsible for reading all the assigned readings on time and either taking notes,
annotating, or answer questions.
Readings: Chapter 25 in AMSCO and selected primary and secondary sources.
Essential Questions
 What role do economics, national security, and democratic values play in a nation’s decision to enter into
an armed conflict with another nation?
 How did the war affect the liberties of African Americans, Native Americans, Japanese Americans, and
Mexican Americans?
 How does war affect the lives of women?
 Assess the controversy concerning the utilization of the Atomic Bomb during WII?
 Evaluate the United States role in the world during the war and post WWII.
Lesson 1: Introduction to World Political and Economic Systems Society (12/19 A Day and 12/20B Day)
 Chapter 25 Reading Assessment
 Economic/Political Systems Simulation
 Homework
o FDR Reading
o To what extent did President Roosevelt deliberately withhold Information about the attack on Pearl
Harbor from American Commanders?
Lesson 2: US Foreign Policy 1918-1941 (01/02 A Day and 01/03 B Day)
 Jigsaw Analysis
o Internet and source search
 Homework
o Homework Read Foner’s Homefront – highlight and annotate.
Lesson 3: Reasons for US entrance into WWII (01/06 A Day and 01/07 B Day)
 Small Group Prompt Analysis
o Prompt: To what extent was the US response to Japanese and German aggression influenced by the
following factors: economics, national security, and democratic values.
o Utilized page 540-544
 Divide into three groups, create a thesis statement and three details pieces of evidence
 Poster and Presentation will be graded
Lesson 4: The Home Front (01/08 A Day and 01/09 B Day)
 Teacher Presentation
 Small Group Analysis
o Mobilization for War: To what extent did WWII change the role of the national government.
o Business and the War: To what extent did the US government’s role in business change during WWII
o Office of War Information: How did OWI illustrate political division generated by the New Deal and
efforts to promote the Four Freedoms
o Women at War: How did the increase of women in the workforce impact US society.
 Homework: Create a Concept map for the impact of WWII on: African Americans, Native Americans, Japanese
Americans, and Mexican Americans.
Lesson 5: The Home Front Continued (01/10 A Day and 01/13 B Day)
 Analyzing the Concept Map
o How did the war affect the liberties of African Americans, Native Americans, Mexican Americans and
Japanese Americans
 Civil Rights During Wartime
o Individual
 US Amendments Rights and Activity
 How has the United States historically balanced civil liberties and national security?
 Read and discuss the essential question
o Small Group
 Japanese American Internment Activity
o Class Discussion
 Japanese Interment
 Small group discussions and analysis
Lesson 6: Mr. McLaughlin’s Philippines Presentation and the Decision to Drop the Bomb
(01/14 A Day and 01/15 B Day)
 Power Point Presentation and Graphic Organizer
 Primary Source Document Activity (The Decision to Drop the Bomb)
 Homework: Read and annotate the WWII Conference Materials Packet
Lesson 7: World War II conferences (01/16 A Day and 01/17 B Day)
 Conference Analysis Lesson
Lesson 8: WWII Assessment – Multiple choice and DBQ (01/21 A Day and 01/22 B Day)
Key People, Events, and Terms
Adolf Hitler
America First Committee
Atlantic Charter
Atomic Bomb
Axis Powers
Battle of Midway
Battle of Iwo Jima
Battle of the Atlantic
Battle of the Bulge
Benito Mussolini
Big Three
Casablanca Conference
Chester Nimitz
Concentration Camps
Cordell Hull
Destroyers for bases deal
Douglas MacArthur
Dwight Eisenhower
Emperor Hirohito
25. Fascism
26. Federal Employment
Practices Commission
27. Four Freedoms Speech
28. Francisco Franco
29. Genocide
30. German Nazi Party
31. Great Migration
32. General Tojo
33. Harry S. Truman
34. Hiroshima; Nagasaki
35. Holocaust
36. Island Hopping
37. Isolationism
38. Italian Fascist Party
39. J. Robert Oppenheimer
40. Japanese Internment
41. Josef Stalin
42. Korematsu v. U.S.
43. Lend Lease Act (1941)
44. Manchuria (Manchukuo)
45. Manhattan Project
46. Neutrality Acts
47. Nuremberg and Tokyo
48. Nye Committee
49. Office of Price
50. Office of War
51. Operation Overlord
52. Pearl Harbor
53. Poland
54. Potsdam Conference
55. Quarantine Speech
56. Rhineland
57. Selective Training &
Service Act (1940)
58. Smith v. Allwright
59. Sudetenland
60. Tehran Conference
61. Totalitarianism
62. United Nations
63. Vichy France
64. Wendell Willkie
65. Winston Churchill
66. Yalta Conference
Recommended Books
- Exodus by Leon Uris
- Ghost Soldiers by Hampton Sides
- Hunting Eichmann by Neal Bascomb