I. II. III. IV. V. Call to Order - Motion by Harssan to have Zohair as Chair, Edwin as Secretary. Passed unanimously Roll Call - Motion to move to end of TedX presentation. Passed unanimously - FYEB introduced disciplines to make sure Harssan didn’t hire a fully Biomedical Board - Zohair introduces Robert’s Rules Approval of Last Minute - Approved Old Business - Motion to move to a later time. Passed unanimously - Moved to be placed before HQ Feasibility. Moved by Tyler, passed unanimously New Business TedxRyerson Presentation - Motion to have presentation moved up before roll call and Old Business - Conference on Nov 14 - 5 FEAS Members, 2 are steering leads - Networking opportunities with sponsors and Ryerson Faculty - More learning opportunities for students under RESS - Connect students to build cross disciplinary relations - Zone Learning collaboration (i.e CUE) - Possibility with helping with RESS’ events and collaboration (i.e upcoming Expo) - BUDGET , wants $7,000 in funding. Put fully towards A/V - RESS would be Event sponsor. Entitled to 4 tickets, logos on TedX videos, ads in marketing campaigns in conference (intermission slides and logo on website) - Reduction in expenses would come from marketing, productions, salon events - ROBERT: Why has A/V fees doubled from last year? Answer: Different venues, different costs. - TYLER: How many sponsors are related to the engineering field? A: No confirmed set of people to answer - HARSSAN: What is RESS exactly paying for? A: It’s an overview. Examples include Projectors, speakers, microphones, cameras, labour, - DAVE: Under RSU, why haven’t they sponsored TedX Ryerson? A: Still in talks with meeting with them but haven’t been funded in the past - ABEERA: IS everything else on the list confirmed? A: Yes - HARSSAN: What’s the percentage of engineering students attending from last year? A: 6.3% - MARIAM: Power cut off in live stream and she knows what its like. TedX is increasing its name so we should keep that in mind - DAVE: Are the other sponsors that could take RESS’ chunk in case it is a no? A: DMX, CCPS at RCS, to help with corporate sponsors, - MATT: What is the reach (hits/views) of the website per month? A: Looking at google analytics to get the info but can get it to us - - HARSSAN: What does the $ 40, 000 represent? A: It is the money that needs to be spent. TEDX has $ 47, 000 as of this moment Motion to discuss in camera moved by Edwin. Passed unanimously Motion to move off camera moved by Dakota. Passed, Ahmed abstained Motion Writing/VP Ex Updates – Robert Basics of motion writing Meeting eqttiquette: Don’t talk during motions, laughing while on minutes. We represent 4,000 students to be serious Conference applications and interviews are done PEO-SC and CDE are coming up in a few weeks Delegates have been selected for PEO and CDE PEO has been in touch with VP External for Meet and Greet Night PEO has meeting Oct 21 AHMED: Send the presentation file to BOD. A: OK VP Ops Updates – Ram Ram uses a comparison of his 9 year old cousin to how the RESS office is treated. Clean up after yourselves or risk getting kicked up P.M 32d). Swear jar is coming back Robert: Presentation is paramount because PEO could drop us if their representative sees us No texting during the BOD meeting Directors please put out your business cards out because student members must have a way to contact Executives and Directors New printer will be ready to go on Monday. Probably cheapest printing on campus Contact designer@ress.ca for all design inquiries Thanks to BOD for keeping up their office hours No updates from SIF Thanks to Zo for the charging station No point to give access if office is not used for work. Ram keeps tabs on how the office is used. If the space is not used properly, access will be revoked. Please keep the window closed. Don’t be late for BOD meetings, not even a minute AHMED: Classes sometimes end later than 6 PM. A: We can start at 6:10 PM as needed, that is the latest time we can start ROBERT: Will the printer be advertised as the cheapest place to print on campus MATT: How will the swear jar work? A: Students will be kicked out if they do not pay for the swear jar MATT: How will we handle it if we have more traffic? A: We could use it as a marketing tactic DAVE: How does the service work? A: as long as it is an engineering group, it is ok for them to send an inquiry - - MARIAM: What is the turnover rate for the designer? A: He has met all deadlines thus far but he will be frank if there are priorities on his plate HARSSAN: Concerned that not everybody is taking care of the office. All individuals with card access is responsible for taking care of the office. Traffic isn’t an issue in terms of printing based off past experiences LILLIE: Where is the money from the swear jar going to? A: Sick Kids MATT: Is the tap in tap out system still going for office hours? A: yes but alternatives are being looked into BUSHRA: How is the printer working with the computers? A: works wirelessly with both computers Opportunity for New Initiative – Mariam (TABLED) VP SL Updates – Mariam Raised $200 for Sick Kids Game Night tomorrow at ENG LG 6-9 PM Selling early bird tickets for Billy Ball to gauge access and to see if more services can be provided. Annual Ski Trip is Jan 29-31, includes lodging, ski lift, gear. Not major meals Pub night is booked Meeting with RCS and RCDS for initiative for DeStress Week to help students relax before exams EDWIN: How will subsidies work for those groups who subsidize. A: Groups will be updated in the coming weeks Students for Syria – Mariam Next Friday. RESS is one of the 15 student groups participating. We have 2 goodie bags with our merch for raffle, Leaf and Raptor tickets as well Sold out tickets so we are at capacity VP Comms Updates – Matt Golden Ram: All director articles should be related to their discipline or engineering at the very least (i.e Course union updates, etc) Word limit is 250 words Feel free to submit articles Friday before publishing at 5 PM is the due date from now on for all articles If people are late for their articles, strikes will be handed out Themes will be given out for each issue Please CC goldenram@ress.ca for all emails related to Golden Ram Social Media: Like, follow, etc for all RESS and Ryerson Engineering posts to increase visibility Weekly Faculty Newsletters: Sunday evening is the due date for the newsletter updates Advanced notice is required for advertising for events RAM: Has the Engitor’s role been put on paper? A: Must meet with Harssan and Joshua before SAGM DAKOTA: Is FYEB allowed to submit articles? A: Yes for all types of articles - - TYLER: Newsletter stands are quite a bit empty probably because people read it now (everyone laughs) Event and Group Updates – Lillie Flagship Event; RESS Internship Awareness Night Wants to shed more light on student groups and collab with Departments MATT: When will it be and will it for each discipline? A: Late Jan – Early Feb and 1 event for all disciplines ZOHAIR: SAGM is where you can change Policy Manual. (i.e change title of President to Master Overlord *everybody laughs*) Every engineering student has a vote towards every motion VP Finance Updates – Abeera Cheque sign out form on google docs: Keep track of what cheques are written. Whoever’s an office hour it is responsible for distribution of cheques. DAKOTA: Where are cheques located? A: At the front in the plastic drawer MATT: Can we get a printed copy of the sign out form? A: No Presidents Updates – Harssan FYEB gets a standing ovation for being FYEB 24 applicants so the 8 people are cream of the crop Townhall: Next week RCC 204. Students will be talking to us. Called Pre Nooner or Nooner Part I. Students voice their concerns, FREE FOOD. Oct 22, 12 PM RESS Awards: Extension for applications is next Thursday Jacket Fittings: More turnout than last year. 30+ emails for jacket inquiries. Will be having a second round Nov 5, 11 AM – 4 PM Job Postings: Women in Leadership. Need a total response for who can go. Presidents meeting next week with all student groups Eyeopener and Ryersonian are asking for opinions on RSU. If approached please let Harssan or Matt know ZOHAIR: Harssan is the official spokesperson so only he can deal with press AHMED: Was approached last week after office hours so they should come back during office hours MATT: How does it work for FYEB email? A: Harssan will set up a system that emails all members STACY: How do annoucments work? A: You get a speech from Harssan to say in front of class with approval from the professor BUSHRA: CEN is intimidating but its ok, it gets better. Go together and support each other. The more you do it, the better you get at it. ZOHAIR: TL;DR get involved to build up interpersonal skills HARSSAN: Still go to class though *everybody laughs* ABEERA: Since there’s a second order of jackets will they be in time for jacket night? A: no DAKOTA: I have a lab during the PreNooner A: Go to class. I will find you - AHMED: Can we call it a starter? Because it’s before the nooner BUSHRA: Does it have to be associated with the nooner. A: Not really, you can suggest other names DAKOTA: Some people will be put off by the nooner association so can we find Recognitions Dakota for covering everybody’s office hours Zo for being the hardworking man that he is Directors for being great representatives Matt Smit for weekly email newsletters being awesome Harssan because Abeera still loves him and he is awesome Mariam for charity team for all the events and money they have raised Josh for the Golden Ram Ram for ordering food FYEB for being the top in the top for being engaged EPC for covering Mariam’s butt this week Directors again for fast email replies Abeera for being at BOD after pulling an all nighter Edwin for putting in RESS work despite not being on RESS BOD for being inclusive to FYEB HQ Feasibility Report – Edwin ZOHAIR: Motion to create a survey to determine what RyEng want’s to do with HQ. Survey will be reviewed and decided upon at the next BOD meeting. Passed unanimously Announcements Matt – Photos/headshots next week, expect an email. Sorry for FYEB email spam Mariam – Directors, FYEB make announcements for Halloween Pub Night Ram – Training for phone and printing, survey for what RESS is doing right, wrong, etc Bushra – Met with Career centre, planning to do event collaborated with them. Panel discussion about surviving in the work place.