OUR Ecological Footprint - 8 1. Recycle; pay tax for it. 2. Live near work; Ride bike; minimize car use. 3. Buy energy-efficient furnace. 4. Programmable thermostat: winter/summer 5. Turn off lights when leave room; unplug appliance 6. Eat lower on food chain. 7. Buy foods locally; avoid transport/energy costs. Next week’s lab: • Lab XII Community Gradient: Allerton Park • Complete HW 11 in lab • Leave at 8 (or 10 in AM); Return at 6 • Due: Remainder of SDP2 Manuscript Next lecture: Ch 7 Pathways of Elements in the Ecosystem The hierarchical nature and processes of different levels of ecological systems: • Individual organism: How do structure, physiology, and behavior lead to the individual’s survival and reproduction? • Population: What determines the number of individuals and their variation in time and space? • Community: What determines the diversity and relative abundance of organisms living together? • Ecosystem: How do energy and matter move in the biotic and abiotic environment? • Biosphere: How do air, water, and the energy and chemicals they contain circulate globally? Ecosystem Ecology: Interactions between complex of abiotic and biotic factors at a given location as relates to: energy flow and cycling of matter. IB 452: Ecosystem Ecology fall, odd years IB 453: Community Ecology fall, odd years Energy flow in ecosystems Objectives: • The ecosystem obeys thermodynamic principles. • Trophic pyramids for energy, biomass, numbers • Primary production: efficiencies and factors causing variation among biomes • Secondary production: • Intertrophic transfers: efficiencies and food chain length • Intratrophic transfers: efficiencies Sample exam question: • Energy (kcal m-2 yr-1) Energy production Primary Primary Secondary __or removal_____ Producers Consumers Consumers Non-consumed production 704 70 13 Removed by consumers 176 34 0 Respiration 234 44 18 Gross production (totals) 1114____ 148 ____ 31____ 1) Calculate NPP. _____ 2) Calculate Ecological Efficiency (= food chain efficiency). ______ ______ 3) What ultimately happens to 1) the energy and 2) the biomass that is not consumed in this lake? Ecosystem:an energytransforming machine • Exchanges of matter and energy among components • Obey thermodynamic principles that govern energy transformations • Law 1: Conservation of energy • “balance the books” • Law 2: Inefficient transformation of energy • “heat tax” Coupling of oxidations and reductions = basis of energy flow in ecosystems. Energy flows through biochemical pathways. Energy transfer decreases after each transformation. Heat is lost as energy flows through food chain. Matter recycles. Energy flows through: • Food chain – energy passes through many steps or links • Trophic level (feeding level) = each link in food chain • Two parallel food chains – Plant-based – Decomposer-based Food chains represent energy relationships. Consumers (heterotrophs) Producers (autotrophs) ***Pyramids: Which can be inverted? Why? Energy Numbers Biomass Food energy available to the human population depends on their trophic level. Primary Production: • by plants • process of converting light energy to chemical bond energy in carbohydrates • for each g of C assimilated, 39 KJ energy stored • rate determines rate of energy supply to rest of ecosystem GrossPP = NetPP + Respiration Day + night Day IRGA - Infrared gas analzyer: measure CO2 in vs. out: in light (NPP) and dark (respiration) Indirect measures of GPP *** Measurements of PP by IRGA Full sun: CO2 depleted from chamber at rate of 12 mg CO2 per 100 cm2 leaf area per hour Dark: CO2 released by leaf into chamber at rate of 1.5 mg CO2 per 100 cm2 leaf area per hour What is the rate of NPP for this leaf? Explain. What is the rate of GPP for this leaf? Explain. Limits on Productivity • Photosynthetic efficiency (%energy from sun converted to NPP) = 1-2% • Net production efficiency (NPP/GPP) 30% tropics 75-80% temperate • • • • • Light Temperature Precipitation Nutrients CO2 NPP vs. Temperature and Precipitation NPP vs. nitrogen Remote sensing of primary production in oceans. 1° productivity of aquatic ecosystems depends on [nutrients] • Freshwater lakes: • P often limiting; • with low N/P, blue-green algae increase PP because they can fix additional N; • with high N/P, green algal ‘blooms’ occur • Open ocean: • near shore: N often limiting • open ocean: silica and Fe more limiting Question: Is NPP in the open ocean limited by nutrients? •Hypothesis: NPP in the open ocean is limited by availability of iron. •Null hypothesis: NPP is not limited by iron. •Experimental setup? •Prediction: Amount of chlorophyll a increases both at surface and 30 m deep in area with added Fe relative to area without Fe. •Null prediction: Amount of chlorophyll a will be same in all measurements. What is the conclusion? Global variation in estimated NPP NPP in different biomes: (blue = water green = land) % area X NPP/area = % of total NPP Secondary production • By non-photosynthesizers • Amount of chemical energy in consumer’s food converted to biomass /unit time Energy flow within and between trophic levels Energy transfer between trophic levels depends on: • NPP • efficiencies of transfer between trophic levels • residence time longer time--> > accumulation of energy Energy Pyramid: 10% law of energy transfer; 2nd law limits number of levels. .1 1 10 100 90% lost at each level Ecological (food chain) efficiency = net production of trophic level_n net production of trophic level n-1 10 15 20 1 sun Ecological (food chain ) efficiency • Production of each trophic level = 5 – 20% that of level below it • Replaces the “10% law”= an average; not fixed • Often lower on land (5-15%) than aquatic (15-20%) What limits the length of the food chain? What limits length of food chain? • H1: Energetics • Availability of energy limits to 5-7 levels • Depends on: NPP energy needed by consumers average ecological efficiency • H2: Dynamic stability Longer chains less stable because: Fluctuations at lower trophic levels magnified at higher levels ---> extinction of top predators. ***Do aquatic or terrestrial ecosystems have more trophic levels? What factor contributes most to variation in food chain length among these ecosystems? Energy flow within a trophic level Intratrophic energy transfers: • Exploitation Efficiency = ingestion by trophic level n___ production of trophic level n-1 • Herbivores 20% and carnivores 30% • If production and consumption aren’t balanced, energy accumulates; • E.g. Non-consumed production of plants and herbivores accumulates as lake sediments. • Assimilated energy = ingestion – egestion • Assimilation efficiency = assimilation / ingestion • primarily a function of food quality; • i.e. amount of non-digestible material • Secondary production = assimilated energy – respiration – excretion Net production efficiency = Production/Assimilation Net production efficiency • • • • • • • Depends on metabolic activity Most active animals have lowest values Cost of maintenance and activity greatest Warm-blooded vertebrates : birds <1% small mammals <6% Cold-blooded animals: 15-75% Some general rules • Assimilation efficiency increases at higher trophic levels. • Net and gross production efficiencies decrease at higher trophic level. • Ecological efficiency averages about 10%. • About 1% of NPP ends up as production on third trophic level; • The pyramid of energy narrows quickly. Energy flow in ecosystems: Objectives: • The ecosystem obeys thermodynamic principles. • Trophic pyramids for energy, biomass, numbers • Primary production: efficiencies and factors causing variation among biomes • Secondary production: • Intertrophic transfers: efficiencies and food chain length • Intratrophic transfers: efficiencies Vocabulary: Lecture 4; Chapter 6 Chapter 6 Energy in the Ecosystem food web* food ch ain* ecosystem ecology primary produ cers photosyn thetic efficie ncy ecological e ffic iency net produc tion efficiency exp loit ation efficiency all ochthonou s ecosystem trophi c leve ls * primary produ ction* gross prim ary production transp ir ation e ffi ciency food ch ain e ffic iency gross produc tion e ffi ciency residence tim e autochthonou s thermodyna mi c principles pyrami d of energy primary produ ctivit y net prim ary p roduc tion water use e fficiency assimil ation e ffi ciency detrit us biomass accumulation ratio Other vocab: Lecture 4; chapter 6 pyramid of numbers state variables ecological stoichiometry excretion pyramid of biomass flow secondary production compartment model flux ingestion egestion